Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
MEETING DATE: July 10, 2012
TIME: 7:30 PM
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Public Hearing:
Aopeal No 12-7465
Gene Lois-Is seeking a use variance of Section 240.37 and 240-107(B) (2) of District Zoning
Regulations in a HB Zoning District.
-Where the applicant is seeking a Use Variance to allow a ore-existing singlY family house
to be used for a residence in an HB zone. This property has been used as an office since 2002
when it was granted site plan approval.
The property is located at 1176 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-02-604765
Janice Sabbagh-Is seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations in
an R-20 Zoning District.
_-Where a rear yard setback of 40 feet is required, the apolicant can only oroyide 7 feet
for the installation of a 18 x 33 above ground pool. thus reauesting a 33 ft. rear yard
The property is located at 12 DaisV Lane and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-912877
NOV 0 1 2012
NOV 01 2012
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Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10,2012 Minutes
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10,2012
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Summarized Minutes
Mr. Prager
Mr. Della Corte
Mr. Casella
Mr. Johnston
Mr. GaIotti
Others Present:
Mrs. Roberti
Mrs. Rose
Mr. Horan
Zoning Administrator - Absent
Gene Lois
-Public Hearing- Granted
Janice Sabbagh
-Discussion- Public Hearing July 31,2012
Mr. Prager:
I would like to call the Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals to
order. Roll call please
Mrs. Rose:
Howard Prager-----Here
Tom Dellac0l1e-----Here
Al Casella-----------Here
Bob J ohnston------- Here
Peter Gaiotti -------- Here
Barbara Roberti----Absent
Jim Horan-----------Here
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10,2012 Minutes
Mr. Prager:
The first item on tonight's agenda is a public hearing on:
Appeal No 12-7465
Gene Lois-Is seeking a use variance of Section 240.37 and 240-107(B) (2) of District Zoning
Regulations in a HB Zoning District.
-Where the applicant is seeking a Use Variance to allow a pre-existing singly family house
to be used for a residence in an HB zone. This property has been used as an office since 2002
when it was granted site plan approval.
The property is located at 1176 Route 9 and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6157-02-604765
Mr. Prager:
Sue are all the mailings in order?
Mrs. Rose:
Yes sir.
Mr. Prager:
Can I have a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Casella:
I make a motion to open the public hearing.
Mr. Johnston:
I second that motion.
Mr. Prager:
All in favor?
Boa rd :
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Lois come on up and state what you need and why you need
it for the record.
Mr. Lois:
My name is Gene Lois and my family owns a small residence along
Route 9 and we had our corporate office there for the better part of 9
years and then we built a building on Old Route 9 about 3 years ago.
We put up the building on Route 9 up for sale or lease with Tom
Cerbone and after that with Mr. Lease. Neither one succeeded, we
never even got an offer. We talked about tearing it down to reduce
the taxes but I thought I give it a shot to rent it as a residence.
Mr. Prager:
Have you tried to get offers for the land without the building.
Mr. Lois:
Mr. Prager:
We did do a site inspection on it. There is a trailer in the back of it.
What was that for?
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10,2012 Minutes
Mr. Lois:
It was primarily for records. We do have approval for that.
Mr. Prager:
If this does get approved, I would like to see that go.
Mr. Lois:
Mr. Prager:
Does anyone else have any questions?
Mr. Della Corte:
I notice in the appeal that you said no interior or exterior work needs
to be done. I think that covers what you're talking about Howie.
Mr. Johnston:
Did you take the pictures?
Mr. Lois:
Mr. Johnston:
Except for the trailer.
Mr. Lois:
I didn't think it was germane.
Mr. Casella:
If this is granted are you going to change it back to commercial?
Mr. Lois:
My understanding is we are not changing the zoning; we are just
getting a variance to allow it to be a residence.
Mr. Casella:
You are changing the use variance. Before it was commercial and
you want to change it to residential, are you going to keep coming
back if you then want to change it to commercial again?
Mr. Horan:
Just for the boards knowledge, by granting a use variance to allow for
a residential use for this property it will not foreclose the commercial
use for this property.
Mr. Casella:
How long is this designated?
Mr. Horan:
My recommendation is that you don't.
