A Special meeting of the Town Board, Town of Wappinger, was held
in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, February 224, 1962.
Present: -Supervisor, Richard H. Linge, Councilmen-GedIrge Robinson
and Malcolm Hait, Justices of the Peace -Joseph F. Kelly, Town
Attorney -Judson Willism, Town Engineer -Charles Maneri, Town
The attched report was read from the Planning Board.
Motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that
the Planning Board Report be accepted and that their recommendation
that we have enough Iarorremt*max property for recreation be accepted.
That the option on the Kapfenstein property be cancelled.
Motion carried.
The attached Sick Leave and Vacation schedule for Town Em-rloyees
was read.
Motion was m Made by Councilman Hait and seconded by Judge
Kelly that the Sick Leave and Vacation Schedule for Town
Employees be accepted. Motion carried.
The following were appointed as members of tae R .creation
Committee --Hugh J. Maurer, Mrs. Richard Russell, Mr. Leonce
Heady, Mrs. Alfred Arkell, Mr. Arthur. Weinberg, Nr- E-sk ll Berg
Mr r; *t,g,s_ Mr. Berg to act as Temporary Chairman.
The new Recreation Committee will hold a meeting on March 1st,
1962 at the Town Hall at 8 o'clock.
Motion was made by Councilman Robinson and seconded by Councilman
Hait that the above appointments to the Recreation 5ommittee be
accepted. Motion carried.
Councilman Robinson reported that he could have two signs made
for the Entrances to the Recreation Parks, 4 by 4 for $40.00.
The Board suggested that the Recreation Commission place these
signs in place.
Motion was made Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait that
Vanderwater Drive, presented by Mr. Mc Ghee be accepted.
Motion was made by Judge Kelly and seconded by Councilman Hait
that the meeting adjourn.
Town Clerk
February 20, 1962
To: Town Board, Town of Wappingers
From: Town of Wappinger Planning Board
Subject:Recreation in Town of Wappingers
Date: February 22, 1962
This memorandum refers to the request of the Town Board
for the Planning Board's recommendation on the proposed purchase
for recreation use of the Kapfenstein property located on All
Angels Hill Road.
It is the Planning Board's considered opinion after a
detailed study of recreation in the Town of Wappinger, that the
so-csllad Kapfenstein property not be approved for purchase by
the Town Board.
The Planning Board is nearing completion a Community
Development Plan which we hope will represent the best goals for
the future development of the Town and the best policies and
standards to be followed in reaching those goals. This development
plan will be based on the extensive studies of existing conditions
in the Town, and reflects the desires and wishes of the Town
residents as determined from the meetings held throve -lout the Town
last Fall. Ia May 1962, further meetings will be held to familiar-
ize the public with the development plan to date. This Development
Plan will be a helpful guide in the review and control of the rapid
development taking place in the Town.
A Recreation Plan will be an integral part of the overall
Community Development Plan. Recreation goals, policies and stand-
ards will be arrived at jointly by the Planning Board, Planning
Consultant, Recreation Commission and the Town Board.
To: Town Board
-2- Feb. 20, 1962
Thus far, all the above parties have agreed on
applying the following generally accepted recreation standards:
Land for playground and play fields - 3 acres per
1,000 pop.
Tend for parks and special facilities - 7 acres per
1,000 pop.
A second aspect of standards is the matter of location.
While Town parks are located where partianiAr4 suitable land
may be found, it is important that active recreation areas be
strategically located with respect to the population that will use
Based on a population of 10,000, and on a criteria of
3 acres per 1,000 there is an immediate need of approximately
30 acres for playground and play fields for sports and active
recreation within easy access of school children. The Towns-
people have demanded this type of play areas and it is our duty
to be responsive to their wishes. Therefore, it is our recommend-
ation that the Recreation Commission (1) purchase and develop
sites near existing residential areas which presently do not have
such facilities (2) Require recreation land be set aside in
new subdivision or, where land is unapproved, to waive the
requirement of land and accept an equivalent amount of money to
be used for purchase of recreational land.
With proper plennivg, some of these play areas can very
easily be expanded into a 10 - 20 acre parks and at no acquisition
cost to the taxpayer.
