1960-10-06The regular monthly meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappingers was held in the Town Halls on Thursday evenings October 6, 1960 Present.--Supervisor-Richard H. Linge; Justices of the Peace -Joseph F. Kelly and Edward Be Beatty; Councilmen-Emory J. Hager and Malcolm Hait; Superintendent of Highways-Charles Mew➢sills Sr., Town Engineer-Charles Maneris Town Attorney-James J. Lyons Town Clerk-Helen L. Travis. The meeting was opened by Supervieors Richard H. Linge, at 8 P. M. The Minutes of the last meeting were read and of the Special meeting held on September 30ths 1960. The following corrections were noted. The date of the completion of the roads in Panoram Estates be changed from May 1, 1960 to June 1st, 1960. The names of Justices of the Peace Joseph F. Kelly and tdward Be Beatty by added to those present at the Special Meeting on Spptmeber 30, 1960. A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that the minutes be accepted with the above corrections. Motion carried. Bills for the month of September were read. A motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded 4 Judge Beatty that the bills be paid. Motion carried. GENERAL FUND 1%?--The Lawyers Co-op. Publishing Co.-C. L. S. Vehicle Traffic---------$ 9.50 158_ n n" It n n n_ n Cri#nal-------------- -- .4.50 159- n n It is u n it n n Town------------------- 3.50 160-Williamson 'Law Book Company 1960 Supp. Town Law-------------- ------- 3.50 161-The First National Bankof Pok.W.F. Office-Check Book---------------- 5.03 162-N. Y. Tel. Company -Service Town Hall----------------- M---- 21.30 163- It a It n _ n Dept. of Highways----------------------------- 12.45 161-Chester Satz Co.s Inc.-Assessors-Supplies ------------------------ 7.20 165-Popper Electric Co-Repairing Lights Town 25.47 166-Shaker, Travis & Quinn-Repairing Tibilets Town Hall----- 20.55 113.00 36 HIGHWAY FUND - ITEM NO. $ Sinclair Refinging Company -Gas ------------------------------ .,..__._-,--$ 291.38 Spoor Lasher Company, Inc -Oil ------------------- ----------------- 1714.30 Dutchess Quarry & Supply Company-Kotal Mix --------------- 133.70 Leemac Sand & Stone Company -Gravel -------------------------------- 173.90 Brighton Steel Company -Pipe & Torches ----------------------------- ..- 9.00 2,322.28 MACHINERY FUND* -ITEM NO. 3i Fishkill Forge -Repairs ---------------------------------------------8 2.50 Mewkills Garage- --------------------------------------------- 17&' O Edward Ehrbar, Inc., -Parts ---------------------------------------- 77.97 r Inland Tractor & EqupipmentCorp.-Parts--------------------- --- --- 9.20 John G. Gauthier -Saw & Parts -------------------------------------399 00 HyersHardware -Parts -------------------------- ------------------ 2.11 Abbott & Abbott -Tools & Parts------------------------ ---- — ----- — 5.10 UreyHardware -Parts ---------------------------------------------- 14449 Service Lumberer Company -Tools & Cement ------- --_-.....------------- — 17.50 KnightsGarage -Repairs ----------- --------- -- --------------- _...-- 7.45 553. ITEM N0,, 4 Brighton Steel Company -Pipe & Torches ------------------------- 204.54 Attorney Lyons reported to the Board that the Peformance Bond and Agreement of the Gold Bros. Roads had been accepted by him and placed them on file with the Town Clerk. Attorney Lyons reported to the Board that there had been one change in the Preliminary Budget, they had added $250. for annual Audit. The following resolution wqs offered by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge Kelly s RESOLVED that the annexed detailed statement of estimated expenditures and re- venues be and the same hereby is approved and adopted as the preliminary budget of this Town for the fiscal year beginning January is 1961, and that such pre- liminary budget shall be filed forthwith in the Office of the Town Clerk of this Town where it shall be available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Board shall meet at the Town Hall on Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. in this Township, at 8:00 o'clock P. M., on October 27, 1960 and then and there hold<a public hearing upon such preliminary budget, and that the Town Clerkshall give notice of such public hearing by publishing notice thereof in the Newburgh -Beacon News and the Wappingers and Southern Dutchess News, newspapers having general circulation within this Town, such notice to be publichsed twice and the first publication thereof to be at least ten(10) days prior to the time hereinabove set for said hearing; and the Town Clerk shall also cause five copies of such notice to be posted conspicuously in different places in the Town not less than ten days before the da designated for such hearing. The Notice to be published and posted shall be proared by the Town Clerk and shhll be in substantially the form annexted hereto. The foregoing resolution, upon being put to a vote, was adopted by unamimous vote. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PRELIMINARY BUDGET NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVER that the preliminary budget bf the Town of Wappingers Dutchess County, New York, for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1961, has been completed and filed in the Office of the Town Clerk of said Town, at Mill Streets Wappingers Falls, N. Y•s in said Towns where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonalbe hours. AND FURTHER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the said Town of Wappinger will meet and review such preliminary budget and hold a public hearing thereon at the Town Offices, Mill Street, Wappingers Falls, N. Y.s in said Town at 8:00 o'clock P. M. on the 27 day of October 1960 and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as com- 38 Piled or for or against any item or items therein contained. AND NOTICE IS ALSO GIVEN, pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Laws that the following are the proposed yearly salaries of Town Officers of this Town, to wit. Supervisor Justice of the Peace J s 'Justice of the Peace Councilman (two) Tome Clerk Town Superintendent of Highways Town Attorney Town Engineer BY ORDER OF THE TOWN BOARD DATED; Ocotbet 6, 1960 Helen L. Travis TOWN CLERK TOWN OF WA PINGER $3000.00 2250.00: 800.00 600.00 each 3600.00 655o.00 2500.00 750.00 Mr. Biffel, appeared before the Board for a Ko -Kart Ordinance. A motion was made by Councilman Hager and seconded by Councilman Haiti that Attorney Lyons be empowered to look into the matter of an ordinance and present it to the Board at the next meeting. Motion carried. A motion was made by Councilman Hager and Seconded by Justice of the Peacep Edgard Beatty that the meeting adjourn. Motion carried. Town Clerk