1906-190823 11 w In 124 h 'Ibl) WAS AITUMNE BY AND BUTIVETIN THE TOWN BOARD AND THE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONERS ...... County of.,eX of I he (own of. . �Vmade this ..... ...... clay of. 190.ITNESSETII: WHEREAS, The State Engineer and Surveyor has, in accordance with the provisions of the Highway Law, Issued certain directions for the proper maintenance, improvement and repair of highways in towns which have adopted the money system, it is hereby mutually agreed between the parties hereto that said directions, as hereinafter set; forth, shall be fully, completely and faith- fully carried out. First: The roads in each town shall be divided into as many districts or sections as may be necessary in order that every mile of road may be placed in the best possible condition on or before June Ist of each year. Second: Competent foremen shall be selected, and the organization of forces for each dis- trict or section shall be arranged early in the spring or during the winter preceding. Third: Each district or section shall then be placed in charge of a competent foreman, who should be thoroughly instructed and who shall be provided with suitable tools, machinery and men to properly perform the work on the highways tinder his care. Fourth. As early in the spring as possible, all waterways, ditches and culverts shall be opened and the work of perfeoting the drainage and improving the surface of the road shall be commenced. Fifth: All ]owe stone, sod and organic matter must be removed from they.highways while the tT work is in progress. 'lider no circumstances shall sod, roots, organic material, worn-out dust or mud be scraped from the ditches or sides of the road and placed on its surface. Sixth: All noxious weeds and brush growing within the bounds of the highway shall be out and removed, as provided by Section 53-a of the Highway Law, once before the first day of July and spin before the first day of September in each year. Seventh, All loose stone lying with -in the beaten track of every highway shall be removed at once every month from the first day of April to the first clay of December in each year, as provided by %eetion 20 of the Highway Law. Eighth: The road shall be brought to a proper crown of about one inch fall to the foot, except- ing an steep grade, where the crown shall be more. The machine�,work shall, continue from the main ditch or grutteFon either side to the center of the road. Great care must be exercised to avoid making secondary ditches or gutters when using a road machine. Under no circumstances shall the road be narrowed so as to forin secondary qitclies or gutters. r! Ninth: All sluices or culverts having a span or opening of two feet or less shall be maintained and constructed, and the expense therefor paid from the highway fund. Openings having a span in excess of two feet shall be regarded as bridges, and none of the expense for their repair or con- struction shall be paid from the highway fund. Tenth: That books containing blank forms of orders to be drawn by the highway commis- sioner on the supervisor must be retained by the highway commissioner as a town record; that the certification on the back of the order must be signed by the party to whom the order is made payable, and his signature duly witnessed.; that the highway commissioner must fill out orders payable to each individual upon a date prior to the day which may be established as nay day, and ,,:, submit the same to the supervisor for his inspection; that, if the amount represented by such orders meets with the approval of the supervisor, he may advance the amount thereof and take a t`. z: temporary receipt from the highway commissioner; that the account book shall be kept by the supervisory or he shall cause the same to be kept, so that pages 1. to 40, inclusive, will account for all moneys expended under the provisions of Section 53 of the Highway Law, pages 41. to 44 will t a�' ,;; show the expenditures made for the repair and maintenance of bridges, pages 45 to 44 will show a x; the expenditures for miscellaneous accounts, and pages 49 and 50 will show the expenditures for the construction of new bridges. Eleventh: It is also agreed that we hereby set aside an average sum of .................... dollars per mile for ............ miles of road, to be expended by the highway commissioner so that each and every mile of road in the town shall be placed in the best possible condition in order to comply with the foregoing directions. Twelfth: It is also agreed that much -traveled highways demand extra attention, and that, in addition to the amount per mile above named, additional sums shall be expended on the following roads as hereinafter specified, viz.: 67 On the road leading from.. ...... .G�- ............. . ..................... .........................................1............................................... a distance of.. � ... miles ... ..... dollars, On the road leading from..:',/; " .'U , , , , , , , , , , , , .................................................................................... to. .. s -e ' `.. , '! �-- "'............. . ....... a distance of .. ... , miles ...... dollars, im On the road leading from.- cg .... �o.•.. }-`� ........... .............. r.............................. ... ................. I ...... I ... .............. a distance of ...... 3 ............... miles.. . a .. dollars . ,'. On he xoad leading from.. .. . ..... . .................. a distance of ........ ! ......... . miles .1 .4? 0 -dollars � On the road leading from.., . ....... ... . .. ...... ff` ,t wn to.............................................................. ................`{ z .....................................................� a distance of ............. . ......... miles ..eq dollars On the road leading from . r , ...... ..... 10... ................ ................... a distance of ...... �3 ........... miles.. �� . d . U...,dollars On the road leading from . ..... .. ....... ..,.. iy I j r 1. � f r �--[/'."r,�� �—"'•-�'1`I �•/:i 5..�..."'. W y;. �. ,3 �� ���n Hf I f �� �� { +)�) C r n .I. �j1YwA .S �� r% f.! i 33 1 /j o 17- (t � 162 L11 I C-5-0 /.L-5- 0 m c J JA I NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS,, Sealed j'I oposals rvilFbe received at the office „f tile' n Clerk of the Town of Wappinger on of lth day of August, l>i16, for the grading and coucceto velli on file Qreen Fly Road - in said town in acairdauce with the plans and sp "if ca- tions now on filo in said To rxm Clerlt's The right toreject tmy and ll ibit1s is reserved. 1ViLh prolaosaicfndilof the�anioant of tile bid, clxei lI eGx 10 p piryable to the Supervisor ofthe ,Town of Wap- pinger. SPECIFWATION, The work tnUe donO under this specification xvill consist of gradtngthe road the establish- ed grtideline, constrnotiug t11e ne:essay drains; ed gras,Oulverts and ga and I•all and all other x4ork onto ossary for the proper fnlfillnient pE the con- ti•n4t according to the me€ming and intent GE the plitns and specifications which are a part hereof. The centraotor tolremove fromuired othe roadlear- and int1', and grubbing, adj riniug property all rubbish and surplus ma terral pertalmng to the work, which may have rxccumuli ted during itsprosecution; to protect all fenees and to replace or repair the same If they become darnaged or destroyed by him e; 4 they Contractor will also be held t i sponsible for all damages to adjoining Property and nll maters€il thrown on adjoining p by blasting must be Mauved and placer in flus. CLEARING AND GRUBBING. All tree stu€nps and roots within the line of the intprovemeut slxall Ue grubbed and removed as the Engineer may direct. From station 23 to 82, some of the trees, not to exceed one-half of the number on the east side of the road, are to be exit and removed. ERJAVATION AND EMBANK HENT. The roadway and ditches shall be graded throughout the entire length to conform to the line and grades as Shown an tile plans, and as given by the Engineer: Ail boulders and stumps shall be excavated to rx depth of at least six inches below grade. . Ni solid rock projections or stones larger than will pass through a three inch ring are to be left within six inches of the grade line. The contractor shall excavate such ditches and make such driveways as the Engineer may mount Of niater a1 e cavated doesunot exceed he total quan- tity orexcavt€tion sbown m the specifications. Te Engineer may makeach changes in grade and alignment as may be"deemed advisable un- der'tUe same cenditton. c(,ntractorWill slake the side ditches and put one and Ito use eareculverts in the In t, gement of work and to see that to best material Yor surfacing 18 