REVISED 3-27-12
Town of Wappinger Zoning Board of Appeals
MEETING DATE: March 27, 2012
TIME: 7:30 PM
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Appeal No. 11-7442 - At the request of Reed Swenson who is seeking a variance of Section
240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for an R-20 Zoning District.
-Where a front yard setback of 75 feet is reQuired on a State/County Hi2hway, the applicant
is proposin2 a front yard setback of 50 feet. to allow for the construction of new residential
housing, thus reQuestin2 a variance of 25 feet.
The property is located at New Hackensack Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-
948876 in the Town of Wappinger.
Appeal No. 12-7457 - At the request of William & Kathleen Neave who is seeking a variance
of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations R-40.
_ Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposin2 a rear yard
setback of 30 feet, to all an in-ground pool 45'x25'x5' , thus reQUestin2 a variance of 20 feet.
The property is located at 8 Glenbrook Ct. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-01-415945
in the Town of Wappinger.
Appeal No. 12-7458:
Dante M. DiStasio Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Re!:,TUlations for
R-40 Zoning District.
_ Where a rear yard setback of 25 feet is reQuired, the applicant is proposin2 a rear yard
setback of 23 feet. to allow the construction of a deck 24' x 12' in rear, thus reQUestin2 a
variance of 2 feet.
The property is located at 68 Fieldstone Loop and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6257-06-325778 in the Town of Wappinger.
NOV 01 2012
Public Hearin2:
Appeal No. 12-7456
NYCDEP Shaft 6 - Seeking six (6) variances of Section 240-27 & 240-37 of District Zoning
Regulations R-80 Zoning. The property is located at 195-209 River Road and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6056-01-288977 in the Town ofWappinger.(Canale)
1. Where one 0) construction trailer is allowed, the applicant is proposin2 UP to ten
l1.Ql temporary construction trailers to allow the NYCDEP reQuirement of multiple
contractors on publicly-bid proiects. Each contractor to provide its own
construction trailer to be used as an office, thus requesting a variance of nine (9)
temporary trailers.
2. Where one (1) stora2e container is allowed, the applicant is proposin2 UP to fortv-
five (45) stora2e containers for sound miti2ation. thus requesting a variance of
forty-four (44) temporary stora2e containers.
3. Where a side yard setback of 80 feet is reQuired for stora2e containers from the
property line, the applicant is proposin2 a side yard setback of 40', to allow
placement of double-stacked empty storage containers as a noise barrier along one (1)
property line, thus reQUestin2 a temporary variance of 40'.
4. Where two (2) sQuare feet is allowed for si2na2e in a residential nei2hborhood, the
applicant is proposin2 thirty-two (32) SQuare feet, to allow one (1) 4-foot by 8-foot
site identification sign at the entrance to its property, thus reQUestin2 a variance of
for si2na2e of thirty (30) SQuare feet.
5. Where ten (0) percent maximum lot covera2e is allowed, the applicant can
provide thirteen and four-tenth 03.4) percent) lot coverage on the site upon
completion of the project, thus reQUestin2 a variance of three (3) and
four-tenths (.4) percent additional lot covera2e.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
March 27, 2012
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present:
Mr. Oellacorte
Mr. Casella
Mr. Johnston
Mr. Gaiotti
Mr. Prager
Others Present:
Mr. J. Horan
Mrs. Roberti
Mrs. Gale
Town Attorney
Zoning Administrator
R. Swenson
- Adjourned Public Hearing - April 10, 2012
Mr. & Mrs. W. Neave
- Public Hearing Set - April 10, 2012
Mr. D. DiStasio
- Public Hearing Set - April 10, 2012
- Public Hearing - April 10, 2012
NOV 01 2012
Zoning Board of Appeals
March 27, 2012
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present:
Mr. Dellacorte
Mr. Casella
Mr. Johnston
Mr. Gaiotti
Mr. Prager
Others Present:
Mr. J. Horan
Mrs. Roberti
Mrs. Gale
Mrs. Rose
Town Attorney
Zoning Administrator
Motion to Open Public Hearing
Motion - Mr. Casella
Second - Mr. Johnston
Appeal No. 11-7442 - At the request of Reed Swenson who is seeking a variance of Section
240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for an R-20 Zoning District.
