1914-19151 F � r -4‘,0" evlz;.7 )Ze' vvvv.2 a -f �� a fi 6, 0--e7 e e- /!%. „..ate' �.-%:�=�•c��°..,'�.r «`m"^^�- �.��,,�'C:M,� - „14.'170/ l . ..� :� � ,. a /77 ,„ /4 ,/ ‘,.1 4 4. 1 e /L7 .:/_•-; 2 45- :1 / 1 / • / L.. C , L.( ? .4( a c z z 1 712 6 , 7 4- 2-.7e e , = //-'1^'41( 72 , I , ,444 444.4 pedal Tone Meett. i Yl e d lrcr. she 1a.. xc1 proolerne ion ± xa te d cl no tiO Polls otobrx , '900-P- of a ter f a r xrmrw rortial u.rs 0:14.„ to sect ose of p ;rchas rt tenial for hiyi lie ubilo, Hig v of VVappiriger raise by taxation'a ceect oiir thousand five hundred dolt of the Highway Law, i'er j the Core Crusher to be used for; prepay ectiiig, rnaintaining andrepaii ;6,0f said. T()wn J x t Wappiriger raise by taxation, 'mooed. three thousand dollars,pur9 ig1iway Law, for the purpose of ler to be used for laying out, e aithig the .Public Highways ot wor e '°"d. Jta toe of New Lutc'he2 cord. 1' e; OC;t w ,"iii. %Ci. 7. p• x C'. r osp and Thornhi Tb i.0 of acte0 as an.i:YiF e. tox at specd0. so :n moo of the r n^exe d 7otice enC that the ennvess of the vote f!ot rt1 chhmk�rn ?. w, �7 iv, ed &n( :'ern to . r 'i'J C 2 0 re thy ', c q r Of Ootot 1914. . f,.... 0 „> tt he. ., t he is the o Ox1 t h e: J- ru t t r.: S u .. c X' > Y L `t , 4e e" . ,' c ` t1 crkliiF C 31otice Q "Cc' ,1 th p lii i0 the To x of �� wj3n t wit. Uv.'n Clerk. Tot 1"' j' 'pbllc . ,f* $1 Pi* , !.,1,11, a 6;11 TwAlt Aroctilig oir ili(i; '!'o', 14 0t 4'ppiiwero will b,, held, ,ii '.4144114 to 4; )f.! t To wn Law, (14 '('111 114, /,',-$+morr.„L ',Vagontaaker In t 101 k"irilagt, 1.) 14)' '10.1111', in said 4'' v.' nt ifflt hc, following ProI)0. if:111;11'A $011 ItC1 " P N.(:1 -P0 S 1910 Nr NO. 1,, ,4";i• 11411 tho '4''''. of Wapplugor by t ttx•Ri ion, 4 ow of inougly n.ot to t1. /broil 4' ''1 and 1ollar,9,, par- Hql.tatit, lipel ion 95 oir the IlighwaY „a r t 110 nurpostr of plirehafilligr Pt; *44 11 R.0114r tO if 1.1F;Cd, for 'laying 41 '44)1'' Mailifailling ain't g,ptt 1;lt, tr,hfr Iva ym or said vk'rTon 2 • qt()1111411•0 •N frri .11, • , • • '• 7.4 'l4 1, • NVappingor . • , „ tr. 1$.1•1411. 4„..n,„• ft•-.y.....taxft.,":194444::•0#10•::. ortnry 4 o, gv0,10104i,04•••:"•ap, • 1:iii110-„,, • ••-.010:14•061.ft.i.: Ht61..11304.:•ttEm• • 0 tiff.1111.0:11.:61.11 : f•0•17. • .....ho•••:.,....pari).9.:,04.:•,•-of., nig a, • CrUSh !,14A4.0,t,r,t1 „ p ariu g 410 for • 1114'7 firfiterrirrout, erevting • •to al a t•airningr., and . T•erfaillog. • the 1)1 1,4,1' IftglIrw ays' .4(4 . • • • "• . • 444.).19 bearing. the ..prOpositIons 1:00: • 4coarkiji . " • ., . • pol s • • or • '0 fic• tinn .1b,Kiti:011„011.'0 1 21"61, ...day 6 • ••0(1,Obr..., aloresalfi, • ,.;1.1 0 .frycl9,40,•k 1/100.4) and .olose 440,0M:d" it1,143 "• of .Wappingerr - irret. day .or OP tot) r, It, • • . • : - • • • • •• • • •• • • • •• r • • " • • • . •...