put in the tylle� layer. Ali shale in cut Station 43 to 45 which is suits ble Par top caressing shall be used forsurfacing All. excavated materials will be iplaced in fills and surplus will be used in making slopes Your himh'aa rH rNeted. $I wlti and grades givon in making same Care ntust be used to make the bank as arhd as prac. ticable. All surfaces and slopes slxall be left with neat oven surfaces in conformity with lines and di- rections given by the Engineer. Side $lopes Gf cuts and.ditches to be one to one ` and of embankments one and a half to one ex- copt as above uoted. Before the work will be accepted contractor Roast put the whole surface in the best practica- blesbape for use by raking or by using rut - scrapers. MASONRY. ` Contractor is to extend drain at Station 0X, 5 feet to tine west and to repair the end of drain at Station 2, and to repair any ether drains that may bb found, so that they will conform to the new road bed: he is also to build two concrete , I ber planed on one Side ano ecges, Expauueu metal to be 6 by 12 inches 14 4, or 3 b 6 7uohes No. 10 and. to be out to; fit so that the longest diniensious of mesh shall run across culverts. GUARD RAIL. Posts tc be 6 loll ehestnat or locust peeled, if saved may be 4 by 6 inches, Rails to be of 1Yj by 6 inch pine or hemlock planed, or' other ap• pr,ved:wood. Rails to be securely spiked to posts. Posts and rails to be painted two Cents white lead in oil. ENGIN€CER's WSTIVATB CID Q"eNTiTIES, i 3,122 Cubic yards of excavation of all kinds (including eurth and rock) to form, 2,600 cubic yards of embankment. 21 Cubic yards of concrete. 200 Sqquare feet of expanded metal, . 55ic yards of culvert excavation, founda- _Cukr tions and ditches.: ' 144 Linear feet of guard rail comploto 4 Coble yards dry wall at drain ezr'da' Some clearing and grubbing, M. F. XCLLAN, Town Clerk. I `� 141 142mi O. Z. -I -5%� ane.� 144 )eW X;ez . . . . .. .................. . . 44 �4 12 fj )eW X;ez . . . . .. .................. . . 44 �4 t I ffLAW �g, awaowA-� =2 eg � d 76 � 41 4,oe 16 6 v7 d�,o o :�- 8 7,-3, ,�-o '.2-0 Zzz�, 0 0 --p r o 7/,, 0 1-2— ////a 6 6-474 er o ",Z o cs C3o ca I "I '' 4-..�, a. �i � / "� • '�+� U `�" �'f � ��' `-"vlJ' �.�' "'� �-i'� (' V � ! `��� li��Yl ��% 'L / a'�eD '/OY _ ' 22, ,..�e e4 o o / o .0 0 0 14,16' 0 t ��- V O 14100 I "I m 1 �N', -olo /904 CA/ 06 40 f - ff � cx4�1 / 1 7'-'3-t e-0 lip 13,1,� /-1-/66a'j— z--2,, .3aa.aa r V . yh� P�� w r/ M OF Minutes Of a Joint meeting of the To Boards of the Town of Bast Fishkill and the Town of Wapping r, held in t'hO Village Of HOPOw011 Tunotion on the 22nd of xay$ 19070 Present., Supervisor Lewis R. Wright of Bast piohkill I ;Uoticest Philip Warren, Warren Horton, Xured Town Clerk, C. X. No XeOwn Hi&waY Commissioners, R. H. Barnes, R. B. Kain, Constituting the Town Board and Board, of 9,1gh. Commissioners of the Toym 9,;f Ug 1. C. A. Hopkins, Rsq., representing the town of East Vishkill, George Wood, Fsq., representing the Town of 'Vappinger. On motion Lewis wright was elected chuirman and F, Smith, secretary. Mr. O'Farrell addressed the Joint meeting outline. Its the purposes for which t1le M(tin g was called, to wite0 , OD fp^� a That such meeting was called for the purpose of making an equitable arrangement between they two towns as to the rare and maintenance of the bridges over Sprout Creek, between the two towns. On motion a Committee was appointed to confer as to a just allottment of the bridges between the two towns so that each town would have a proportionate share of the bridges to supervise, care for and maintain. The following Committee was appoi.nt04: Supervisor O'Farrell and. Conmi ooioner of Highw4ys Vermilyea of the Town of wappi,ngesr, and Supervisor Wright " ,. Ughway CQ=Assioner Barnes of the . 'own of East Pi.sh* They Committee reported that in their opinion an equitable division of said bridges would be as follows, to wit: The flown of Easy: Fi.shkill to bave the cares and supervision of the Robinson, the two Van Wyok and the two Montfort bridges, and that the Torn of Tappinger should have the care and supervision of the George Brown, Sparks Corners and ,four Swartoutvi lle bridges. On motion the report of the Connittee was un imoui apted. It was regularly moved and carried that the Highwal Coxrm lssi,onors of the several towns keep ars itemized accoun, of any moneys expended by them in repairs made on any of the bridges allotted to them, and that before the annual meeting hold for the purpose of auditing accounts that the; , f Ire t s;; 'm /vA-7 `.rim �r✓n �T �Pe �M1 rte.. 1, A ,.