The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held in the
Town Hall., on Thursday evening,_ .April 7, 1960
Present: -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge; Councilman-dalcobn I. Hait, Justices of the
Peace -Edward B. Beatty- & Joseph F. Kelly; Superintendent of Highways -Charles
Meirrkill, Sr.; Town_ Engineer -Charles Maneri; Town Attorney -James J. Lyons; Town
Clerk -Helen L. Travis.
The meeting was opened by Supervisor -Richard H. Linge at 8 P. M.
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.
60-1,Vappin,;ers Central School -Rental of Cafeteria ------------------------- $
61 --Williamson Law Book CompaiTy-Fee Book --------------------------------
62 The Campbell Press Envelopes & Membership cards for Constables----------
63-TF:e Beaseley Agency -Bond for J. -P. Yaccarine-----------------------
64 ,Villiamson Law Book Company Town Payroll Sheets -..------------------- —
65 -Cent. Hud G. & E. Corp. -Service Assessors Room ---------------- .=-----
66- ►t ►i n n w q - ►' Town Hall-------------------------------
67 Eggleston Office Equip. Company -File Cabinet -Town Hal]..---------------
68-17`oughkeepsie New Yorker -Filing Annual report of Supervisor----------
69 -Cent. Hud. G. L. E. Corp -Service -Store House Rt. 9-----------------
70_ n u" n u ►t ►t .. ►t -Store House ----M_----___-_-------
71 -Hamilton Oil Service -Service -Town Hall--.------------:-----------------
72=Prustees.Wapp. Lodge F & A. M. -Ralph Sinsabaugh, Treas-Rent,
Jan. Beb. & Mar. ----------- 150.00
73 -Chester Satz Co., Inc. -Supplies -Assessors -------------------------- 11.97
74 -New York Tel. Company -Service -Town Hall ----------- ---------------- -.,_ 20.85
75 -Poughkeepsie New Yorker -Bids for Truck advertising------------------ 6.72
76 -The Campbell Press -Cards .for Town Board Meetings-------------- -------- 10,50
77 -Judson Williams -Legal Services ---------------------------------------- 50.00
Sinclair Refining Company -Gas & til---------------------------------
--- 145.48
Dutchess Quarry & Supply Company-KKotal--------------------------- 259.35
Leemac Sand & Stone Corp. -Sand & Gravel --------------------------- ..._.. 24.75
Whortlekill Rod & Gun Club, Inc. -Gravel ----------------------- --- 95.00
:Elvin Smith -Gravel--------------------------------------------------- °52.50
Sinclair Refining Compagr-Gas & Oil ---------------------------------- $142.77
H. 0. Penn Machinery Company -Repairs ---------- --------------------- 17.83
Fishkill Forge- to -------------- — --- —--------- ..._,-- 25.00
Hudson River Sales Corp.- to -------------------------------- 37.85
Midway Gas & Service Corp. is -------------------------------- 8.39
Oree 0. Dixon- t' --------------------------------- 20.00
Abbott P_ Abbott -Tools------------------------------------------------ 13.44
Mewkills Garage -Repairs ------------------------------------------ 29.15
Urey Hardwqre Company -Parts ------------------------------------------ 5.10
Universal Road Machinery -Repairs------- -- 41-50
Acme Tank Rc Truck Company-Repairs ------------------------------------ 64.00
Shaker, Travis & Quinn- n ----------------------------------- 3.48
Brighton Steel Co., Inc. -Parts--------------------------------------- _19.35
$427-M _,
Leemac Sand 3- Stone Corp. -Sand & Grgvel------------------------------- 37.80
Service Lumber Company Exercise on 9.57
New fork Tel. Company -Service -------------------------------------- 12.40
Brighton Steel Company, Inc., -Parts--------------------------- 58.OA
The Town Clerk asked to appoint Joseph Raffaele, Jr., Hughsonville, a Deputy Town
r Clerk, for the purpose of issuing, Hunting, Fishing & Trapping Licenses and asked
the Board to adopt a resolution granting Mr. Raffaele authority to act in issuing
of such licenses.
Upon a motion by Judge Joseph F. Kelly and seconded by Judge E ftarj B. Beatty and
unaialously carried the following resolution was addpted:-
RESOLVED THAT:- upon appointment by the Town Clerk, Joseph Raffaele, Jr., Hughsonville
be appointed a Deputy Town Clerk, and that Ids duties shall be limited to issuing
licenses mentioned and described in Part IV of Article 4 of the New York Conservation
A letter was received from Castle Point Hospital statim that the registrar, William
J. Buckhad been transferred and that they would like an appointment of John W.
Mills to replace Mr. Buck,
Potion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that John W. Mills
be appointed registrar at Castle Point Hospital,
Motion carried.
The bids for a new truck were opend, one bid only was received from Ralph C.
Herman Company, 3larlboro, New York.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that this bids:
be considered the low bid, the inatter of purchase to be taken up at a _later
Motion carried.
Potion made by JuOge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hai& that Dwight Robbins
be hired as janitor of the Town Hall at a salary of $5,00 per week.
