1920-192314ter ISL g '/ - � c 41,--7- t ( e1 ttZe .e G�}2:1C.! r_ !.fr L iice_d_t_ 6„er--),,-44r4), d'X a1 eer, 91 1.5-/V4 /47ea e6,~e'Oi A4te /77-e27-4 ce../aZ 1if ao/ 7d 'ez 7/r 7CeC-7 , 4I, -i- C4,4C • 4a _. - II /Z ( eZ- Cire.-‘4,--t-e,Z,f/ ,./ ii /ti:z ef.--, 4-2, ,- 2/;4.-</.24 2J,- (71 4;77 92 Cr a 4,‘ Z2-6-0 e a- d // ce fr e4, 7, a a -ce -I-70-'6- ,cry Ce-ecL) C4: C114-1-t-eXr lArge,4ei 'AC "4/14,e- „,frA deg, 71(ja,t/ %7 e /L-4- 4-1 /47,12, 9 (:)6 "-7, At4^:4-. /21-irr-11., C -C-1 t:z:,:. e --(4-,0,7,--z.- ivi/7 4-t- 449 ..4.•71 ,..- 4. ee.4,1,1°L, 0-- , apt 92 am. SPEOIAL TOW11 EIR11011 NOTICE Town of Wnppinger, N. Yo We, the undersigned, caw prising the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger, County of Doteliess N, Y., do hereby give Notice that O. Special Town Bl. action of said Town will be held pursuant to Section 48 t.)! the Town 14aw, on THURSDAY, STATE 0 NEW YORK, Dutch County, 5 ". C. ( ltANI)A.141J, of tho Village d wappingers Fulls, untohyss county, Now York, heing duly s‘vorn, Hays that lU IH the Publishor of the WAPPINtiNRS CfIRONICLE a NewX paper printed :,ind. published in Wappinger , Fall, in said. Countyhand that a Notice, of whim rho aanexed is a printed copy, has been duly LUt I regularly publi hod in said Newspaper 0130'1 each week for".47 /4„,..40,,,,, . ,, , . ,, successive weeks ;fr, , 411 cornmencirq on —4, 11)24, and,' - .0, that, said Notice was also pu dished in the said!: Newspaper on . 191.4 Sworn to bef of . /14 Inspectors' Return and Statement of Canvass. Town Proposition. RETURN '0 BALLOTS VOTED. .009 4 �7. The whole number of town proposition ballots actually votod, as veripied by the raturn of the ballot clerks attached hereto, were 2 The number of town proposition ballots cast and found to be entirely blank, all of which were returned by us to the ballot box, were 13 The number of town proposition ballots cast which were rejected by us as "void" and on which no vote was counted for or against the proposed Town Proposition, all of which are in the sealed package returned herewith, and on each of which ballot is endorsed the reason for such rejection. were 4 The number of town proposition ballots cast on which votes were counted on the Town Proposition, number ono of which worn were given in the affirmative on the question:' Shall the Town Board and Towle Supe ntle it ITigliw ays` of the Town of VV'appiuger, County of Dutc s, LST. Y.,` �authorized la to purchase a .Portable Stone Crusher, Fol '; gElev toe and Portable i ca Bili with Screen complete, not to exceed suin of_ Mp_9.OP!w and of which worn given in tho negative on the question: Shall. the Town Board and Town i pel'intenderit of highways of the Town of Wapptti er, County of Uutehess, N. Y:, be authorized Folding to pwl Base a Portable Stone Crusher, rdin Flevatoa and Portable 50Q 04a 13111 with Screen complete, :not to xCeed�the std. of $3,. The total number of town proposition ',allots accounted for by us, are WE OF ILTIFYthat the foregoing statement is correct in all respects. At Dated this ... ........ ........... ... .....day of ki BOARD OF IiSPgCTORS. v3"4- Ti, , � pi 3p3 ition ballots "protested as marked for identification" (all of which arc in the sealed package-ra- j ackagere-I horowitii t ,ge r with the void ballots) each of which has been endorsed by us "protested as marked for identi— fication," the mark or marking to which objection was made being specified upon the back of each such ballot, and all of which were counted for the question voted thereon in the foregoing returns, were But such nmuber does not include any ballot which was rejected by us as void. Such ballots are included in our re- tnrt. a,„ "void" ballots on which no vote was counted and are marked upon the hack thereof "void" and endorsed with the reason for so tit:elating thein. They are in the sealed package returned herewith, together with the ballots "pro- tested as being marked for identification." WE CERTIFYthat the foregoing statement is correct in all respects. Dated this day of BOARD OF INSPECTORS. 1 ta, .. i i : ,,-) ei ei ( , ": 441, e flJ ,r 94 r G-74 z 1 /P7 el . i?/74_ a-,/d/zea-e/. /«,oeuge: ls'r FC: 4 "4 ata -4-1-,%e 044yei-do-, r 95 d e -:-a1 1 17"77,2- /'e ` � / / �' / / ( a / � �� "er l .' W � Y � "'�'/ 6 6w^b> �Y Ji^ eWSA4' d.i ✓ � �.. ioagt Z4- 4,1-4 647-4-)- /21 2 ACif 414-/-=z- a -i -rt ;2 � -4 �/ 3 6-A 9. ti 1 acY g /i - 3i /d actiZeZttel zliae"7-4.4:tiGe )41 26, au 96 or‘ Yi.a274,-.A 77- /6?- 04-7,i/t Le, 1.,/ Grp a e z.f 2.1‘/P: 400421 Anz, ,7‘1"eic/Ve,1(/-4e ,friza,0e4e1(°6/://e6‘07-*43. ier7-P7'. 2-6 /6 ror ,i ,2 z 9,d o 1/+d° 1 Jetac.v. `.�� J d 6 Ae/L- z- r��,✓'�Y'`�•ryl.�,���'.�YJ�6'�r'�'jy�� / � Q/Y.+R/0r ed5/dL -` e 0/%ci-_-' ,' e�«t-Luh. f 1/(-- J til - P kt/L; ',A-33s�,o ,PL 4- 47245/44,c74. - X1"11- Af 51 AP-? al."‘ a iff./ 1112-(-- .zta-,6(e e e9 /0c -z ' ieez �z 77. -10,1 ‘, r -z -e? e -r"'" 4- 41.40 98 ij ; / :S2.;;PW ea# / 11/V‘-biie . Zie., /.4_1(47..t„..,,_ ei&e,./t/C Ce21-e e„,_,` '2-67" 8 of io, 6, . dri'"" 64C-'fro-i•-e:ZX . 0, -i /-2-4.-- 16 / I", f el , AF eti-74-- /4P) er,;144/44 a e%e6 ,e4 7-0 4L4,„1119'111:0.,1../(4, .44v44,,i4t a lev Irt4'14$ -7 a -L 99 /1 / / 444/- (/ V e Y Y egA, /-61 4 ��' / �✓ /'rte"' ad eiZecA v 1� ArZal C6;t"/: ��� .�-4— det;-*, Parre-0-- et4Zej°y 12115 l' te, a.C,t1 7-747a- �'».'Z'` � '`" tet-- t 24 71z/ii/z-6Ze 4.04,d it", Z - �' ( , e4e dayiLetti I/2,4 *-f)t-aidde-c, , <_4_. u a ft- 6134,2-dt‘ f / itt ofi d tee, / / ifth /7 1-‘64-7 ,z,01;‘. Gia. Le-frr2-e aw& _u t �iZili'7 Com- - - 774,-r.4,/,-;„ d4,1 al -,-,-z ,C4.,a,,,;01 7 7/ ‘ ieo fat 0 0 t -) -.- di, -;-=;a ale /t-kt,e,f z.ci, 0,2,,z a: a sem-i „ ,/,iLG�G� c *4. Liz �• z �G'Z 7it C�" lG CfiG7 `I v�2 Uc r Of/ `�`G 103 t z z ,:=."1!/. 4/7 GSL .d 08. ,d2 o ,aeco Z-ti-1 rz.,,ct 4,7t -i't kt-zr - i rot Z,4-z,r L Cl -2. °�--�- ,o /‘ • may}/A/A/r 6, .r" (--61/ �% ~x u/� "Y - z 3Z-- `%. t/GG E%" C (icer " a -X' y" t a / ....41. z , C 4/2/1 -11 - riblet, a ;4. /Ii~ 170, de, . Cees 4- ' OZ Lam' 2 ..x , -1 - G —412 • I/ r .z� ( zce. tie_. _ r c - 1-...F,. . L. ivre-7 6C44, kaw- y 41 z (fe �- oeY c 7 1 • 07°/-4,74- 17(/ t G /rte liff---L.:eL- �'..