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215 Meeting of the Town Board of Wappinger, November 12, 1962-7:30 P. M. Present -Jud Williams Richard Linge Malcolm Hait George A. Robinson Place-- W. C. S. Auditorium. Motion made by Mr. Hait and seconded by Mr. Robinson as follows: Resolve that the Town Clerk forward to the Dutchess County Planning Board a copy of the proposed zoning ordinance of the Town in its current form. Motion passed Public Hearing began 7:45 P. M. on proposed zoning ordinance. Called to order by Supervisor Linge. He discussed the fact that the Planning Board has worked onthiswith the help of Frederick P. Clark and Associates. Mr. Wiedle went over briefly the map which has been prepared. He stated that Vwo years ago F. P. Clark Assoc. were contracted by the Towns of Wappinger and Fishkill and the City of Beacon to prepare zoning ordinances. (Beacon's was revised) Approximately 18 public information maetings have been held to get ideas from the citizenry to hecp in their work. The plan is in the form of a map and a text of policies of future developement in the Town of Wappinger. It tells what the Planning Board feels are the best development goals for the future. The proposed zoning ordinance is one of the means of effectuating goals in the Town developement plan. the property value of the people. The zoning map divides the Town of Wappinger into 9 types of dis- tricts. 5 types are rdsidential areas; 2 commercial; 2 industrial The entire Town must be zoned. Because of poor drainage land in the Town, we have tried to promote Restrictions are to protect (90 water and sewerage in each development. Planning Industrial areas are much more estricted than others in General Industrial Area. A question -- answer period followed as follows: Mrs. Florence Graff and Mrs. Niola Wilson -against commercial zoning at intersection of Myers Corners Road and All Angels Hill Road. they stated (1) It would effect the residences in and around this particular area. (2) Whir is Myers Corners Road all residential until you COMB to the corner? Wants to restrict as it is. No more businesses. (3) Residences in that area are not in need of a commercial area. Mrs. Wilson added that they are fighting this because it could become run down if it did not serve the needs of that area and therefore would not be paying businesses. Leo Clark -All Angels Hill -in favor of commercial zoning at intersection. Believes that business in that area would be good for the people in the area. Stated that Mrx. Parsons has been there long before some residents. Mrs. Wilson interrupted to say that they do not dispute Mr. Parsons beints there. Mr. Clark answered that there must have been some misunderstanding, A.so stated the Mrs. Fraff's property is being used for business. TV repairs -real estated-billboards. Joseph Reiss --All Angels Hill Road -Agreed with Leo Clark. Questioned the sudden desire of some people to protect thisproperty when they themselves are conducting businesses in the area. Would much rather have a drug store, etc., than real estate, etc. Robert W. Fieies-De Farmo Hills -Against Commercial area at intersection When he moved into the area the businesses there were not objection- able. They gave him no problem. Fells further businesses in area would degrade the property there. Bud Passes -Stated that there is land near Route 376 that could be 217 zoned commercil and would not hurt people as much.as at Myers Corners intersection. Presented petition with 122 signatures against commercial at interesection. Opposed petition that had been passed around in favor of commercial at intersection. Said it had been circulated by a member of the Planning Board and did not feel tht this was proper. Wishes the Torn Board would consider how much work the people in the area had puton the petition aginst. Normington Scofield -Lawyer representing people on Myers Corners Road who have small businesses.(Read list of names). These people have no objection to the present proposed zoning of Myers Corners Road. Had petition with 152 names aksing that zoning be left as proposed. Believes that a 3rd party should act as arbitrato. Believes F. P. Clark Assoc. is doing this and that the solution should rest with planning Board. Louis Clausen -Widmer Road -Asked how soon we could expect zoning to take effect. Wondered what happens after tonight. Mr. Williams answered -after hearing andafter either 30 days have elapsed during which the County Planning Board has had a crack at it or if the County Planning Board gives cleaance before 30 days, the Town has authority to enact. If it is d6cided to amend it, another public hearing should be held. It becomes effective after 10 days of notification in newspapers. Clausen asked if zoning as such ispaased, will small businesses they have to Rollow recommendations regardless if tiummx were there before zoning became effective? Answer -Williams -If business is a lready in effect, it can continue as long as they want and can sell Businessses cannot be enlarged substantially unless they are in the proper zone. Question -doesn't busines have to cor;tply ? Ans.No, not if already in business before zoning. 