1960-07-14�_rn. lf : cFi}_e[' ?. %tt�i .� 01r�� 1ir (-,f the Ttavm (3oard, Tfoun of "Napciri, er, 111 ''=(3 hE ( 112 1t J171.✓r 111 if .0 i'FSeTit, fix{ tri_ Cix'-F�1C�"tFiT 't�• r:1Tl r , :l.]. i t[iE-n-Pmr) � , F algeI and jv: lc�7�_?Tl ._ o T n:.e. ,_.Gale., FIg1 t, c�i1S {:1. ^e „r "" r, r'o3C2•'cr� SE -?--i? ?I' � ''r;7_l ��'� `�'(haJTl �FtTlrl. r?� -.!�h a`� -Fie It!eet ing teas c,nenF Cd 1-,,, Supervisor. Richard H. Lind;e. at. 8 P. 11. 1�I? ':lii.n-M—.99 of ille last, i'!,ili€? Jef-e. -read . A illot.ion Was !fade by Judge t'rt Z7.�tr by Hai.t that they be .iccepted 1 -as read. Motion cas•ri e is :PTT• i T� h' , D No, 8 l-i?c �;;�_ ,-� Co—op. F�_ lishln� %ompany—"seer Consolidated i date d 9._0 3 !.11 F'_1!.1E: {1.T'rrl.iTl 73rPt''-�;.T.trN rOo-'1:,�_8:_i.Ti1.T1. i!%'c!.�:,C:,`,--_____----...-.____._...,_._-•------__---...., ?,50 E. 2.33 �c •p Offs 50 ll };- :t a 11 n !t It _Seri ica 'Tovin Beaseley Agency--Ue.rieral Li-abili%y 75.°g - }e}r.+ i1F;'l7Y'hciT7 KlL2ii?11iI11T1 F7'Odo^ 2p31't'llia Venetian blinds. _.______.__..- _..-. ,19`810 T;t�ilar , 00 Sr Expenses for Cl FiJllths_-__ _.___._.________ _ 4L,07 ..? � �i i';i -; I'.�2I"s-•- 3>>llt',�iarn Pll'�;;''�"]e.`; � l'jeuV'S-Tri�t7_t;.c3 , f lir}rr�1;;� E:"�1C�n 'a i° "xSS. $i)�..� ^� `. 120-ITe .j York Tel. Golnx any-Se:riric,e Dept'l of 1.2,30 1S.e.r•vi.,;e--Town H=i11 A Asses:.s=:ors____.__________..._.. 22,80 Campbell Fress.Crievance nay cards------.-..____.__._____.__.. ____..____- 1 N 101- it Taa;, Ol-!se'rvance----------------------------- 4c,00 l?)+ ';af r -ride"s—Sabi-horn 'Dutchess Mews -No t.icE of 1,01'rptr'oll ers E? .-----_---- 3.0o Cash -Helen L. Gas'r. for Too.m Hal_"t _..._._._________ 24,65 ,:rnsi,-=`ai ! i in�T sign for Ta Frm Hall -_A____..___-.___._ ---------- 30.00 1?(-�(=.lr p:`J c�•-'_" n',1.nT Town Hall MIS (71tay a viay with {?C ___________._.. ._____ _.______._.__. _m �!'�0 Flo,fj-ei, Shoj.k.'"Treatt-,s for rieonori_al Day- ._._._____._._________ 1.r(} 00 1i0-INa. Lo,!„e 671 Ti, K. A. -...,.t Tc,va T . � .�._ _ I p• ._ .;, _ : __ � . .._.-.�r-., , .ia1.1-,? I -,Y' r,�y J�lne._ -1 50000 1.3.-itorarnati M. T.rdi..ff-CIS': '':�: tor' Jttdoes Room-. ___________._..______-- 6.75 Du ' T t',' S ----- - t r `> _�S � •^i 7.'d-LtiaCtC'? $OOh1 •tS ^ �n7 Rni7.09 HPITHV'IA Fti[dD - TTF���,IJ N0.1- 4•?4 Spoor Lasher--Cil_-___._._________._.._._____.______._._______._____.______ 5525.nc' ,,i.nclai.r Refi.rtiriv Conm.)any solime_______.___________________.__._- 17, .c y F. I?. S; h-FIect- i 0,112.29 tfIi':�HTNIhR`T - TTEd "'O. r ?;te fkill.s F- shkill Forge- 3 c;0 . 5. Abbott !;i! ,i -ca Tr•actoi, -. F'.-1An? tent Cornl;arf-______..__P;.r't•s_._.____.___________ g��,r ---------------------- 2.00 ckTruck Company -11 --------------- ------------------- 67.90 H. 0. Penn `;achinerir Comnany-Repairs -----------------.---_-_-__.______ 88,77 mol, Rapes-. tir--------------------------__--. 9.77 Shaker, Travis z_ Quinn-3--r-q'lies-----__-__-_--__ 24.21 �6)8.60 ._supervisor Lime advised Board that the application of the Planni n,� Hoard to the State had been ac(,e;,ted. A itoti.on vvas made b;r Juceo;e Frell.v and seconded by Coancilman Hager that the fo1lo,.nri_ng- res,)lutinnn r,e ffi,t,e ted. i�rotiun carried 20 (1, TV TD I C) -i Law, all. , that ir-,­rpsiiant I- section IM of the Tc�,di .1 clai-ires p-esentEA for audit ancl -nxyment may he certified to '!