-e6,C -_ 7/IZ, 77 i -e tet. " .',rev CL.17 -2 - ler-7-z_ 6;e Z.,c3 '(/-1-'4 1 (; /13 (CP -et -KZ -eel, X / r-rri--- l e.. /24`1ZG. z- -o /ci,2-2,--ri-i-ew,E-7--A--2-4-4-7Z-. ,--/-.-< 4 .__.0..d 74 2r -t,=-, 44-7ei' Ar-e_z,G.. G i,e z... p ec-tGf �' .7L 'frz,,--/h..t- fa. - Oo--Z:,-,e''' AZd FleM" /O' zze- fa-7-edp zi//,,f_c_.,4 --z---7-Lal- -7-K,,,r701./Z, e"--4,- e -e, rh. ',.•'')-1-e-/z,e4 itt,4.7d; f le -0 ,66/2,/z.cv L „,:e,,,„,_,,he.,,,L4, „,/c...4),.. : /4"--w „.. e7 7: ' /e i i a ////-2 -ova 4 4 :.r.-"-Z-1.1--0.-4- ire e.ice% "lit L L /,9.2,) ts4 t aft SUPERVISOR JOHN ANDERSON Hopewell Junction, N. Y. TOWN CLERIC HOWARD SCOFIELD Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Telephone 1-F-23 HEALTH OFFICER DR, JOSIAH COBURN Hopewell Junction, N. Y. /2" TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE Town of East Fishkill DUTCHESS COUNTY, N. Y. E. % . JUSTICES B: W. BONNEY Wappingers Falls, N. Y. GARRETT ROACH Stormville, N. Y. CHAS. J. McKEOWN . Hopewell Junction, N. Y. JOHN S. WARREN Hopewell Junction, N. Y. a i G fl cru i (=; 1-Hrir; 7, 4„---,:,--,,, /.._,,,i„,,ei, .,---7.- E. v-- -1,4 , -4 ./0 J ,,,,,, -,--/„./ 6--1, zw ,,,,, ''� vt: i, a.,....4, i 7, ,,,.........„44.- ,--R.,,e_.;,6 0,,,,,,,---&---0--- e---o-z-c-c.„--2-4-Z-, 44, 11,_tee,e,_. L. -7---,---t-, --z--,(.. • TOWN CLERK HOWARD SCOFIELD Hopewell Junction, N. Y. Telephone 7-F-23 HEALTH OFFICER DR. JOSIAH COBURN Hopewell Junction, N. Y. DUTCHESS COUNTY, N. Y. c -Z. - &-dc Stormville, N. Y. CHAS. J. BicKEOWN Hopewell Junction, N. Y. JOHN S. WARREN Hopewell Junction, N. Y. f/A 10 4- N+' '" /t), 61• fa• 4-162' 11/11/r -"Z' (4,6Z /7 ,-.)--(,_.,c. --(-• s--/-- .2-40'1----e•--<-11e0- .1----z-z 74 ,N,L,ae a 69/ ezte_c/e0 • 4_4, ../r -z -:-L 4- a 1"C Cfe-/t'-"7--'C•' 7 .'.5.442.--1/."Z / Ca.A.A--(-1gze (I) /Z z(e_ve et03, Z/€4' 74. • , 07_414 .. (71-1,.ez29 014 _„„ -7' 108 21t (11Z-eC'Zie7 Vt.: 4/ C 1( 10' 4141-16' '11 Lf. ' /0 • 'Z'e ‘7,-,t9 t r liz, ----" e /6t /421'7 '-1° e 1 1`1"7"4.7 / (71 4' IL I 1447,2* 1 1 - ta-3,e4 ,64 441.,i if -7 CLeg,4 _do 44. 42 4 4,1 v 4 4,4 4e -t' • e't „At 16, ife 5 4 lc # ,R • 1(4'7 --? - , ./ ...... v. LI ,e,,,,jC ¼ (L 4... t^^^liott:,.'t (4.4- ,, Z ir ,;* ^ o'f 4. t t 4,,, 1 ( (4L cte ee( /6"! 1t*e 4 44-** ,4!' Pled Al 't C 4, C 4.° /2,44. e ) 404 ,., '''' I . 4,,C„ 41.1.-14t. 1 0,44-- 44 ii- i ,I.^,t, L/44 CA., . ,, 'c * e .1/ 41,, it4 4 t t ^ r tt.47 ttierlit.444, /14, f, te,tt,Iiipig, 1: 111 -4 -e- t tcer / t er'4,4C1 lila( ,e" 4k. 1,t1; "If 44, j 4I444 nu 44i f(i /112C4f d kit et tit ieft4 4 2. ,1e. " e .04 t ,L cz.-il zzE�. r - (?,9ce / tx:471.41-SarU /7 71- G4 1'. 3 / / i 301 , (71.24, Ze- ;,' /7,--ioz z..,„ 2/,/,,z..,..,, ,,,,,,4 zcze,,,,,,, efo., . , / // %-' p---- //e, Z! i (,LL -1, ,�- 14:6147 fl Lp jas2G� a 41 .4) 112 i.— r,5- e �, j;14 d x e:1--e--L". 7 11, "`.� `i -- Y k 1 / ✓il-7 '. ,'1.s°.- a__ `,2t ,"moi=.1 4 t�'`�'t`_ 7' `Cz.f ,///f- 27 L /Z:i:;- L' W ""` , '� 4''',y p,&,, s i ,,i01— 2 t- 6,_r LGi-7 - G a.c--:y � U' �1 /q % d ( Hyl 7 ,. _,-4,4 ,i / .. .. A •‘‘,;;-z, (-''& ? ,ice 76- .141 6.141 .D G' fjA a P442. :p! i i�_..a`'L�t f2L�i/� �Z �iL✓ t riw�'v // L / r 7/1/7/r~J r ` l y cmc.