-Where a front yard setback of 75 feet is reauired on a State/County Hi2hwav, the applicant
is proposin2 a front yard setback of 50 feet. to allow for the construction of new residential
housing, thus reauestin2 a variance of 25 feet.
The property is located at New Hackensack Road and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6158-02-948876 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. R. Olsen - from the Law Firm of McCabe and Mack
I've provided the notices of public hearing
Mr. Olsen - Described the property - 10 lot subdivision - fronts requires 75' setback
Make front lots large or requesting variance. Have here the Quiet Acres subdivision
similar subdivision proposed to have a town road. (addressed Mr. Casella's concern of
decreasing number oflots, addressed drainage on lots).
Mr. Dellacorte: This is adjacent to Daisy Lane.
Mr. Olsen & Mrs. Roberti - discussed the Quite Acres subdivision - pointing out it's going to be
a similar neighborhood.
Mr. Dellacorte: Anybody in the audience have any questions?
Laurie Morse - 6 Daisy Lane, there are others here also - we're curious has the subdivision been
approved yet?
Mr. Olsen - explained need for variance - we still have to go before the Planning Board, deal
with drainage pond issue.
Mr. Horan - If the variance were not f,Tfanted, how would that affect the houses on those lots?
Mr. Olsen - First of all, it would create a much larger lot on the front because we have a 75 foot
setback, we have to face the houses toward New Hackensack Road which would be out of
character with the balance homes or maintain them facing in we have to have a larger lot to
maintain that 75' setback. We conform with all zoning provisions, it's because we're on a county
road - you require 75' setbacks.
Mr. Dellacorte - Any other questions?
I need a motion to close the public hearing:
Mr. Casella motioned
Mr. Johnston - second
To adjourn the public hearing to April 10th - to have a full board here for a decision.
Motion to adjourn:
Mr. Casella
Second - Mr. GaIotti
All - Aye
Appeal No. 12-7457 - At the request of William & Kathleen Neave who is seeking a variance
of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations R-40.
_ Where a rear yard setback of 50 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposin2 a rear yard
setback of 30 feet, to all an in-ground pool 45'x25'x5', thus reauestin2 a variance of 20 feet.
The property is located at 8 Glenbrook Ct. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6258-01-415945
in the Town of Wappinger.
Motion to open the public hearing
Mr. GaIotti - Motioned
Mr. Johnston - Second
Mr. Dellacorte: Please state your name
Dave Citolli: We're looking to install an in ground pool- we need 50', we have 30'
We need a variance - only practical place to build it.
Mr. Dellacorte: We all went out and looked at it
Mr. Johnston: Questioned size of pool.
Mr. Citolli: Gave the dimensions of the pool, patio and catch basin.
Mr. Dellacorte: Any questions from the board?
Mrs. Roberti: You've gone to the Health Department.
Mr. Citolli: Yes, we have an engineer working us to relocate the expansion.
Mrs. Roberti: How far are you to the spot?
Mr. Citolli: It's about 30'
Mrs. Roberti: Stated permit cannot be issued until we have Board of Health approval.
Mr. Dellacorte: We'll be deciding the variance tonight
(questions continued from board - regarding decision from Board of Health)
Looking at map discussions between members and applicant
Mr. Dellacorte: Any questions from the audience?
Mr. Horan: Do we have legal notices in the record
Mr. Dellacorte: Can I have a motion to close the public hearing
Mr. GaIotti - motioned
Mr. Johnston - second
Mr. Dellacorte: Can I have a motion to grant or deny the variance?
Mr. Casella: I vote to grant the variance - there are no undesirable changes in the neighborhood,
The variance is substantial, but there are no other feasible methods available. The variance will
not have a adverse effect in the neighborhood, and the need for a variance is self-created.
