2013-0142013-14 Resolution Authorizing a Blanket Undertaking Covering Officers, Clerks and Employees of the Town of Wappinger At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, Dutchess County, New York, held at Town Hall, 20 Middlebush Road, Wappingers Falls, New York, on January 7, 2013. The meeting was called to order by Barbara Gutzler, Supervisor, and upon roll being called, the following were present: PRESENT: Supervisor Councilmembers ABSENT: Barbara Gutzler William H. Beale Vincent F. Bettina Ismay Czarniecki Michael Kuzmicz The following Resolution was introduced by Councilman Bettina and seconded by Councilwoman Czarniecki. BE IT RESOLVED, that all the official bonds and undertakings by the officers, clerks or employees of the Town of Wappinger may be in the form of a blanket undertaking from any duly authorized corporate surety and said undertaking shall indemnify the Town of Wappinger against the loss of the type more particularly set forth in Article 2, Section 11 of the Public Officers Law. The foregoing was put to a vote which resulted as follows: BARBARA GUTZLER, SUPERVISOR Voting: AYE WILLIAM H. BEALE, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE VINCENT F. BETTINA, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE ISMAY CZARNIECKI, COUNCILWOMAN Voting: AYE MICHAEL KUZMICZ, COUNCILMAN Voting: AYE Dated: Wappingers Falls, New York 1 /7/2013 The Resolution is hereby duly declared adopted. RISTINE FULT N, TOWN CLERK Named Inured: Policy Number: C,PPA-PF-6054695-0'0/4'00 TOWN OF WAPFINr3ER policyPer;od: From 0.1-22-2012 To oz-2'2-2013 ~' ,.~....r. ~ ~ +~~• ~ 9. .. ~F,~~:: ~f~ 2~ - _G. ~RA(3E -~1~ : ~ ~~~' ~ G Syyy y~~~~r ~ ~ II' •`., `4 :III ry tii : '~ ;; :.=, i y., I k.:~ : rr !~, I-'."A; II:.~YiA. i;:ii }I.; Y R Fw .,...: ~:..I"'ri.:'. ,p,"T .: ix'.. -;;~.. ~:I -:1 ll ,. : iG. Xe•.i.~i~~": il`:!`=.'Ili~~~ ~?F1' I M '~ f _. II ''- "~I+, `~' G II I It ~ ~ '~ ~ ~II~ iaF7.. ., ~ 1i~1~ .'pl, I I ~ i ' .. -:~_.;li..ii'li~:.: L'i:!:::.:~ .; Ii;~:tl: ;• (I.n +'i .. . I~ .k~~ •~ i •11:: R I ~ 1 ~ f ~ a ..~. li' ,: •I. .=!i'I~ ICI,. ,:"' i.. I~ _~il 'r:x.: .. ~ •I. . _ ,' , ... - :y G. h ~~: Il:?n::~i: _ ~ ~I~' .si:?: _ i. ~i n. ' I .il : ~~ I::,i.. u ir~surino A~emgrat LtrNt cf In$unance Deduc tible Amount t=rriploye~e Thei# $ 25,.000 Per Loss S 250 Par Loss XD Inciuries Faithful Performance Forgery ar gNer~jon $ ?5,000 per Occurrence $ 250 per Oxurrenoa Inside the Prernlses -Then alf Money & Securities $25,000 per Oooun+enoa S 250 per Occurrence In~de the Pretr+ises -Robbery/Safe Burglary $ 5.000 per Oocurnenoa S 250 per OCCUrrenoe Outside the Prernrses S 25,000 per Occurrence S Z50 per Occurrence. Computer Fraud $ 10,000 per decurrenoe S 250 per Occurrence Funds Transfer Freud $ 1tf,000 per Occurrertaa $250 per Occurrence Mon Orders ; 10,D00 Occurrence S 260 per Ocr~rrence ~atimab4d Coverage Part PrerNum: $ 1'T2 . o 0 ' ~ I i ila ~I ~'~ :,.I _.I .I~ ~~... ~~ I ~ I i FF~I~I : q.: ~I~..' ~.n1''.!::: ~ ~ is "~pG:'~ f~ ~ ~ E .. .: ~I G~- I j ~h. ' ~.,~~~~ ~ I~~t'-~: •~ti'-~:: ~'7F •~.1~~ i 11 XA k _ _ - ! .k ~ L''1'' L.. , h ia-':. ~;IG-c.. .;X ~ `~; 9ir"4'r. .. ;5r; ;c ~~ 1 `~" ~~:Ijr:i •''sfi^xt}:y.:•n '' i e~I:~.,d~: r:~ ;~;~~;'~~~j;i:.: '~:'' ~' li ~ Ilk I ~ ~ I ~ ~R .:. I G r: • ` yC( I:.. ~ :r:;:"=1 .. '~i•,II p.: is :~: :; .. `: Iji-~~lf'`m' ~ - '. . ' .. ; fi-''%•Cli:[ n"L ~ -~,h. -- ' : .. E.. .. see Schedule of Forma and Endorsements. Employee Benefit Pun(s) included as Insureds: G°~~~C~~~C'D ,IAN 0 2 2013 TOWN ~~ WAPPINGER TOVOlrJ ~LE~2K e~,oo ro:-o~ ~a-o~-aa~ b.