21S Widdle--Business can be expanded up to 50% of its value. Clausen -talking about salvage yard -is it true that salvagg yards must comply with ordinance? Fred. Schubert -De Garmo Hills --was curious how 156 people could sign in favor of Myers Corners zoning. He can get many names not interested. Asked Town Board to please consider that the name on the petition aginst with 122 names are those who will really be effected. Mrs. Graff --Gene Schuele is daughter carried other petition (for) Henry F. Boehm, Jr.-Middlebush Road -What assurance do we have that this planning is any better than the school planning was. George R. Bellville, Jr. --All Angels Hill Road -Moved out in country to be away from bussiness and eysores. Does not wnat them near him. Eugene Zieha(?) DeGarmo Hills --Against Commercial at Myers Corners intersection. Wiedle-Said we have goals for the future. Have considered future growth. Had to provide sufficient space to meet retail shopping needs of community. Felt the best place to locate was at major intersections. 99999 -Why not Route 376 and Myers Corners Road -more of an interssetion? Why select heavily residential area for commercial This would not protect residents like zoning should. Why not put it in places not so residential. Leonard Greene --Myers Corners & All Angels Road. --Moved to All Angels Hill Road to get out in country. Does not want business because it would decrease the value of property. Andrew Tullis -Old State Road. -How is the Board of Appeals to be formed? When ordinance is accepted, how soon can appeals be put in? Ans.-At any time. (Ans. to firt question-Tontative appointments 219 have already been mad. When ordinance is adopted it will be official) Michael A. Migliore --Theresa Blvd. Cedar Hill Rd. -Spoke before in favor because now we have nothing. Anyone can raise chickes, pigs, etc., and use anything to build with. Zoning will not please everyone. We have to give a little and take a little for our own good. Fred. J. Lafko-Alkoa Enterprises -First -personal -he is building near airpor. On the proposed map he would be no -conforming. Could only expand 50% and wants to expand at least 3 times in order to do good business. Will have to call his business to a halt if not rezoned. Second -Business -developing with Dave Alexander. Said Wialle pointed out that central water and sewers are wanted. To get this you have to build on a large scale. Will be allowed to continue only residential construction of single family homes. Houses will only call for more schools and more taxes. Should have RD20 areas to aid Town to make firm tax base. Wnnld balance to keep taxes down under $600. -5700. per house per year. Taxes in Quitt Acres or equivalent:are $350. to $400. a year total tax. Only way to bringdown is, multiple dwellings. Proposed aprt- ment site which Lfko has is strictly for senior- residents and will not add anything to schools See attached clipping from Lafko about senior residential areas near Peekskill. M. Burger --Tal Trees -Wheeler Hill Road -Did not intezid to dispute intention of consulting engineers. Stated that there are 3 parcels of land on Wheeler Hill Road where there have been multiple dwellings for many years. On the reap it is listed as one family residents. imttkngxTm, This should be corrected. Owner of Tall trees has resided there since April 1952. He has dwelling and cabins. Zoning proposed will hurt his life work. Asks for consideration to rezone bo RD20 221 Wiedle-suggested useRD designation was to permit greater flexibility than could be provided if entire was zoned single dwelling homes. Eck -asked why RD area is along side airport on Route 376 Wiedle-Said he would estimate 1500 acres have been zoned RD Stephen Puzi©-215 Wheafe Road -lives in Town of Poughkeepsie but is b uil$tn.g in Town of Wappinger. Said most of the Town is 710 which means you have to have home built on one acre of land. The intended growth of the Town is 50,000 people and he asked how many schools would be needed. Wondered if Town and School Boards have taken this into consideration. Will there be enough taxes? Shouldn't there be more indutrial area -11% is not enough for Town Weidle-estimates of 50,000 does not mean that this will take place just meansthat we are preparing for these developments. Stated if lots were smaller there would be a possibility of greater population. Eugene L. Lahey -feels same as Ken Blom -does not believe in planned industry in Old State Road area. Asked if Planning Board could find another site. F. W. Brown -Route 9D -Questioned reason behind industrial area zoning of 9D where all commercial ventures have always