1961-07-18FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION Osborne Bill Road Wappingers Falls, New York July 18, 1961 Town Board Town of Wappinger Wappinger Falls, New York Ret Fleetwood Sewerage Disposal Corporation Gentlemen: Pursuant to .Article 10 of the Transportation Corporation Law we wish to submit the following proposals: 1. The Fleetwood Sewerage Disposal Corporation hereby grants to the Town Board of the Town of W appinge r, acting for and in behalf of the Town of Wappinger, an option to purchase for the num of $91,176.00 the following: (a) Sewage Treatment Plant end Equipment (b) Sewage Collection lines and spurn now installed as follows: 5000 Lineal Feet of 8" A.C. pipe 14 Manholes 46 Haulm Laterals to property linea The sum of $2719.03 per year, commencing from the date of this proposal until thin option shall be exercised, shall be deducted from said price of 01,176.00. This is in accordance with depreciation schesdule hereto attached. The Town Board may eaersiss this option by serving written notice on FLEETWOOD SEWERAOR DISPOSAL CORPORATION not less than ninety nor more than one hundred eighty days before the date of the taking. 2. The Fleetwood Sewerage Disposal Corporation agrees to complete the installation of the sewage collection lines and spurs for the Fleetwood Manor Development with the fallowing items: 3900 Lineal Feet 8" B.C. pipe 21 Manholes 84 House Laterals to property line and hereby granta to the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, acting for and in behalf of the Town of Wappinger, an option to purchase said installation, when completed, for the sum of $28,812.00. The sum of $ 984.40 per yaar, commencing from the date of the completion of said installation until this option shall be. exercised, shall be deducted from said price of $28,812.00. This is in accordance with the depreciation FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION Osborne Hill Road Wappingers Falls. New York Town Board, Town of Wappinger -2- schedule hereto attached. The Town Board may exercise this option by serving written notice on FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION not less than ninety nor more than one hundred eighty daye before the date of the taking. . That in the event of the abandomnent and discontinuance of thesvasintenance and operation of the plant and system of the FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION, the Town Board of the Town of WaPPiager shall have the right to continue the maintenance and operettas of stuck plant and system at the established rates until Such time aa another corporation or agency may undertake to maintain and operate tke sewer syatem. The amounts set forth above have been certified by the engineer of the FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION, and such certification is attached hereto. The FLEETWOOD SEWERAGE DISPOSAL CORPORATION further agrees to supply the Fleetwood Maser Development where such corporation operatee, and the inhabitants thereat with facilities for the removal, treat- ment and disposal of sewerage at the rate of Six (*6. 00) Dollars per month per family. If the foregoing meets with your approvai, we would appreciate it if you MO uld authorise your Supervisor to sign one copy of this letter and by so doing indicate your acceptance of the proposals contained herebi. Respectfully yearn. 1413VOOD SEWERAGE DutPosAL CORPORATION An APPROVED: TOWN BQARD, TOWN OF WAPPINGER 7 • • Daum Plerrrau), P. E. e.awaiiihmg eagiolass PT. OMAOILZ• •T. THOMPOW0041, M. V. 110.4442• 2-2111 July 14, 1961 Town Board Town of Wappinger, N.Y. Gentlemen: 121 040. 111110.4010211 WHITS PLAINS. N. Y. vrti 2-27o2 re: Fleetwood Sewerage Disposal Corporation Enclosed is a breakdown of costs for the sewage collection, disposal and treatment system constructed by the above corporation. The amounts are a summary of actual as well as projected costs for ultimate completion of the entire project and are accurate to the best of my knowledge. CHARLill ST, THONNWOOD. N. Y. *Osis 1P-111111 Douom ROTTELD, P. M. eamusidike, &lbws SEWAGE TH-1ATXENT PLANT COSTS Land* $ 1,800.00 Legal Fees* 1,500.00 Engineering* & Surveys* 4,950.00 Treatment Plant Equipment 15,981.00 Excavation & Pumps 5.140.00 Concrete Work & Test aylinders* 12,337.00 Steel Work 10,800.00 Control auild114; 2,500.00 Plumbing 3,500.00 Electric 2,000.00 Fencing 1,800.00 Chlorine :.!aterial* . —......_:).(3 $62,638.00 Sewage Collection Lines i Completed 5000 L.F. - 8" A.C. Fire $.4.00/ft. $20,000.00 14 :annoles 43. $292.00 4,088.00 46 House Laterals to Prop. Line 4 $3.00/ft. 3,450.00 Engineering & Surveys* 1,000.00 $28,538.00 To be completed 39C0 L.F. - 3" A.C. Pipe 3 $.4.0/ft. $15,600.00 21 :T.annoles g. $292.0.0 6,132.00 84 House Laterals to Pro:.. Line 2 $3.00!ft. 6,300.00 En,fineeriu:g & .11r -v -_y::;* 780.00 $28,812.00 * - Non-Depriiable lost Iiis= $10,385.00 Totals Treatment Flant C'U Sir Colle.:..YHn System Non-Teprecles $ '2,638.00 57.-350.00 $119,999.00 -10.P5.00 $109,603.00 121 P40. •SOADWAY WHITE PLAINS, P4. Y. W14 IP -37M DDLPH ROTFELD, P. E. ?oniulttnij Enginut ST CHARLES ST THORNWOOD N Y ROocR is - 5 1 1 5 104eicated Onecat4mnal oat ( Annual Basis ) Part-time Operator Electrical Bawer Chemicals 84mipment Neintenanee 121 NO BROADWAY WHITE PLAINES. N Y $2,880.00 1,600.00 400.00 Thirty year straight line depreciation of the plant and eolleetion facilities amount to $3.633.4)/year. Wl-4 9-3715