The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Tc, -,,n of Wanpinger
was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, January 7, 1960,
Present.. -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen: Malcolm I. Hait.
and Emory J. Hager, Justices of the Peace: -Joseph F. Kelly and
Fclrrar� B. Beatty, Superintendent of Highway: -Charles E. Mewkil;,
err,, Town Engineer: -Charles Maneri, Town Attorney: -James J. Lyons.
Town Clerk: Helen L. Travis.
The meeting -was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by Supervisor Richard
H. Unge. 1 Ili
WARRkTTT NO. 1, From Claim 1 to Claim 8 inclusive
1-raar•.ilyn Fiore-Servicese--------------------- .--_t 35.00
2 -Helen L. Travis -Service & Expenses, Dep. Town Clerk----- 9.75
3 -Hamilton Oil Service, Inc. -Service -Town Hall------------- 45.25
4 -Cent. Ihid. rias & Elec. Corp. -Service Town 22.1.1
5-Dmight Robbins-Servlc e-Tmwi Halt---________ __ _..__._._ 5.00
6 -The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie -Rent Assessors
Office, Janaa ry 1960----- ----------- 25.00
7 -Dwight Robbins -Service Dog Warden-_.----_-_-_._._.-.- 10.00
8 -Helen L. Travis -Opening Petty Cash Account---------------- 25.00
Sinclair Refining Company -Gas & Fuel Oil ------------------ 123.30 `
Ti. 0. Penn Machinery Company -Repairs --------------------58.16-
Midway Gas & Service Station -Repairs--------- -------- 90.50
Ken Smith Tviachinery Company -Parts --------------------- 278.66 `
Hudson River Sales Company -Parts--------------------- 1 ?5.16
Mack Truck, Inc.-Repai.rs----------------------------- 40.05 '
Dutchess Quarry & Suppler Company, Inc.-Kotal Mix----- 274.75y , _r
Leemac Sand & Stone Corporation -Sand --------------------63.00
New York Telephone Co -Service ------------------------- --
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and sedonded by Judge Beatty that
any member of the Town Board be allowed to attend the Association
of Tol,ras Convention in New York City, at the Hotel Commodore, from
February 8 through Feburary 10th. Mot:i.on carried
A letter was read from Ech^rard M. Husted, Chairman of Wa-�pi.nger Town
Board of Assessors, stating that Stanley Ries, a member of the Board
had consented to attend the Association of Towns Convention in New
York City, February 7—Feburary 10,.
A Ohvistrnas card was read from Kenneth Thornton, stating he would
be coming home soon and wi.Aiing the Board Lots of luck in the
new year.
A letter was read from the Beaseley Agency, Inc., enclosing Bonds and
suggesting that the Supervisers Bond be raised to $22,000.000
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager
that the Supervisors Biblic Official Bond be raised to $22,000.00
Motion carried.
A ruction was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager
that the Bond of W,000.00 for the Tax Collector, Helen L. Travis,
and the Bond for $10,00.00 for the Town Clerk, Helen L. Travis,
be accepted. Motion carried. -
A motion was made by Jv.u;e Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty
that Dwight Robbins be appointed tl&iltiple Dwelling Inspector
Motion carried.
A. motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager
that. Charles Maneri be appointed Town Engineer. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly
that the Superviosor be empowered to hire a Bookkeeper, with a
salary not -to exceed $500.00 per gear.
A letter was read from the Grinnell Public Li.brary, submitting the
following statistics for the year:
dumber of residents of the Town of Wappinger, registered
as borrowers at the Grinnell Library as of December 31,
1, 83 8
Number of books loaned to residents of the Town of Wappinger
during the year ending December 31, 1959 18,196
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Emory
Hager that an appropriation of $700.00 be made to the Grinnell
Library. Motion carried
4. motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager
that the wage scale for the Highway workers for the year 4
$2.00 per hour $1.80 per hour $1,70 per hour
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty
that the following by appointed constables for the year: Dwight
Robbins, Joseph Costa, Walter. Al.tonen, Robert Laffin, Arthur Coughlin
and Arthur Dyson. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that
The First National, Bank of Poughl.eepsie be designated as the Depository
for Town Funds for the Town of Wappinger for the year 1960.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Counailman Hager that
James J. T.yons by appointed Town Attorney for the year. Motion carried
j A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait that
Edward Husted by appointed Chairman of the Board of Assessors for the
Motion carrie d
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded Ir Councilman Hait
that, Mrs. Agnes Grosenbeck be appointed Deputy Town Clerk for the
year at a salary of,$1.25 per hour. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty
that Edward R. Scofield be appointed Town Historian. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman HiLit that
the new hours for the Town Hall be from 9 to 12:30 and 1:30 to 4 P. M.
Monday through Friday, closing Saturdays with the exception of the
Months of Feburary and lAarch and when needed during Hunting season,
when the office will be open from 9 to 12 Noon. Motion carried
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Judge Kelly
that the Town Clerk be allowed a Petty Cash drawer starting with
$25.00 and being reinbursed whenever needed. Motion carried.
A.motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait
that the Town Clerk and the Town Superintendent of Highway be allowed
two weeks vacaticn with pay.
Motion carried.
Supervisor Richard H. Linge appointed Councilman, Emory J. Hager
as Deputy Supervisor. A Motion was made by Councilman Hait and
seconded by Judge Beatty that this appointment be aceppted.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty
that Mrs. Helen L. Travis be appointed Reistrar of Vital Statistics,
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Hait
that the following resolution be acc6pted. Motion carried.
