1953-12-29• 1
A final meeting or the Town Board Town of aappinger was held in The
Town Hall on December 29,1956E
Present Supervisor Edward tt.Scofield,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and
Jesse H.DeVoe,Justice Edward b.Beatty and Town Clerk Edith h.Booth.
Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:30 ±,.Y.
viinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read.
General Fund
#256 Dwight L.Robioine --- Dog Service ---------- 4.00
257 Harry 13.Griswold --- 6upt's salary Dec.15 ------ 13'7.50
258 Dwight ij.Roboins --- Dog aerviee ------ 4.00
259 Poughkeepsie new Yorker--- Advertizeing purchase notice 10.00
260 lvew York Telephone co. -- aervice Town nail ----- 12.6b
261 R.H.Dederer,Justice oz Peace Salary Dec. ------ 116.74
262 Edward B.Beatty " if If TT it ------ 50.00
266 Emory J.Hager -- .0ouncilmans. dalary Dec. --- - 25.00
264 Jesse H .DeVoe ---- „ " ------ 25.00
265 Edward R.Scofield-- Supervisors Oct. -Nov. -Dec. 3u0.00
e,66 Edward R.Scofield-- If Expenses 1953 ----- 81.99
267 Evelyn 6.0arlson -- Secy to Supr. 1953 ----- 20.00
268 Edith H.Booth -- Town 0lerks aalary,Dec. ----- 150.00
269 Harry B.Griswold -- Suptfs Salary Dec..'�l ----- 137.5u
270 R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace-- Expense ox uffice,19b3 23.00
2`11 Trwisrer from Genera:, Fund Surplus to Highway Fund.
Highway Fund `' 0917.0u—
1 `General Repairs December 15-31 -------------- $ 24V.6O
Miscellaneous Fund
Kenneth Crosnier -- gutting brush ------------ 6.Ou
Cutting Brusn and anow Fence erection Dec.l-15 --- 743.90
if 1, Dec .15-;51 --- 525.20
$12 `r 5.10
Motion made by gouxieilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that
bills be paid. Carried
Motion made by gouncilman :beVoe seconded by Conneilman Hager that
the Supervisor be empowered to transfer §5000 from the General Lund
to wie Liecellaneous and X1700& from the General Fund to the
Machinery Fund tnis amount being taken from surplus funds.
lotion made by Justice Beatty seconded:by Councilman Hager tuut
the Collectors Bo.Lid Lor b0,000 be approved. Carried
Votion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that
the Supervisor's Public Official Bond for $IX,000 be approved.
Lotion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager
that zne Supervisor's Hignw ay Boud sor 010,u00 be approved.
Yotion mace by uouucilmaxl Hager seconded by Justice `Beatty that
meeting adjourn. Carried
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