To: Town Board
-3- Feb. 20, 1962
Land for Parks and Special Facilities
Based on a population of 10,000 and a criteria of
7 acres per thousand, there is an immediate need of 70 acres of
large parks and special facilites. At the present time the Town
has acquired the Reese �,,e.ye.i Ly of 4+0 acres and the Becker property
consisting of 52 acres or a total of 92 acres. This is more than
adequate to serve the present population. Additionally, we are
happy to report that Dutchess County has announced plans to fully
develop YO acres of County owned land adjacent to the County Air-
port along the Wappingers Creek. We understand that funds are
available in this year's budget to start work on the property this
Spring. This will give the Town of Wappinger the following large
park sites:
Reese Site 4o acres
Becker Site 52 acres
Airport Site Lei:30 acres
Total -12 acres
With a criteria of 7 acres per thousand and based on the
present population of 10,000, the Town of Wappinger will have
availably twice as much recreation propertAthe suggested recommended
It is interesting to note that the Board of Supervisors
wisely decided not to purchase any additional recreation land until
the Wilcox site (600 acres) and the Airport site (50 acres) are fully
developed. Both of these recreation areas will be available for use
this summer. Negotiations are continuing for acquisiton of 350 acres
of Wassaic State School property gratis from New York State.
To: Town Board
Feb. 20, 1962
Provisions are also being made in the Town Development
Plan to supply certain special types of recreation areas and
facilities, when the need becomes great enough. These special areas
and facilities include Swimming, fishing, boating, winter sports,
and even the advantage of enjoying a magnificent view or a beauty
spot. The Planning Board visunlizes the creation of parks on open
lands along the full length of the Wappingers Creek and. Sprout Creek.
Efforts are now being made by the Town Board to acquire a site along
the Hudson River providing it is within the Town's present means.
On December 1, 1961, our Planning Consultant, at the
request of the Town Board rendered a preliminary recreation report
for "P1 nning Board Discussion Only." After a detailed study of Town
Recreation needs for the past three months, the PlAnning Consultant
and P1 nnjng Board are substantially in agreement that:
1. Since there is now a definite need for neighborhood type
of playground-playfield recreation sites, steps be taken
immediately to supply this need.
2. The Planning Board should exercise their right to require
subdividers to set aside as ranch as 10% of their 19pa for
recreation purposes or the equivalent in money where there are
not suitable recreation sites in the subdivision.
3. The Reese site and Becker site be developed to its fullest
potential before acquiring any additional lAnd for lADge type
parks unless it offers unusual type recreation facilities not
being supplied by the present park sites.
4. The Town should make every effort to reserve the tributaries
of the Wappinger Creek and. Sprout Creek for parks or maintain
this area as open lands.
To: Town Board
-5- Feb. 20, 1962
Since this land is in a drainage area, it is believed that
it could be acquired at little or no cost to the Town.
5. The development by the County of the Airport site, at
no direct cost to the Town, which will supply similar
recreation facilities as the Becker site and the Kapfenstein
site, precludes the necessity of purchasing the Kapfenstein
property at this time.
6. With the concentration of present parks sites in the
northern part of the Town, preference for future park sites
should be given to the southern part of the Lown.
The Planning Board sincerely fee's this is a sound and
realistic approach to the Town Recreation Program and is geared to
supply the necessary recreation facilities as and when they are
required due to population increases, other than perhaps special
recreational facilities.
Respectivefully submitted,
Town of Wappingers Planning Board
FiRPOSE. The purpose of theses regulations is to establish uniform
revisions for vacation and sink leaves applicable alike to all
mployees of the Town of Wappinger.
2. 12INITIoN. The term "Town employee" shall include all employees
f the Town of Wappinger except sleeted officials, department heads
mbers of Hoards and Commissions, but not temporary employees.
CATION. When an employee has completed one year of continuous
=anent employment with the Town, he or she shall be entitled to
ree calendar weeks of vacation with pay at the regular rate,
no event shall an employee be allowed more than three weeks
cation in any calendar year, except that an employee may with the
pproval of the departmtnet head accumulate one calendar week of
aoation to be used by him or her, but such vaeation leave thus
-ecumu1ated must be used by him or her in the next succeeding year.
employee failing to use such accumulated vacation at the time
rd in the manner prescribed herein shall be deemed to have forfeitei
ria same. All Town employees who have been employed by the Town
a eermanent basis for at least six continuousennthe may at the
oration of the department head of the deparment in which the
mployee is employed be granted one calendar week of vacation with
yay at their regular rate. Nowfivers in the event that an
tmployee is granted a week of vacation at the expiration of six
ronths of continuous service to the Town, such weeek so granted shall
to charged against the tree weepy vacation to which the employee
uould have been entitled to had he not been granted a week of
i acation at the end of six Months emplyment.
IL LEAVE. LEAVE, Absence from duty by an employee of the Town by router,
of aiolpess or disability of himself or hereelf by reson of illness
eir death of a member of his or her immediate family shall be allowed
es provided in this section and not otherwise. Absence from duty
hall, if duly granted b:, the department head for such reason
hall be considered and known as "sick leave" Th a following
egulations shall govern such absence from duty.