��y'1' � oma.,,_ 4 1 � 0) v & , ' z � 'PAN Y. v t � ° q i" k e report the same to the Town Board of this several towns for adju,etment by said several 'towns. Moved and carried that the above arrangement be limited to the care axad supervision of the several bridges and not to effect in 411Y Way -the building of any new bridges between, said towrde. On motion the Highway Commis0ioners of the several towns were authorized and directed to post suitable notice at the approaches of the several bridges indicating to which Highway Commissioners notice is to be given in case Of any repairs to any of such bridges It was also regularly roved and carried that dupli— , a off' these minutes be furnished tq end filed in the Town Clerk t o Office of the Town of East pieh ill and of the Town of Wappinger. On motion meeting adjourned., WRItt, W. -U" I I&I eo ld 'ay m m ale M�l r 19 r-2 a 62/8/9 v'r�o a o i ef / 60 i i j o2�"0(3 /,5'0 f .�^ --- 0 ct,,44�2 1ti 111 6) P" . k -P e'.) t,3 a i66 0 DE . .......... . 'b7 ,.. _ /' , � � ;� ,.. w � - _ .- T �, ..�'...� C'= �. � ,, � rT �' _. -����� ��� ..� r ,� (,.�, i �� �..�� ��� ��� � � � 1 J, EjI l._.� 8 �� � r � r ��� ,( J ��. 171 �,,�-%�.,�-�'`c,....-�-.-C �.., � �C,.-�Z,..�'..��c.-..-rr��✓t.� ".�2 �k�.-�[--�'-f---'�_..-�-ti...,.' .�..-�it.. 2....� c.�U--c�.r-�-�..�of �""�"° �"` r ��.Wr .. Nom. ,�' ��,, ✓ 9�a 877 b 411 evtf f ,33 //7 447 Yf gs ta 'y d"6 1d IN I /d I IN let f ,33 //7 447 Yf gs ta 'y d"6 1d IN I /d I IN W'A 43 'a halt An r rat , � �► i p�► ka s aat i�ar ia�.lit �r► Imaor tl y►� i i 41 s il1%Gll ally . >rPa ,' mow" ,itimi. erg .rlk ersAilp rw porsi IAuthorized to traffla i11 ligla i Under $I �� 2FJkJbiN y. „A ism xvhenb:^J.: r a AMU, NDMENT NUMBER ONE, Shall the Proposed amendment to section ton of urtjc.q(� (qght of t1m, (Ionstitut 4111, relating to thea 1111, cities of the second class, be approved 7 Iltatlon of indebtedness of oe AMENDMENT NUMBER TWO. Shall the proposed amendment to section two or article twelve of tho ("I'MmUtut'""' rfllat'"g t" th(t ('Im"IficatI011 of cities, be approved I A 1 :Z,3 )A IV , f I t ,/ WA Q 0 /j, et /f as V l✓ lY,�..V �% PTMt..+'�r Z+'" � � L W „�.. i .A -4v' 6d�a'+�' Em , 'J"/%*44 coo 0, t,, , W.. e� "..7 r'A el of , 'J"/%*44 coo 0, t,, , W.. 'J"/%*44 coo 0, t,, , W.. ° 1,2 ~ ,' �el 1441 K ° '' ~ ,' 1441 � 13 , lk �l 1441 , lk �l a, / tt vl — pr d� r`'� -•J Vt d " i �iet.✓"�"��•o��,y°�,�g� � ,.;� � f i�.,x•� �r� �` >a� J m� e,�.,q'"yol 4 ��.,,�„”, 9�J �'�.. n f f k I r `f.." V f .w I v V .�""G✓",.^"Ce.�� �,n�.>a®'�m G..,,n;� x • =°r�'' �'i - ' ",r9' sF �'f''� w xx,� �� �. «« ��� a,+."r/u � "",r ("". ,.0 �,,�0'"" t„°`'""Zr,,,"^s'G:�✓'��''I �% .�..,, ,;�'''C...�.��. �„ds+',, a�` �.��'�' '�k....�e� '`� �°',�' "S� '�{"'��,,, ,/ u:�„�.r '.x„J' tf ��k�,+” "'n� q �La`���"lwsTn "w'�.�iT � 4,,.:. s "9i1r`"',r 'b-r,rd✓�.,'w:�,•� N�' ��'�l,^"4,."° �. - 7'4 - T" let, tz WE 11q07 310,341 01T 7 /x -/ ;z 6 �, (3 / 5� / I -I- t-5-7(o,-,4 I- t -5-7(o,-,4 t-5—' 1, 8 62d, � 2�'g•oo r 4. ----------------- u ,� 183 ( ........ . ol ,� ,..f % YEN'. g ;' E Y •.,{ , s ";#q at,..", te y- � ire , MG f 20 f � Awl 2/, mW4� Yf"NaN d�g�.NrA% �x'q.N ,. # +: yN' �VP$,,.n"'° `��% `sr3 .5*�vo _ �.,.'' ,(x:s ✓`�rx � � ° ��" � .... n .rr:V Pm e, .r, '.rv✓�#a+"ry�:rvrt.+ MM�t. �:��r ,✓.�' `'w'W*,r�^"'m:w+"""'4mm�e:4un V"' �lr..rv� ±. �l�, .n �``� ,zp S r� y�° �. 1g -W7-6000 (8-0956) DETERMINATION AND AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BY AND BETWEEN 1_� THE TOWNAbyth R ND THE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER OR COMMIS TONERS 1 2 of the town of County of 3 and approved ate Eng' er and Surveyor, made in accordance with the provisions of section 53 4 of the Highway Law, a part of hich reads as follows: `But no payment shall be made until the town 5 board and the commissioner or commissioners of highways have determined how and where the money shall 6 be expended and the commissioner or commissioners of highways have entered into a written agreement 7 with the town board to expend said moneys as thus determined, and the said agreement has been ap- 8 proved by the State Engineer and Surveyor." 