1952-02-1424 regular meeting of the To�Nn Board ,Town of ':7uI roger was held ir, the Town 'mall on Pi ebruary 14 ,1952 Present Supervisor Edward I1.ucofie1d,Supt,0f,Highway Harry B.Griswold Justices R.H.Dederer 8, Bdwa 13. Beatty, Councilmen L'mory J.Fzager R Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H .Booth. Yeeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:45 P.I:. I'inutes of previous meeting read and: approved as read. General Fund #9'_arry B.Griswold,Supt's Salary January 15 ---- ---- - - 125.00 10 Gertrude Beasley -Town Clerks Robbery .Policy ---- ------ 42.00 11 Villiamson law Book Co.-- Law Books -------- -- --- 10.00 12 Fred. DiBerto --- Tog Service - - - - '.00 13 Gertrude Beasley -- Policy 101,31231 -- - - --- 11.20 14 David �'-jylor -- Elections ---- -------- 10.00 15 Joseph Costa -- Tog Service -------- -- 4.00 16 1lorothy D .Odell -- justice of Peace ; ervices ---- 6.00 17 Ivan ".Flood -- Printing --- -------- 9.75 18 New York Telephone Co. --Service Town Hall ------------ 6.1U 19 " " " - Service Judge Dederer------- 6.00 20, Grinnell Library Assn. -- Annual Il.propriutions ------ 400.00 21 United tater ; ost office -- Stamps -Collector ----- 45.00 22 Edith H.Booth --- Town Clerks Salary ---- 125.00 23 Nar y B.Griswold --- Supt's Salary,Jan.31--------- 125.00 24 Kenneth Campbell --- Printing ----------------- 14,25 25 11it 11 4--------------- 8.25 26 R.H.Dederer -- Justice of Peace Salary,Jan.-- 116.66 27 Edward B .Beatty -- If" IT,t If 50.00 28 Emory J.Hager -- Councilmans T' IT 25.00 29 Jesse H .DeVoe IT T, it 2.5-.00 30 "Villiamson Law Book Co. - Record of Fees Book 11.85 31 United States lost Office -- Stamps- Collector 6.00 32 C.H.G.8: E.Corp. -- Service Town Shed ----- 4.64 National Bank of :Iappingers Falls-- New Check Book --- 2.69 33 Joseph Costa ----- Dog Service ----------------- 16.00 34 I.B.T .Corp. --- Service ----------------- 207.70 35 harry B.Griswold -- Supt's Sulary Feb.15--------- 125.00 36 Joser--h Costa -- Dog Services ----------- 8,00 37 F -^ward R.Scofield -- Expenses Assn.of Towns Convention 81.197 38 W.5.Beasley -- 11 T, T, ,T 80.16 39 R.F .Dederer __ „ FT „ 83.66 ��1.795.78 Highway Fund Sinclair Refining Co.----- Gas -- 96,22 David Alexander - - =ervices----------------------- 50.00 Ken Snaith Machinery Co. Pipe --------------------- 267.30 413.52 I>�iscellaneous �'tind January 1-15---- ?now Removal --------------- 744.80 gational Bank of Walpingers .Falls-Iiew check book 2.69 Highway Find January 15-31 ----- Snow Removal ---------------- 929,75 New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Shed ---------- 6.70 1633.94 25 achinery Fund Abbott & Abbott --.-T Tools-TTF:TTT. 23.05 Lane Fara Supply Inc. ---- carts --------- 104.55 Taranto's Garage --- Storage &: Repairs --------- 66.50 F.nights Garage --- 'kerosene ------------- 1.00 Homer R.Holden --- Repairs -------------- 85.90 Freeman A.Denrey -- -------------- 50.50 da[pingers Hardware -- Tools -------------- 8.07 C .Urey -- ------ - - - - -- 2 .07 Shaker,Travis & Ouinn -- Parts ----------.-- .35 H .0 .Fenn 1achinery Co. -- -------- - - - - - -- .56 f 348.55 Y,otion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that bi11p be paid . Carried I,'otion rade by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman 14ager that weeting adjourn, Carried . V` JA WO 4 0 7V4 ,4R JTown Clerk Vo Board of Health meeting was held. .61-YAR� �/,, Town Clerk.