1954-04-0894 A regular meeting oz -File Towh -Board Town of Wappinger,was held in the Town Hall on April 6,1954. .Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt..of Highway Harry 'B." Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,Councilman Emory J.Hager,Atty.James J.Lyons and Town C1erk,Edith H.Bontn. F'ep,$ing called to order oy Supr.Scofield at 7:45 P.lt, RZinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. General Fund b9 C.H.G.&.E.Corp.Hughsonville Light Dist. ------ 34b.36 60 Is if" " " " Chelsea Light Dist. ------ 171.66 61 It It " " " " Stringhaws Bridge ------ 6.06 62 It rr rr r, n rr Service Town Hall ------ 2 .'T b 63 Dwight L.Roboins - Dog Service ------ 12.00 64 National Bank of uYappingers Falis-Hent Jan.) Feb.-Mar.19b.00 65 Beasley Agency ---- Additional Premiums ----- 59.69 66 Harry B.Griswold- Supt's salaryiMarch 15 ---- 145.86 67 Chester Satz Co. -Chair-Town Hall ----- 53.55 68 Williamson Law Book Co. -Supplies Town .Board-- 62.111 � 69 New York Telephone Co. Service Town hall ----- 11.175 70 11rs.E.A.Yerry -- Services Judge Dederer ----- 10.00 '71 William E.Garlick-Health Officers 8alaryj9b3 700.00 '12 Edward R.Scofield, Supr.- Salary Jan.-Feb.-Var. 300 .00 'lb ,19b4 Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk- Salary Maren lbO.00 74 it It " It'' - Supplies ---- 1.47 'lb ItIt„ of "_ Registrar ---- 68.bl 76 harry B.Griswold,Supts.Salary March 31 ----- 14o.8b 77 R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace Salary,11arch --- 12b.00 78 E.B.Beatty, itif If 11 11--- bO.00 Y9 Emory J.Hager,Councilmans Salary- it --- 25.00 80 Jesse H.DeVoe, itIt ---- 25.00 81 Dwight L.Robbins- Service Town Hall --- 5.0QQ0 82 rr If - Dog Service _-'_ .( 816 Campbell Press- Envelopes Town Board ---- 1 , 17 7.Oo 84 Social Security Fund,Town Share- an. -Feb March 85 J.Morris Goring'Ww.Kurtz Post,42i .L 19L4 200.00 86 C .H.G.& .E.Corp.-Hughsonville LightVs �'sjtenance 87 " " It " " " -Chelsea Light Dist. 42.98 tib rr rr rr rr rr rr-$ervice Town Hall - --- 1.90 89 " " -Service Town Garage ---- 11.114 45166.18 Highway Fund Louis Doughty ------ Gravel ---- 282.115 Sinclair Relining Co. -- Gas ---- `2t32 .47 Hen Smith Machinery Uo.- Pipe ---- 325.29 J 890 .51 b1achinery Fund Sinclair Refining Co. - - Gas ---- -Co. 3.'//i Ciiristensen & Linge Lumber Supplies ---- 1 , y� Homer R.Ho:iden --- Repairs ---- 264.35 Lane Farm Supply Inc. Parts ---- 6.96 kudway Gas & Service Station- Supplies ---- 201.30 dappingers Hardware ----- It ---- .30 d .E.Andrews Hardware Uo .inc . it ---- .40 Tyson Flack Distributors Corp.- Repairs ---- 41.0 York Modern Corp. ---- Parts ---- b9.5u 618.zu Miscellaneous Fund March 1-15 Hrush iiemoval ------ 1u24.40 March 16-31 Snow Bence removal ------ 853.70 Vew York Telephone Co. -Service 'sown Garage ---- 17.35 18tso .45 in Motion made by justice Beatty seconded by councilman Rager that bills be paid. Carried Motion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that-vialter Altonen be appointed a constable 7 -or 'Town of lappinger. married Motion made by councilman pager seconded by Judge .Dederer that Dwight L.Robbins be appointed inspector and chief enforcement officer , Town of Wappinger for Mutiple Resident law. Carried Potion made by Judge Dederer seconded by Judge Beatty that the salary for the enforcement oziicer be $100 per year. k Carried ttotion made by Councilman pager seconded by Mudge Beatty that tine Town take over the Pine Hill Drive in the Winne developement. Carried b motion made by Judge Dederer secondedldudge Beatty that meeting adjourn. U arried Town Olerk A regular meeting of the Hoard of He alth,Town of Wappinger was held in the Town Hall on April 8,19b4 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scofield,Supt.ol Highway Harry B.GriewoldjJustices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty, councilman Emory J.Hager,Atty.James J.Lyons,Health uficer Dr.William E.Garlick and Town Clerk,Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor acofield at 8:00 P.R. Health oziicer reported b cases oz chickenpox and one case or measles,otherwise health of Town in good condition. Meeting adjourned