1951-08-09LIU A regular meeting of the Town Bgard,Town of #appinger was held in Town Hall on August 9,1951. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Harry B. Griswold,Justices u.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty,0ouncilmen Emory J.Hager & Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 8 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund -f 128 C.H.G.&.E.Corp. aervice 'Town hall 129 It " " t' t' It Hughsonville Light District 130 n " " " " if uhelsea Light Dist. 131 Harry B.Griswold Supt's salary July 1-14 132 John L .Lucas Keys ( Town Hall) 133 Campbell Press Assessors Votices 134 Edith-H.Booth Expenses Town Board 135 Vew York Telephone Co. -Service 'Town hall 136 Edith H.Booth Town clerk Salary -July 137 Harry B.Griswold Supt's oalary July 16-31 138 Ivan H. Flood Printing 139 O.H.G.&.E.Corp Serviced Town Shed 140 Kenneth A.Campbell Printing 141 R.H.Dederer Justice of Peace aalary July 142 Edward B.Beatty It 143 Emory J .Hager Oouncilmans Salary 144 Jesse H.DeVoe it " 145 Automatic Voting Machine Corp. -- Supplies Hi&hway Fund w General Repairs July 1-14 if It Sinclair Refining Co. - Gas Machinery Fund J.E.Andrews Hardware Co. -- Tools Wappingers Hardware it Tice & Mack Corp. Chains Homer R.Holden Repairs Bennett & Bolaskey 11 Hamilton Oil Service Oil Queen City Oil Co. " Midway Gas & Service Station Repairs South Avenue Service Station Gas 1.90 74.76 38.57 125.00 6.00 9.00 2 .0 0 6.35 126.00 125.00 10.26 1.9u 9.75 116.66 41.66 25.00 25.00 54',44 795 .21 476.30 110.76 $547.0 5 3.06 5.40 94.17 20,86 3.50 14.85 20.01/ 126.00 3.25 $290.14 i.�iscellaneous Fund 0 June 1-15 --- Brush Removal ----------------------- 759.20 June 16-30--- Brush Removal ----------------------- 759.20 Villard Lumber Co. ---- Supplies -------------------- 5.96 New York Telephone Co. -- Service Township -------- 12.06 1536.41 Votion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bills be paid. Carried A,otion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer that me-eting adjourn. Carried -MM Town Clerk. A regular meeting of the Beard of Heal U,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on August 9,l9bi. Present 3-apervisor,Edward R.Scofield,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen,Emory i.Hager & Jesse H,'DoVoe Supt.of Highway,Harry B.Griswold,HealtY Officer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town Clerk,Bdith H.Booth.1 Meeting called to order by Supervisor �cofield at 7:60 P.A. Health Officer reported 18 cases of moalsles and 2 cases of chicken pox,no infectious or contagious diseasee,healt4 of Town to good condition. Meeting Adjourned, Town Clerk.