Mr. Casella:
But we could.
Mr. Horan:
Theoretically, you could. That's not what is requested.
Mr. Dell Corte:
When AI says that, you're not saying changing the zoning from
neighborhood business.
Mr. Prager:
Correct. They are only asking to use the house as a residence.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10, 2012 Minutes
Mr. Johnston:
It could be used as commercial if the use variance is granted?
Mr. Horan:
It could be used for whatever it is currently allowed to be zoned for
because of the allowed use in that zone a residential use is not
allowed unless it is a prior legally exiting non-conforming use. If this
has been continuing used as a house it could continue to be used as a
house but because it was used for commercial purpose~ then the
residential use that went with the house was extinguished.
Mr. Casella:
If we change and grant a use variance, it can be used as residential
or go back to commercial.
Mr. Horan:
That's correct. My recommendation would be if the applicant should
find a buyer for that house and the house is torn down or modified for
a commercial use then the use variance for residential would be
extinct. The hardship here is the applicant has tried to use this
property for which it zoned. He has marketed; tried to lease it even
tried to sell it with no takers. The standard in order to grant a use
variance is the applicant has to show that he has attempted to use
the property in conformance with what it is legally zoned for that
property and he has been unable to do so. The second part is that he
is not able to get a reasonable rate of return on the property and at
this point in time he has no income being generated and only has
Mr. Casella:
Do we know what the original use was? Was it commercial or
Mr. Horan:
I assume residential because of the time it was built.
Mr. Casella:
So it went from residential to commercial and now back to residential.
Just the building.
Mr. Horan:
The request is that a residential use can be used on this property.
The applicant has expressed he is still looking for a buyer. His
chances of selling that property would be greater if there was water
and sewer on that stretch of Route 9.
Mr. Lois:
I could sell it the next day.
Mr. Horan:
I don't think the applicant would want to take the commercial zone off
the table.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10, 2012 Minutes
Mr. Della Corte: Is there a market for residential use right now?
Mr. Lois: It seems like we could rent it for $1200.
Mr. Casella: What would happen to his tax bill if it's changed to residential?
Mr. Horan: It would be the same.
Mr. Gaiotti: If the board grants the variance, can there be stipulations in it? Can
there be a time limit on it and the trailer removed?
Mr. Horan: With respect to the time limit, one of the concerns would be if the
applicant has a residential tenant if there was a commercial tenant it
would be different.
Mr. Lois: It would be year to year with a 5 year limit.
Mr. Prager: The trailer will have to be removed before it is rented.
Mr. Horan: A reasonable condition would be if the property is used for
commercial use that the use variance should cease in the advent he
sells the property.
Mr. Prager: Anyone else? Anyone in the audience?
Mr. Prager: Let the record show that there is no one in the audience for or
against this variance.
Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Casella: I make a motion to close the public hearing.
Mr. Johnston: I second the motion.
Mr. Prager: All in favor.
Board: Aye
Mr. Prager: Can I have a motion to grant or deny this variance.
Mr. Della Corte: I make a motion to grant this variance. We are going to
allow the use for the zoning because the client cannot realize
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
July 10,2012 Minutes
a reasonable return shown by financial evidence. The
hardship is unique and is not substantial portion
of the neighborhood. The variance will not alter
the character of the neighborhood and the hardship has not
been self created. The condition would be prior to renting
this to a tenant that you remove the trailer. The second
condition would be in the event that property returns to
commercial the residential use variance turns back.
Mr. Gaiotti:
I second.
Mr. Prager:
Roll call vote.
Mrs. Rose:
Tom Della Corte: Yes
Bob Johnston: No
AI Casella: No
Peter Gaiotti: Yes
Howard Prager: Yes
Mr. Prager:
The variance has been granted and it will be filed in 5 days.
Mr. Prager:
The second item on our agenda is a discussion on:
Appeal No. 12-7467
Janice Sabbagh-Is seeking an area variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations in
an R-20 Zoning District.
_-Where a rear yard setback of 40 feet is required, the applicant can only provide 7 feet
for the installation of a 18 x 33 above ground pool, thus requesting a 33 ft. rear yard
The property is located at 12 Daisy Lane and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-912877
Mr. Prager:
Please state your name and what you need for the record.
