1916-1920STATE OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND MARKETS BERNE A. PYRKE, COMMISSIONER TOWN CLERK: ALBANY March 27, 1929, • • EDWARD P. KERWIN, DIRECTOR FINANCE BUREAU 17Mtep,:SFE57,r17?,rtRtp77117'777,777,'':''':'' You ara horobJ adVisod that Article 7 of the Agriculture anei Itrtots Law, 'relating to tho licensing of dogs and protection of domestic animals thorefrom, has been amended. by Chapter 173 of the Laws of 1929. This amendment provides that Town Boards shall, in tho month of June, 1929, appoint ono or more perSons-fd bo known as ENUMERATOR, whoso duty it Will bo to proparo a list o ownors and hartorors of dogs kept in such town. This list is to be pro - parod in the month of JULY, and filod with the Commissioner on or bofore July 31, and at the same timo a copy must be filod with tho Town Clork. It will bo tho duty of Enumorators in preparing this list, to loavo an application card with oach owner so listod. Tho list shall bo arrangod in alphabotical ordcr, with tho full name givon, and tho number of dogs ownod. Supplies for the use of Enumorators will bo sant to tho Town Clerk with othor supplios. This amondmont also providechangesn the lloonSO for oach each ,15C), for oEtoh IConno1 such konnol,plus clor Following the abo:vo period., lidOn 0s will be issue(' to cover tho calendar year. Tho appointment of Enumorators Will again bo made in Docombor, 1929, nd oach D000mbor thereafter, while the list of dog owners will be made in tho month of January follOwing. Liocnso foes offoctivc January 1, 1930, and thoreator, will bc as follows: For occh Male and Spayed Pamela dog, 02000, for oach Un- spayod Fornalo dog, whilo tho Konnol foo will be 1A0.00 for ooh Konnol, with an additional,foo of 01.00 for each dog to bo kept in tho konnol,plus clorkls foo of 26 for each liconso issued. Yours vary, truly, BERNE A. PYRkE, Commissionor. MR/McD. 41 o ,r IN 444 * py$ t • 444 „';k {a',=.,,."�aa� a u.`r,014114. ur�1,a�,.��..a,.:--n 4 4 4444A6 T w n% f Iff' '!r h 53 to u te4.. o r w , a1.0.y attrai 1P ii % r mss„ w ,b,? m Ja, , ux "rt,n s'• a' `' t t 71rSaa' s,��._7ir�'% r 6 A ii/24":" Z• • /72 / y), • L /kJ C' / 0-7-e-e_eet ( 71-,7?' Z,"--C-e- 12/1t,)_,1 t L-1 ae:d a b/C. - .z1 .,-t„,7 Cad -e- kr1,40-*-L- /IL zoki • Li /21-15 4-c .7) ' eZ - /2 a/L-41 20 ,/ j.,71,2 iP/ / _ 1, - '-71 iri-14(4-iil .. _ a -g:, ...',,. ...yi 72-4-6, ,115 • H,716`-'1--- 'Le"7" 1.).7...'1.' / :,r--,,, • r.."•:,,'..). /,7.... l'a-zi' (1-0--,% C-2-,4••eerei‘ce;•LA. ,!,••, cr-e- f.- 11X --a La • 0-7-1- 1:2-1- 4tt-(f L2- . C 9 1, g999%1 ," 6. 6 , / , - e ••, !"/t.el—, 1 t, L.- i 4 L., / • • i! 64” (11 4 t1 t h . . **,00 . • 6" 6. 