• • rf rti. • S AN:DE TIS,,.• • • • • ..• . -...• • r • TO•vrifn • Oe& • . .. • .• . 4'') 01. •.. ! y.A.N...0...p.;..Ny."4T.fil 4•:;. •,•• • '•• • • • • • •• •••:- . • • r 00' 444 44,10. 61004 mcAVIPir, A OA • - • • • .;;;•e/': • of the Village of Wappingers Falls, County of Dntchess and ,,,!;tate of .New York, being (hay sworn, says that he is the ..4/ . of the fl7A PLUNGERS CHRONICLE, a Newspaper published in Wappingers in said County, and that a Notice of which the annexed i.'$ (1 printed copy, has been duly and regularly published in said News- week. for ---717-43, successive commencing on the ..... day of 4j/f4.< , and that said no- tice was also published in the said Newspaper on I 9,Lf paper once each wee les , Subscribed and sworn to before me, this i) 4./day /90 6f/ . „ Notary Pedvic. "'„i0W49,VreS,Afe,0, OM; 4— -01 /./ I%; Ie vC rs( rt 4/ of e' r nc /f rm , " Da ,may U 0 a .47 0 4-10: '11 %44v'r d• gla7 `e •r b< of 07 '1 • Ie r iC Ge t � •e(-4 e( •( a FF v I( aa4 4a.16,... ci � •F 44 6 ;I, •ft' C 2 6 Z:517,-- • 4( '4 „). n I • r y -4, e z•-';‘ I r!, t / 7 le e zrij „-+ y „ S;Lilloa aLi; LIIo.ij aAiaaa.I o; pai;I;LIa SI ''''"""' "''''''" r aLi; ;t q1 put toja.T341. apuut uaaq anuq smziuoo aadold 6 'saf 3M ,s.iattoua; .od ;otz;sip Lions ;o aa;stu; aUi; do taiq put; : /C;unoa pits 1-4 gantu os o ;cIizosu3.i; u st aiqu4 2utoZazo; au; lvip sei 0 rummy COQ '1.:1411:1 � � .2,..,'‘>,. \''4'"N , 'n � M 1 � 'C3c , O Y a • N V ti Y� \ \ n -,I ▪ .a elonbitnuolleooe =LI B oa Palnllua slatilsia PatlPaa SI I°AIsIp RalgM i,l 01 selonb 00S to aaquinJ N \ n elonb ieilaed .4.......) N e of pallNua sl°Ialslci 521$ 30 elonb u of Pailpna slalalslQ A A A. A A. -4,......) LinOSIS to 1 e;onb a of patlAna sdalalsia :: elonb a o; pallllua slo!alsla ODZ$ 30 i' � elonb a of pat;Aue slalalslQ,f II 8 ;, �✓Y / 9 „ ,,..$ aaanseaa; £;unoo tuoa; umuap aq o; aoueleg Cy' 00 $ spuug S JOSIAJadns uI MOU ;utt0u1V s;ota;stp ati; Hu o; pied Jima TAI`,ELLV LS act 04 P3101 SI6I ° +, a.. �0 kup............ ffl j ti . stg; pima y ,l $ sI `aaansuaa; jo uM04 044 ;o aos!Aaadns ati; gotgm `pauopaoddu os s6auout joogos }o ;unoutu pi(); o not;Epodsuua; aoj ao aputt uaaq aAug S;Oti4UOO t;Olgm q;tt11 S;Ota;slp .tag;o 01 uomn; a0 aq 01 sI golgm tuns am SI `;ota;sip u Jo laud par `;ala;sip goua a;tsoddo ;as tuns ag; Teg; [0 umo; am 04 soma.' se SI6I' ....; 7;-"£aunaga3 apeut sifauotu Toogos Jo;uatuuop.todde aq;;o ;o rS;unoo ag; aoj. ;uapua;utaadns ;ola;stp 'pau2tsaapun ati j, / 4 //i/C/ a aunt, ', Ma, ofthe Ville communi ion tact* of Ifeertt 40. 