1952-12-3055 1 rinal meeting oz t,ne i'own noara, '-Iovv.ri of lappinger was held in the Town Hall on. 'December 60,!9.52, Present Supervisor Edward R.8uotie1d,Supt.o Hignway 11 -airy B.Griswo-Ld Justices R.H.Dederer,and Edward B. -Beatty, Councilmen, Emory J.Hager ana Town Ci-erk,Edith ii..Boo�n. I.eeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:4b P.1i. Yinutes of previous meeting rears and approved as read. General Fund t e,62 bational Barik,vva�-pirigers Pali.s,rd.Y.Rent of Town Hall 19b.00 265 , Paul Reichardt --_ Flag grid Staff Oct. -Nov. -Dec. ----------------- 9 .bb 264 Jestern `i' 'a.riszer Cu .Irtc . -- Cartage ---------- - -- 4.0-4 26,1) Harry B.Griswold,Supt.salary Dec.1-15------------- 125.00 e,6o Edith H.Booth, Town Clerks ualary Dec. ----------- 125.00 267 Edward R.Scofield,Supr.'s salary, Oct.-Nov.-Dec.,19b2 600 .00, 268 R.H.Dederer,Justice or Peace Salary,Deq.----------- lib.74 469 Edward B.Beatty ri it n it ----------- n0.00 270 Emory J .Hager ,C ouncilmans Salary " - - --- - -- 2D.00 271 Jesse H.DeVoe " " "--------- 25.00 2U Evelyn S.Carlson, Supr's Secy - -------- 20.00 27;D Edward R.Scofield,Supr's expenses 19b2 ---------- 69.96 ?.?I William R.Vermilyea,Labor Town Hall --------- 1G8.b9 27b Gertrude a f.Beadley,Policy 618b17 --------- 6.00 276 itIf it IT 8730 New Town Garage ----- 85.85 277 New York Telephone Co.,Services Town Hall ----- 10.b0 2118 ITItITif " Judge Dederer ---- b .8b 47y Transfer to Vis cell aneous Fund ------------- 2000.00 280 Harry B.Griswold,Supt's salary Dec.16-31------- 12b.00 y` ;542b.66 Hi ghw ay Fund General Repairs Dec .1-1b ------------------- 750 .b5 Iiiscellaneous Fund Robert Seymour, Painting Road Signs -------- 40.00 Dec .16-31 -- Snow and Brush Removal --------- 844.90 8 d4 .90 Ibotion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bills be paia. Carried Lotion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that a vote or -thanks oe sent to Style I aster Venetian Blind Co.for the blind donated to the Justice Court Room,Town or Waf;pinger. Carried 56 lotion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman 'DeVOP, that the chairs in the Town Hall be repaired. Judge Dederer was appointed a committee of one to take care of this matter. Carried I:Totion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman DeVoe That the Supervisor be empowered to Transfer ;'2000.from the General Fund to the I.iseellaneous Fund. Carried I';otion mace by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Judge Dederer that the Supervisor be empowered to transfer WOO. from surplus funds to the building fund.this transfer to take place Jan.2,19b3. Carried i T'otion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman. DeVoe that the Collector's Bond for 150 ,000 . be° approved . Carried T.`otion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the Supervisor's Public Official Bond To $12,0()0. be approved. Carried Potion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor's Highway Bond for $10,000. be approved. Carried Lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer that meeting adjourn. Carried Supervisor reported the following balances as or Deo.31,1952 General Fund $1Y,2b2.74 --Highway Fund $4,314.52 .dld g . Fund $ 13.28 Town Clerk.