9 It is agreed that competent men shall be selected, and that the organization of sufficient forces shall 10 be arranged early in the spring or during the winter preceding, so that as early in the year as possible all 11 waterways, ditches and culverts shall be opened, and the work of turnpiking and smoothing the surface of 12 the roads shall be commenced, and that all of this class of work shall be completed on the....___-_-.-._.-_--_------- __ 13 day of June. 14 It is also agreed that all of the highways shall be kept free from loose stones at all times and that said 15 stones shall not be left in the ditches or by the sides of the road. Also all roads shall be brought to and 16 kept at such a crown that the water will flow to the ditches or sides of the road, and that the water shall be 17 turned from the ditches as often as possible, and that all ditches shall be kept at such a grade that the water 18 will not stand in the ditches or by the sides of the road. 19 In turnpiking and grading roads the work shall be done in such a manner that there shall be no shoulder 20 or secondary ditch left between the center of the road and the main ditch. All roads shall be smoothed 21 after the grading has been completed, by placing the scraper blade straight across the road or by using a 22 rut scraper, so that the high places shall be cut off and the low places or depressions filled; also all sod, loose 23 stone and organic matter shall be removed from the surface of the road before its final completion. Under 24 no circumstances shall sod, roots, organic material or dust be scraped from the ditches or sides of the road 25 and left upon the surface. All ruts and depressions shall be kept filled with the best available material. 26 All ditches, culverts and waterways, shall at all times be kept clean and free from all obstructions A11, 27 sluices having, a span not exceeding five feet shall at all times be kept in good condition and shall ,be'maln= 30 shall be at least six inches below the surface of the roan ana bne cuivCro M-1 u� ��• -�� •-• -- 31 until on an even grade with the surface of the road. Where water is to be carried across the road it shall be 32 done by means of a culvert and not by digging a ditch across the road or building what is commonly called 33 a "Thank you ma'am." When it is found necessary to intersect water that follows the wheel tracks on 34 steep grades, it may be done by placing in the road a small "V" -shaped water break which shall not exceed 35 three or four inches in height. 36 All roads which are to be permanently improved with crushed stone, gravel or other material shall 37 first be thoroughly drained and brought to a proper crown of about one inch fall to a foot, except on steep 38 grades where the crown shall be more, before placing the gravel or other material on the surface of the road. 39 All men who are regularly employed shall be paid for the number of hours actually worked, and not be 40paid for the time consumed in going to or from their work, and all orders drawn shall state the number of 41 hours worked, or the amount of material furnished, and upon what road the labor was performed, or the 42 material placed. _ 43 It is also agreed that we set aside the following sums for permanent improvements as hereinafter 44 specified upon the following named roads. 45 . On the road known ......... --•--- . ----- --------- -------:---- -------------- 46_ commencing at------ •• -- -- . --- --- -- -- ... ' . ----- ........ 47 'and leading to --- •• --....... ------------•----- -------------------------- o 48 a distance. £------- .miles there s 11 e expended....- :-----=-. ......... ..-- . dollars 49 forth followingkind'of im rovement.--- / '' --•• - j 51 On. the road kno a ---- �'�.[!.• !�-' 52 commencing at----------- i -- -- ---------- ----- ---- /...... 53 and leading to ... ------- ...._.._.._... ------------------- ... s�thereia�l be expended..---�+� ......... 54 a distance of.._----------------- -- -- --°�' 55 for the following kind of 56 G7 On the road 58 commencing at - GO and leading to 61 for the following kind nfimprovement ----- 62 83 On the road known z 04 commencing at ------ - 65 and }oudio �_ 68 adistance uf --------- ---- /�����~...... miles -� 67 for the following kind ofimprovement ....... 