Also, want to stipulate a building permit not be issued until there is Board of Health approval
for the relocation of the expansion of the septic fields.
Mr. Johnston - Second
Roll call Vote: Mr. Casella - Aye
Mr. GaIotti - Aye
Mr. Johnston - Aye
Mr. Dellacorte - Aye
Variance Granted
Appeal No. 12-7458:
Dante M. DiStasio Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for
R-40 Zoning District.
_ Where a rear vard setback of 25 feet is required, the applicant is proposin2 a rear vard
setback of 23 feet. to allow the construction of a deck 24' x 12' in rear, thus reQUestin2 a
variance of 2 feet.
The property is located at 68 Fieldstone Loop and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6257-06-325778 in the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Dante DiStasio: I have a deck built in 1985, applied permit and was told I couldn't build as
12' as I wanted. It didn't work - I need room for my grill, table no room for people - deck has
to be replaced.
Mr. Dellacorte: Any questions?
Mr. Casella: So you want to double the size?
(Members discussed which dimensions would change)
Mr. Dellacorte: Set a site inspection for April 7, 2012 at lOAM
and asked Mr. DiStasio to chalk the property line and outline where the deck would be
Mr. Dellacorte: Set public hearing for April 10, 2012.
Public Hearin2:
Appeal No. 12-7456
NYCDEP Shaft 6 - Seeking six (6) variances of Section 240-27 & 240-37 of District Zoning
Regulations R-80 Zoning. The property is located at 195-209 River Road and is identified as
Tax Grid No. 6056-01-288977 in the Town ofWappinger.(Canale)
1. Where one (1) construction trailer is allowed, the applicant is proposin2 UP to ten
i!.ID. temporary construction trailers to allow the NYCDEP reQuirement of multiple
contractors on publicly-bid proiects. Each contractor to provide its own
construction trailer to be used as an office, thus requesting a variance of nine (9)
temporary trailers.
2. Where one (1) stora2e container is allowed, the applicant is proposin2 UP to fortv-
five (45) stora2e containers for sound miti2ation. thus requesting a variance of
forty-four (44) temporary stora2e containers.
3. Where a side yard setback of 80 feet is reQuired for stora2e containers from the
property line, the applicant is proposin2 a side yard setback of 40', to allow
placement of double-stacked empty storage containers as a noise barrier along one (1)
property line, thus reQUestin2 a temporary variance of 40'.
4. Where two (2) sQuare feet is allowed for si2na2e in a residential nei2hborhood, the
applicant is proposin2 thirty-two (32) SQuare feet, to allow one (1) 4- foot by 8- foot
site identification sign at the entrance to its property, thus reQUestin2 a variance of
for si2na2e of thirty (30) SQuare feet.
5. Where ten (10) percent maximum lot covera2e is allowed, the applicant can
provide thirteen and four-tenth (13.4) percent) lot coverage on the site upon
completion of the project, thus reQUestin2 a variance of three (3) and
four-tenths (.4) percent additional lot covera2e.
Mr. Phil Simmoms - NYCDEP Bureau of Engineering Design & Construction permits division
withdraw our variance #3 on the basis if we consider modular office building not being
construction trailers we don't believe they are under the town code - we will not have any
construction trailers. (Clarify under referenced letter - explain the balance of construction
trailers).. ..may be field trailers - smaller trailers based on contractors that show up.
Mr. Dellacorte: Read from letter - asking variance to be withdrawn. Asked Mrs. Roberti, if
We know Mr. Simmons doesn't need a variance at this time?
Mrs. Roberti: Stated "not for this - he'll have to bring up at the planning board" - was up to
1,200 sq. ft. - not being required.
Mr. Dellacorte: Directed the members to strike #3 request.
Mr. Horan- addressing Mrs. Roberti - With respect of lot coverage - IS this go be after
construction is completed.
Mrs. Roberti: Yes
Mr. GaIotti: Questioned lot coverage - paved road..
Mr. Graham Hulstrad - Planning Consultant for DEP Yes - described the parking area and
driveway and buildings.
