1960-06-075 The re:gO ar m�)nthly meting of the T :,,Nn Board, Town of Wappinger, was held is the T,���,n Hall, on Thursday evening,. Juno 7, 1960. Fresent: -Si pervisor-Richard H. Linge, Justices of the Pena,:-e-lioseph F. Kelly and Edward B. Beatt; , Councilmen Emor3r J. Hager and Malcolm I. Ha.it, Engineer -Charles 11aneri, To,!iin Attrwney-James J. Irons and ToiTn Clerk - Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened b-yr,Supervisor-Richard H. Li.nge at 8 P. M. The minutes of the last meeting arere read, and the rninu.tes of a special meet'Ang held on 11�,r ist, . A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Council- rcian Fait that the m]n-ates be accepted as read. lJot:ion carried. GENERAL Fir,,1D iFITA.RRADIT NO. K 7 97—The Lawyers Co-op Pur. Co Torun Law Baook--------------------- ----16.50 98 -Paul. Reichardt-I:Iernorial Day ObserTfance---------------------------- 92.70 99-l. u: M. Sales CompaiV- it It --------------------------- 22.09 100 -The Beaseley Agency --Constable Bond ---------------------------- ._.._ 20.00 101-Wappin ers-Southern News -Advertising Ordinanc of Buld. Code ------118.00 102 -Charles E. Houghtaling Transc:ripts---------------------------- 4.33 y 103-1�%thew Bender & Co -Supplies Justice of Dace--___-_-_._____ 5.00 10l -Cent. Hud G. A E. itorp.-SertT: cc;--Si;ore House-- ---------------------- 2.150 lC5— n If -.Store House, Rt. 9 ------------ -- 8.35 106 -Williamson Law Book Company -Supplies Town Clerk------------------ 4.35 107-T1. Y. Tel. Company-Se.r-vice-To v*n Hall -------------------------- --- 27.21 —Toivn Barns------------------------- 12.20 333.23 HIGHWAY FUD ITEIA NO. 1 Dut.hess Guarry & Supply Company-Kotal. Pdix------------------------- 251.30 Leemac Sand A_ Stone Company -Gravel------------------- ------------- 192.75 Spoor Lasher Company -Oil ------------------------ ------------------- 191.0.90 Sinclair Refining Company-Cla.s---------------------------------------- 309.95 In HIGHIVAY ITE1,A 110. 1-Contld 1hortlekill_ Rod & Gun Club gavel.----------------------------------- 56,25 Parts----- ___.-__------------------ -3-� 1 Y U:rey Hardware C . rnpany_ p - - .- '7 24.52 LACHDiERY ITEM #3 kill Garae--Repair ----------------------------------------------- ---_-.______________________ ________ -_ �(. E. Haviland, Inc- ci_____.-------------------------------------- Fi shlTi.l.l Forge- u R,wie t, Rutledge- __________.__._.------------------ County Carburetor Exchange Rept,irs___________________________a_-- lli,-:h�ra: Gas - en ice Station- n -------------------------- --- H. 0. Penn Pdlachi nery Company .-------------------.-______-— - Hu,lsofi River Sa1_es- uni tirarsal Road ?;Tach. Company 1,11. F. Fruden Cooparny Brighton Steel Company ►�._...---___-----_--______________._. ►�------------------r___-___ - ------------------------------ u------------------- _._. ---- — — 74.35 12.04 6.25 16.,50 4.00 5.10 1.96 4.50 24.00 4.95 4.94 / X58.59 3. hj,.T SC=AN1EOUS ATO. 4 Brighton Steel Co.r�pany-Chloride------------ ______-_ ___-T--------------- 50%86 A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by JudgZ. e Kelly trat Jerry iDjcci paint the Town Hall with one coat, of pa tit on the ceiling ani side wall. and tyr,:) coats of paint on the Woodwork. Itlotion Carried Motion made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Beatty that we purchase 10n0copi.es of the New York State Building Code, made into a booklet from the Southern-Dutchess Wappingers News at $54.00. Motion carried T:�tion Trade by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager that the Highway F..mployees be granted Ili days vacation instead of 10 days. Motion carried m Judson Williams appeared hefore the Board for the Wappingers Park Homes, Inc. and presented deed for acceptance of four roads. !Notion was made by Judge Beatty and seconded by Councilman Hait that the following resolution be adopted. RESGLLIID:— that roads knoTwn as Cayuga Drive, Seneca Lane, Mohawk Drive and Iroquois Drive, all as described in deedfrom Wappingers Park Homes, Inc. dated Jun 8. 1960, together with apertenances, right of way, easements and drainage easements 1,e accepted as public highways of the Town Of Wappinger. BE IT rUT71TER RESOL'+TIT ):-- that the Bond heretofore presented by Wappingers Park Homes, Inc., in connection with the completion of these roads be discharged. Motion carried. Mr. Eck appeared before the Board asking that a letter be iri.tken to C<-lm{ecticut Fire Tnsi .ance Company, c/o Charles Rost ,erg, PoutThkeepsie, N. Y. releasing hirer from bond$ upon. complied and accepted roacis ..Upon advise of Superinten:�rnt of H-ighways, Charles E. Mewk..ill., Sr., that roads were completed, the Bond was .released. Photion was made by Councilrrran Hager and seconded by Councilman Hait that the �xond be released. Motion carried. tr. Deininger appeared before the Board aski_ilg for road signs for Orchard Homes. 11r. Rosen a-,-;-,Dear(-,d before Beard presenting changes that the SalvaAge Group woulci like In the new ordinance. The Board agreed -that a new ordl�nftnce would be drawn up and then it would be presented for approval at the next, meeting. The bills for the month of 4e were read and approved. 11otion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that -rhe ?rreet.ng adjourn. 1ioti.on carried.