€C 2 aie �. l zAd- d 2 vz / . t ' ",..'"tri%:•07.72 e'a�/..e.z - kko Pc7,--,-.9 79,?o, -1_42.2,74/- 2-r 77 =2:&,%rte t V' ! 01,1 41,..x,, b f , f Lee 4,1/(' 4.1 I -<z a (14-11-7 4 D yz ,r g wr , Lsr 1 f� Jyha G c 3 bl-C (t L F t, -z" /" c;,-0-1.-4.4„-.,— . ✓: i (I. Ae"?4x,//':21- Zaz A. 114 • 61:7t4d—,e;‘' C27: to 4/1' r,„1.- On. 4eke 4/,0 /1.1, 4( 8 4 / 7 z ••0 :1„.<;,•,4.1••• „/„., •Ai, • • .„ qire, A j.• '''1147A Lt, . 44744t,) / , 1 :7 0, 4;a e./q,41 , iktl, '4, 1144- ..•• :41,k* ••• tot./ 115 7 /71 61147'2 .4„-e 9:4:" �-z,4z."--sem C- '?" '/ d.. 4 §.w'��'r'c'.. �/a. L L"4 Z1 / *LA- /A- Aloo /10' 41:1„44ej //rg 116 (}1.•,1,2••••,--a,„-Le 4 i• 1.'"-1?"1'11 ' ,,4. a„ t -t4„',/,' ., ,„, t: .. •-, /...,,,.-4,-/-• ,o -t-- t,t. ..,, ?„4 i„,,,,'',--,.. ,?..,„, ,,,,,,,,,e. ;.,,,,,,. .---- :„ ,,,4-2--y,?•-7 1,... e.... „,.. , ......,41, (4,,..,..,. • 4,,4 7.,,..„,„4- • 1 , , / i 4:---e..41.,...• ..,- •/-. • ,•• .„ .• „ ,•'' . • .,--4 • 4.- d 0/ 1..<:-T1.•, 4. - ( 41;1, ,:•, ...111. 1. ., • i„,. • . yr' i - • ......, _ .,., 11 4 i11;' .•. ,...f .„'''',' ..,' ,,,,,'" 4; L.. 4,L • .., ,. 1 , . , 11 •! ...,1 ....:' , ... /4• „/• —1/ .). ,..,' • ,", / - -,'"-/Z-e 04-4-4 ., ../44,472-'44,,,-,, ,' j 4.- / 7. /6 ,,, , • .-1 • ; . „.„ . -2,.: ,,," "2711171‘01Vg- 4 • ek /1-(744,n- , -444. ".. -4„4,,, • ],r • ,, , „ e,•.‘ t/t/ ,4,1 11 46-td,,,,,4,1' el , ,, , 4, , '11.- tr ,," ,' r 4 ; ., ; ' r ,;'' r 4,),-, 4,;.,. ' az 44,,,c, ...... „,, 1 , , ',. e rii ,4 ,e,ii:ele”-Ol / i 2 4,,-Z i"' , .47)-i 0,,,,tto, e /'Ct: i ( /7 j .•44;"' ; ,,;;Zef.),C:` ,:::,,,:e% •' .2-'4.1 , / ; ,: 4471,-,e,,L, /7 44.-44e.-444,19 t,...4.,,,,c,,,e, 44,.,..t44,41,,,‘ 4„/.. 4,4t /4( C4- 4o:1,e ,411 /-re /7‘./.” /14 , — 444,, ti1.411 y .4 2z 1.4 et Jd 412/47 4.111"'" /01, t 4 %* c 44-47 414,14., •04 (14 1 frx 6,- ) ;pa IL( //ter 1,4„ 4,&"S.:**4 a 1 t''‘ *(1 4741( eitedr;M g ; .1„,,e t 114 4,11‘.0,401,0046.4 '446,4 Z4, ie 17'4 Iig Je.44e it 'tiov ,.647471.4, ,41.4„ 001A- /44/14 4440:41:40; Ze/i4V4:4040' kfilx e14-itvt. 117 Mrd":"a.W r y ,; f, c.„-(' C �°ti eet // G1...f>4.R_7,l�",:e� L., r� .�?� ,I1764 'v lc - ,. g „yam . ' leo r d' 7_. a. c2.1 x'4;4/.° /err /e1.4 ole ' � GLjam` i �'' .” la/ sem^ /Zzz4 a eZ ,,,.2 2 60 / 118 46 wc-GeL,‘ Az 6/ - /4tZefl ii , , .e.2. "7„," / P/ 0 " .... of6'71'"I'' 6,42 „/N24-te ,..) ,,I z ,,,,i,,c,' 4:1 •' ,-.,- eit-a- 1-'1! ei, cilfrita .,/ / 3-17' , , e -i- //i6c.- ..-4- c 4(.1- ere/ crl r -Z 4,4 41'4- 1,6-4"e t. gm,C, Ii zr-Z-4.- • Or-e,e,t/11.-..e.aue e efeeet (e) ae,Liasee,"• ',,, r,., - ' 1 1 e 4 )!., -,;,..-.----- - -' a,,,/„,,,,,-,,;2' ,, „ r .0" - ' - 4:4 „.7 7‘,„, .i;,. ,r, r,,,,re. 0,,Cze4ee 11, 401 024, t, 4441..4'44y/ '-ze4fe-e 74, 1 11( tiOC 1 '7 ite 427 gr,10 *441 ,_11 I9a A. 14,t C4411,4, Zea n- .4,14 444' e"kto 119 /:.(1t;.- 1/61 ,veeile,- I;. �./te (ell -/14 ri U<L-ent'_ 11 l -,, f � ' ,'.ir7O Z /7e-c/a' ,,)Vii(''!V s rid ///0"7 "'LAI tc......./4!a,a e‘eit 9',(/ is 1 7 at e cc'// ,6446,e ee)M `. Wiz. �..� r6a � c� r 4-46 120 0-1 *:61"--e / ttze fizz e.. :e....„:„:, /7 ,,,,, t' i ; 4.,,,Z:,,, i / alli-‘ ' 7 '''', (r7;-: -71 7 ' 7 //'" --: id ‘;'6' 121 i 122 .G 1 * .a../� /a .. c:'? f :?