$penid l.itrtiE Of rnMUanoo Far Spoc~INd property Vye will ony pay up to $5.OOi) for any one "ocxurrenoe' of ions of or damage #o manuscripts, drawings, or recants of any kind, a the cost of reconstructing tteern or reproducing any information contained in thelrti. 5. Catdtdort; Applk~bM To Irtettrttrg AgneertletftA.7. a t3pe~ l.irdt Of InsuI7ltloa For SpacJried Propett~- WIe will only pay up b $5,{i00 for any one "occurrence` of lass of or damage. io mereuscripts, drawings, or records. of any kind,. or the cost of reconstructing them or reproducing any intonnatlon contained in them. b. Tirrtfiory Wb will cover loss that you sustain resuRheg directly tram an 'bccurrenoe" taking piece anywhere in tree world. Terrltay t:ondit;on E1.p, does net apply tc Insuring Agreement A7. F. Wflnllions 1. "banking premises" neserts the inter'wr of that portion of any building occupied try a banking instibuticn or sirreiler safe depository, 2 'Counter'feit money" me-ates an imitation of 'money" that is intended to deceeive and to be tal~en as genuine. 3. 'Custodian" means you, or arey'btnployee" wh~e having care and custody of property inside the'~r+etnlses", eecc[uding any person w~heile acing as a luatchparson" or janitor. 4. "Discover" or ~dlscovered" rnearea the time when you first become aware of fasts which would c:suaa 4 reesonabb person bo as~tarMS that a loss of s type covered by this insurance has haste a wifl be incurred. regardbss of when the act or acts causie~ or oontributirtg fo such toes occurred, even though the exact aitrxwnt or details of loss may not tteen be known. 'Discover" ar '~discov+er+ed' also means the lime when you first receive notice of an actual or potential claim in vuhich it to alleged that. you aro liable to a third party under circunnstaueoes which, if true, would constl~ute a loss under tteie irlsurarroe. 5. "Employee". a 'Empkayee"means: (1J Any natured person: (~ While in your service and fvr the first 90 days imrriectieAey after termination of servicx, unbse such tettntnation Es due to "theft" or any other dishonest sot committed by the 'iemployee` (b) Who you coneperesate.d~tly by salary, wages ar car:xreisaions; and (c) 1Meo you t~an+e tree right to dinisct and rmMrol whNr psrfanning services for you: (~ Any natural person who is furnished bmporariiy to yap: (s) To substitute for a penr>anent 'employee"' as defined in Paragraph a{1j. wtto is on have; or (bj Tp meet seasond cx short-ilerm worldaad conditions; while that person is subject to your direction and control and pesrforming services for you, excluding, however, any such p+rrson while having care and custody of property outside the'premiess` {'J~ Any natural person who is leased to you under a written agreement between you and a labor teasing. firm, to perform duties related to the conduct of your business, but does not tresere a temporary "lsrnplayse" as defined in Paragraph aG(2'}; (y Any natural person who b: tiCit'i41(Q1.