1959-10-08251 A special meeting of the Town Board, Towh of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, October 83 1959 at 7 p. m. for the purpose of a public hearing on the Cameli Acre Light District. Those present wer;-Supervisor, Edward R. Scofield, Justice of the Peace Edward B. Beatty, Councilmen -Harold J. Mewkill & Emory J. Hager Town Attorney -James J. Lyons and Deputy Town Clerk Helen L. Travis. Eighteen people from the Cameli Acre District appeared before the Board and all were in favor of the Lights. A Motion was made by Councilman Mewkill and seconded by Councilman Hager that the lights be granted. Lotion carried A regular meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Thursday evening, October 8, 1959. Present -Supervisor, Edward R. Scofield, Justice's of the Peace - Joseph F. Kelly, and Edward B. Beatty, Councilmen -Harold J. Mewkill & Emory J. Hager, Superintendent of Highways -Virgil Knight, Town Engineer -Charles J. Manieri, Attorney -James J. Lyons and Deputy Town Clerk Helen L. Travis. The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7;30 P. M. The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved, GENERAL FUND Warrant No. 10 from claim No. 190 to 214 inclusive 190 -The Campbell Press -Printing, Town Board--------------------- 10.50 191 -Social Security Agency -Cost of Administration------------- - 192 Virgil Knight, Supt. of Highway -Salary -September 15---------- 229.17 193 -Helen L. Travis, Service & Supplies -Town Clerk ---------------- 12.25 194 -Williamson Law Book Company, Fees Book------------------------- 21.91 195 -Chester Satz -Repairs, Town Board ---------------------------- 52,30 196 -New York Telephone Company -Service Town Hall------------------ 17,70 197 -Wappingers Lodge, No, 671-R. Sinsabaugh, Treas, Rent Town Hall - July, August & September__________________ 150.00 198 -Edith H.'Booth-Salary Town Clerk -September------------------ 183.3k, 199 -Virgil Knight -Supt. of Highwasy-Salary-Sept. 30---------------- 229,17 200 -Edward R. Scofield -Supervisor -Salary -July -Aug. & Sept.--------- 375.00 201 -Marilyn Fiore -Service Town Board------------------------------ 25.00 202 -Joseph F. Kelly -Stamps -Justice of Peace-------------------- - 7,00 203 -Poughkeepsie New Yorker Advertisement in Paper----=-________.__- 26,86 2011 -Town Share S. S., July, August & September ------------------- 264032 205 -Dwight Robbins -Dog Service------------------------------------ 12,00 dJ dli FUND CONT 11) 206 -Dwight Robbins -Service Town Hall--------------------------- 5.00 207 -Central Hud. Gas & Elec. Corp. -Service -Shed & Garage------- 5.00 208-Urey Hardward Company -Supplies Assessore------------------.. 3,50 209 -Joseph F. Kelly -Justice of the Peace -Salary -September-------- 133.34 210 -Edward B. Beatty- " " n " " "------- 50.00 211 -Emory -J, Hager -Councilman Salary It " $0.00 212 -Harold J. Mewkill- " " ►+ �___a. 30,00 213 -James J. Frons, Attorney "------- 60.00 211-williamson Law Book Company, Bingo Supplies -------------- -- 22.8 ' $1958.18 HIGHWAY SUPPLIES Dutchess Quarry & Supply Corporation -Road Mix-------------------- 94.85 Lemac Sand & Gravel Corporation- 3/8 Gravel--------------------- 874.50 Spoor Lasher Company -Road oil ---------------------------------- 1505.00 Elwin Smith -Gravel--------------------------------------------- 129.00 Sinclair Refining Company -Gas --------------------------------- 223.56 2826.91 MACHINERY FUND Sinclair Refining Company -Motor Oil------------- --------------------------- 50.60 Knights Garage -Repairs -------------------------------------- 14.07 Midway Gas & Service Stationg-Repairs------------------------- 57`71 122,38 miscellaneous fund Sept. 1-15-Payroll#17---------------------------------------- 988.80 .. Sept. 15-30- " #18_ -------------------------------------- 1071.20 a Brighton Steel Company -Calcium Chloride----------------------- 370.50 New York Telephone Company -Service Charge-G"age-------------- 12.00 2442.50 A letter of thanks was read from the family of William T . Sanders thankfuig the Board members for their floral piece sent to them on the death of William T. Sanders. Mr, Samuel Hankin, Wappingers Park Homes appeared before the Board stating that F. H. A. require Street Lights be placed in the developement, and asked if he might have permission to submit petition to Board for same. Board stated they would act upon same upon presentation of•the peetition. He also asked permission of the Town Board to number the houses in the developement. Motion was made by Justice Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager that permission be granted. Motion carried. 255 Mr. Otto "Bechtold of peters 'Road, Swartoutville appeared before the Board asldmg when this road would be paved. Mr. Knight stated that he would say it would be done in about two years time. Mr. Jack Mulvey, submitted a deed for the Card Developement Roadsgt but deed was riot completely in order so the following resolution was presented.— RESOLVED THAT, that section of Fowlerhouse Road Extension, South Fowlerhouse Road Extension and Peggy Lane, proposed roads within the Town of Wappingers being approximately 1100 feet in length, and'being more fully described in a deed thereof from Charles D. Card and Margaret J. Card, to the Town of Wappinger, to be executed and delivered as hereinafter provided, be and the same hereby are accepted as pbulic highways of the Town of Wappingers such acceptance to be contingent upon and to become effective only when and if the following requirements and all of them, are complied with. 1. A. perfornace bond approved by the Town Attorney is filed with the Town, such bond to be in the penal amount of $3,000.00 and to guarantee completion of said roads in accordance with Town Specifications (Including any repairs to the base of the roads which may be necessary before oil ane chip may be applied)s this work to be completed before the end of the calendar year 1960, and to be approved by the Town Superintendent of Highways. 2. Any and all drainage easements required by the Town Superintendant are conveyed to the Town. 3. All recording fees necessary are tendered by chekk payable to the Dutchess County Clerk. 4. A good and proper deed describing such roads be executed and delivered to the Town and approved by the Town Attorney and Town Engineer. A motion was made by Justice Kelly and seconded by Justice Beatty that this resolution be accepted." Motion Carried The Bills for the month of September were read. A Motion was made by Justice Beatty and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the bills be paid. Motion carried: A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Mewkill that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Deputy Town Clerk