Ms. Sabbagh:
My name is Janice Sabbagh. I bought my current residence at 12
Daisy Lane in the year 2000 and there was a pool on site. I took the
pool down anticipating I could put up another pool which was up for
26 years. When I came for the application, I was told there was no
variance. Can I tell you what my research has shown?
Mr. Prager:
Please do.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
Ms Sabbagh:
Mr. Prager:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Johnston:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Horan:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Horan:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Horan:
Ms. Sabbabeh:
Mr. Prager:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Horan:
July 10,2012 Minutes
My understanding is that the pool was there and when a prior owner
wanted to put a septic in the fire inspector was inspecting the septic,
found a pool. Gave them fines and approved the pool but never
made them get a variance. I find it surprising that I'm even here
having to get a variance.
Not really, it never had a variance
I think you have a survey from 1986 which shows the pool.
When you bought the house in 2000, I'm assuming you closed on the
house. Was there a certificate of occupancy for the pool when you
I don't think so. I don't remember that.
What happens is that a search is done by the building department
from the title insurance company. Did you have a mortgage when you
bought the house?
You had title insurance?
What typically happens is a C/O search is done by the town and a no
violation letter is issued by the town. What they look for are
violations of record, what is interesting is that there are violation.
I feel like things have fallen through the cracks and I'm now in a
hardship position to have to get a variance for something that should
have been done years ago. My understanding is that the variance
follows the property.
So back in '96 there was a certificate of compliance for the original
pool by Mr. Lieberman.
So tell me what that means. Why would he have done that in 1996?
I have no clue. Back in '94, there was a swimming pool violation.
When was the c/c?
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Della Corte:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Horan:
Mr. Johnston:
Mr. Horan:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Della Corte:
Mr. Prager:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Johnston:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Casella:
Ms. Sabbagh:
July 10, 2012 Minutes
I don't know it's really faded but it looks like the violation is about no
gate and failure to obtain a permit. It looks like she got a $249 fine.
Howard did they say Percell did not comply with the building permit?
It seems she complied with the gate and electric but did not get a
building permit.
There would have been a building permit issued if there was a
certificate of compliance. What it looks like here is the original pool
was put up without a permit. Then based on the inspection they went
back in and issued violations for not having steps. I guess no one
checked the setbacks because there is no issue on that violation for
having a pool with in a side yard which should have been a violation
which would have been noted at that time. To cure the violation a
building permit was probably issued. They did an electrical inspection,
a check of the steps and a self closing gate and then some point in
time a certificate of compliance was issued which would have closed
out that permit. The problem is a building permit should not have
been issued without a variance.
Is a certificate of compliance the same as a certificate of occupancy?
Correct. A certificate of compliance is issued basically for structures
that are not inhabited.
Right on here, on the certificate of compliance should have had a
What kind of variance? Rear or side?
A rear.
There is a side requirement but I'm not asking for that.
Where is your septic?
I'll show you. (Ms. Sabbagh shows the board the map where the
septic is and show pictures)
How big was the original pool?
24 round.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
Mr. Casella:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Della Corte:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Gaiotti:
Ms. Sabbagh:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Casella:
Mr. Prager:
Mrs. Rose:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Horan:
Mr. Prager:
Mr. Johnston:
Mr. Casella:
Mr. Prager:
Boa rd :
July 10,2012 Minutes
Now you want to put in an 18 x 33.
Is the new pool up yet?
No it's in the garage.
Will the new pool have a deck or a patio?
No just the pool.
What we will do is have a site inspection. You don't need to be there
but if you could take some paint and spray the outline where you are
going to put the pool. The public hearing will be set for the 24th of
I will not be here on the 24th.
I will not be here either.
Since there might not be a quorum we will move the public hearing to
July 31st.
Swenson and Shaft 6 is on for the 24th, I'll move them.
How are we on Shaft 6?
I have to write a finding statement for them. The planning board
statement will be more detailed than ours.
Can I have a motion to go into executive session?
I make a motion to go into executive session.
I second the motion.
All in favor?
Susan Rose, Secretary
Zoning Board of Appeals