68 80 On the ro2l 70 commencing at .... A� ­ ----- --- 7t and ­/�t­ ... ­ ..A~ 73 for the following kind of improvement ......... ------------------- ----- ;7 — ------------- to X 9/-� � othe road known ua_. atr'for the following kind of ___________________ 87 On the road kno n 88 commencing. at = ` And i distance, of­t:Z-�­­/� ------ miles t ere shal be expended... ...... ` '_____ __'-____ 93 V: It is also further agreed that we set aside the sum of_________ ______----------------------------------------------- dollars to 94 be expended for constructing permanent new sluices having a s an not exceeding five feet. 95 It is also agreedl that the balance of the highway fund not hereinbefore set aside for per - 96 manent improvements shall be expended in maintaining and repairing the balance of the highways 97 in the town, as provided in the first part of this agreement, from line one to and including line forty - 98 two. 99 It is also further agreed that when the amount which has been set aside for special improvement or 100 new sluices has been expended, and the work remains incomplete the commissioner may apply to the super - 101 visor for the privilege of expending more money upon the said special improvement, and the supervisor 102 may grant his request if in his judgment he deems the additional expense necessary; provided, however, 103 that the amount does not exceed twenty per centum (20%) of the original amount set aside for the afore - 104 said special improvement, and provided that a sufficient sum is on hand and not set aside for other special 105 improvements or for new sluices. 106 It is also agreed that when an amount has been set aside for special improvements or for new sluices 107 and the commissioner has completed the work, and the amount so set aside has not been entirely expended, 108 the remainder of the amount may be credited back to the fund for the improvement of the highways of the 109 town in general. 110 It is understood that whenever the words "highway fund" are mentioned in this agreement the moneys 111 received as State aid are included. y� / 112 Signed on this ......... �[.// l...ff. =�:5.� ------......day of ........................................ .X 113 114-----•......................�1'�`_::v` ------ Town Clerk. .... 116 117 - •---... _ . -���.. ........... Justices of -the Pe vb' �� 119-----•------------•--------------------------------------------- -------•-----� k 120 ®____„ Highway Commissioner. 121-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Highway Commissioner. 122-------------------•---------.--....--------------------------•------------_.... Highway Commissioner. 123 We, the undersig11ne�d h'ghway commissioner or commissioners of the town of_ ,_% `� __ .... ___ .. . 124 County of ........................:. .._.. do hereby agree to expend the highway fund in such a manner 125 and at such places as is provided in the foregoing agreement and determination. /! Y 126 Signed on this ........ !. ............. day of _ 127 X. - ..,... ............. Highway Commissioner. 128 129 ________________________________________________•_•---------..-----_......,,.---, Highway Commissioner. ._...-•------•--------------•--------------•--_•---- ., Highway Commissioner. 130 I, the undersigned, State Engineer. and Surveyor of the State of New York, do hereby approve of the 131 foregoing Agreement and Determination, 132 Signed on this -------- ------------_--------day of --------------------------------------------------------- 19_._.._,. 133 --------------- State Engineer and Surveymr- /111� o- ra 'i , lf�* cl AL" Xt .1 40, '-e te"'C -1/1111 C -ell I �MA l / .,� ct�'� 7 ' xt`^ . ,{::,{ �-( of'�..1� d R'... ,. / J"' � �'�' Y'"" '� &" ,J` �...,�" @�' �..,, .a���.,»�A, . Vii` �" �� .,"' 6/s yr• �„l t , r � � 4 yy ,p I F J f .r awl ,.;✓i �^ �'" T ..:.,mom "',"�',:.,.H��'� ;Z"° " �+�. ,: �° ,� °..a``.°�`,. �' ,,�°,"'�+. � 00" �MA l / .,� ct�'� I k zel� in m i 8 Highway Commissioner's Estimate and Town Board's Approyal —1909 Pursuant to the provisions of section go of chapter 380 of the Laws of igo8, T, the undersigned, highwa commissioner of the town of ... ....... .. ..