A regular meeting of tine 'down Board , Town of "Jappinger was held in
the Town Hall on January 8,1953
Present Supervisor,Edward R.Scofield,Justice R.H.Dederer,Councilman
Empry J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Rooth.
?;eeting called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:30 PA,:.
Yinmtes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Pund
t� i Transfer from surplus funds to building fund --------
Williamson Law Book Co. -, hooks Supervisor --------
6 Gertrude W.Beasley -- Justice of Peace Bonde,Premium --
4 if " IT
-- Constables Bonds -------
b D.Beasley Agency Inc. - Collector & Robbery Bond -----
b -Supervisors Official Undertaking
'l C .H.G.R .E .Corp . - Service Town Hall -- ---
8 U.S.Post Office,'1m.J.Eagan P.T`.- stamps for collector
9 C .H .G.&:.E .Corp . -- Service Town Shed -----
16 Campbell Press -- Printing Collectors Notices ----
1:1 Beasley Agency Inc. -- Supervisors Highway Bond ---
!2 Harry B.Griswold -- Supt's salary January 1-1b -----
1;6 Ureys Hardware Co. --- Supplies -----
Highway Fund
Sinclair refining Co. ---- Gas ----
General Repairs-Pishkill Builders Supply Corp. -Sand ---
Louis Doughty ------ Gravel ---
Lachinery Fund
Sinclair Refining Co.--- Gas
11i.dway Gas & Service Station --- Repairs
Victor Sanko------- "
Homer R.uolden ---- "
Hamilton Oil Service ---- Oil
Tyson 1,'iack Corp. ----- Parts
lappingers Hardware ---- Tools
Kiscellaneous Fund
Service Lumber Co. ----- Lumber
New York Telephone Co. -- Service Town Shed
January 1 -lb Snow Removal -Sanding
bO 00 .OEC
152 .33
b .44
10 .50
'� 21 b . 34
84 .0 b
4 .0 2
17 r7 h
$237 .97
2. b7
7 .2b
$ 878.67
M49 M
nuilding, Puna
Abbott &. Abbott ---- Supplies ---- 8.24
I,'illard T,umber Co. -- Cement, ---- 10.40
VanVoorhis Bros.Inc. Shingles ---- 5.00
J .E.Andrews Hardware Co. -Supplies ---- 9.45.
") X6.09
Yotion made by Councilman Devoe seconded by Justice Dederer that
bills be paid.
I>otion made by Councilman Mager seconded by Councilman Devoe
that the Town accept the two roads namely Yesier Avenue extension
and Brookside Drive dedicated by Frederic A.Smith,acceptance of
same having been recommended by the Town Superintendent of Highway.
Lotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman `De,Voe tb t
Supervisor Scofield be designated as delegate and Justice R.H.
Dederer as alternate to attend the annual meeting or the
Association of Towns to be held at the Hotel Statler,New Yorlr City
beginning at 9:4b A.I.T. 'Wednesday February 4th. and ending at noon
on Friday February 6,i9bo and that any !Town official who cares
to attend may do so it tieing a Town charge. Carried
Yotion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman i)eVoe
that 1:rs.J.Amelia Baxter -be appointed Deputy Town Clerk.
I,otion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Councilman Devoe
that the Poughkeepsie New Yorker be designated as the official
paper for the Town of Wappinger. Carried
Yotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Dederer
that the Supervisor, Justices and Town Clerk be empowered to
purchase necessary supplies for the conduction of their office.
I-otion made by Councilman Devoe seconded by Councilman Hager
that the Supervisor be empowered to publish yearly, report,
I'otion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Devoe
that the National Bank of Wappingers Falis,N.Y, be designated
as depositary of Town funds for the Town of 4appinger for
the year 19b6. Carried
I otion made by Councilman Hager seconded Councilman Devoe
that the scale or wages for the Highway Department be as follows
Foreman 1.;D0 per. _.hour or 10.40 per day ---- 8 hours
2nd .glass Operators 1 .Eb per hour or 10.00 per day -- 8 hours
1st.Class Operazors 1.�0 per hour or 9.60 per day -- S hours
lotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Dederer that 59
$400.00 be 9pprobiAted to the Grinnell Library for kaintenarce.
rotion.,made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that
the regular meeting or the Town Board be held the first Thursday
after the first Tuesday of each month. Carried
,lotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Dederer that
the following be alpointed Constables at 75 cents per hour when
so employed.George Sherman,Frank Osterc,Virgil Fnight,David Taylor
Joseph uosta,Elting Scott and Dwight Roboins. Carried
Yotion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Judge Dederer that
the Supervisor be allowed a bookkeeler,saiary not to exceed
0 00.00 a year. Carried
Yotion made by councilman DeVoe seconded oy Councilman Hager
that Tinlield S.Beasiey De appointed chairman or We Board or
Assessors. Carried
Totion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe
that James J.Lyoha be appointed attorney for the Town for !he
year l9oo at a salary or 1600.a year payable annually.
TAtion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager
Resolved that the Town Board does nereby fix We safari Ess oi
the following Town oiiicers and employees for the year beginning
January i,i9bo at the amounts respectively stated and that such
salaries shall be payable at the times respectively specified.
Name ----------------- Office ---------- --- Kalary ---Payable
Edward R.Sco±iald ------ Supervisor ------- ? 1200.00 ---Quarterly.
Harry B.Griswoid Supt.of Highway &300.00--- Semi-Yorthly
R.H.Dederer ----- Justice of Peace iY00.00 -- rontnly
Edward B.Beatty Justice or Peace Q0.00-- it
Jesse H.DeVoe ---- Councilman
Emory J.Hager ----
Edith H.Booth ----
Dr.lilliam F.Garlics --
Winfield S.Beasley
Thomas K.Race
Edward F.Husted
Town Cierx 1800.00
health Officer Y00.00
Chr.Board of Assessors 00.00
Assessor 700.00
Assessor 700.00 __ 11
notion made by Councilman DeVoe secondedby- Justice Dederer that
meeting adjourn.
C arri ed
A regular meeting of the 'Hoard of 14ealth,Town of ',Vappinger
was held in the Town Hall on January 8,195b
Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Coancilmen Emory J.Hager
Jesse H.DeVoe and Justice R.H.Dederer,Realth officer Dr.'Nilliam
E.Garlick and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth.
Y,eeting was called. to order by Supr .Scofield at 8 o'clock Pj,
Health oiiicer reported two cases or Pneunjonia,b of chicken pox
and five of whooping cougnh.no contagious or inlectuous diseases.
Yeeting adjourned.
Town Clerk.