1952-10-24A special meeting of the Town Board or the Town of Iappinger was held in the Town Hall on October 24,1955 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Justice R.H.Dederer,Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. The meeting was called for a hearing on the preliminary budget. , Proof was presented to the Town Board by the Town Clerk or the publication of notices specifying time and place of hearing upon such budget. The Town Clerk presented budget to the Town Board. The hearing was held open from 4 o'clock to 5 btclock P.1% with members of the Town Board present. No persons appearing either in favor of or against the preliminary budget,a motion was made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe that budget be adopted as read. Carried Thereas trAs Town Board has met at the time ana place specified in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard thereon,now therefore be it }resolved that this Town Board does hereby adopt such preliruinary budget as originally compiled as the annual budget of this Town xor the fiscai year beginning on the first day ox January 1956 and that such budget as so adopted,be entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of this Town Board and be it Further resolved that the Town Clerk of this Town shall prepare and certify in duplicate,copies of such annual budget as adopted by this Town Board,together with the estimates if any adopted pursuant to Sec.SO;& A Subd.z of the Town law,and deliver two copies thereof to the Supervisor ox this Town to be presented by him,to the board of Supervisors of this County. An advertized Public Hearing was also held at the Town Hall on October 24,19bZ at 4 o'clock P.Y.for the purpose of purchasing a Spreader,purchase price not to exceed $1245.00 no persons appearing in favor of or against such purchase,a`motion was made by Councilman Devoe seconded by Justice Dederer,that Superintendent or Highw ay,Harry B.Griewold be empowered to purchase the above mentioned equipment. Carried T'otion made by Justice Dederer,seconded by Councilman DeVoe that meeting adjourn. Carried 47 j I .. .... ......... I .................................�l'G V BUDGET 19.6� 4 Townof........................................ I .. ... .... ..... . ... ................................................... Countyof ............ ...... ........... . ........................ I .................... Form 477 A. J. Lau: & Co., Inc., Lockport, N. Y. t--PNFu AT. R INF)—APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT TOWN BOARD 20 Town Hall and Offices a. Rentals (board roorn, office, elections, etc.) b. Compensation of employees c. Purchase of furniture and equipment J. Repairs, ligl.t, heat and telephone e. Dues —Association of Towns f. 21 Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) b. Compensation of custodian of voting machines c. Voting machines, purchase and repair d. 22 Insurance a. Compensation insurance b. Official bonds and undertakings c. Fire an liability 22a Assn. of Towns— Membership (Sec. 102, Par. 10) 23 Printing and advertising (all departments) 23 Services of attorney and expenses of litigation Services of engineer and expenses Zoning inspector and expenses ��' l��C�f�t ' , , Publicity fund Employees' Retirement System (town share) Promotion of economy and efficiency in governmenT ,a 24 SUPERVISOR a. Salary b. Compensation of employees c• Office and other expenses d. e. J$D.DD t,f D, U 4 D.aD DD.DD �DDd TAL l yav,�v 2a4 av TAL 2aaoDo 4 D L► D 24.00 TAL TAL 2SU40 ad.4v SU. MOR 24 JUSTICES OF THE PEACE a. Salaries Q Q U Q b. Compensation of employees / C. Office and other expenses d. OTAL 25 COUNCILMAN a. Salaries 4 D e b. Office and other expenses 2 Q O c• 25 TOWN CLERK a. Salaries b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 26 ASSESSORS a. Salaries Q Q Q b. Compensation of employees / C. Office and other expenses Q d. OTAL 26 RECEIVER OF TAXES (TAX COLLECTOR) a. Salaries b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 27 TOWN ATTORNEY a. Salary b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 27 TOWN ENGINEER a. Salary b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 28 TOWN COMPTROLLER a. Salary b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 28 ZONING COMMISSION a. Salaries b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses d. 29 BOARD OF APPEALS a. Salaries b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses. d. 29 PLANNING BOARD a. Salaries b. Compensation of employees c. Office and other expenses J. i TOTAL --GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 30 POLICE, CONSTABLES AND DEPUTY SHERIFFS a. Compensation b. Mileage and other expenses Q D c. Purchase of equipment OTAL 31 LOCKUP I 1 a. Compensation of employees b. Other expenses C. OTAL 31 TRAFFIC SIGNS, SIGNALS AND HIGHWAY LIGHTING v G1'0 d OTAL 32 DOG WARDEN a. Compensation Q Q D Q b. Other expenses �Q Q Q OTAL 32 FOREST FIRES a. Payment to Conservation Commission b. Compensation of fire warden, laborers, etc. C. 32 FIRE FIGHTING (209 Gen. Municipal) 33 INSPECTION COSTS a. Building inspection 6. Plumbing inspection c. Electrical inspection 33 EXAMINATION BOARD a. Plumbers b. Electricians c. Heating and ventilating AL I , f') tj MEN w tm TOTAL—PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY 0 ou 9 V EDUCATION 30 SCHOOL DIRECTORS a. Compensation 0 b. OTAL 34 ATTENDANCE SUPERVISOR a. Compensation 4 O U b, / 0 1) 0 TALfig 34 TOWN HISTORIAN a. -teeI peeI"*.