Mr. Dellacorte: All items - except #3 will be taken care of by the planning board.
Mr. Simmons: That's our understanding as well- continue with our site plan approval process
Mr. Dellacorte: Anybody in the audience have any questions - (no response) -set a site visit
Mrs. Gale: Notes say March 31 st did not set time
Mr. Dellacorte: Have someone meet us out there at 9AM
Public Hearing set for April 10, 2012
Motion to close - Mr. GaIotti
Second - Mr. Johnston
Meeting ended at 8: 10PM
Respectfully Submitted
Michelle D. Gale
Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals
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Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
February 28, 2012
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Members Present:
Mr. Dellacorte
Mr. Casella
Mr. Johnston
Mr. Gaiotti
Mr. Prager
Others Present:
Mrs. Roberti
Mrs. Gale
Zoning Administrator
Secreta ry
Mr. & Mrs. J. Indorf
- Variance Granted
Mr. Swenson
- Public Hearing Set 3-27-12
Mr. Mustakas
- Public Hearing set 3-13-12
Mr. O'Sullivan
- Withdrawn
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
February 28, 2012
Present: AI Casella
Tom Della Corte
Bob Johnston
Peter Gaiotti
Howard Prager
Also Present:
Michelle Gale - Secretary
Barbara Roberti - Zoning Administrator
Approval of Minutes for 1-24-12
Mr. Casella
Mr. Johnston
Motion to Approve:
All in Favor
Motion to Open Public Hearing:
Motion: Mr. Casella
Second Mr. Johnston
All in Favor Aye
Mr. Casella: Are all the mailings in?
Mrs. Gale: Yes they are all in
Aooeal No. 11-7432:
JOSHUA G. INDORF: Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for R-40 Zoning
-Where a rear vard setback of SO feet is reauired, the applicant is orooosine: a rear vard setback of 20
feet. to allow an In ground pool 20' X 40' in the rear yard, thus reauestine: a variance of 30 feet.
The property is located at 140 Old Hooewell Rd. and is identified as
Page 3 of5
Tax Grid No. 6157-01-313530 in the Town of Wappinger.
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
February 28, 2012
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Mr. Prager: Please state your name and explain why you are here.
Mr. Josh Indorf: I want to install a granite pool.
Mr. Prager: What size pool?
Mr. Indorf: I changed it 20' x 40' with stairs & hot tub
Mr. Prager: Whate is the position of the pool?
Mr. Indorf: I need 30' from rear yard.
Mr. Prager: Does anyone on the board have any questions? Is the hot tub imperative on that end?
Mr. Casella: Can it go on the front instead of the rear?
Mr. Della Corte: You own the property behind you?
Mr. Indorf: Yes
Mr. Prager: Is there anyone in the audience with questions?
(No response noted)
Mr. Casella: I make a motion to close the public hearing
Mr. Gaiotti: Second
All - Aye
Mr. Gaiotti: I make a motion to grant the variance, there are no obstructions, it doesn't cause an
undesirable change in the neighborhood, will not cause a detriment change to nearby properties, there
are no other feasible methods.
Mr. Prager: The size of it is pretty substantial, 60%
Mr. Casella: Second
Roll Call Vote: Mr. Gaiotti - Aye
Mr. Casella - Aye
Mr. Johnston - Aye
Mr. Della Corte: Aye
Mr. Prager - Aye
Variance granted
Page 4 of 5
Town of Wappinger
Zoning Board of Appeals
February 28, 2012
Town Hall
20 Middlebush Road
Wappinger Falls, NY
Appeal No. 11-7442
Reed Swenson: Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for an R-20 Zoning
-Where a front yard setback of 75 feet is reauired on or a State/County Hie:hway, the applicant is
proposine: a front yard setback of 50 feet. to allow for the construction of new residential housing, thus
reauestine: a variance of 25 feet.
The property is located at New Hackensack Road and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6158-02-948876 in
the Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Richard Olsen: With law firm McCabe & Mack, I am here for Mr. Swenson the property owner.