Motion carried.
The following recommendations were presented to.the Board by the Planning
1 -Recommend Boards approval of the attched "Junk Yard Ordinance"
2 -Due to pressure of business, Mr. James Camely, Ua�s regretfully bubmitted
his resignation froru the Planning Board. The Planning Board recommends
?ewn Boards approval of Eugene Schuele to fill out the unexpired two year
3- The Planning Commission requests authority to have the Plannin,; consultant
from the firm of Frederick P. Clark Association make a preliminary survey of
our Tovm, bubmit the cost of ultimate plans and also to make application for State
and Federal Funds.
Supervisor Linge submitted the name of Eugene Schuele, for appointment for a 2 year
term on the Planning Commission to replace James Cameley. Motion made by Judge
Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait that the appointment be accepted.
hiotion carried.
Motion made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the Planning Com-
mission have the authority to have the Planning (onsultant from the firm of Freder-
ick P. Clark- Association make a preliminary survey of. our Town, bubmit the cost of
btl✓i.mate plans and also to make application for State & Federal Funds.
Motion carried.
Resolution was offered by Judge Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty and unamiumousl§
carried as follows;
RESCL7l'D, that pursuant: to Section 130 of' tl,e Town Law a public hearing on the
folloivin two proposed To= Ordinances, namely;
"An Ordinance Licensing and Reg,_tlating Dealers in Second Handy Junk
and Auto Parts, Activities and Businesses",
":fin Ordinance for Administering and, Enforcing the State Building Con-
struction Carie".
be held on the 28th day of April, 1.960, at 8 o1clock P. Id., in the Town Hall., on
iri117 Street, Wappingers Falls., N. Y. and that notice specifying the time and ,place
of such hearing and describing, both of the proposed ordinances in gneral terms be
published once, on or before the 18th day of April. 1960, :in the Beacon Newsy
a newspao er circul.ati ng in the Town of aIppinger.
request rias received from Mt. Hope Grange asking if Board would consider the
possibility of a play gra>und in that area.
Supervisor Linge suggested that a three man recreation committe be considered to look
into t�� matter, to which the Board agreed.
A Resolution was offered by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait. Res. Carried.
RFSOIVED;-tha.t the sum of 4800.00 be transferred from the budgetax-�, appropriation for
contlingent purpose_, and be allocated as follows: $400.00 thereof to he added to the
appropriation for official bonds and undertakings., and $400.00 therof to create a
new item providing for compensation of employees of the Justices of the Peace.
Fitt: Lyons presented the matter of Chauncey Gold & Monroe Gold Road, South of
Myers Corners Road for acceptance by the Town Board. A motion was made by Judge
Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the .read be accepted after being passed
on by the Superintendent of Highwoy, Charles E. Mewki_ll, Sr.
Motion carried,
Attorney Lyons then presented roads of Chauncey & Monroe Gold north of Myers Cor-
ners Road. The following resolution was made by Judge Beatty and Seconded by
Councilman Hait and Unaniumously carried.
1NNEREAS, Chauncey Gold and Monroe Gold have tendered to the Town of Wappi.nger, by
deed dated and ackno-wedged December 2nd, 1959, certain roadways and appurtenant drain-
age easements, the same lying generally to the north of the 11yers Corners Road in
sgi.d Township, and
7FHH,RE,AS, these roadways being unfinished to Town Specifications, the Golds have sim-
ultaneously tendered an executed agreement to complete the same as therein sated,
togd3ther with a certified chekk in the amount of $5,000.00 endorsed to the Town of
Wappinger, this check, by the terns of their written agreement being to guarantee
completion of said roadwaf�.5
NOW, TT?EREFORE, BE IT RESOVED, that s&ick raods be and they hereby are accepted as
public highways of the Town of Wappinger upon the terms and conditions set forth
in the aforesaid vwri_tten agreement, and be it further
RFSOLVED, that such agreement be executed by the Supervisor in the name of the
Township, and a copy therof filed with the Town Clerk and that said agreement and the
certified check accompanying the same be accepted by the Town of Wappinger in lieu
of a performance Bond.
The bills for the month of March were read and approved.
A motion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait that the bills
be paid.
Tf . Eck appeared before the Board with a map stating that the Post Office Officials
WOI.)ld like to .rentunlier rLis developement,, and asked permission to have them do so.
Potion made by Jud; -e Kelly and seconded by Judge Beatty that this request be
Motion carried.
1�1% Hankin appeared before the Board asking what the Board though i-abo ut accepting
a 01fater District. Board stated when petition was presented a public hearing would
be called and they would then proceed further.
Prir. Russell Kimbark appeared before Board stating he had built a home and then
found it was about 200 feet beyound the Village Line and that there was no Town
Road there, and asked if Board could do anything about it. The Board stated there
was absolutely nothing thea could do about it.
Yrs. Robert Hanna appeared before the Board stating she had a petion of over 60
names to present to the Board who were oppoedd to zoning. Board advised her this
would be taken up at a later date.
!lotion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Counbilman Hait that, bhe meeting
adjourn. Motion carried.
Town Clerk