1960-02-04The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger
was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, February 4, 1960.
Present; -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Justices of the Peace -Joseph
F. Kelly and Edward B. Beatty; Councilmen -Emory J. Hager and Malcolm
I. Hait, Town Engineer -Charles Idaneri; Superintendent of Highways -
Charles E. Mewktll, Sr.,; Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis.
The meeting was called to order at 8:00 P. M. by Supervisor, Richard
H. Linge.
The minutes of the last mating were read and approved with the follow-
ing corrections:- The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie be designated
as the Depository for Town Funds, correction The First National Bank
of Poughkeepsie, Wappingers Falls Branch, be designated as the
Depository for Town Funds. Edward R. Scofield to be appointed
Town Historian with no pay.
9 -Cent. Hud. G. g E. Corp. -Services -Board of Assessors ------ 2.50
10 -Helen L. Travis -Town Clerk -Salary -Jan. 15, 1960-------------- 91.67
11 -Charles E. Mewkill, Sr. -Supt. of Highway -Salary -Jan. 15-----250.00
12-R. M. Hunter -Postmaster -Stamps -Tax and General Work ------- 200.00
13 -Williamson Law Book Co. -Record of Taxes Book-------------- 21.94
14 The Beaseley Agency, Inc. -Bonds & Burglary Policy-----..-..- 613.06
15 -Grinnell Library Ass. -.Appropriation by Board ------------- 700.00
16 -Mc Combs-Spplies Taxes ---------------------------------- 114.00
17 -Helen L. Travis Town Clerk Salary -Jan. 30,1960------------ 91.67
18 -Charles E. Mewkill-Supt. of Highway-Salary-Jan.30,1960---- 250.00
19 -The First National Bank of Poughkeepsie -Rent -Assessors
office, February, 1960------------------------ 25.00
20 -Richard H. Linge,-Salary-Superviser-January 1960---------- 150.00
21 -Joseph F. Kelly- to Justice of Peace-" "----------- 150.00
22 -Edward B. Beatty- 11 n If
23 Emory J. Hager -
It, Councilman
n is ti----------- 50.00
to t1 -------- -- 30.00
24-mal.colm I. Hait- It to of 11 ---- 30.00
25 -James J. Lyons- Attorney- of "----------- 83.33
26—Mrs. Coneetta Silvestri-Salary-Pookkeeper-Supervisor---_-- 40.00
27 -New York Telephone Co. -Service Town 1770
28-Marily Fiore -Service Town Board ---------------------------- $ 20.00
29 Agnes Grosenbeck-Salary, Dep. Town Clerk -Jan, 26,1960----- 87.49
30 -Mc Combs -Supplies -Town Hall ---------------------------- 20.15
31 The Beaseley Agency -Liability Policies-------------------- 1684.24
32 Department of Water Supply -Service Town Hall-------------- 2.25
33 -Hamilton Oil Service, Inc. -Service-Town Hall------------- 31.95
34 -Chester Satz & Company -Supplies, Assessors --------------- 5.14
35 -Cent. Hud G. & E. Co. -Service -Store House---------------- 2.50
n at u n �� �� _ e� w n
36— Rt, 9 ----------- 10.05
37 Dwight Robbins -Service Town 5.00
38- « n _ If -Dog Warden------------------------ 8.00
39 -The Campbell Press -Printing, Stationery, Etc ---------- -..-- 68.25
40 -Elmer G. Brown -Painting Justice Corot & Wash Room-------- 147.85
41 -The Beaseley Agency -Fire & Mended Coverage-------------- 222.08
Sinclair Refining Co. -Gas & Fuel Oil-------------------------- 123,30 4.
Urey Hardware -Building Repairs--------------------------- 6.71 '
Shaker -Travis & Quinn --Repair Heating S)rsten------ --------- 73.78
Mewk-Ms Garage -Repairs ------------------------------------ 45.50
P-iidway Gas & Service Station -Repairs--------------------------. 22.95
Freds Radio Repair -Repairs ------------------------------------ — 11t.00
Knights Garage -Repairs -------------------_.._v-_--_________-___.., 9100
Acme Tank & Tri ck Corp.-----Hepaips---------------------------- 77.75
Ken Smith Machinery -Parts ----------------------------------1111 87.1th
Hudson River Sales Corp, -Parts ------------------------------ 23.58
John G. Gauthier -Parts ------------------------------------------ 20180
Brighton Steel Company -Parts ---------------------------_-_-__,.._ 98190
Brighton Steel Company -Calcium & Salt -------------------- 111_1 330.00
Leemac Sand & Stone Company -Sand------------------------------ — 75.6o
Ne,.+f York Tel. Company -Service--- ----___________.______---_-_____ 12.30
Sinclair Refining Company --Gas & Fuel Oil--------------- --- --- 129.68 �qw+
A letter was received from the Chamber of Commerce stating that they were
in favor of the Planning Board and congratulating the Board for thaking
the steeps to go ahead with this matter.
A letter was received from Mrs. Alfred Windheim, requesting that a sign
be placed at the corner of route 9 and Osborn Hill Road. This is a
County matter and was referred to them.
the bills for the month of gamLyry were read. A motion was made by
Councilman Harter and seconded by Judge Beatty that the bills be paid.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and sed'onded by Councilman Hait that
specifications be gotten out for a new truck. Mr. Maneri is to assist
Mr. lifewki_ll with this. Motion carried.
T - vrk- o r vIVa,, p
lir. Carey appeared before the Board, representing the Land Owners Ass.
stating that the group is in favor of the Planning Board, but trunks
more plublicity should be given on same and that an open meeting should
be held where this plann can be explained to the people. Also that
they would like to know more about the State Building Code.
A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Hait
that a man from the State be asked -to attend a public meeting and ex—
plain the Code.
Motion carried.
Mr. Hawkins of the Wappingers Park Homes appeared before the Board aksing
about a Lighting District and taking over of water system and about plowing
the remainder of the roads.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the
plowing o� the rest of the road myebe done under the same conditions as
the other roads.
Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Judge Beq-tty that the
meeting adjourn.
Motion carried.
Town Clerk
AT A REGULAR MEETING of the Town Board of the Town of
Wappinger, held in the Town Offices, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls,
New York, on the day of February, 1960.
Town Superintendent of Highways Charles E. Mewkill, Sr.
recommended the purchase of a new truck with a dumper type body
having at least a five yard capacity.
The following resolution was offered by OF
%d' P464CC heE44,P seconded by a, P,d'EA rz'r
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has, at this
meeting, recommended the purchase of a new dump truck by the Town,
WHEREAS, the. Town Board, pursuant to §142 of the Highway
Law, has considered such recommendation and the purchase of such
highway machinery is deemed advisable and necessary for the proper
maintenance of the town highways of the Town of Wappinger, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board desires to authorize the Super-
intendent to enter into a contract for the purchase of such
machinery pursuant to the statutes in such case made and provided,
now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent be and he hereby
is authorized and directed to prepare specifications for said dump
truck and that the Town Clerk advertise for bids thereon by causing
a notice to be published in The Poughkeepsie -New Yorker, such
notice and the publication thereof to be in compliance with §103
of the General Municipal Law.
Upon being put to a vote, the foregoing resolution was
unanimously adopted.