What we have is a subdivision under review by the Planning Board, it's planned to have a town road,
and based upon your code, normally the applicant can select what is the front yard and what is the side
yard on a corner road but since it's on a state highway, the front yard shall be facing the state highway.
In order to make the homes look the same, facing the town road we have to obtain a variance from that
75' setback.
Mr. Prager: Is it the just the one lot or is it for both lots.
Mr. Olsen - It would be for both lots 1 & 10
Mr. Prager (addressing the board) looking at copies of maps, along with applicant
Mr. Swenson, explaining how they want the houses to face.
Mr. Gaiotti: I do business with Mr. Olsen's firm, but that shouldn't effect any decision that happens
Mr. Olsen: I have a meeting for Village of Rhinebeck that meets on the night of your next scheduled
meeting. Can we set public hearing for last Tuesday of month
Page 5 of5
(March 2ih)
Mr. Prager: Public hearing set for March 2ih - there's no markings? - can't do a site visit.
Mr. Olsen: It's still under review with the planning board.
Mr. Casella: Mr. Chairman - If it's still under the review of the planning board, why is he asking for a
variance tonight?
Mr. Olsen: Because in order to decide lot count move forward, we need to get that variance, we are
going to the maximum amount of lots we can get, because we have to pay for a town road, that going to
push us towards the road, unless they tells us we can only have one house that's going to have meet the
75' setback.
Mr. Casella: Suppose they tell you - you can only have eight instead of 10.
Mr. Olsen: Even if we can only have eight, I would have to be out near the road, and I would require a
variance. If the board cuts me back -I may be meeting the setback anyway.
Mr. Casella: That's my point, if the board cuts you back, why would you need a variance?
Mr. Olsen: They (Planning Board) sent me here. Because they said if you want to go along with this, you
have to go to the Board of Appeals.
Mr. Prager: When the plan (survey) is made out, where do they have it measured out?
Mr. Olsen: We are within the limits, we have the correct lot sizes, it because of that crump lot, the
county zoning rules say the county requires 75' - if this were a town road we wouldn't need the
variance because we could make it a side yard.
Mr. Casella: I just find it odd that we have to give a variance.....before the planning board
Mr. Olsen: Town law does give confiring jurisdiction, allows you to proceed before both boards.
Mr. Prager: Anything else? All set for the 27th of March.
Appeal No. 12-7454
Geon~e Mustakas: Seeking a variance of Section 240-37 of District Zoning Regulations for R-40 Zoning
-Where a side yard setback of 25 feet is reauired, the applicant is proposine: a side yard setback of 10
feet. to allow a existing shed 12'x20', thus reauestine: a variance of 15 feet.
The property is located at 283 Old Hopewell Rd. and is identified as Tax Grid No. 6257-03-090480 in the
Town of Wappinger.
Mr. Prager: Set forward and state your name and what you need.
Mr. George Mustakas: When we purchased, we were ill advised and said we need 10', I can't drag the
shed out, I'm afraid I'll damage it.
Mr. Prager: What kind of shed is it?
Mr. Mustakas: It's a pre-made shed
Mr. Casella: Is it on a cement slab?
Mr. Mustakas: No - it's on stone w/4x4
Mr. Prager: It's just the side yard setback you looking for?
Mr. Mustakas: Correct
Mr. Prager: Set the public hearing for our next meeting which will be March 13th and a site inspection
on March 10 at Saturday and 9:00.
Mr. Gaiotti: Any dogs?
Mr. Mustakas: No - dog is inside
Mrs. Roberti: How big is the shed?
Mr. Mustakas: It's 20x16 ..20'x12
Mrs. Roberti: It's over 200 sq. ft.
Mr. Della Corte: I not seeing it on this map
Mr. Casella: It's on the plot plan
Motion to Adjourn: Mr. Casella
Page 7 of5
2nd Mr. Johnston
AII- Aye
Meeting ended 8:00PM
Respectfully Submitted
Michelle D. Gale
Secretary - Zoning Board of Appeals