fallen flat. He moved there with the expectancy that it would never be indutrialized Wants to know reason behind? Linge-Said it is low area and that only people who could afford to reclaim it would be industry. Also being close to Rt. 84 was considered. Wiedle-Stated that the amoung of land put askde for industry is enough for probable growth in. area. This 9D area is attractive for industry. Brown -Cannot understnad Planned Industry. Lange -Planned Industry would only allow laboratories, etc. Conte -by 1980 The Town of Wappinger will triple in population. We 299 are zoning for the future and trying to protect property values. We are trying to build up a tax base. Right now we are a bedroom town which makes higher, taxes. We want to have a mixture. Ketchamtown is under considertion. Dr. Melvin Engelman -Old State Road -Said it is heartening that other sections are under consideration for Industrial Area. Wildle-stated that zoning ordinance is not trying to make it difficult for anyone. Dr. Engelman -Over 90% of the residents are on record as opposed. Fail to see logic of Industrial between R20 and R40 areas. Wiedle stated that this is to protect people i$ving in this location. Engeleman-This would not protect. Does not care to see taverns, road houses, amusement areas here. Residents should know that only residents will be near them. Feels that the proximity to the new highway is the only thing stated at the meeting why this is to be indutrial. Feels Ketchamtown Road would be much more attractive. Stated that 2 or 3 miles are only 2 or 3 minutes int ravel time so industry does not have to be near interstate hikghway. Feels this location would be more attractive as a bird sanctuary. Was rural residential when he moved there and would like to keep it this way. Said that the first article in the ordinance says what they feel. Charles Crawford -speaking for father -owns about 50 acres on 9D Part is residential and part industrial. Would suit them if all was industrial. We need work places for people. Also spoke for Mr. Gilbert. Noesn't want enemies from across the road but his side suiyd him fine. Mrs. A. Tullis -on f9D-Feels most points have been covered. Feels could be nice park rather than. Industrial. area. There is now no place for children to play. Should keep the natural beauty of the place. 223 Mr. & Mrs. Adam Schaudenecker-West sid. Rt There is RD20 across the street and R40 on hhureside.-',Jould like either side of 9D from Ketchamtown Road into the Village to have the same zoning. Bruce Stotz-New Hackensack Road -Non -conforming area -What can he rent his stores for? What are the restrictions? Widdle-cannot answer without study. William M. Albrecht -5 Cindy Lane -Quiet Acres-infavor of zoning as is. Do not want apartment buildings in area. Assessments should be checked. Feels there is no comparison. 41 Tony Gallo -Representing Chamber of Commerce. read letter asking for further study on zoning before passing. Mrs. Kay Berry -9D -Between Village ane Mialdlebush Road -Why was zoning changed from RD20 to R20. Wiedle-did not recall specific reasons but was contentious of opinion of Planning Board to change. Asked her how she thought this should be zoned. Berry -Does not want it changed, just wanted answer to why it was changed(Hel-Check back in, minutes to see if you can find) Would like it commercial. Llloyd Anderson -Spook Hill Road -What are restrictions on existing farms? Wiedle-No restrictions. Anderson -Brought up question of spreading manure. Wiedle -The intent of the ordinance is not to prevent a man from fertilizing his land. Alexander Goldbert-Off Cedar HIll Road -Old Pugsley property Spoke about Greenvale Farms which is R40, situated across from R15 area, North and West is 020, Asks consideration to change area across from R15 area to R20. 224 MartinLeskow- If a -person owns land and wants to sell an a r e at a time, can he do it? Williams -this comes under sub -division regulations. 99999Can wells and septic tanks be permitted if sold in one acre lots. Williams -still must consult Planning Board and Board of Health Back to Pugsley estate-- man???? -wants to keep it R40 because of large homes already there. George Noto-Ketchamtown Road -On existing farm, how much expansion can be done. Ans.-no restrictions. 9999999+FarM problem could be cleared up if some land was zoned for farming. Linge-Any land can be farm. Question -Can farmer ppen stand Ans. Can sell products of his own farm. What constitutes a farm? There are no limitations of siez of farm. Mrs. Graff --Why haven!t you marked White's Crtrners as commercial in the future there will be a lot of development here. Conte -There is a shopping area planned in Swartoutville which is 1/2 mile from White's Conners. Suhubert-Called for show of hands against commerical at Myers Corners -Response was much larger against than for. Respedtfully submitted, Madeline S. Evans Act. Sec.