•-- _ _-.in the county of_ co � ... hereby make the following estimate of the amount of money which should be raised by tax for the year begin- ning on the first dal' of November, Igo8, for the purposes herein set forth. The amount set opposite each item in the column which bears the heading, " Estimate of Highway Commissioner," is the amount which I deter- mine should be raised by tax for the purposes specified. �. ESTIMATE OF AMOUNT HIGHWAY APPROVED BY COMMISSIONER TOWN BOARD FIRST ITEM. HIGHWAY FUND. i For the repair and improvement of town highways, including sluices,' s culverts, and bridges having a span of less than five feet .......... SECOND ITEM. BRIDGE FUND. 3 For the repair and construction of the bridge on the -------------------------------- 4 ------ z= ---------------- C.: ------=------------.............. ,.. _1 5 crossing the stream known as....L1 _ _. __ ------------ 6 . --.6 /and located on or near the property of----------- ---------------•-----•------------- 7}_'."...---...... . _.................. Il and located on or near the property, of, as........... . ................. ................................................... 13. For the repair and construction of the bridge on the------------------------ 14--------------------------------.....................................ro, 15 crossing the stream known as -------------------- --------------------------- ---------- 16-, and located on or near the property of ............................................ $_------------- ---------- $ -- ------- 2 For the repair and construction of the bridge on the 9 61 We, the undersigned, constituting ,a majority of the memAers of the town board oj,' the town of..... .........in the county oL ...... ........ I ........... .............. do hereby approve the foregoing estimate and declare the amounts set opposite each item in the column headed, " Tile amount approved by the Town Board," is the amount which' shall be raised by,- tax for the specific purpose mentioned therein. When the valuation of the town as finally equalized by the Board of Supervisors is -ascertained and the percentage of State aid that the town is to receive is known, if the aniount hereby designated in item one when added to the amount to L)c ro(Tived from the State fails to mect the re(ittirements of subdivision one of section -.-,,�---ftinety, then the supervisor is hereby authorized and instructed to increase the amount to be levied for high- ways, including sluices of less, than five foot span, so that When the aniouat to be received from the State is, added thereto, the total aniount Nvill equal thirty dollars per mile, as require(l by subdivision one of section ninety, and if such an increase is made the supervisor shall notify the',town clork and. the State Engi- neer and StIrveyni- of the amount of such ehange. Supervisor. ............. Town Clerk. ........ . .............................. ... lrC G of the Pe cq';)�"' ................. the Peace. jjt�jjt;c, of iho Peace. THIRD ITEM. N1IAcmNF,RY FUND. 31 For the purchase and repair of machinery, tools"andimpleinents ...... FOURTH ITEM. MISCELLANEous FUND. 32 For removal of obstructions caused by snow ...................... 8.._--__-1- --------- ,-( / Ci 33 33 For cutting noxious weeds and brush ............................ S---.._...._...-_--- ........ 34 For wire for fencing ............................................-------------- - ------------------ 35 For measuring the town highways ............................... $ --------- 36 For allowances for shade trees .................................... ..... . ............... 37 For allowances for watering -troughs ............................ $__--.-.....__- ....... ................... 38 For storage of machinery and tools...... $____--._. .......... 39 Total -for -miscellaneous fund .............................. $._ $ ------/ --- .......... Dated. .. . ......... -K. . ...... ....................... lIway COinntt , ssioner. -------------------------- ------------:............ ---------el7nj, ................ WS Way MiSS10116r 9' I.AJ(JI =1 -- -------- . .. ... ..... 77� 0 ol d��—,z-f;__�".,,� 0 1z' i .,(�yC.���'r�J—�t9—�-��.y �o—���,�-��.!�r� f'��,�t��� �.. p gtl0 �� P-1 'Ko ()6 41—,66 o o "Y 0717 3 6, o 0 6 e A9 3�1 60 V,o 0 6 LM o, o o 1--A 0717 3 6, o A9 3�1 60 o o 1--A q, ........... o o 4 ✓-/ f 0 let, -f 4 ,1( f f 11 Aie if f 'e" 4 /'; - 'ar-er �1111 pm, 61 '14, a A ""o A4 _..__ �], " ® A-� /lleha-�' .� .. ��-.ee. � � � -�.-mac.-� .�--a-e.. _._ �/� �5� a a urR.�.r � �e r i r . .. �'CI-�i�L.�. � .� '�� C% � > tJ �, � ifj �� I i ��