/l k'( f - ..e.. //' —r / aC tL— 1 �, a, efe7 tat r."--�1 - T, a it -74 C'[ e /77 &e7a t' a 76- -74 /2' 7 6561 a/c/ ®, 123 Ze- 1: . -s a-,"1/1/4-, Ziald et ,- C. e.. ;f s (z-'' ,LL e; t. �'r -E. } J b..-f.'L'-' ".' ,Zc '"i:.' -,.6x. ' y,.., c . d` j! ; 1.^‘/'1";'/1"� . ,eu ?`t4'[;,`; .0 / Z Z 4 4C ix-. 4/4... (.+[+I ; .C• /":7 S r 44 /// 124 z 4 9e •r • 7 2. 52. Pa tC.f.` L. -tie. ,,,`1, .ii - ' 4!. et," c, 47.6,1° „.3 • 7 ire 15" - 61?"- • Or: x -C oe/3/Z ,/z& 71', -c -e€ e'teeed $4. &b-9 14A-kj_ 41 • e t .1/ 4,1 /;_ /4. 3. ,; ...:,0.:.:',10",:',):02iiiii;;0•200 BEFIT M. GARDINER, COMMANDER .LER CLEARWATER, 1BT VICE COMMANDER METT O'FARRELL, 2ND VICE COMMANDER AES MITCHELL, ORD VICE COMMANDER YMOND F. ELY, ADJUTANT RMAN N. HARCOURT, TREAsunEn FRANK CRANDALL, COUNTY COMMITTEE 127 AMERICAN LEGION - J. MORRIS GORING POST, No.427 WAPPINGERS FALLS, N. Y. t '7 G GENERAL — ALL 001727T/10S. (Pour folios.] [Fifty-six agate lines.) LAWS OF NW YORK.— By Authority. Chap, 133. AN AOT to ain.end the town'law, in relation to appropriations by town hoards in certain. counties for rental of rooms for posts of war veterans, 33eettme a law Mardi 29, 1921, with the approval of the Governor. Passe tiaroe-iliths being present. The, people of the. ,s'iatte of 2 V'ew Y6r1°' represented vit' Senate bl d enact as follows: , and Asson y, 0 ' eee.,,, Section '3,,, Section one hixadreci 4,1,1,4 44,151"ti'fiqvq11',°:f', chapter ixty-three of the laws o ninoteen faRlIcit4 411 ,nine, f t , a otatt•fted n act relating to towns, constituting P' 41Pt6r sixty-two of the consolidated laws,), as lastamellaeci, by ebilptoi:ky) hundred and of the rlavvs of nixtetoon,liiindred an twenty, is az hereby amenaed to" voad as folioNys Appropriation by town boards,-, for rooms It shall bo lawful f°1' 130sts. special meeing to or voteeoaiv-nsurt1150arofamaioaaela.".tootwnicat anyi,regtilaiir or drod dollars in a31 assistingeceeGining dtowfora;Iiitut; Year, :for thc purpose of" • thGreaix,E(3aritAalrionfyroofointhziefo:etykoetalli°eldol'llg itileel Er111111Qlg.- teiXiagsS"i of any posts of the or of the American Leri.'on, located in suPauiehtBehmin-VVarVeter- ans. inettsa there is a post in a tawn. adjoining a town in whieh no PC/St is located, whose membership inclucles at least ten residents of such t°Wil post, it shall be lawful for the town hoard of such town having no post, at any regular or special meeting, to vote any sum of lumen not exceeding fifty dollarsiii any year, for the purpc)se of t1,813isting defraying the rental of rooms in such adjoining town, for the holding of meetiitgs of a. post of'th;eGt:rands Amy of the Republic, of the United Spanish War or of the American Legion. All moneys hereby authorized shall be assessed, 1()visd 11ec and co ted the same as other towne)tPeAses sh4.11 be paid to the querte.vraester of Buell post by the super - on to such ouperasor that the post is not receiviug 128 4.4 '1? /A L 4 1. 4, 4 10 q e t' ze,ee yq„ I tsi: r ,er--11--t1; -1*.icY t• 44244 '" 4 .- --4„. e,-• /-r 3 01-e t -,- 0 ,:. / : 44t. "1'47 ,• 7''). • , '''' L `4,,„„) , . 2 -2' • . 0 '0.1.... 