-0!tj fopyriptd zoo9 amerecw+atetne6ve Insteranps Corpontlon: wi PaIDe 43 of 16 ri0hts reeennd. Inoludae oopydgtreed eratutN lase ksuraeeoe CFt<11YtE Bruise CIrEo~, Inc. wwh Nr pfneistion. rwaoucee.ccw (ay A trustee, officer, 'tempio7yee", administrator ar manager, except en administr4for or manager who is an independent contractor, of any employee benefit plan(s); and (b) An af~clal of yours while that person is engaged in handling "funds" or "ati>wer propertyr" of any err~loyee benefit plan; (5? Any natural parson who, is a forrr~ar oRicial, 'lmployee"' or trustee retained as a oansultent wfiik performing servlose for you; or (8~ Any natural person who is a guest student or intern pursuing studies or duties, excluding, hawievar, any such person while ha+rMg care and custody of property outside the "premises". ('~ Any nbn~olnperisatied natural person: (a? sJther than one whole a fund solicitor, white performing services for you that are usual to the duties of an'~nplayss"; or (b) While eating as a fund soNcitar during fund raising campaigns. b. "Employee" does not mean arty .agent,. independent corttracior or repressntativa of the same.gensral charaatar not specified in Paragraph 5.a. 6. "Forgery" means the signing of the name of another pennon or organ'~zatton with intent to deceive; h does not mean a.sktnature which consists to whole or in part of one's awn name signed with arwithout authority, in any capacity, far any purpose. 7. "Fraudulent instruction" meals: ar An electronic, telegraphic, cable, tobtype, t4iefs~csknib or telepfione instruction which purports to have been transmitted by you, but which was In fi4ct fraudulently transmitted by someone else without your knowledge or consent; b. A written instruction (other than those described kt Insuring .Agrererisnt A.3:) issued by you. which was forged or altered by someone other than you without yow knowledge a conserrt; ar which purports to have been issued by yam, but was in fact fraudulently sued without your knowledge or consent; or o; An electronic, telegraphic, cable, teletype, tslefacstmile, tslepho~ yr written instruction iNtially received by you which purports to have been tranarr~tted by an 'iampiayee" but which was in feat fraudulently transmitted by someone else without your or the bmpiayes's" knowledge or consannt. tt. "Funds" means 'tna~rtdy"and "aeauritas;". t#. 'tiAessenge-• means YOU Or any'larnpioyee"while having care ~d custody of properly outside the 'prerr~es' 1tt. `Massy" means: a. Currency, wins and bank Holes in current use and having. a face value; surd b. Travelers checks, regtstar shacks and money orc~rs held for sale to the pubTiC. 11. '~Occurrerioe"means: s Under Insuring AgreemsntAl.: (1)An inctivfduaf act; (2}The combined total of aq s~araris ads whether .or not related; or (;l)A.serles of acts whether or not related; committed by an 'hmployes" acting along or in cdiusion with other p~erscns, during the Policy Period sfiown 'in the Declarations. axoept as provided under Cflndition Ei.j. or E1.k b. Under Insuring Agreement A.2: (1} An individual act; (~ The combined total of ell separate sots whether or not related; or (3) A series of ecis vrh~her or not related; {~GR1QZ (01.0 cnpyripht s00a Nrwrican AtMreuiMw k+eu rsncp Corpon~on. Nl Paps 14 oft 5 rtphhs naervsd. h~dudr,aapyri9tMW mslerbl ofRrs IrMurarroe CRIME SirWou oRl~e, Inc. wish i~ perni~ston TH1S ENibOiRSEIMIIENT CHANGES THE POLICY. [PI.EA.4E READ R CAREFULLY. ADD SCHEDULE FJCCESS L1M1T aF INSURANCE FAR SPECRFlED EMPLOYEES OR POSITIONS This endarserr~ant rnodifles inauranoe provided under the fdlawing: C.OMMEiiCtAL CW AAE COVERAC'E PART G011J=FiNMEAR CRIME COVERAC~ BART SCHEDULE E~caeas Unit Ot Insurance Paatdon SchduL4 Coveraoe Tales O€ Cavterad Podtlons itQCaSon Of p IIIEr. Of 'Entployres" 1F.acFr Porilion Excess Llrriit Of Ineurancee ~'Employse* TAK COLLECTOR WAPPINt,BRS FALLS, NY 1 225,dd0 (lf no story appears a~txrve, the infamratian required to corndeto this endorsement Mriq be eiv~n i n the Ds~tbne as a ppltce tile. to thb endaresrnaM,] t. 