-;e true and Z. "I correct, in sl's-.aterienlk igned by or a oonbehi;lf of the claiman., in lieu of verification tlhe.reof, and FURTHER -that, the form or such certification shall be substant-!_.ally as follows, st.rilm% nut iri each Case the matter im parentheses which is not applicah-le: IISTITE OF 'IT' YORK ss: (I '-,T ,,,'T' ; T I OF I __J do hereby certify Uha't-, all of the ileii,s of t,lie above claim are true and correct., that(the ur,-,pertli or Yti�rch- -r-liese -h-wm thereon was actually del-ivf-red) (the ser-�rires shvion thereon were .illy re'riered� (the dlsburserient,s shwnn thereon -,,'TerE-: ac+,iiall , and neces— arily fiarle) and that no ri-art of such (-Taira has beec, paid or satisfied, (I do further (-eitify that 1 have been duly aiithori,?,ed and empowered by the claimant to everute in h behalf this certificate. F -,T F that this reolution shall take effect immediat-0,1- �f-pl shall apply to all claims hereaft�_­r filed. .A motion -vvis made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Cmtn'-.ilman Mager that nafjle of the Recreation Co.,;ir.,ittee be c} -pan ed to Town cl,' 111appinger and Cotmaission. The same members tc' remain on this carried. The bills fc)r hhr, morith ot' were read. A motion -vVas made by Gloij,-jcilffian Hait and seconded by judue Kelly that the hills be paid. 1-ktinn carried A letter :vas presented to the Board from L_Y. Sormani, E. V21entifie, C. it, lie -,-ds ?, Fred. Ranson from road t,,j-as on kis their Board st:ah(,d that the- (-oiild not do anythin,- about, it. T�Iec the Tcl-tm Em-ineer, ia i to loolc into the smarter n s t, r. ­i, e d t c- � M -les '11aner and re r,,.—rt all the next, tae.eting. A motion was by Ji ,-e Kelly and spc- onded by Coun;�iiman Hait that the Bond Posted for the car!n1_et4on< of Roads on the Iio ,th Side of lbrers Corners r', c by the Gold Brother au'l Douglas CouYhlin, Inc., be retarned to them. 1lotion carried. A :notion was m�x.de by- Jucl.ge K_eTly arL( seconded by Councilman Hait that the following resolution h.e accepted. ,lotion carried. IESOL I , that he propsed reads on the south side of the 1rers Corners Road, as described in a deed, from Chauncey and ?Monroe Gold, to the Tolma of Wappin-er, be accepted as Public Highways of the Town, such acCei:)tante to be come effect.i_tre rzoori approval, of the Deed of Conveyance by the Town Attorney, Arthur Bisom appeared before the Board asking when an ordinance was goin :-o be r:iade about Trailers. This is to by referred to the Flanning Board. I11r. If -ill appeared before the Board asking about takinc; care cif a culvert on the Nc,rth Side of De Ga.rmo Hill_ Road. Hi_ghvair ,Superintenrient ,harles lliewkill, said lie woi ld. look into the matter. The salvage ordinance was laid over to the next meeting. A motion ^was made by JudgeYelly anc� seconded by Councilman Ha.�,er that 0 the greeting adjourn. Motion carried. Town Clerk