* b. OTAL 34 TOWN LIBRARY b. OTAL 6 01,0,6 TOTAL EDUCATION a Q RECREATION 35 PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS a. Compensation of employees b. Other expenses %3d Q Q Q c. Purchase of equipment d. oTAL D U 4,011 35 PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES A Q 6 Q a. b. C. OTAL 2Q TOTAL RECREATION PUBLIC UTILITIES 36 CEMETERIES OTAL 36 AIRPORTS OTAL DOCKS OTAL D TOTAL—PUBLIC UTILITIES ME MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of J7 pREDEMPTION OF DEBT (Principal) TEMPORARY LOANS a. Emergency appropriation loans b. Revenue anticipation loans c. Deficiency loans d. Other (describe) 37a BONDS (Give title of each issue) e. b. C. 38 INTEREST ON DEBT Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) e. b. TOTAL—REDEMPTION OF DEBT TOTAL—INTEREST ON DEBT CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT 39 NATURE OF IMPROVEMENT e. ,f� 1 b. ��""" % C. d e. i. 9. h. k. TOTAL—CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS district an( I special improve OTAL DTAL 9 nent debt) 40 VETERANS ORGANIZATIONS FOR ROOMS 40 JUDGMENTS AND SETTLEMENTS a. b. I MISCELLANEOUS TOTAL—MISCELLANEOUS 40 CONTINGENT PURPOSES—Section 112 of the Town Lew 41 RESERVE FUNDS e. b. C. a GENERAL FUND —APPROPRIATIONS—GRAND TOTAL 3 dvd OTAL OTAL OTAL OTAL OTAL j' i Q D O d a o zylgyQa GENERAL FUND RECEIPTS a. Per Capita Assistance from State b. Mortgages taxes c. Bus franchises d. Electric franchises e. Dog licenses from Co. Trees. f. Interest g. Licenses and Permits h. Fines, penalties and forfeitures i. Gifts and grants j. Rent of town property k. Fees of Town Clerk I. Fees of Justices of the Peace m. Fees of Assessors n. Fees of Tax Collector o. Fees of Constables or Police Officers p. Fees of town library q. Fees of parks and playgrounds r. Fees of airports s. Fees of cemeteries t. Miscellaneous fees u. Sale of town property v. Other receipts Unexpended balances (Sec. 115 Town Law) TOTAL— ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) � �aiao 200 40 d ..,........ _........,._._ ,, 0 all y721•o 0 GENERAL FUND—SUMMARY Appropriations a. General government b. Protection of persons and property c. Education d. Recreation e• Public Utilities f. Ao4rw40;erw "&bt. GYyr '%fZsd g. Interest on debt h. Construction and permanent improvements i. Miscellaneous �. Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND WELFARE FUND APPROPRIATIONS 44 TOWN WELFARE OFFICER a. Salary b. Office and other expenses C. Compensation of employees d. e. 45 HOME RELIEF Burials Lunacy Examinations Other Lunacy Expenses 45 VETERANS' RELIEF TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS L; Estimated Revenues a. Reimbursement of home relief from State 4� b. Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State c. Refunds of home relief from recipients d. Gambling money e. Unexpended balance (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO PE RAISED BY TAX FOR WELFARE FUND d0 gaD.00 AL AL P -,/I/ r,�a o HIGHWAY FUND 60 HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM I)—APPROPRIATIONS o. General repairs u. Special improvements d. Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273 Highway Law—Principal Redemption or debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273 Highway Law --Interest Reserve Funds Estimated Revenues TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS a.State aid b. Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1 ) ERWIN ACT (ITEM IA)—APPROPRIATIONS (NOTE: If only one Project, use last column and show D.P.W. Serial Number) a. Personal services b. Materials and supplies L. Machinery Rentals d. Other expenses TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. State aid b. Miscellaneous Revenues c. Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES APPROPRIATIONS LESS REVENUES TOTAL AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX (ITEM IA) 60 BRIDGE FUND (ITEM 2)—APPROPRIATIONS a. Labor and team work b. Materials for repair and maintenance c• Construction of new bridges d. Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273 highway Law --Principal e. Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273 Highway Lew—Interest Reserve Funds Estimated Revenues TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS a. Miscellaneous revenues b. Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2) 1 %1D D dI0 0 OTAL 1' i� .r DU OD TOTAL J d v a o OTAL JD.. P. W. ERIAL. W. SE AL NO .............................................. ... ... NO ......... .......... ................,......_........... D0,00 AL AL 62 MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3)—APPROPRIATIONS a• Purchase of machinery, tools and implements b. Repair of machinery, tools and implements c. Storage of machinery, tools and implements d. Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented to other municipalities e. Gasoline or oil for machinery rented to other municipalities f. Redemption of machinery certificates g. Interest on machinery certificates Reserve Funds sii;nated Revenues TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS a• Rentals of machinery b. Miscellaneous revenues c. Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) 63 SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4)—APPROPRIATIONS a. Salary town superintendent b. Expenses town superintendent c• Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent d. Removing obstructions caused by snow e. Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush f. Other miscellaneous purposes g. Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273—Principal h. Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273—Interest i. Reserve Funds Estimated Revenues a. Miscellaneous revenues b. Unexpended balance TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUNDS z�aa,Qo zg ddao DD UO 2 jDd.00 /DdOD TOTAL 13 UDDD a2ao. ddd. yuaa. ODD. 6 D, )TAL I' 00 D 4) ao Dv S3 )TAL aD10 TOTAL TOTAL 4TAL 411 TOWN HEALTH FUND 64 BOARD OF HEALTH a. Salary of health officer 7,o Q d b. Other health expenses �'� QQ c. Compensation of nurses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH OTAL 69 REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS a. Compensation b. Other expenses c. Fees of physicians TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH SPECIAL D] ul � y Name and Type) APPROPRIATIONS a. Debt service 11 ",IL b. C. d. e. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unexpended balance 7vll "%-i— b. C. d. TOTALNUES Deduct fro Appropriations) AMOUNT TO BE RAISE` X FOR .............. }F.�wsrDISTRICT 3l DD DU OTAL DISTRICT i TOTAL I VI I ....... .........o rw .......... .... DISTRICT .. .. . �...A (Specify Name and Type) APPROPRIATIONS a. Debt service x 2 or b. C. d. a. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unex " d balance b. � �i C. d. TOTAL REVENUES (Detrt ro Appropriations) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR...... DISTRICT I,/ cry y S'4) �Nts;.. . ....... ...... .... . . ... ..... ...... PISTRICT ify Name and pec Type) APPROPRIATIONS a. Debt service Al j b. d. 2 2A 6a 4) 0. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unexpended balance b. Sd 7o C. d. TOTAL REVENUES frjm Appropriati?ns) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR DISTRICT DISTRICT cify Name and Typa) APPROPRIATIONS a. s ice b. C. d. e. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unexpended balance b. C. d. TOTAL REVENUES uct f m Appropji i ns) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAXAF R... DISTRICT L(Speckify ........ .. DISTRICT e ne) APPROPRIATIONS a. Debt s b. C. / d. 9. TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unexpended balance b. C. d. TOTAL REVENUES (D u fro Appropriations) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX F R..... " .......DISTRICT 4� s APPROPRIATIONS a. Deb servic b. d. / e. C TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues a. Unexpended balance b. C. d. TOTALREVENU (De ct from propriations) AMOUNT TO BE RAI E FOR ..............:........ ]STRICT FI9E DISTRICTS (WITH COMM) D _ r '... OLINT OF TAX LEVY (Specify Nome) ...... .. ....... ........... ................. AMOUNT OF TAX LEVY ( ecify Name' �. •� AMOUNT OF TAX LEVY / (Specify Name) • ISTRICT aD�d 0®dam IONER ) r f t k E t Z�7 s { i TOTAL TAXES — ALL FUNDS i I GENERAL FUND i WELFARE FUND I HEALTH FUND Q (� HIGHWAY ITEM I HIGHWAY ITEM IA HIGHWAY ITEMS 2-34 SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICT % j SPECIAL DISTRICTS SPECIAL DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICTS FIRE DISTRICTS Q State of N York - W County of L 1 1 'tJ� Town Clerk of the Town oPhe � L DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the r4_1Qrt duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town 19,5',A and entered in detail in the minutes of the roceedings budget of said Bard, e T an wn of ay of that theis a true d correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof, IN WITNESS WHEREO , I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town, this /O day of 19 "ra Signed (SEAL)