1952-12-0452 A regular meeting of the Town Board,Town or tappinger was held in the Town Hall on December 4,1952. Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.ol Highway Harry B. Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beatiy,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supr.Scofield at 8 o'clock P.Y. 1 inutes of previous meeting iread and approved as read. 240 241 442 e,40 244 24 5 2/16 247 24b e,4 -j 2 bO 2b1 252 255 264 255 2 b 6 General Fund Harold Berman--Cnairs Town. Hall Harry B . Gri sw old Supt's salary Jonn r .Lucas -- heys---------- itussell J ;Eagan -- Voting L acnine Custodian 19b2 Louis Berinato -- If n it n New York Telephone co. --Services Town Hall -- -- If if ,t " _- it Judge Dederer Gertrude Beasley ---- Premium 8700 ---- Joseph Costo, ---- Dog Services ---- Harry B.Griswold ---- Supt's salary I4ov.30 -- Edith H.Booth ---- Town Clerks talary Nov. R.H.Dederer -- Justice of Peace Salary Nov. Edward B .Beatty- If if 11 if 96.00 12b.00 6.60 100.00 100 .00 9 .4b 6.10 27 .95 12.00 12h .00 121n.00 116.66 h0 .00 Emory J.Hager --- Councilmans " " -- 20.00 Jesse H.DeVoe --- " " -- 2b.00 James J .Lyons -Town Atty. ,'4alary & expenses 19b2 31€1. Williamson Law Book Co . -- Record of .Fees Book 13.81 257 Campbell Press -- Printing Judge Dederer ---- 27.50 258 Dorothy Odell -- Typeing Judge Dederer ----- 10.00 259 C.H.G.&.N.Corp. -- Service Town Shed ---- 2.64 260 Edward B.Beatty -- Expense or Office 1952 ----- 1.47 261 R.H.Dederer -- " " " " ---- 30.00 1 , 34 rr ..moi Machinery Fund J .E .Andrews &. Co. ------- Tools ------- ll .5O Sinclair Refining Co.------ Anti Freeze ------- 15.12 Hudson River Sales Corp.---- Repairs ------- 66.26 Urey Hardware Co. ------ Tools ------- 16.54 Shaker,Travis &; Quinn ----- Repairs -- ----- b.80 P,iidway Gas &: Service Station 11---- --- 21.00 Homer R.Holden ------ If 8:5.4b Abbott & Abbott --- -- Tools ------- 2u.9b Victor Sanko -----_ Repairs ------- 3.2.5 Hamilton Oil Service ------ Fuel Oil ------- 15.91 2611.78 Iii ghw a, ri and Pay Roll 422 General Repairs --------------- 4:6.00 Fishkill Builders Supply Corp.--- Sand --------------- 42.50 J.E.Andrews & Co.-- Pipe - General Repairs -------------- 112.70 Sinclair Refining Co. Gas if t' -------------- 67.92 $6b9.12 Miscellaneous Fund Pay Roll # 21 ----- Snow & Sand, ------------ _ 675.40 PJew York Telephone Co.-- Service Town Shed ------------ 7.95 �s683.35 Building Fund Yi.ron Building Products Co.,Inc. --- Lumber ---------- Percy Brown-------------------Labor(Nov.6 to 11ov.7)Incl. 11 It ------------------ if (Nov.17 " Nov.25)Incl. Service Lumber C0. ----------Cement Villard Lumber Co. ----------Supplies Christensen && Linge Lumber Co. it Wappingers Hardware ------ Tools Poughkeepsie Iron & Yetal Co. Inc. ---Angles -is Bridge Fund Windsor B1dg.Supply Co . ,Inc . ---- Cement ----------- 2,741 ;78 ---------- 53 2,741=78 228.00 182.40 17.80 69 .0 8 67.42 15.811 37.15b 3,659.90 34.80 Motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that Douglas Ackerman be appointed attendance officer in School Dist.#4. Town of Wappinger for the school year 1952-1953 at a salary of $40.00 a year. Carried T:lotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Judge Dederer that Dwight Robbins be appointed dog enumerator,witn the understanding that he takes care of the work himself and does not sublet it. Carried 1,.otion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that ,Ym.R.Vermilyea be employed to build a movable platform in the Justice Court room. Carried 54 Motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman DeVoe that Dwight Robbins be appointed a Constable of Town of `Nappinger. Carried Jack Pulliam &. Richard Hearney representing the Chelsea Fire Co. appeared before the Town Board and presented the attached report of the eire Chief of the Chelsea Fire District in regard to the explosion and fire at the Legion Fireworks Corporation Plant on December 1,1952. The matter will be turned over to the Town Attorney for suture action. i I:totion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer that meeting adjourn. Town Clerk. Carried A regular meeting of the Board of Health,Town of ffappinger was held in the Town Hall on December 4,195 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.of Highway harry B.Griswold,Justices Ralph H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty Councilmen Emory J.Hager and ,Jesse H.DeVoe,Health Officer Dr.vVilliam E.Garlick and Town Clerk. Edith H.Booth. Leeti.ng called to order by Supr.Sc-ofield at 7:4b I'j,. Health Officer reported four cases oz whooping cough/ otherwise Town health in excellent; condition. Leeting Adjourned