1951-06-075 i A regular meeting of the Town hoard, sown of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on June 7 ,19 51 -- General Present SupervisorEdward A. Scofield, Supt. of Highway Harry B.Griswold Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B. Beatty, Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 8.00 P..N. 835.90 Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. Road uil-------------- General Fund Sinclair Refining Co. ---198.12 Gas----------------- 89 'Frederick J.DeBerto - Dog aervice------- 4.00 90 J .Morris Goring,Wm.Kurtz Post 427 A.L.Maintenance 200.00 ( 91 Harry B.Griswold,oupt.Oalary tray 15 ---- ---- 125.00 C 92 Frederick DeBerto, Dog Service ---------------- 2.00 9-0 `Edward niagan--- jog Service -------------------- 4.00 94, Pew York Telephone Uo . , bervice Judge Lederer '-- 6.85 95 Few York Telephone Co.- Service Town Hall ----- 6.15 96 Gertrude w.Beasley,-- Policy SP14151--------- 2.59 97 .6dith H.Booth,Town ulerk,aalary Aiay--------- 125,00 98 Harry E3.Griswold,Supt's Salary may 31 ---------- 125.00 99 Joseph Costa, Log oervice---------------------- 24.00 100 Gertrude idl.Beasley, Policy AEF 122594 -- ------ 76.39 101 Gertrude W.Beasley, Policy SOLT 182661 --------- 71.50 102 U.H.G.&.E.Corp.-- liughsonville Light Dist. ----- 74.73 103 " 'r " 'r -- Uhelsea bight List .---------- :58.57 104 " "4" " " " -- aervice Store House --- 2.50 105 R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace aalary,11'ay--------- 116.66 106 Edward B.Beatty,Justice of Peace Salary May ---- 41.66 107 Emory J.Hager,uouncilmans aalary, iway-------- 25.00 108 Jesse H.DeVoe, it If it -------- 25.00 109 Paul Reichardt - r1ags hemorial Day -------- 50.00 110 Gertrude vv.Beasleg,Policy SP 22819 --------- 127.44 111 Edith �t.Booth,,i'own Ulerk r,xpense of Office ----- 10.08 $1,283.92 Highway Pund Item 1 -- General Repairs - Lay 1-15 759.20 Item 1 __ Is if i,�iay 16-31 835.90 Lansdell Co.Inc., Road uil-------------- 1814.33 Sinclair Refining Co. ---198.12 Gas----------------- Socony Vacuum uil Co.,---- Cut Back ----------- 745.88 Fishkill Builders aupply Uorp. -- Gravel ------- 325.00 ;7 8.4:6 I 2 L,achinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co., uas----------------------- 45.53 Minuet Super Service, Repairs ------------------- 3.25 Tyson Llack Corp. ----- Parts -------------------- 4.17 uulf Uil Corp.,------ cil---------------------- 30.84 Wappingers hardware --- fools -------------------- b.10 C.Urey------------------ Tools ------------------- 12.55 Homer R.Holden-------- Repairs ------------------ 131.95 Vishkill Plains Garage- if ---------------- 2,20 Elwood Nkacy,.---------- "---------------- 8.50 Lidway Gas & Service Station, Repairs ------------ 72.00 $316.09 Miscellaneous Fund New York Telephone Co.,Service Town uarage------- 6.85 Albert H.Payne,--- Calcium chloride ------------ 401.38 $408.23 Lotion Fade by justice iseatty seconded by Councilman ireVoe that bills be paid. Carried. Motion made by justice Beatty seconded by justice Dederer that the Chamber of Commerce be given permission to hold their meeting in the Town Hall. Carried Communication received from the State Board of .6ducation concerning laying out ventral behool .uistrict #1. Yiotion made by Councilman l,eVoe seconded by justice Dederer that copy of the order be placed on file. carried t�totion made by Justice Dederer seconded by councilman lieVoe that the Town increase their Liability insurance on Town Equipment from $10,00O to $20 ,000 to $6(),00() to 8100 ,000 . Carried Yotion made by justice Dederer seconded by councilman DeVoe that meeting adjourn. carried ...i.r� / ../