• An emplyee of the Town may be absent from duty on account of
ickness or disability. Every leave for such absence is granted
the depart ment head. Any sick leave eo granted shall be
ported to the Town Clerk as hereinafter provided.
• No employe,f) shall receive any part of his compensation while absent
rom duty because of illness or disability except as herein provided,
• An employee of the Town shall be granted sick leave with pay of
&no day a month or twelve days a year. Suoh leave with pay shall
te ranted to the employee by the department head.
The twelve days a year to be allowed an employee for sick leave wij
ay may hereafter be acceetillated at the rate of one day a month
tjntil a total of" one hundred twenty days is reached, and may be
apt to his credit for future sick leave with pay.
Upon becoming sic1 or disabled an employee by virtue of employment
ervice after the effective data of this resolution may during
L;ia sickness or disability be granted sio4 leave with pay to the
extent of the unused sick leave which he or she has accumulated,
int no sick leave with pay shall be granted to any employee in
MCOOUS of one hundred twenty day a in any one calendar year. Any
t.mployee absent from duty mofie than the maximum period for sick
:eave shall not receive futhor oompeneation.
1. Allowable and allowed sit* leave shall be considered for all
Purpoeea as continuing services, but, in the event of resignation
car discharge of an employee his accumulated and unused sick leave
Um* shall be cancelled and not paid fox'.
6, An employee isolated or quarantined booauae of exposure to a
e�onmaunioabie disease shall for the purpose of this regulation,
be considered absent beaauae of eiekness and may be granted sick
leave with pay during suoh isolation or quarantine, to the extent
this accumulated or unused sloe leave time, Where an employee
a isolated or quarantined beeoauee of exposure to a aoxrmuntoable
seaee oontao tied in the line of duty, then and in that event
t.Q may be granted additional sick leave with pay, but such
lditional aiok leave with pay shall not exceed one year, should
employee require additional sink leave beyond one year, it
all be granted him but without pay for the duties of his
liness. The validity of the employee's claim for ouch sick
ave as heroin before deanribed shall be determined by the Town
«ard, whome decision in the matter shall be final„
. No employee ray be granted a leave of absence from duty by reason
pregnancy* The existence of pregnancy 'Host be reported in
citing to the department head not later than the fourth month
e department head may continue such employee in service until
=uvh time, as in hia judgement„ further service would not be to
t:rie best ineterest of the Town or the employee„ but in no event
t eyond the sixth month*
Every employee leaving Town service because of pregnancy may be
x einetated without examination to her former position or to a
imiliar portion and upon such reinstatement the employee so
)instated may receive the same ooneation that she reoeived
;ion ieavint Town service upon oertifioation thereof by the head
r the department* And further provided that such reinstatement
ay be permitted only if a vaoanov exists in the same or a lower
rade* An further provided that such application be made within
c ne year after leaving Town service. Applications for netatament
nut be made to the department head xcamixtimaxa#* �+ + • to the
D xtaheaa County Civil Service Commission. A physician's certificate
may be required by the department head at any time attesting to
tike physical fitness of an employee to perform the duties of the
pbaition while said employee is still employed by the Town, and
a Lso prior to returning to duty.
i Where an employee reveives compensation under the workmen's
C pensation Law on account of disability, he obeli elect in
w icing whether hee desires to have sick leave with pay during the
p od of disability for which he reoeived comnpensation. Such
✓ iting must to filed with the department head. In the event
t at the employee sleote to take side leave with pay during such
d sability for the period of his disability not exceeding his
a cumulated and unused elok leave time be paid the differenoon
o what he reoeived as compensation and his regular rate of pay,
Tie time during which he is eo paid obeli be deducted from his
a ►.cumulated sick leave time* Such election shall be made within
3 days after the period of disability 0easea.
j The department head may require a phyaioianAs certificate for ani,,,,
a serum wherein an employee requests abeereoe from duty to be
o.argeed against sick leave* Where the illness or disability is
0.' long duration a physician's oertifieate will be required for
e oh 30 days of aoetinuoue *boons.* In any cases the deparmtnet
h ad may require an examination by a physician or other accessible
e� idenoe that the illness $0 bofide0
k It shall be the duty or every department head after the effeextivea
d .to of this resolution to Pak* * report in writing to the Town
S yard on the 5th day of each month dor et the first meeting of the
T wn Board in each and every month giving the name of the easploysi
a_ .d the sick leave used.