1954-01-0787 A regular me, --Ling oj_ u1i,; xTowll �otti4 , Towll os Wappinger was held in the %owi3 #al.1 o n Zaauaxy 1,19 54 PresenV.Vdward H,Sgofield Supervisor,Supt, of Highway Rarry $,Griswold Justice Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Emory J.Hager,Town Attorney James J.Lyons and Town. Clerk Edith H.Booth, r:!eeting called to order by Supr.Scotield at 8:00P.14. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund fl . Beasley Agency Inc. -Liability policy GBP 74127 ---- r/83.32 2 " if If Policy NIRS 139362 Burglary -Collector- 33.00 3 " " " " 9007 Fire Town Hall ---- 14.50 4 " " "ItSupervisors Highway Bond --- 75:00 nepairs ------ 29,80 Gelieral Fund Bond & Town Clerk Bond , 11 b n " IT Griswold,Beatty & Dederer Bond ---- 11.00 6 Dwight L.Robbins --- Dog Service --_- 6.00 `J C.H.G.&.R.Corp. --- Service Town Hall ---- 2.43 8 11 IT if 1t 17 M --- Stringhams Bridge ----17.74 9 Campbell Press --- Printing ---- 11.75 10 Dwight Robbins --- Dog oervice ---- 4.00 11 Beasley Agency Inc.- Uollectors Bond ---- 114.31 1073.05 Machinery Yand Sinclair Refining (;o. ---- Gas ------- 69.95 J.E.Andrews Hardware Co.Ine. Cable ------- 11.05 Victor Sanko )))) Repairs ------- 1.00 Christensen & Linge Lumber Go.-- Supplies ll,L6 Wappingers Hardware -------- Tools ------- 5.43 Homer R.Holden-------- nepairs ------ 29,80 Taranto's Garage -------- 11 ------- 11.50 1",idway Gas & Service Station 61 - - --- 68.00 0 211.89 Hi Rhw av Fund Sinclair Refining Co. --- Gas ------- 146.08 Millard Lumber Co. --- Cement ------- 10.40 David Alexander --- Services Bulldozer ------- 192.00 Louis Doughty --- Gravel ------- 98.5u .y) 446.98 Miscellaneous Fund New York Telephone Co.---- Service Town Garage ----- 8.O b Duso Chemical Co.lne. --- Salt _____ 13.5u 21 .50 Votion inade by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that bills be paid. Carried 1"otion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Mager that Supervisor Scofield be designated as delegate to attend the annual meeting of the Association or Towns to be held at the Hotel Statler ,new York City, h .l . beginning at lu : 04 ,Monday February 8th . , and ending Jednesday arternoon,Pebruary luth,1954 at b:00 P.M.and that any Town ofTicial who cares to attend may do so it being a.Town charge. Carried 88 Motion made by justice Beatty seeended by Councilman Ifager that Vre. J.Amelia Baxter be appointed deputy Town Clerk, Carried Votion made by Councilman Mager seconded by Justice Beatty that the Poughkeepsie New Yorker be designated as the official paper for the Town or -9appinger. Carried, Lotion made by Justice .Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the Supervisor,Justiees and Town Clerk be empowered to purchase necessary supplies for the conduction or their office. Carried Notion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice Beatty that the Supervisor be empowered to publish yearly report. Carried ,lotion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the .National Dank of Yi,appingers r'alls,.w.Y. be designated as depositary oz 'Town funds for Lne Town of 4,appinger for the year 19b4.. . Carried motion made by Councilman gager seconded by Justice Beatty that the scale of w ages for the Highway Department be as follows. ,+ reman l.w per hour or 1U.4u per day -------------------- 8 hours 2nd.Class uperators 1.2b per nour or lu.uO per day ------- 6 hours Ist.Clase Operators 1.2u per hour or 9.6u per day ------- 8 hours Carried` motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman ttager that 04uO.00 be appropriated to the Grinnell i.ibrary for main't'enance Carried motion made by Councilman eager seconded by Justice Beatty that the regular meeting or" the Town Board be held the =first Thursday atter the =irst Tuesday oz each month. Carried motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that the following be appointed constables at X1.25 per hour when so employed. Prank Osterc,Y ,pg1l hnight,David -vaylor,Joseph Costa, Elting Scott,and Dwight rcobbins. Carried motion made by Councilman Hager seconded by Justice ;Beatty that the Supervisor be allowed a 000kkeeper,salary, not to exceed 4pbO .0 0 a year. d *� r, . Carried Notion made by Justice Beatty seconded Uouncilmarl Hager that Winrield S.Beasley be appointed chairman of cne Board of Assessors. Carried motion made by Councilman tiager seconded by Justice Beatty that Edith H.Booth be appointed local hegistrar for a term of two years ending December 61,1955. Carried yotion mads by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Mager that James J .Lyons be appointed attorney for the 'Town ror the year 1964 at a salary of OauO.00 a year payable annually Carried • Motion made by Councilman iager seconded by J'usLice $eatty --- 6arried Resolved that tine Town Board does hereby fig the salaries of the following Town Officers and employees ror the year beginning January 1,1954 at the amounts respectively stated and that such salaries shall be payable at the times respectively specified. Name ------ office -------------- zialary --- Payable Edward R.Scofield --- Supervisor ------------ 1200.00 -- Quarterly carry B.Griswold --- Supt.of Highway ------ 3500.00 -- Semi-j!onthly H.H.Dederer ----- Justice of Peace ----- 1500,00 -- Yonthly Edward B.Beatty --- Justice of Peace ----- 600,00 -- " Jesse H.DeVoe --- councilman ---- 3u0.00 -- " Emory J .Hager --- Uounailman ---- 300.00 -- " Edith H.Booth Town Clerk ---- 1880.00 -- Dr.William E.Garlick -- Health Officer ---- 7uO.00 -- Yearly Winfield S.Beasley -- Chr.Board of Assessors 1200.00 -- Stanley Kies -- Assessor --- 900.00 - Edward M.Husted -- Assessor --- 900.00 -- " Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. Carried. A regular meeting of the Board of Health,Town of Wappinger was held in 'the Town Hall on January `1 ,1954 Present Supr.Edward A.Scofield,Supt.of--.aighway Barry B.Griswold Justice Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Emory J.Hager,4ames J.Lyons Town Attorneyibr.William .Garlick,ilealth ufficer and Edith H.Booth Town Clerk. Meeting called to order by Supr.Edward h.Scofield at 7:30 P.M. Health ufficer reported two cases chicken pox,l case of tuberculosis one case of Pneumonia. Meeting adjourned Town Clerk.