1953-12-17M 0 A special meeting of the Town Board,Town or Wappinger was held in the Town tiall on December %'%,1953. Present Supervisor Edward E.Scofield,Supt.of Highway Barry B. Griswold,justiee Edward B.Beatty,00uncilmen Emory j.Rager and Jesse H.DeVoe,' Stanley R.Shepard,representative of the Eugene P.Reading,Ino.construetion & industrial equipment DI hoselle,iV.J. and Town Glerk Edith ii.Booth. This meeting was called sor the purpose or opening bids for used Power 5hovel,uhere being only one bid received,this bid coming from the Eugene P.Reading Equipment Co .Inc . , the contract was awarded to the above company, the low bid being $ 9 , 500 .00 Uopy of resolution is hereby attached. motion made by justice neatty seconded by 6ouncilman i)evoe that meeting adjourn. Oarried i�, IMMAIIN1''�J of wramus Pww Nov"* 3A tr wuh is ttv SmVel 34814 a tto WOPM a IOU" A41w Path to to M lose thft fr" t%"" raf t tkAA * brow to be in toodes +W $0 be tMad vilb MU tw tmP *AM am fw tib drm amfu* m the bAtw L a O gone to to )MajoaOutowitban Sh&fts an mobinory momma to b4l boa * AU s sem! co** the" * alk son # * MI&A Q Vii* 'tom, swim 11$* 5 3A* poom Dom Hoists to be "U X r weight mok loss safety ;old" * painted and lot to suit* r.. { Opwatm* to be &V l4awy 106 BY JUSTICE OF THE PEACE BRATTY: WHEREAS the 'Down Superintendent of Highways did on the 5th day of November, 1953 duly recommend the purchase of certain highway ,machinery pursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of th 'Highway Law, and WHEREAS a notice of such recommendation specifying the 'maximum estimated cost of said machinery and the time when and the place where the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger would meet to consider such purchase was duly published in the official newspaper of the Town on the 20th day of November, 1953 and WHEREAS after due consideration the purchase of such highway machinery, to wit: A used power shovel having cater- pillar treads, full swing, and a 1-1/2 yard bucket, the same to be fully guaranteed is deemed advisable and necessary for proper maintenance of the Town highways of the Town of Wappingers and WHEREAS the Town Board desires to authorize the Town Superintendent of Highways to enter into a contract for the pur- chase of such machinery *A4 NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Town of Wapp advertise for sealed bids so that a contract for the purchase of such machinery may be awarded pursuant to law, and be it further RESOLVED that the Town Clerk be and she hereby authorized and directed to advertise for such bids by causing notice -to be published in the official newspaper of the Town, such notice and the publication thereof to be in compliance with Section 103 of the General Municipal Law. SECONDED BY COUNCILMAN H.AGER. Upon being put to a vote, the foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted. 8 -12 -a -ism (8"4j Form A.C. 143-T.H. 20 (itev.) bebJ Affient of Audit and Control SUGGESTED FORM OF RESOLUTION FOR ,TOWN HIGHWAY,. MACHINERY PURCHASES ResolutibJustice of Peaee)' -O .............BEATT _---•-'--•---••--•------•••-•----•----•----•-•-•............. on y �, Seconded by' '( unsl a6aat cl' `(Tum Councilman) ............ D :3I -QR_, ,_ Whereas" "the: Town Superintendent of Highways did on the ...day of ...... Ngyember............ .-., 19__5, duly recommend the purchase of certain (machinery) ( ) (xpursuant to the provisions of Section 142 of the Highway Law, and a notice of such recommendation has been duly pub- lished as provided in such section. Now Therefore` Be It Resolved that pursuant to Section 142 of the Highway taw the Town Super- intendent of Highways is hereby authorized to purchase from ....... E-tl xENE__-E..._READINO_,_-.INC_--___- (Vendor) of Roselle•.,__-New-_-Jersey______________with the approval of the Croweounty Superintendent of Highways: ..-----..•-••-•-••---•-•---•---- - e Y.. ........... d - hoyel,-•- ,/Z..Ya c•apae ty 1 used Ba Cit Model 2 Crawler Mounted S ms✓_..__haVirig._auhmitts�l.._tha_.1nides_h__b_td... f_ar_ _such__manhin-a-ry... af't~au._-dua... a:duert I Sem-en t~ ... for ---ae-a.l-ed--- bida--purauan.t... tn---------- ac_tion... 1 -0 -3 -..of ... the__.!G _ener al---Munk_ipal._Lawl--------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ - ----- for a total price of ------ KINE_._THOUSANT)... F 3 'HliDi 3 :...:..::......:. ...:::.-----------------.-__ -Dollars ($-- ---------- delivered at ............... WapP-ingtars.._E.a11S _.....-•---------• ------ ------ --•--- -, N. Y. and to be delivered on or about----------- ------ ............_..=_ 191• aa>xn`�rpoeiri�t�deai�'i •--------•-----•------------•-•--•--•-•------•••---------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------•--•----••---.................... .................................................................................................... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----- The terms of payment will be as follows: $ - Check drawn on Machinery Fund -..:::.1, 500.0Q 8 ©00.00: . Check' from proceeds of 'obligations ............... --- Total $9 500.0©`; A contract of purchase for the item(36) purchased shall be duly executed between the Town Super- intendent of Highways and such vendor, and when duly approved by the County Superintendent of Highways, it shall become effective. When such contract has been duly executed and approved, the Supervisor is authorized to complete such purchase upon delivery of the item(so purchased in accord- ance with the terms of such resolution and such contract, and to pay the above amount(s) specified to be paid by check or checks (1) by a check drawn on the Machinery Fund (Item 3) for ............ $ --- 1 500. .............. (2) by a check in the amount of $._.8.,_D00_.Qfl.............. I drawn on the account established from the proceeds of obligations to be issued pursuant to the Local Finance Law to finance such purchase. Such obligations will be authorized to be issued by this Board by a separate resolution. (over) Vote of Town Board .......... (Aye)"(MW tIat1...':�:..a.S.R;>:.>> ',._Supervisor ..a.. (Aye) ( ................ ...... Justice of Peace (Aye) ( .................... ..,...;.IlQ_omt�entCa+� Town Councilman (Aye) (NmsO Zmar .-- R er . XX Town Councilman „ J'ustice' of Peace Town Councilman (Type or write in names of Town Board members and indicate how they voted) State of New York County of . Townof ............... .................................- I, .._..-----•------------ - ---------.-•------ ..-•---•----------- ------ ... _........ Town Clerk kof' the Town 'of •--------------------•-----•----------------•-----•--------•---- ---------•.--.- in the County` of ......... ............................................................. N. Y. do hereby certify that I have compared the preceding copy of a resolution with the original thereof, duly adopted by the Town Board of such town at a (regular) (spacial) meeting of such board held on ----------------------------- - --------------- _----------- __., _19 ...... _., and that the same is a true and correct copy of such resolution and of the whole thereof. In Testimony:Whereof I have hereunto set A'i hand! anal affixed the seal of , said Town this . r ---- -------•----------.day of •--•--- -----------------•------- 19 --. ...... ( ---- ------•--•.................•-----•-------------------------------- Town Clerk of (Town Seal) the Town of ......; Y I (The foregoing is a suggested form of resolution to be used at a town board Meeting in'.connection with the purchase of town highway, machinery, equipment,;or tools, ,under, Section 1142 of the, Highway Law. It does not have to be followed�in the exact language used. If its followed, itgshould be changed, where necessary, to fit the circumstances.)