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ASpecial Meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappingers was held in the Town Hall, on Friday evening, September 30, 1960 Presents-Supervieer-Richard H. Linge, Councilmen -Emory J. Hager & Malcolm Hait, Superintendent of Highways -Charles Mewkill, Sr.s Town Attorney - James J. LyOnss Town Clerk -Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened by Richard H. Lingo at 7:10 P. M. The Town Clerk presented to the Town Board the Estimates of Revenue and Ex- penditures given to her under Section 111 of the Town Law. In connection with the preparation of the Preliminary Budget. Such detailed Estimates were placed on file and a summary of same follows:_ Town Hall and Offices $3,885.00 Election 4,850.00 Insurance 6000.00 Association of Towns 9000.00 Justices of the Peace 3,650.00 Councilman 1000.00 Town Clerk 5,000.00 Town Engineer 6,85©.00 Planning Board 4,000.00 Assessors 6,000.00 Town Attorney 2,600.00 Police Offices & Deputy Sheriffs 600.00 Traffic Signs & Highway Lighting 500.00 Dog Warden 450.00 Multiple Dwelling Inspector 300.00 Building Inspect. State Building Code 1800.00 Town Library 1000.00 Recreation 1750.00 Construction & Permanent Improvements 11000.00 M Miscellaneous 400,00 Contingent Purposes 2000,00 57,785.00 Him Item #1—Highway Fund 67x000.00 Item #2—Bridge Fund 2 Item #3 —Machinery 15s0D0.00 Item #4.snow and Miscellaneous Fund 13,500.00 95,520.00 A motion was made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly that the meeting adjourn. Town Clerk