6 4,,,,I,,,,, ( ' lieleoh."?7,1;e:4 ,44-1,egt— i 4'4 el e-#41-141 4 A'''.4 ' h' I el -'9191 / ''''''''91 /4-` ,,,, 0"; 9 9' /9' F ,,. , 4 4 i 0titit 44744 44 4., t it '4' g„,. ,A:4, 1,„e/"" ''.4 4,,,a4/7„ t iskl 1,4, -ad - . , , ..--.2„4, ,04 4 4/ 0e ,74 , 44, // 1,' ,e,„„4,,,„, 6- , 7 " I ' ' ' '''' '", , .. 4;'," ' , 1 ,b1 004,1 A• , 4 , „„ .4 0 A„..„.t44, .,,,,,,,044,„„, ,,,I# ,, L , 5' ,,, 4-, 9-0,4ei.,4-4,-1,-*-4, 1 „ tet.„441,4 4., 8 I,' -//, k.,/ / , / Z,' L'L•„' 1 ; , Z-, ce.,{ e / c(,/ e.L ,, , 4: (,),,,,... ,r--.? 4,- 7•L , , i.,' 1 t”" ( `,..").-- ,; , (4 .4, ?.. ,/,: (.' / e' ? (:9 ii-:(.. 4-7-4,-- z,,,, (' 2 /`"?'' /:////' ii...'( e.... %.- c ( 1 2 ! ,744,7:1: 6,7 , , ' t., e,'._ , ix.2--1,,,C. c.,C, i . , L ,.• 7 17, , ) -- °, ) , ,) 1 '/‘1 ' , il,/ / / 1.= fit I-, 4 1 4 ).- 4.;1 1 I " - • t.:4,) ( .' -,,1 . ,„' ,•• -:;)... 'Z., -t 4 )) ' (1/ /i,,,,1 - /..... 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' �' /,t ea ( L `,� /f 1, e"..- Gz16 /Zi�,;1-- z z f' Z„,.2.--t,--e.)„,. ea14'Z''rze,', ,, ~- C° :l d.; eq.,7 e,,,„......„..,z,,,,,,.., ..e. `rr 26 * / 7Z ��'Z"W �/v�-�-!✓'V�'� T-f'��'1-'d.�"[/'l.i'l. (�„�t�"C.,,R,r�.� °d,. (7; 27 ay1,z. -1 C ..,,-- ‘ti --'2,--z- 7-1 Z" r 1 : Z ,i-e‘0-z-ir J/ / e4 le..e-tx.xez*. ie..- 7 /a-l'l,.-C &C/C . 6147/ 1 ,,2- 7-x,„ ,0 " 77- 6' a_67, a-4 (Zed' 11-4,4 29 9 /ice 64-4:4 '4L' if; WAL' I .2,4t• • AeLd fr . hdo 9 (77,444- eLCA 12 a,, cm. 7.. . 02-1-47-- 32 7174-7. fe--/ 4,16: ��,,...i,•y,-y.�� �, ,e,�„2,,�..� .ter . 14, .-M :33 ,3 Xtfrg,/7"0,-N 4.-‘1,7-7 c c�-- Gam- .. 6-771 7/611 4/ l _ ,ivc,2_eaecd /ey ez, .. ie• x02. /f/7 ' .„ • ' •. " // 7 / /7 p -a 2-- 2-- 2- (.3 7 ktC. 2 s/ 4 1 t- 44 !- f r -1& ce iL -44 eiley d- 43 / !qj`�� LZ- 4 I "Za Vii" ./. 0774-64- t � 'G r L., 4' 43: /g97- 72,,z 7 - 64, '1,'; 47 2 FL , /74,41aL, rk1,9 "cm -4/6 , tgAr'7,03._ 4ls's1K, 'ssfes4.4,0 , s s fi tA4Cle: , - I 44._ '.,11-"0"` 4'4,-4 'ed- 77,(4X7 '4-144- 14 #,16,4*144, z /2''4'? ate✓ � �1,'`� M 74 /--/e7f,..,_ eel,14--'kgrze.44. dett- 6,41 dif.4164 7/11,e.w ed441/ 14-2' 'C 00440 eir-4-2,44,1a x 4re aisAio 7 a.toe ! \" 6!� d a, 4,4-6-7iaor t/4 /44, Gov. a- 6":?(/ 4.9 7- c/77.,..-dei..0 -/--ir;,--, u//0-,,. 4.-(ce -; 9L (ed r/ /e- ,z ar,, , c ,e Lei„,,;:a , ,e'L 97-14-,_ . R. ,5 a....., -, • 2/7; 4%r:- (77'77 z 40/47.17/: "74rz / /,72 .07-Z af.e,i;v4,.ae (Az 49,042-sc.-e diZsdie ;I( 14.-t 441i (1-4;e4., 44CV:-Pforiov. (7,1,LZZ-.), a 4!'" 7,7;46 CL'a (77 f 7;;;--.e, /0,027 -z -Z 'iateek, 4 Ae •;,. • ..•••04--, 4.44er %,•; • • ,9 • 4 • i'd4 • : . 4 • 4 ••. • • 5n Boit i --6-e— _ /7 tri c.„),,f-2 :c 7 t a. /47 9 .. ;1 /[, �i-74,-fr2- 614,A, a /_4.