10154 0 int Meet in, the Seth ger* held Oleneit TPelleio lel Wet and r whet hiehw to the r sold Bridge l3 suporvi hwa e of tohaa O ount . That the 1 e ToPP1n n ehtll it nd nolo food, ndonate or Jud that b re fter c5 ,84 hifhwalt over hit br ch Water Or O. pis baying bean oat tb t Villeid CC ‘. 6/4 5 f / / ,, c ,, ( elfi.z f( Z . , / r ,,,, 7/./( ( — .-/1?"? s.,4 ii e...e it. 1- tj) (--- 1./. ec,,.., , (/t/ /li(t / lfr , , it�i- (t. a C C C•CZ 1 ar a tcLl- e te? // e eK1-1-1.„4_4)6- -1 c :te. are a 11 fr-z7Z- ., . (1/ /e i I.,t2-,i 7-4, . , ,....ez.4...,-- 2 e74.4--e',1--i. ,-, i ..., , e /4 - /77 Z-,4„,.3 : , 0 e• ,•46 ,--e, 41,_. Z4.: t.,.....- i •trail effr'-‘,/-t-, /r, , _,,,, , _,_,” d al._ Gzi„,,,..,-( irrieteret,_, Z,,ji „„e_., -47-,4 -/-t- (..,'. e7)z— '' e a.,,,..._e__ ' ,. - 1- ..-.14-4 e"" re.%. --C-0 ,„4 irrefl,e44/tr V 11/4 4 44, ;fat- le L., 4-1,-(reletrt er-1 d ' Wapp izk er e 310 aril 1915 A''g. enr hill int 000 Vrio. - can unto h4no V.-• i z 4,-g.orlr • ' Oaf L ZE .. 4171 vj,r 2/ c (2 :, /zi1 4",) / 111 et 14 toit ha%57/7 /26'2 /14 4,42,272:17:72242424- 4244- 71/212 412/4,:•21,2, e Ir, c2.4,44214 4 -t• ote t.c4/ tzrz; .„,,,,44,1(.4-4-4,1,,,-L e ‘,et#0,4 iretolte4 -r/ , 3P Cg..Z Ctif. egZ k `t04 Cerg0 et‹,04._ Alp 1/ / ,,P,,t,e.,° 22,4, ,,,J tt, .. .../ , ,,,,,,, - .0 r 1„,,, A ,,2422:24 41..4 1 ,:„.,-,.e, ...„6,7-7., ../ifiefrig-)e144-4.4,,,W:-:4,,Q 414 / 14 do'24- 2222 '222,222 2„,14,4r4 Zelz _z c JT 244, e2 ‘21, „If e4' 204412 ,serekr,,..,..,,e4 4 ” "gli.g0000 0°' 0.,g00gg.,.:00,g0,0:0 •••••g000 • 01.gAgo,..g...,•• . ° , r 1 ;�m-/ (2 e' ii t / 74;3 ( 7 1 er.CO ri L Z D f, fir. y Z _ 0�_ c e t/(,, l 3 _.., t.i G7 C? 1,6. 3 ‘.-7/"--34(2 7? 7, Ar r' 7 '7 /Zee Z Z 1 Vii. vt 2Di-ari //7/: lf�� s=/7/ c z,,Z. 3 /r G��� , "e<-- "e: • .(eieee-. 7(/ e lite tri /-11—,q4-0( it> c z c -N L zcz 4/, 7de zzz ...„,.._ Q / t, /7 4'7%2 t Z-A2m;',/ f • „„do 14,1r. z --.2."--e-z-de6 .".-, --e--0-11--e-e-4. OZ, 78, a-11 ci-Vel,4 'Vtt, 7/ - J9; 7, e ‘>1 -4-c, 1 ef 4,4 ,< ,,,40000, -4e --c 0" 4--- -4 - , 2 etfri ^ /90,400,0p °„.:71- , „,„ , e9 402' 34 -4e-7 • ....,,,..../ /Ze,,,4-1,, ' :--) '-'--- t„, (......----c.4.-- 2-, / ---L.4 -4_ c / ‘ -4':-.7'. / 7/(5. t') '2);;t2e,-C, /4 4/1 //z„,/„„e„„-t,„. , ,4742,/ 7,7 7 r'reel,10.%eV , zeezr_oL.0 / (7" >1) 4,e-z/br /Z4541: 4.:Z 1'4! '2,-,YV • tiiC/-1/2,47 e fig/nIzaY-, y-- (7-1-44- c, / c;) nla C-1 4;4 4-- e.; , a flz,:m1 • i• -•-m01 (1c -e 7 /,,/ ,i — 4)214e77-' - Ae" Pr /741 er /e e e , 77 AV e.A: -" • 1-7 cmcrwrocog.'1. irrArve1A/rA.,1cergorkr' • 11110.0444drarkit;;;4414,1 /41 ..'.., , ....„, 1 '? ... 1 „ . ,/ ,.: .--e--, %- -7 el 4'7e......).. -c (....- i 49/.1 //' ,„ f / ::::-- cl''- ' -'2 "2,-/-7-7-,-----,-- ,,-)e ,,,- , •.e.;:-/,..-2.4.--s---2e--0---a-e-t----r..7 2' z •`' 11_ (/L /IL c2 2 /z. ?9/!' 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