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Y. 191. 7 S: This Board'' a adviseceomp WHEREAS: ying health regula tions have been adopted by over 400 municipalities of this state eknd found in accord with modern science and entirely workable, and WMEAS: The State Commissioner of health'has recommended the adoption of these regulations by this Board of Health that the health regulations of this municips.lity may be as nearly uniform with those of others of the state as possible] therefore be it RESOLVED: That the accompariyina, health regulations be and hereby are adopted by this Board of Health' as the hewlth regular tions of this municipality, and be it further. RESOLVED: That all other health regulations now in "xce than conflict with or w;.e i,nconslstent -with the provision these regulations be and hereby aTe repealed, and be it further RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board of Health be and hereby is dir=ected to publish these health .regulations in accordance with Sec. 2", of the pubs. c hea3th law by posting one copy in his office and one copy in the office of the health officer for two weeks, and be it further RESOLVED* That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is directed to secure sufficient copie-s of these regulations of the State Printer, Albany, N.Y. at a cost of not to exceed $1.85 for 50 or 13.00 per hundred and d.~.strib,Ute one copy to each member of this board, each physician, nurse, c3ergyman and school teacher of this municipal',cy and hold the remainder for distribution as needed, and be it further RESOLVED: That the Clerk of this Board be and hereby is directed to notify the State Commissioner of Health of the adoption of these regulations. . .. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N, Y. l:� 1R1� State commissioner of Health, Albany, N. Y. bear Sir: - The above Preamble ana Resolutions mere passed by the Board of Health of this municipality on the date noted below. Above. adopted Very truly yours, e'� 194 ��� *caZ G v � i My -.•i... � � aa�lGvr • �-�G � ��. ;. CWd t J/ Air / ��-f/ �/�,� L,.•�-��' �wR�G22.Cy �LGae.•v� :.�.�'d � 9�='�'� if �/ - < . �:.�P.L.?i2,�vc �a�t_... �=Z�•C,e-c- vc� z -c. � / i`�t.�"- 1:�4 � �• d U �✓C,�aG2�%+,.r,�% 7 `�z�c�-r.,�ti�`d�t • ���v�-Cs�• �2iC/� ��a�E�d%��rG��i Cv�� �11C� • 4 Ll ,.� '. 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