1952-09-04was held in the Town Hall on September 4,1952. Present Supervisor,Edward R.Scofield,S-upt. of Highway Harry ----- 611.92 B.Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatty and ----- 178 .'75 Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe,and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. i Ideeting called to order by Supr.Scoiield at 8:00 P.N. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. ---- 34 ,96 lappinge rs Hardware General Fund ---- 9.71 V160 -- Pougnxeepsie New Yorker,Advertizing --- 5.89 161 -- hew York Telephone Co.,Service Town Hall -- 7.10 162 -- " " " It Judge Dederer-- 6.75 166 -- Joseph Costa --Dog Service --- 4.00 164 -- Frederick J .DiBerto-- Dog Service --- 4.00 165 -- Harry B.Griswoid,Supt's Salary Aug.60 --- 125.00 1&6 -- Pougnkeepsie New Yorxer, Advertizing --- 14.63 1611 -- Edith H.Bootn,Town Clerk balary Aug. --- 125.00 i68 -- R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace Salary,Aug.--- 116.66 i69 -- Edward B.Beatty,Justice of Peace Saiary,Aug. 50.00 170 -- Emory J.Hager,Councilmans salary,Aug. --- 25.00 171 -- Jesse H.DeVoe, " " " --- 25.00 172 -- C.H.G.&.E.Corp.,Service Town Hall --- 1.90 17z) -- J.Amelia Baxter,Deputy Town C1erk,Services- 42.00 i74 -- Eaitn H.Bootn,Town Clerk,Expenses --- 4.90 1`75 -- C.H.G.&.E.Corp.-Hugnsonville bight Dist.--- 74.81 176 -- „ „ „ " „-Cnelsea " " --- 38.62 $ 671 .2 6 Hi gnw ay Fund Sinclair Refining Co . -- Gas ----- 611.92 Lansdell Co . ,Inc . ----- Road Oil ----- 178 .'75 246.67 11achinery Fund J .E.Andrews Hardware Co . -- Tools ---- 34 ,96 lappinge rs Hardware -- " ---- 9.71 Ellwood H.racy -- Repairs ---- 4.50 Taranto's Garage -- " ---- 24.50 Horner R.Hoiden -- " ---- 107.44 Hamilton Oil Service -- Oil ---- 15.10 York P,odern Corp, -- Parts ---- 5,00 Victor Sanko -- Repairs ---- 16.00 Midway Gas & Service Station-- " ---- 27.95 �� G4G,4n 42 Liscellaneous Fund August 16-60 -- Tree Removal ---- 738.40 New York Telephone Co . ,Service Town Shed ____ 8.bO Dominion Signal Co. -- Road Signs 43.b6 190 .4 6 Building Fund 411liam Schuerman --- Gravel --- 169.uu bervice Lumber Co. --- uemet.Lt --- X9.99 Fishkill Builders oupply Corp.- Gravel --- 58.00 556.99 Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that bilis be paid. Carried Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Dederer that Charles Ackerman be appointed Town School Attendance Officer for the school year 1955-53 ata salary of $40.00 a year. Carried Votion maae by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that meeting adjourn. Carried . /I !gwg,Town Clerk. A regular meeting oz the Board of Health of the, Town or Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on Sept .4 ,1955 . Present Supr.Edward R.Scofield, Supt -of Highway Harry B.GriswoId Health Officer,Dr.William E.Garlick,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 11:45 P.RS. Health Officer reported one case of measles, otherwise health of Town in excellent condition I,eeting adjourned. - - N14110%q-1- Town Clerk.