& /3 - r '"'„ r". //i&/E71--ii' (J i . '!'1-1-4".v]' tb/ /42--t-t• /g,/4/7- /1/7 fG 51 I M.. Lnir of 918, (tion 0 wit ev, Count$ ; :gym -'.' I Y., : ;3t.d ." e'l, en to ; t L -o o';' * ' Y' zk that ,„tit .a: nd for noit3 Town 'w q 310t solution ;X't3gt,7..e:ly vi opted p'. ,l ..;.¢)otjn1•, Lovi. G .t ,4" the bn tof of aoid .:;;wil o 01*ing T NO a. o" the so 11 t nuo d Vi . oozror t n avid 1lI ti. , c titxr' ng err e nbova 444 klin u `wh of .1 1n,ex ' t)r the : cent o rospect said t ",. hecto CT NO, 2shell he' itP1in the ooryovr do x Umi lln to sold Town not tc : neat+ ci p tonl lyin6 s Ou h 0 ts went of t1 ie center 1: 4 r lino nf PTOSPOO ,Le -( i / 1, L 17/1/7-1_ /3,16_ itatc7z.4 el 6f-e,Te9C mminEMINEEMME1,111111 fZe-/LAL''‘ fee_ct/' di- 74 A re /6- 147 -Z -Z- / 7 4 g_z4Z 4-- / Ft, /(4-- ttZ ‘14 ae?4X-,-k:e24,-(( of C6,z/oi ao-oi 14 e e 53 /4"' I-6;2.7 '144 de7 49-7 C'.&C.. 1/ 6,'. /I. Ar -44:41- „7-‘ 970(1:p", eZIA q;; -)7.2z_ -'1 LL,/ 1 / / / J. Com 55 Lam'" „„„ o z /1/14,02-46t1 /-fig/%F-� Sa---ze//ea7.4.,a C( -az," /hi 4,14_, („„ 56 ,(01 -6,L -,/z;?/ z J07,o - `�. f1t�ai.a: i moi» fi;, 7 L et7 et= e. Amerioen VotTn +thine Co We1them, Maim. Gentlemen:- e�yino or 1ettr ober voting rye hinem revion y ordered, i&ito.• Toon r took Ba a t et , tt=°.r• et b. ,d by re l : i or deoided not to eoo pt delivery Of the sane were not dellvered in time fo the q greeds 77oveniber 14 to ,'' thet she ve Ing, and o, ' ,A , ( ; (- (-1 '(er7 0—,A0 e (7 /,` *//1 •• L // 1 1 t" ( ,2 1 , - — ., XI C ( 1 e Z 72? », c',-. ZATI- ( e -,-C 11-' / /FL /fe:f,c' 24 CY ' i .1/4 7 L. ' 6-4`' e-4:1 C-- /- t... C:2' ,,-, , „ • - / rcF) ee.)-&.:L 'ic 4/.: 1 4.... 4' / zz 59 • 1,- /6' 71/ / _ , o /,, ,A__.e.t..z7.. 4tl-a ee,, ( / t / /:::" , ',,, -6,4. / t, -i--..?.e.- <A i -1-- a (2 A z„,a e -2‘..,e Z / r)a Citc (-2 t„4c-e /--/: 7222,54. L: k. CC 2,7 i 1/4,--te, j/ c, t, /7 • 7 :" / ,.•• ‘,.,:;/CI .'rer• / • e 1-e-ze7,e, I LLe-, A"..t Le 1.0/0.• "7 e tiZe 4. e e -te e: C ,,Ce't11.1t-e-4,- tee ; Jere( / d&4 j‘12,- tAzei- 14,64461,_ 24414 SUPERVISOR WILLIAM L. HUMMEL Wappingers Falls JUSTICES HOLMES VANDERWATER Wappingers Falls J. ERNEST THORNHILL Wappingers Falls TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Town of Wappinger DUTCHESS COUNTY, N. Y. TOWN CLERK FRED B. SANDERS Wappingers Falls JUSTICES EDWARD SMITH WasPing.rs Falls RONALD F. BOGLE Wapainsars Falls Wappingers Falls, AC. Y. Februa 6th, The American Voting Machin Company, Gentlemen: - At a regulrr meeting of the Town Board of Wappingers lies in the Town of appinger R at the Town Clerk's Offic on Januar 31st, ling the fatl.ue 191 1919, your letter