1953-09-14A special meeting of tiUe Town Board,Town of Wappinger was held in the _Town Hall on September 14 ,1903 , Present Supervisor Edward R.Scoiie-Ld,Supt.oi Highway Harxyt B. Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer ana Edward B.Be atty,Councilman Jesse H.DeVoe ana Town Clerk Edith a.Booth. heeting was called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 9::b0 P.k. William Drescher,i�anager of Social Security was present and explained to tine Town Board,nighway Workers and Assessors concerning Social Security benefits. Potion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe that the attacned resolution be ,adopted. carried Motion mane oy--Councilman DeVoe seconded by Justice Beatty that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk. PUBhIG MICE TAKE NOTICE that the following resolution was duly presented at a regularly called and duly held meeting -of the Town Beard of the Town of Wappinger hold a,t the Town Hall. Wappingers palls, M. Y.,, September 14„ 1953 at 8:010 P.M.: NRES@?Ll : 1. That the Town of Wappingor. County of Dutehess. elects to extend old age and survivors' insuran6o coverage provided by the Federal Social Security Act to all its officers and employees listed below for which coverage is hereb determined such clan inedto beimpracticable), which coverage is extended pursuant to Section 215 of the Federal Social Security Act and Chapter 619 of the Laws of 1953, being Article VI of the Civil Serviee L wt and which coverage is subjected to conditions thereof an& to any amendments relating to the law thereto, 2. That it is hereby determined that such coverage shall not be extended to the following classes of offices and employees because of impracticability: (a) Any services of an emergency nature (d) Services in any class or classes of positions, the compensation for Which is on a fee basis (e) Agricultural labor or services performed by students which if performed in the employ of a private employer would be excepted from employment under the social security act 3, That the Supervisor of the Town of Wappinger execute the proposed agreement attached hereto and submit such proposed agreement to the Director of the Now York State Social Security Agency for the purpose of obtaining old age and ourvivers' insurance coverage for officers and employees of the Town of Wappinger. Detchess Countyw New Fork, in accordance with this resolution. AND MTOR TAKE NOTICE that a coo of the agreement referred to in the following resolutionis on file and available for inspe�ation in the. office of the Clerk of the d'awa of Wap 11 Town Halla Wappingers Falls, N. Y.. and that said agreement provides for retroactive coverage to January 1. 1' Dated September 14, 1953 TOO 11 QM T4W�T aF WA -PI INGXR lauTwas C:QDI ii NEW YORK Edith :4, Booth, 2A�wn �Ierk