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41 The regular monthly me ting of the Town Board, Tow"'- of lffa,)pinger, was held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, �y 12, 1960 Present: -Supervisor -Richard. H. Linge, Councilmen:-Pualcolm ? Hait and E' IT �T. Hager,, Justices of the Peace -Joseph F. Selly E&Arard B. Beatty, Super- intendent of Highway: -Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town Attorney -James J. iyons, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The tweeting was opened by Supervi sor-Richard H. Linge at '8 P. M. The rnnutes of the last meeting were read and approved:- GENERus, FUND wARpLANT N0. 6 78 -Stanley Reis -Assessors t+. ps------------------------- —--- ------ .00 79 -The Beaseley Agency, -Fire L 'Liability Insurance--------------- 50.75 80 -Cent. Hudson Gas L Elec. Co. -Service -Assessors Room----------- 2.50 81-YcCombs-Supplies-Justice of Peace L Town Hall ---------_--- 59,x.3 82 Chester Satz -Supplies -Assessors---------------------------- 3.37 Service 83 -Dept. of Pater Service -Town, Hall ---------- --- ------_ 2,25 81 -Robert H. -Haar—Supplies—Assessors & Flanning Board ------ 122.00 85-N.` Y. Tel. -Company-Service-Town Hall------------------------- 15.35 86 -The Beacon lgews-Public Hearing Notice - — ------------ — - I — 10.26 87 Veterans of Foreign liars-t!:,aintaining Veterans Rooms----=------ 70.00 88 -Petty Cash, Helen L. Travis ------------- ----------- —---- ----• 24.31 89 -Percy Brovm-Changing Counters------------------------------- 53.63 90 -Brighton Steel Company, Inc., --Traffic Signs----------------- 14.00 91 -Poughkeepsie New Yorker-Adverti sing Public Hearing------------- 3.12 92 -The Campbell Press -Supplies 'down Hall------------------------- 8.75 93 1st Nat'l Bank of Pok -Rent Assesssors Room, Apr. May & June--- 77.00 94 -Brighton Steel Co., Inc., -Signs for Highway Dept.------------- 60.67 95 -Joseph F. Kelly-Statrips------------- ._...—--------------------- -- 8.00 96 -Cent. Hudson Gas & Elec. Co-Zervica Town Hall---------------- 24.78 596.77 10 HIGHWAY FITO i'PrM NO. 1 leemac Sand L Stone Corp. -Gravel -------------------------- ------- 275.30 Henry lance -Gravel------------------------------------------ 17.50 uW ortlekill Rod x Gun Club -Gravel ---------------------------- ---- 210.00 Sinclair Refining Company -Gravel —----------- ---------------- --- d 4507.49 1'010 .29 — r D3.6 .� MiCEMERY ITEM NO, 3 Edward Ehrbar, Inc. -Parts -------------------------------------- 102.79 Acme Tank & Truck Corp. -Repairs--------------------------------- 27.00 H. 0. Penn Lachinery-Repairs---- --------------------- ------- --- 85.29 Mevrkills Garage -Repairs---------------------------------------- 28.60 hidway Gas & Ser�iilce Station -Repairs ---------------------------- "'Zs�i,_:I1 Ferns _Repairs ------------------ ---------------a.--- 10.00 Shaker, Trams Q. Quinn-DuJ.lding Repairs----------------------- ^� 5 •- Urey Hardware -Building Repairs---------- 8.69 Abbott & Abbott -Shovel---------------------------------------- , 4.00 Heyers Hardwar-Repairs --------- ------------------------------ 2.95_ York r,:r�dern Corp.= epairs------------------------------------- 136.70 Dave Ale -7 -ander -Hired Machinery --------------------------------25.00 Oree D. Dixon= epai rs---------------------------------------..... aj.16 lack Trucks, Inc. -Repairs ------------------------------------ 155,11 Sinclair Refining Co --Fuel Oil------------ ---- 187.6o 1011.51_L 111SCELLOEOUS 4�'' .�..d NO. 4 New York Tel. Company -Service -------- ----------------------- 13.:5 Drighton Ste&3 Company -Pipe & Calcium ---------------------._ 531.77 C& C Tree Removal -Tree Removal------------------------------ 160.00 795.12 SuUervisor Linge then recognized Mr. Sam Rosen, Attorne, -representing the Junk. Dealers of the Town, in reference to the adoption of the Junk Ordinance. and presented =Eddmx petition from dealers }•rr� Rosen spoke about the hardship to dealers,,/and agreed to meet with the Manning Board and talk over the ordinance and make changes where necessary before it is again brought before the Board. PEr, Edward Schwartzbart then spoke about zoning being needed as soon as possible. nr. Carmine Rende spoke about zoiaing and junk yard orddnance. A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager that Elting Scott of Chelsea and Thomas iacrini be appointed Town Constables- 'tIotion carried. A Resolution was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hager as follows: By IT HESOL7M AS IWCLLO}TIS: Motion Carried Section 1. That pursuant to -Section 138 of the To -un Law, the office of Town Building Inspector be and it hereby is created in and for the To:. -i of Wappinger. Section 2. That the salary of the Town Building Inspector is hereby filed at the sum of $300.00 for the balance of the current fiscal year, said sa1r;T to be payable in equal monthly installments. Section 3. That such salary shall be paid out of the budgetary item for office and Other '-Expenses of the Town Manning Board, a sufficient amount thereof being hereby appropriated and trans -'erred for such purposes Section 4. That Edward Vredenberg is hereby appointed Town Building Inspector for a term to commece immediately and to — continue at the pleasure of tins Board, in no event, however beyond the end of the current fiscal year. 12 G Resolution was made by Councilman ;lager and seconded by Councilman flair as folloTTs: nrjot4 on carried y Ph,S�iED that p•LLrsuant to Section 272 of the Town Lav, the rules and regulations of the Planning Board of the Town of iVappinger in respect to the procedure before it and in respect to any matter pz-e_^ `":rhich it riasiri.sdTcti on under Article 16 of the Town Lamr, adopted by Planning Board cn the 5th day of Mair 1960, after a public hearing thereon, BE AND, T YY'.H:=:By AB.E APPROVM by this Town Board Resolution was made by judge Kelly and Seconded by Councilman Hait as fellows:– ?