with regard to our attitude a,O. to deliver the voting maehine in the Ball as you had read and the following resolution was passed by the Sr on the minutes:. ed t. t the parry be requested to appe which time we or not we would +peept or refuse the mchinee e do not ,Rant to bring any aetien in the matter, until we have had the reason for the delay properly explained> to us. it caused us to in € greet deal of expense a.nd also a great den1 u '. Mrd counted on your Company living pp to your /57,--tr-e-c--2-6?),. 1 //!'2 z-�-a /�� ✓mac ,1 pa. frifiy / dd .4" A4167 ac- sup -mac. £ r v -c e .-7 District Superilltefldellt's Certificate of kpportionfflel _.,. To Me s i ervtsor of the town of__.. P 29 m 0 r� a tr a a c 0 a °m OS 44 4d m �o ° ° wa ia p u° m° 6o ffi ao !..:.-Eom o' 01 m '' V,a G b u w0. w A t .04 _w w .4 m a �4 q q A 'Total apportioned to districts including district, teachers, partial vocational and physical training quotas Amount deducted for Balance to teachers be paid to retirement district fund i I / `7 ' /3/ /.31.' /7 / /L / 91.5 %d)/6/ '6U / y 6 / / /6-397 /-Y 64( i j/ H ,t‘4 6fc g--29/ /off /3/5-3 % 7 V 1 ‘,4 ,y,4 ,y of so much r0 vi ) rcl N )10 •' as O 0.4'', a) 4 0 4, r0U 0 +,cd v -i m U a) a) U O .ate b -C) o a o o 44. 0 +. 0 w co o p 4 co -, r --r aa)) +4 41 4, H 0 0 'w 0 0) (I) O O y r o ' ''-: 4-4 iv a N r-1 04 O ' N a+ . tilt o C) .c! 1_, s~ 0 U rri 55) r0 cG C7 U •.ti.� ,,0 P co U U a 01 Q m O 0 O U a) 4a' �'t1 J O ,..0\o H axi N 0 a O 0 O 4-1 O PI 0 �i ctl a) .O a) � E 0 ca 0 0 co ( „ ni o ` 1 O -7 ,/-teeg-tic//,r).4 ,it:eii,;_, /', r -4/4f4g-r eite- 4':.: 1..„6,4'./1 CI . .. . 1, t g, .,1,-. gg ,' . 6-(e: / '''' 47' '-..1 j IL, ' 't..... 4 't,/ Z r .11t.' 4C- 4-gge -. g' i ( r/g 4-'''''''''°?. .6',-1•;- ' .1 it...c.„‘ glge gg. I , .,,.. 7, '4 iq"„4/ ../, : - '1.- :I' (...)e4 -a --4•24--•_,..(--e7 4 C.- z- a°, 4- .....--- ',/ , "1 /1-1-e. - 2 Z.4.1 6,e e 4— . ..,, , - / c r -z- !,;,1 ,!'' I 4,-1--- 4. , /I. ... .,' Le!: .:-/-4'.....--rt / . ,,.., -- (..- -e*-2:-. 4-. f'” , y •,' e: --,',-,a'- '/. ,, i ,., e 1/1z4-r-t(i 4441,0444) .• • . ° fgg gggg2;12,g g g 0`,41 41,e‘fire 9( G% (r)14 3' cel �'Grl.Je- LACly'' f� k' G(t/� �✓r�t 1.,i��, �i�-12—t-,..'(�. '47 l d V 68 • „ t 17C1) 1,” /iy/ 64,64100 „-0 / 70 , e; ror'r 4'7410-7 1. ,}47/ zeifxt / t 2 711-e 0-0‘01,0-0210f-6041 2014e-70 'f,L fl - L7 z0 /1"—C- • 417-€ -11-cee 00 0" 7 40 Al 1,0/0- /)( s- 76 609/24-6 (rv7-,,zrx 4 3 04 0 frx&t, 6z-aze erkz 4/7-1-4, / 1/4.°41,40-C.071.1 00.4000004 ...,/ //,--,--:,,c-- I) .7- ez,c*i.