1953-09-1075 A regular meeting of tine Town board , gown oi' iappinger was held in the 'i'own uall on September lv ,195b eresent Supervisor ydwaard d.acotieid,Superinzendent or Highway nary B.Griswold,Justices R.H:Dederer and;dward.Beas,ty, Councilman Oesse i.L.11e";ue aiiu Town :.Lurk ,dith n.Booth. meeting was ca.Lled to order by bupervisor z cofield at 5:30 r.M. Minutes o= previous meutiug read acid approved as read. General T'uud u 152 carry ,,.(iriswold,Jupt's salary xug.l-16 ---- 167 ix) 165 ;New iork Teiepiione 6o. service lown hall ---- 9 .:i5 -- 154 Harry B.Griswold,Supt'a Salary Aug.15-31 ---- 137.50 155'R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace Salary -August ---- 116.66 i 156 E.B.Beatty if " " " " ---- 50.00 157 Emory J.Hager, Uouncilmans " ---- 25.00 158 Jesse H .Devoe if " " X5.00 15!91 U.H.G.&.E.Corp. Hughsonville Lighting uistrict ---- 115.65 160 „ IT " " " " Chelsea " " ---- :b8,66 161 " " If " " It Service Town Hall ---- 1.y0 162 Campbells Press- Printing Town Board ---- 15.00 163 Edith H.Booth-Town Clerks Salary- August ---- 150.00 $782,82 Hi ghw a_v Fund General Repairs- Louis Doughty- Gravel 11x.25 Sinclair itefining Uo . ---- Gas ---- 152.39 The Lansdell Co .Inc . ---- Road Oil ---- 1028.63 Fishkill Builders supply corp, Gravel ---- 19b.00 1393 ,27 Machinery Fund B & F Goodrich Co . --- iHepairs ---- 93.51 Franklin Farm Equipment Co,1nc.,Supplies ---- 20.25 Urey Hardware Co. --- " ---- .95 Homer R.Holden ---- Repairs ---- 25.70 Yidway Gas & Service Station It---- 44.00 Taranto's Garage --- If ---- 57.50 Victor 5anko --- if ---- 21.80 Wappingers Hardware --- Supplies ---- 1.52 J.E.Andrews Hardware Co. " ---- .6th $265.91 MiscellaneoU.s Fund Brush & Tree removal ---- August 15-31 ---- 774.80 New York Telephone Co. ---- Service Town Garage--- 7.75 �7t�2.55 Bridge Fund Repairs Lo 'own Bridges ---- August 1-15 ---- 849.50 Christensen and Linge Dumber Co. --Lumber ---- 5.?18 Hillard Lumber Co. ---- cement ---- b.50 $861,28 I [i lotion made by councilman DeVoe seconded by -Judge Beatty that bilis be paid. Carried Motion made by justice t3eatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that Justice of tine Peace,R.H.Dederer be authorized to attend the State Association ol magistrates at bake Placid,N.y. expenses to be paid by ine Town. Carried lotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman �)eVoe f that meeting adjourn., Carried. Town Clerk. G .No boara of Health meeting was neld. Town C1erx.