� tion carried. S�Li the-,sn*n ra ._ QSg or stlemUabr,therec& g�may be dee�s� neev� ez.sa. og vh�tfii-tire Oansideration-Qf ,thisy,B€ a. d� .tom ,;apppop��a e�` '0sbe txpendea for brio-rial t)a3C obs�erca-ce.. A letter was read from the Sloper ffillen Ambulance Service, stating they �-- would like a letter from the Board setting forth the work that they had done in the community. A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Councilman Hager that t letter be sent to them . Motion carried. L,Ir. Bisom appeared before Board asking if Board would help with getting the 2kKkxxkM County to Widen 'Iters Cmrners Road, on accunt of the new School being erected on this road. Mr. luras, appeared before Board asking about oiling of Roads, also if the Board would accept Roads without any houses on them. The Board stated this would be looked into. !hp-oBi is for the month of April were read. A motion was made by Judge Kell -,N7- and seconded by Judge Beatty that the bills be accepted. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Judge Kelly that the meeting adjourn Motion carried Town Clerk 4 -56 -SM (SC -529) Form A.C. 143-T.H.20 Department of Audit and Control Suggested Form of Resolution For Town Highway Machinery Purchases Resolution by (Justice of Peace)( ) ...S/Os74ee............ ......../.�'.-C44te......... Seconded by ( ie&ef—Peaee) (Town Councilman) .........!4. Q!,4.M. . ........ h!.A./.T.................. Whereas, the Town Superintendent of Highways did, on the...... 4th.... day of ..... February ............... 19..6.0., duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) (QV) ($ pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway Law the Town Super- intendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase, in accordance with the provisions of Article 5-A of the General Municipal Law, with the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, the following: A new Model B -42X Mack Truck with a Gar Wood Model GC -2 five yard dumper ................................................................................................................................................................. . type body meeting the specifications and equipped as set forth in a bid ........................................................................................................................................................................................ dated April 6th, 1960, and submitted to the Town of Wappinger by the ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 1ph C, Herman ....C..ompany, of Marlboro.,.. , firm having sub ........................... mitted the lowest bid after advertisement therefor in compliance with ........................................................................................................................................................................................ the provisions of the General Municipal Law, ....................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ for a maximum price of..Ten. Thousand. Two... Hundred...Fifty. Eight.. ---.--.-.----.-Dollars ..........), delivered at ................ W,SPP.inge.xs... '.#11s....)`I.....X.: ..... I ......... ............. ,�, and to be delivered on or about .... 30..days..after,,.reee pt,..©f,,,order:Kx.._... The Town Superintendent of Highways is hereby authorized, subject to ,the approval of the County Superintendent of Highways, to surrender to the vendor ..... -.. no .- trade ... in .......................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................ as part payment for the above (machinery) (equipment) (tools) to be purchased. The terms of payment will be as follows: Trade-in allowance Check drawn on Machinery Fund Check from proceeds of obligations Total $........... I ........................... 10, 258 ..QQ........... ........................................ $......x.0,.25.8...0.0.......... A contract of purchase for the item (0 purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Super- intendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item (a) purchased in accord- ance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount (z* specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for............ 10,258.00........ (2) by a check in the amount of $ ................................. drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) Vote of Town Board........ (Aye) (N ).........��cha�d...H.,...��.x�g.�............................ Supervisor Edward„Beatty....................................jJustice of Peace Vote of Town Board........ (Aye) (N**) .............. TbMUdMUMdft= �Qla. (Justice of Peace Vote of Town Board........ (Aye) O ......... ,jpseph..k'..... �i.................... 170006hMikDW Vote of Town Board........ (Aye) (NRX) ......... Emory ... J...•.. ger•.............................. Town Councilman Vote of Town Board ....... (Aye) (lac) ......... Ma.1c.olm..Hait .....................................ITown Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of .... Dutche.ss.................. ss.: Town of ....... aPP.inger................ it ................................... He len.. Travis........................................................ Town Clerk of the Town of .WaPPiiIger................ I ......... I...... in the County of. -,........... Dutche.SS ............ ................ ., N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (") meeting of such board held on ........ .May..12th.......... 19..6Q., and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Town this .......................day of....................................................., 19......... C/ .................................................................................... (Town Seal) Town Clerk of the Town of Wappinger Wappingers Falls.,......................N. Y. (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board meeting in connection with the purchase of town highway machinery, equipment, or tools, under Section 142 of the Highway Law. It does not have to be followed in ,the exact language used. If it is followed, it should be changed, where necessary, fo fit the circumstances.)