1 1 f ii.,01_,0 , , 0 ,-.,.. . . . , .. ' • , . . i 00,0 .;., ‘,„, > ,0 ,.., , ,'.. . ,,% ,,,, ..,e /....,,,..„. i0 , „,--, , ; ''-,-• ,g ,,,,, ' .- -t t / q.:..qt , t.-1 „q- I L. *4 rf, 1.4i 4 4.444, -7 42 // e0/40/ 440e/ /44.2.1 4!" 000, '20 0000, 000.40,,„4„.10 d ,e0040 ... 0/44,00,',44, / • !,'10-40,40.1 ,,:;,,P0,xC.,‘", 40 ,,(41,2,, )444" 1 • / 64,ftare ,te „ro e /ate 004° a tte, (4,1eX4 • J'a, t7- (Ve 14,1;4 ,0000,00.00-0 t 4;1111'14 rer2144414,X44, 1444 (4 0 1‘e, it i>"°441' 4` '4^ Itettegt 47, 02 a LR LC41,,,,e#A4V:l 4,4" 129 l 1,--14.�' �p 1 d"?,G'o '''.2,;,,,, c-60 dF 3, 472, 7,- /' te,,`%it€ Z, , liC n` / / (,' I / /w off/ 2Z,--(4,z,Gexl'✓ p-/-„,- .7,°' /-e2G'Z Z�.J oz /ze..'-/ .a',-. .;,„y7k/_c-�-e_ ‘,-;;e-rifidr/At,,,,,,-„:..„ /74,...,4 ,:, 77.,„,/ 4, 7-- /.,,,,p AL 0-e,.e,e ,dy 4-Za-..,,,ie /6 -i -i -/..e,- 131; Cia 0-1-1z7-ed4 Sp-ozi-407/1‘ dr0/ef--,/ 9 t C2, '`r10-z--k-L o At/f 2 /. %.3 515-4' ak ) �.- - 117 7e a /-e-tz , 7 a:.7,d. ‘,74Z J ('‘,4 2-ert1/ •• 4,4441,444r4„, -66 /(/77t Pt/q4 / ex/4 133 /6,7? 04,,z tcoce, , 46e-, .4-4 4ii . A.C. k kir :or • k • •••••-•/110 „I 4 i;„..1:1424 -'4'014,,E/4". /4,1 407-49, gt,04,02-11 „A!•#:••••4,,,!. • •k•.! •••!, „„•:•••! 4,0424014-1440f •!.4: 1, , 4 44 134 f22 ,77 26 J'* -n Orenvn, 44fre- tr,1 ftr,4k,h' /1/,11,41,'" 1044: eb," 44•—� 1)5 -9 OLI /b6 77(4- /7 L -G z x �•^GG Ge.- GMK-erk 424-1 )S-3-3,9 frai 136 /YYG2L�G Gvv Ofmr2' l(,/6101 frefre �/: 4/1,r/�//%//.yyry'y',, yJ I G )4-) �/ - r' vf/�" wer fat/el:4.4w- /1,7-fr tead 4,..„--,e )h?' 44„. a 11' a4a ' • - ' %',-(8.11,0 .14,e1 - Xf, / 44Gog14 a' AA- al4 of -e(/,' /(4:$0 fi 4 r, o •1t.4 44 ''" Z,%�.�/ sir»' a4 '44 1//,rIlIta toe; ie.' M le„ 140 ter)) ;' z„ 11/- 9SC, ;8 fP.y L s -e: e (- -(:' - / L, 4, A 141. 1 6,1 ,rerr," /11-7-1- aC <4. fl -,-z ,7 Ale, 13 ef4.44,-;e1/42 „ • t y „A17- cLI 4r. 4,7 143 )14 a «: av'; ist41/24 0."000000, / 145 kw/ ,- e,/,-1.-=- ,44?-,,,,,-Ivi!„.4,-/ 4.1 . ,,‘,..• , , / _ ,,, , , „,,, , 4 ,... , , , - , .,,,,,,,, ) '''' e.. 7/e,,/ 0/ tv5L ,-4,7---1-4.44;:- ,, , ,i/P, 43 9Z.4/11;(1". --e 4-e ,4•1.7'. 4— ,---4.- , •-''' 1-11---i----*•- 7 cr-h/44,4::IK 1417 „,?t,,A4 ,.. '0440.0e/4" . • lig • 0-07 4 ..40,94v ' 414 000 • dte/ • 148 r /17 I9 G; remel C.4.41."1//77 agi/e a4 i4eg--4" 149 a-e/rd-- ‘774-747,- ff-z.44,4h 7kr,1- 4 de--4 Z•ia G‘C../ 4/4 k 7e1 e:‘,4/42Z4k, 444,a,4- 4,e/ 7441- + 4140 N.„,,Fe,e-eza,jAath, /ted - ‘,./4 ec,,,A. 4:K1 • -7‘ (704.4f.‘ okk, qe-g.• g..44,, / e„,"sgg'g/e"%l-ggigg Aeftg ggt, 920',/-744ifor;/-9 .1".41.1•R",.> 150 "ja ;4 (7 d'i'4,,L.,7,4/`�, 10 7/2 /ti 76 1)1 /71 Lem • d -/-14#a fr-17-A-7/(7,.2' 2 rte' 4`��� ad 437-4- / 152 6 y -ft"' ett4tvt '. 4,Z4 /14, 04' 4 4 4 1,404,4444 l'eZ Ai /7 I 71 44. j •-• .444.4442* --2-4L ty, 0044 tra„4 StytY114.--tt-tZtt ' 4tttItt'e # i4; oft to# 4,444 ,1 -fr 4 CY gy yyY ;0,'" ti• tt-tettet(' 4 itke -4 tttitt,t , t44,44, 4°4444444-4„ et 153 fad ff,7‘ ,o Ae,,, .47‘3,5 ,e7/ -e -A -;7407,-41J2 % p 761 I -4 41I ?car e-1� �, 1feA//41r0224i 156 7d41e6:::7, Ka 477-44, q147441414, 1114:040,16.00r oe„," ‘704 i L- 95L 44,' 11141 ,01.1,* ez-yezoz.7- e 42, 7-44-** -11(ei,4 v \ 41„ V 4, 4t •get,t 1,4e% / etlege4 iet/ / J Z ez ems im. Aloer „7/( 41,4,00.