Resolved that the Town Board does hereby fix the salaries of the following
Town Officers and employees for the year beginning, January 11 1960 at the
amounts respectively stated and that such salaries shall be payable at
-the time respectively specified.
Richard H. Linge-------- supervisor------ $1.800.00
Charles E. Mewkill,Sr.--- Supt. of Highways 6000.00
Joseph F. .jelly -------- 3astice of Peace ----}800.00(;
Edward B. Beatty-------- u u it -.- _ 600.00
Emory J. Hager -------"-Councilman--------- 360.00
Malcolm I. Bait------- It —------- "360.00
Helen L. Travis ----Town Clerk --------.2200.00
semi Monthly
Edward Busted ------Chairman of Assessors --.1800.00
July 1s & Dec. 20
ssessor------------- 500.00
Howard G. Winne ---Assessor --
it t+ it sr
-- q ---------______ 1500.00
Stanley Ries-----
James J. Lyons ----Attorney------ — ------- 1900.00
Charles Maaeri-----Town Engineer---------- 500.00
Dwight Robbins--Mutiple Dwelling Insp.---- 100.00
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by
Judge Kelly that
the Town Board be allowed milage a $.08 per mile
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Counbilman Hager
that the following Resoluti6niity acdepted. Motion carried.
Creating a Planning Board for Town of Wappinger
Pursuant to authorization under Chapter 622 of the Consolidated Laws,
To,Ma Law, Article 16, Law of 19323 as amended, the Town Board of the Town
of Wappingers Dutchess County, duly convened, resolves as follows:
That there shall be a Town Planning Board appointed by this board
which board shall consist of one member,to serve one year; one member two
years) one member three years; one member four year; one member five years;
one member sixt years; and one member seven years. Their successors shall
be appointed for seven years.
A That upon failure of this board to appoint a chairman, the members of
the planning board are to elect a chairman.
That the Planning Board shall have the power and,authority to emplyy
experts and a staff and to pay for their sevices and such other expenses
as may be necessary and proper2 not exceeding the approppiations that may
be made for such board.
That the Planning Board may adopt rules and regulations in respect to
procedure before it and if in respect to any subject matter over which it has
jurisdiction under this resolution or any statute after public hearing by
such board and subject to the approval of tlais board.
That the Planning Board shall hear and exercise the powers and duties
as follows:
(a) To prepare a comprehensive plan for the developmnet of the entire
area of the Town of Wappinger outside of the limits of the incorporated
Village oe Wappingers Falls, to make investigation and reports relating to
the planning of the town and its future grovrth and affording adequate
facitities for the housing, trapsportation, distribution, comfort, con—
venience, safety, health and welfare of its population.
(b) To approve all plats showing any streets or highways within that
part of the town ouside of the limits of#the incorporated village of
Wappingers Falls.
(c) To approve or disapprove changes in the lines of exicting streets,
highways or public areas shown on subdivision plats or maps filed in the
County Clerk's office:
(d) To approve or disapprove the laying out of, closing off or abandon—
ment of such streets, hgghways, or public areas under and subject to the pro—
visions of the Town and Highway Laws.
(e) Simultaneously with the approval of any such plat, to confirm and
make changes in the zoning regulations applicable to the land, included in
any such plat in acordance with the provisions of Section 281 of the Town
Law and amendments thereto.
(f) The Planning Board shall also exercise all other powers conferred
upon it by the provisions of the Town Law and shall pass upon all matters
which may be referred to it from time to time by resolutions of the Town
Board. It shall conduct hearings and perform its duties in accordance with
such proceedure as provided in Sections 272-281 inclusive of the Town Law,
and acts amendatory therof.
That the Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger shall file with the clerk
of ,the County of Dutchess a cerificate, certifying that the Planning Board
of the Town of Wappinger has been authorized to approve plats showing new
streets or highways in accordance with the provisions of Section 276, as
amended, of the Town Law.
Supervisor Linge appointed the follow ng as members of the Planning Board,
Albert Schottler—one year; James Cameli—Two years, James Stacklum—three
years; Howard Winne—four years; Kenneth Thornton—five years; Kenneth
Van Voorhis—six years, Eugene Conte—seven years.
24 a _
A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty
that these appointments by accepted. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager
that the Town Board Meetings be held on the First Thursday of the
Month following the First Tuesday at 8 P. M. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait
look into having
that Supervisor Linge be empowered to the Judges QuaAers, and
Town Hall painted, Counter removed, and sign erected outside
of Town Hall. The supervisor to take the matter of painting up
with the Ma owners
the building,
and if
they will not stand
all the expense Town
stand part of
Motion carried*
Mri-Haward.Ninne-appeared before the Board, recommending that they
adopt a State Building Code. A motion was made by Councilman Hait
and seconded by Judge Beatty that this matter be laid over until
the next neeting. Motion carried.
Mr. Orlowski of the Hughsonville Road appeared before the Board, stating
that there are no sand boxes along this road. The Board stated this
.is a County Road and would be taken care of by same.
Mr. Brocker, Park Lane apeared before the Board, stating that the dust
problem on this road is very bad. HIgIRV Superintendent Mekill said
he would look into this,
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Judge
Kelly that the bills for the month of December be paid. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman
Hager that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait
that the Superintendent of Hig hvrays b3te empowered to purchase, tires,
tubes , etc. not to exceed $500.00
Motion carried. Town Clerk