'The 1=xceas Limit of insurance shovm irl the Schedule applies to each `employee" who is Warned or wha holds a position shown in the Sdiedub opposite that IimiL Z. The Excess Limit of tt}surance applies gnly to' that part of any covered loss that eameeds the Limit of Insurance shown in the Dedarati~ons for the ilnptoy~ea Then Insur~g Agreerrrent Pius any applicable i]educ~ble Amount. ~ The Excess Limit of Insurance appiries only to loss ~auseti by an idlenttfisd '~mpioyee". 4. If the i:xcxss Llmit of lnsUrance Is scheduled on a position basis, the moat wv wlll pay for an 'employee" haldi~ more than ane positbn is the largest Excess Lima df Ir~urance in effect and applicable to any one of those posafons a# the time of lass. OCRSg3 (01-0~ t'?op3+rfpht zoo6 Arrraricen aiaerrratw Inwrsnce Crzrporatfan. Page 1 od 1 A!I rights rveerved, lerclitdee pepY~4~ me~erial of the CIiLL~AE Inuruloe Services t7Mfee, Inc. wfC1 He perrnieeion. ~ooucee oaPr THt8 QIID~R3EIi1EM' CFt~WGES THE IPQLICY. PLEASE BEAD R CAREFULLY. ADD FAITHFUL PERFgRMANCE ~F DUTY CC3VERAGE FqR GOVERNMENT EMPLQYEES This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the fotlowing: GOVERIdMQVT CRIME Ct'~VERAt3E PART and applies is the EmployeeThsft Insuring Agreerrlent. A. Protiblans 4. The foliowin~ is added to the En>Etloyse Theft Insuring Agtserrwnt designated above: Wle viii pay for loss ar darrtsgel to 'frloney", "securitia8' antl "other properly" r'esultittg directly from the #ailure of sny 'bmployee' th fakttfully perform his or her duiias as .pr+esarit>ad by law, when such fayura leas as its direct and immediate rasuk a loss of your covered property. 2 As raspecb the coverage provided by this. endorsemttht, the following exclusions are added to Section D.2 ~ad[tsions: s. Logs raeuktng from •the failuro of any entlty acting as a depository far your property or property for which you are respansbb. ~ Damages for which you aro legetly Rabb as a resuk of: (1) The deprivation or vlolanlon of the civil rights of any person by an '>ampiayee or (2) The tortious conduct of an 'tlrnpioyee ; exvept the conversion of property of other parries held by you in any capacity. 3. As nsspacta the coverage provided by tilts andotaenlent, Paragraph tb~(i) of the TsntKrtatlan As To Any Employes t:cinditbn !s replaced by the fotlowing: (1) As soon as: {a) You; ar {b) Any a~icial ar employee autharixed to manage,, govern or rorttrol your'iemployses" learn of any ect committed by the '~ernplayse" whether beFore: or effier becoming employed by You which would cartsti#tri$ a loss cx~vered under lyre. terms of the Employes Theft Insuring Agreement, rds arnendsd by this ehdorsenlertt_ 4. As' t'espeCls the coverage prcnrided by this endorsement, Cand~ort Za, IndemnMttaltlorl, is replaced by the following: IAde will indemnify any of your officials who are required by lauv tc glue bonds for the faithful performartoe of ttt6ir duties against loss through the failure of arty lcarlployee" under the supervision of that official to faithfully perform hie or her duties as pnliscribed by law, when such failure has ae its direct.and fmmedists result a bas of your covered property. GCR4GQ (Q't-0~ CapyrigfN ZUt7eM~eri~r+AlMntedve Meunuxe Glorpcfatfon. AU Paps 1 of 4 ~g-so naerved. Inquda. aapnlghisd rneterfal otthe Umynu~os CIi1ME 9ervlcra Olror, Inc. wlttt Its permissipn. eR caav