• katS210.73. ezel 1.57 / p s 4'7' 1 /413,,, 3 4, d La _2 441 • 4� 158 C61-4-1/44 , /4•1 • 0,11,,,,,s• ai14.44,0"4-1fro* d":140010;.- e144e4te at/Via-AV' - 27.44a-444, /744,0-0 444/ 1./ yy .."'771."-e-4---440•;", tile -44e i41'41-44. ,44/ 2,49, ti /or 4,41--o--c4;f0Per 41,0471,- =te „,•49 • 414-t. al,,1 PV,,2 Cia et a 1-144,-e 159 cz,FCI *77 -2' i.21402-4 /7e '4‘.(-4* /"7744' ,C-AtleiL 1° 6C. /fes -f:/2:2ex/ /� •gid 160 1#2 /-acfr7- Jr; 161 ":1- /L1 -Z.-10 ' Z� � �.e-a•� /° 6 A4e,1 a-t�-i , C% -c /e- 7.-diexAg "1/74:37 . , .' el -44-, ,A;404 -s- 11,1042% ,04-(1 ,, 474* o r r 132 ai-70-4-04 Ata-41-d-C,S9 # 7-17ir a-zezi-e9- V71 29. ditet,11- /4, , :!::04'.441 444 t e 414 oot tote 1 .40",X,444%4444, CGS.' L,, 9.63 00, 744 yl-zaa'fe-0‘;-7/7/7-Z-7-1p3,r, v / 165 krk 44e/f4Alaate.//a/Li'd a7‘a1 ,tea-1� 1Z3 166 p Mer P A I Tk L Geo] acro cent row toe illel bull mec Wa tho the ani tlm litt tlo' wt.. trr an ly Tc I4 at nc: x� ISi re k;1 th rc oc tv as tc Q{ ca It t'. r a • TOWN EAST FISIIKILL D WNS BRIDGE Members Register Disap- proval of Plan to Remove Ancient Structure Over Sprout Creek and Replace It 'With Concrete Arch. • Tho rebuilding of tlo old leadln• . itemise Sprout Crook looatod at the GOO1T0 1:410W11 fIll'in, 'WI tVII W;n1 re- cently condemned by County Ne.,:, . • neer Geortai Nreita•r, Ilan reett vod a, flotback owing to the option, of 11i,, member:3 of the ToNen Board of 1•1Z4:0. Flishitill voting* :mildly airainet tho re.. ,builiting or the bridge at the joInt meeting of the board of Ow Towne 44 'Wappinger and hlaet hIalikill bold tho past 'week. The liritlgo in 4,10,. 14' • the oldest that l'xonsea Sl•rout ('14'' 1. and has been ta a. ditapiditli,d rehabthin for noveral yeare but an It in a little riff of the regular l'oaloit trail., linen it has net roeolvold 1411.11.,h attoo tion *until it hen reahlied a oondlthm where it is unsafe to I•arry anN.,• 134',) V3 trallle. Comity hing'ino4,r J,' )'14'33'' tuninod the structure and inote•illate- ly notified Supervinor Ifininoeli •4' tio• Town of Wappingora nod iintlorvi,,,,f tianher of the Town of Fiaat 4oldh3.111 ot hie dooinlon and ovule an oltadal notifleation to both town leirde„ IN rneettal.; 4 If OM MI tgli thltt ills ".1`•,•3V11 report wan rend, Juatioo 44,0411 III lid, rde haniodiately 113/44141 a motion that. the Town or Wapoinin•re prakeeoll td t4,4444 the 4P114ta alai 4 3', .44 at,"..,. ea hy Jitetteo Walla Van Voore...1 ILIA N'r 0,3 harried 'without a d1' 3(41130 voto and 1411 Invitation wart Own 3:2 1end•••1 to the hdat, 101140011 itoard tt 4 1144'n4, in 14, it 'Int 41,,4iii,tt1) tAt at/trattlt OW 13t' W ktti lint 111,,. 4,V114o4 Ctn., ntt,tttillg C". ottt, eallt`t1 HIIPt'I'V [tin' 1 t:tttiktl' WWI 41.1 Itt C11161'111,411 ti IA Within a f.,,,o to:ow-a the other :ado ''1t i;orolit C1'. olt 14,01 V.,4 it 1‘103 4,1114111 ihttt 004 10140.341N 1 ..'''41 1 1l1t3nIti,11:4 OV 13440; 0,ny 1,411 t,.; 1.,,, tata41641G. 'nal 1444.4.4k443 V.',00 -a nlni ttrfttitlittqlt ft 411W:0 41 in raphi ..1 a - Z.,3.1443. TIY” 3a34la14,4, ,.1 th" (444'l (,n4 i in W111441 Ow Wttlittnnt`rt't 1 '',n.ti'tt 3,1't Itt(tt.0 1 tin, 0'34,413011141 Ittni. 