The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Townof Wappinger, was held in the
Town Hall, on Thursday evening, August 4, 1960.
Present. -Supervisor -Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Emory J. Hager and Malcolm
I. Hait, Justice of Peace -Joseph F. Kelly, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town
Attorney -James J. Lyons, Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis.
The meeting was opened by Supervisor, Richard H. Linge at 8:15 P. M.
The minutes of the last meeiigg were read. A motion was made by Judge Kellar
and seconded by Councilman Hait that the minutes be approved as read.
Motion carried
133 -First National Bank of Poughkeepsie -Rent of Assessors ---- $ 75.00
Room-July,,August & Sept.
134-N, Y. Tel.Company - Service, Dept. of Highway ----- -------- 12.40
135 -Cent. H. G. & B. Copp. -Service, Store House---------------- 2.50%
136- n n n u n n �, n n n Rt. 9----------- 2.48
137 -The Beaseley Agency, Inc. -Insurance on New Truck----------- 80.31
138 -Howard G. Winne -Stamped Envelopes ---------------------- 4.80
139N. Y. Tel. Company -Service -Town Hall & Assessors Office---- 21.35
142 -Popper F1$c. Company -Repairs -Lights Town Hall------------ 16.53
140 -Robert H. Maar-Building Permist ------------------------- 12.00
142 -Town of Wappinger Recreation Committee----------_-..--_-- 100,00
Participation in Village Rea. Program
Ben Kebler-General repairs -culvert digging-------_- ------ 88.00
Spoor Lasher- n n -Latex Emil-------------------------- 2018.10
Leemac Sand & Stone- n -Gravel--- ---------- -------- --------- 1359.75
Sinclair Refining Co-" Gas------------_—__.________—.M____..(g 79,70
Mewkills Garage -Repairs------------------ ----- 3.85
Hudson River Sales Co. -Material -spreader Handle--------------- 235.00
Ralph C. Herman -Mack Truck------------------------------------ 10,258.00
Service Lamber Company -Supplies--------------------------- 8.08
O, 501.93
A Resolution was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait WHEREAS.,
through inadvertence and mistake there has been expended from the current annual
appropriation for Town Hall and Offices, Other Expenses, the sum of $85.00, and
WHEREAS, the amour aforesaid should have been chargeable against and paid from
the appropraiton for Town Hall and Offices, compensation of Employees, and
WHEREAS, there remains unexpended in the appropriation for Town Hall & Offices,
Compensation of Employees, sufficient moneys and funds to reimbuse the approp-
riation for Town Hall and Offices, Other Expenses, for the moneys intsrrectly
so paid therefrom, now there fore, be it
RESOLVED, that the sum of $85.00,be transferred from the unexpended balance of
the appropriation for Town Hall and Offices, Compensation of Employees, and
credited to the appropriation for Town Hall and Offices, Other Expenses, to
reimburse the same for payments made therefrom as fiforesaid.
Resolution carried.
A Resolution was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelp,
WHEREAS, the annual budget for the current fiscal year includes an
appropration in the amount of $1500.00 for Parks and Playgrounds, other
Expenses, and
WHEREAS, of such sum so appropraited, $1500* thereof remains unexpended to
date, and
WHEREAS, after due allowance for outstanding claims and for further expend-
itures chargeable against such appropriation or account, there is an unex-
peneded balance in said appropriation or account in the amount bf $1200., be it
RESOLVED, that $500.00 of said unexpended balance be and it hereby is
transferred to the appropriation for Town Hall and offices, other ex—
pensess and that the amount heretofore appropriated for such purpoke be
and hereby is increased to $1300.00.
Resolution carried
Town Superintendent of Highways, Charles E. Mewkill, Sr., recommended the
purchase of a new One Way Snow Plow.
The following resolution was offered by Councilman Hajer and seconded by
Judge Kellyt
WHEREAS, the Town Superintendent of Highways has, at this meeting, recom—
mended the purchase of a new, one way snow plow by the Town, and
WHEREAS, the Town Board, pursuant to #142 of the Highway Law, has considered
such recommendation and the purchase of such highway machinery is deemed ad—
visable and necessary for the proper maintenance of the town highways of the
Town of Wappingers and
WHEREAS., the Town Board desires to authorize the Superintendnet to enter
into a contract for the purchase of such machinery pursuant to the statutes
in such case made and provided now therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the Town Superintendent be and he hereby is authorized and
directed to prepaii�-specifieations,for said One Way Show Plow and that the
Town Clerkgadvertise for bids thereon by causing a notice to be published
in the Poughkeepsie Journal, such notice and the publication thereof to be
in complaince with #103 of the General Municipal Law$
Upon being put to votes the foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted•
Town Ekgineers Charles Maneris reported that he was making progress on the
Sormani matter.
The Board agreed to hold a special meeting on the Salvage Ordinance. Members
will be notified of the date of special meeting.
Mr. William Brocker appeared before the Board and thanked Superintendent of
Highwasy, Mr. Mewkill, for the work and oily done on his road.
Mr. Arthur Bisom, appeared before the Board, asking about referendum of
making Wappingers a First Class Township, making more representation of/
Board, The Board said the matter was now under consideration.
The Bills for the month of July were read. A motion was made be Councilman
Hait and seconded by Councilman Hager, that the bills be paid. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hager that
the meeting adjourn. Motion carried
Town Clerk