1954-03-0492 A regular meeting of the Town 'Soard, Town or 'ilappinger was held in the Town Hall on March 4,1964,# Present Supervisor Hdward R.Scofield,supt.of Highway carry B.Griswold Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,Councilmen Emory J.Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe and Town Clerk Edith H.Booth. Meeting was called to order by Supr.Scofield at 7:30 P.A. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund #53 Beasley Agency inc.-Fire Coverage on,equipment February land new garage Building 784.85 34 McCombs stationery Store -- supplies --- 13.25 n 35 Harry B.Griswold,Supt.of Highway - Salary Feb.15 --- 145.83 1 66 hew York Telephone Co. --Service Town Hall --- 10.65 37 Dwight L.Robbins -- Dog Service --- 6.00 I 38 Joseph E agan,P.M.-- Postage Stamps -Collector --- 12.00 39. uampbell Press -- Printing Town Board'. --- 8.00 40 Dwight L.Robbins - Dog Service--- 2.00 41 Doroth, D.Odell Secretary,8ervices Town Board --- 15.00 42 Social Security r'und,Town Share Jan.1,1951 to Sept.50 195$ 1082.90 45 ',V.S .Beasley Expemses to Assn.of 'i'owns Convention --- 'j4.00 44 Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk Salary February --- 150.00 45 Edward f.Scofield,Lotpenses to Assn.of Towns Con. --- 65.56 46 iiughsonville Fire Dist.Lawrence J.Collier Treas. -- 5519.52 47 Ohelsea mire Dist. Frank J.Collyer,Treas --- 4127.58 48 hew Hackensack Are Dist . , Stanley Reis , Treas . --- 5455.80 49 Marry B.Griswold,aupt. salary r'eb.27 --- 145.84 50 ight L.Robbins -Dog Service --- 4.00 51 R.H.Dederer Justice of Peace Salary .Feb. --- 125.00 52 Edward B.Beatty ,Justine of Peace oalary Feb. --- 60.00 b6 Emory J .Hager,Councilmans Aialary .February --- 25.00 54 Jesse ii.Devoe ;: it it --- 25.00 55 J.Amelia Laxter,Deputy Town Clerk,oervices Ooll. --- 157.50 56 Dwight L.Robbins -- Dog,Service --- 6.00 57 Edward B.Beatty,Expenses Assn.of 'Towns Con. --- 5.15 58 x.H.Dederer ► „ " --- 68.`16 174'16.66 Highway Fund West Pawling sand & Gravel -Compressor Service --- 220.00 LoAis Doughty ---- Gravel --- 106.50 oinclair Refining Go. Gas --- 9b.68 Ken Smith 1.1aehinery Co. Pipe --- 196.10 Universal Road Machinery Co.Equipment --- 916.65 A 1554 .93 Machinery Fund Feb.15 Payroll #5 itepairs 6inclair Refining Oo. -- Gas --- 211.08 isen Smith Machinery Co .Inc . Parts --- 711.84 J.E.Andrews Hardware Co .Inc . Supplies --- 40 .25 Lane Farm Supply Co .Inc . -- " --- 6.03 ` Shaker 'Travis & Quinn -- it --- 2.45 Lopez u it Co. v it --- b.60 Homer R.Holden,Repairs --- 51.20 Wappingers uardware oupplies --- 8.02 Midway Gas & Service Station - Repairs --- 122.62 national isank or ,vappingers il'alls -Payment on Bonds --- 2000.00 Interest on above bonds --- 59.b0 Percy Brown Labor --- 10.00 2868.74 Miscellaneous Fund Pay Roll February 1-15 --- 784.85 New York Telephone Co. -- Service 'mown Oarage --- 9.05 Fishkill Builders Supply Corp. Sand --- Amt.for'd ----0 -50.00 843.90 93 Jfscellaneous d Amt .for'd 843.90 Wyandotte Ohemicals Corp, - Calcium Chloride '196.69 Feb .27th . Snow and Brush Removal 866.80 Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by councilman Hager seconded by justice Beatty that justice Dederer be appointed Deputy 6upervisor. harried Motion made by justice Dederer seconded by Councilman -pager that the attached resolution be adopted. Carried Resolution -filed in goad Agreement file in sate. motion made by Councilman DeVoe seconded by Councilman Hager that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Clerk:. No Board of health meeting was held. 41tL— Town Clerk.