1954-05-06Ub A regular meeting sof the Town Board,Town of tappinger was held in the Town fall on I"ay 6,1954, Present Supervisor Edward R,Scofield,Oouncilmen ',,fesse H,DeVoe & Emory J.Hager,Supt.of Highway Harry B.Griswold,Justices R.H.Dederer and Edward B.Beatty,Atty James J.Lyons and Town C1erk,Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at 7:45 P.11, yinutes of previous meeting read and approved as read. VMI# 91 92 96 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 lv0 104 105 106 1011 108 109 General Fund Harry B.Griswold,Supt's.Salary April 15 --- Uampbell Press ---- Printing --- New York Telephone Co. - Service Town Hall --- Beasley Agency Inc. --Policy C 50505 Liability --- " if if --Policy OBP 64362 --- 't if it --Premium on Constables Policies - Edith H.Booth--Town Clerks i6alary )April --- Dwight Robbins -- Service Town Hall if it -- Dog Service --- Harry B.Griewold,Supt'a Salary )April 50 --- R.H.Dederer,Justice of Peace Salary --April --- Ed.B.Beatty_-- Emory J.Hager-- Councilmans Salary --- Jesse H.DeVoe -- Iit it --- Edith H.Booth,Town Clerk -Expense or Otiice --- C.H.G.&.E.Corp.----- Service Town Hall --- 11 IT IT If It 11 Hu.ghsonville Light Dist. --'- if H IT it " --- Chelsea Light Dist. --- Williamsoxi Law Book Oo .--Record of Fees' Book --- Huth Sutton- Stenographers Services --- Hi Rhw ay Fund 14 5.83 6.25 11.65 U9.96 213.39 18.00 150 .00 5.00 4.00 14b.84 125.00 50 .00 2b.00 25.00 b.01 2,64 85.96 42.98 15 .44 9 .25 1946.20 April 15-30 ---- General Repairs --- 7114.80 Louis Doughty --- Gravel --- 37.00 F'ishkill Builders Supply corp. -- Gravel --- 352 .50 Sinclair Refining Co .------- Gas --- 9b.6b $'1259.98 Machinery Fund Sinclair nefining Co. ------- Gas --- 185.37 Ylidway Gas & Service Station--- Repairs --- 4.'ib Homer R.Holden----------- if --- 198.90 Victor Sanko ----------- IT --- 17.00 Wappingers Hardware ---------- Supplies --- 7.b8 rack Yotor Truck Corp. Repairs --- it .88 Fishkill Plains Garage -- --- " --- 1.8b 4211.43 l,iscellaneous Fund April i-15 --Brush & Guard Rail Maintenance --- 812.40 VanVoornis Bros. --- Supplies --- 1.96 Cnristiansen & Linge Lumber Co.-- Supplies --- b6.26 Hillard Lumber Co. --- Cement --- 10.40 New Yorx Telephone Co. -- Service Town Garage --- 8.10 Abbott & Abbott --- Supplies --- 14.20 883,t�9 Motion made by Justice Beatty seconded by Councilman DeVoe that bil.Ls be paid. Carried. 97 I.Iotion made by Councilman ITager seconded by Councilman DeVoe that Health Officer,Dr.`ffi.11iam E.Garlick,attend the 50th.Annual Health Conference,which'will oe held at Lake Placid from June 7 through June 10 arid that his expenses be a Town Charge. Carried Votion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman Hager that the Town Clerk be authorized to appoint a second Deputy Town Clerk wno snail act without compensation,and whose authority shall be limited to 6ne issuance of Hunting,Fisning & Trapping T,icenses, the Town Board hereby approves the appointment of Clinton Urey as second deputy town clerk. garri.ed Motion made by Justice Dederer seconded by Councilman DeVoe that meeting adjourn. Carried Town Ciera A regular meeting of tree Board of Health,Town of Wappinger was held in tine Town Hail on May 6,i9b4 Present Supervisor Edward R.Scoiield,Supt.ox Hignway Harry B. Griswold, Justices R.H.Dederer & Edward B.Beaxty.Councilman Emory J .Hager and Jesse H.DeVoe,Hea.lVhr,Ot doer Dr.Wm.E.Garl Qk Town Clerx Edith H.Booth. Meeting called to order by Supervisor Scofield at S 'P.M. Health Officer reported b cases ok- chicken pox and two cases of pneumonia,,otnerwise health a4 Town in excellent condition. Veeting adjourned. ,7 1 ``�qF J -0 Town Clerk.