-:‘-74 (., 7 , 7,6c/el:I 4' ;" , y gy�pp--.,,_ 7 ®. �- , 4,-- o 1 r //3 ,,edkUitee 4.44 !19 73,' 46,66-61-r �J ..1'74-- "1' / /e/" /,z.a /f7.',12 4-e--e.i---A-1-4,lr 3/lritz C� Cv - % z f,L , -r�� C., - L 774 e24 1./Li-T-./42/* 6.-Z 1 75 Ae- � -6 z P 4? 4,1 - I t [-er-t - Af 2 trkz-t.‘2h, a..„ 6? -10 • 7 ,/ • it 76 2h) r z. e 1-rr1-z- L.. v ea ter 4 C a wa zl • 0-7 i"-4/ Forst 1215. CLASSOF SERVICE DESIRED Telegram Day Latter Night Message' Night Letter Patrons should mark an X oppo- site the class of service desired; OTHERWISE THE MESSAGE WILL BE TRANSMITTED AS A FULL -RATE TELEGRAM -09 ivsk ft7 WESTERN tUNIUN �r � Reeeivor'e No. NEWCOMB-CARLTON, PRESIDENT GEORGE W. E. ATKINS, FIRST YIGE-PRESIDENT Send the following message, ;subject to the terms on bac . . roof, which are.hereby agreed to Street and No. SENDER'S Al EESSS , EOR .ANS SE "> ER'S TELE- Py+•NE NUMBER 78 ..--- 4, t<e:/e.„, C2 , / ; -;,t-. t 1V te,;4 7/ C/it," i "1,4`1'14-'1471"Z/1 14.*"‘'t ';' 44'.' ,rde,41, 4e: e.,i' ' ' , 1 , ' r t i /16.1.#4 '1 '''''' , 6.711-e'a , ) , ',"'./ .7)/ Lejle-;(10 i ,,e,e,..Z. 1,c ...444- ,,,,,, '' 1/Let Al // i 4, :,••• ,1 -4/6 -e -L4,."-/4 .„,„„.4, 4,4., :4.4-, • , .1„1„, 4,7. e ,,'; " „ ..e, „„ ,,,,,, _, , ., .„.. 1 7 R Le 41,4,41 2,-ei,/4.- la idt: i !...1. - ,‘ „? , ,,,- ( A.,1 P/9- PA -111 :4,„ tlAlt,„1 t. t cl t . , A"14 114 4,44 . / tree614'iL 41,14t...-vt,t7 .., 44'' . ,‘t ,i4;,,,A4t44, tte,L.e. 4,„.L.Le'.,,,d ii,/, ,,,,,, e ,.., ...,", #y" 44, ,reetY7 " ; / 1A 0"A z of„,4-44.4iti v 44, -.I » ° ii_1-40- ,;it e t 7,/' 14110-4' e-4-0'44' 474'1 01-0,1,--H41.44% 4/21-a't „4-4. d:1-04'l"-"toCe eelve- 44 4 4 &IA. Zo-it ,t44„, 2.444- uL eie, „et e„t: 11i j' if e • 7 /, il•--e-e=t7 2,-77-- / c,/-7 -; •=v C - ezfw, C-56- 1i/7Z --z L. (i de -O 4,6,0 • 4. /e/b) 79 '7-C:L/fir / 6,/ /Z,t, 42.1:04"/0 1 - e - (;,/ 4-/ vz --e-c ‘"-4-- / ' --- . ' c G - ' ,,, / ,Z- ,1-1-2- / -z-Za - 6/a.e./1724//47-17e-eX 4-Z7 re‘14. 7/00-en,2-62/ ,eere ACP -Ce ti2461). ad/ -6-7:4;-a--4-74, • () ' tit -/Y/40-",- :•7 tt, -2--r7-1. / a. :2-O 21 trd A-4CA (1.47 -7Z -5L. C.) a d� fs-ry •-e_,Cc/e f7,1-ci „ / 6F;'• orr‘ 4,4E.11,e YN, v• • t Obokibf L'ettrzkt.t...±,tritoto tlitt,a• t .01 lgrz.ce 4112,(7 -t -e; 2 r a,71,71 - lid 0,7 r...e'-e ‘6,,y = cA- ge 19-71-/fz-41-e 4.4t ,; rif d /4. 17 84 /,-7/1 a At„,,,eri et(.4e. 1•••:;,1 •,/ oi•-• / ,e• • 7*^,,, itte 6°< VII 1/ 711124 e. 2- ,e;t:::447/141 (5' ..„,"!;/ '447,4eseeiref 4, * 1 t fr) • # off 14 r a a a a 1 (44Afr „„ .• . • eft'444,•,,,e• gf p00_ 85 Nom 0,4,,,A2(4 -z,/4 / pi, jet& d /o 3,1 3a ;--33 *,‘,(d- // 3 22 /D Gra �o 474 446: cam ,1.,epi,.! !-z-, / y V / ° ,z)7- ,e / q Y d2az-4we, v . ;fri(4 i�-� Kaef alpty- /A4, s 33 33 / 0 0 00 as a 4 33 /8a 3 3 e60 R -44,a -h eZeer /v(t)-4,