1 ',ton nt!,:tt, , ttlt tal'Aittlt 1000' and 4,,tat 90 ,t, • ' 134'1'11 t'ttpti ti, 44141 thy; 14,4,4141' 4,4.,, 41 1 41344k WO for a 4444.44 One; iami,1 let 1, ilt•eatill. ilizt iirholly Choy ',moo r.,,,,,,4 1(4331 11. 11140114401 4,(' the hl,tal, llaht lii ,'•,}"ioaril Ito 11 itedlithilial that the }lila written tlean up 'while othora hal boon 143,114.1 I3( l'•0' them. The area- l he 'IA thitt 1 bil'tttntt! 4444 440' Or 141414 VI '3,,, 1333.3343.1 an(1 re•verat ('1141 3'((3"4 followed I hark Mat forth. tolonlly 14 vote alie ' ealted 4'.I1' and the retailt Wan that Ido '."Eleht Pialiktil 'Ward voted illit aollot Notea airairint tha ridaitittin4 *title thii TONNIN of Villt,pLitrtgerit Board, votad tI141 aalid VOtha, to. reinaittlti, can illatallWiliile, IVng,,Put.0VAcm11:44,'O„„0070,0V00, ,11,1,. u, '1., pi.,,,,,,,t. 1.•,'11, R. ,, .,,, 31,,, tiw ,-,..,4-y 1,,,,,4,1„ V irc th,:, \\ 43' : 1)44.101',; board wl , :L,t.,,,i,r. tor Coe ' lanhinol. 13 in tind•retodd that the 44311tt43 i.e41ll10otrti,4 leader, no %Nun tho proper ottiolala owl the uniti,••: ',. will 1.•.1 illronidlIS" ((31,11(1' '1 rad. Toe 'nava t14atial 44 NVappliiiaira te on roe' ord of levering ttio relatthilog of the iariellire Wild Ili ('4 iO4 tit ntlitlt Otto '3.4,'0114. ittMAKtititt,IN", Thio AIM t 't t 1 Wilt ittn tittleittitT plaihal 111 ttio horati oi 4(14' 4414434 4' 401441014 3414 that 143 claw ot any t14"4.:41at14t41 :that Utithitt itt 101 Itttn't, '',n't 4(13" 413( 44434' the 1 (1.1,1A tt 1 ,t,"' Wilk 1,••,otr1e1l:,' ' tip to 4134' Town of Elast neistlli, Sopervao.r ituthanidi le a et33e.i4 4(13.aw:(4.4' of baying lad lenithon 1143 41( t: 3 l',1 31431 1401.4 it a 43.44 4440' 34l`tit t 13 S. kit'' k'i" 44,Pit Wtall4 41'' 41 InnIttt than, 1h44 i';'- ; 41' (413141114, tif two or three rlaillar braires and whenevor he Male .3 hreiral i33 bad ('43(31131 (,'l'4 41,' tome,. ((144441 33' tellers it revitroil„ '(‚1' '34' have i been 444;t tt'itittil omicron,. 111.134),a. and eel- ', 4.:4,3434 pliteed 1U1' (43.4 MR 1)413 34,(411'(3. 304- thal, two hoot lazed owe being boat th.tr‘i ;der, the 11•.•.41 moniliora' id* tlei 'W'13 4.444111' here 14, 441301 oantiot eirideretand the at - tittaio or tho monnwro on the iither . ' nide of Sprout Crook foir the "feet that. the. ltit1i144t' 4,3.11,8 011.14:14441.80:1 by tlinhatY 441444,111.411' Slrieiriir makos both torenz Made for any damage that in ntietaid. ell at Oda Petra,. ' , . 1., 41 67 :I/ c-to,1.0-( Jfigooid ,e? 26 0-421 120/7/ /141,i 6 e /Z7 43471 /41:10, " tit 76 32r II l,7 169 4---frtze-Sv d.e/ ,� -74 ati ;7 • 4;4 '1'7°7 4 'AL 4t74:4-4.04-i / ftc),tee4cze:‘ de. r' 0 171 11%' df 'd a 6:a• fr"Zte./ 1 ,,�:- af �,,' G d�'z 1-�--d GzC' d . " /7,14.-42-,44e, (x. 4-Z `;r -z: G j� fiG` G# -z' af `,7-00;4‘,./. GG %eLt a",/,‘ 0,44r7-%404-ece , /41/0" era ';e4 // 7'//� Xxo l/ ,' 1A . e-4(-01#Xsi,/„1.4e-, 172 a-Acd" letezd ‘ea 0,40,4 8, /-64 /ehe:‘, af "7z-tc- ,e/71:5- "7(4- der- e4/t-g-, ovi-tAr 411471-46` .1 a „cr cr-fr 173 ti c1c • Go7 r� i r -. �• LvdiZ uL / C`e I. /- 4/ 44. �,^ 0- t� �'`'-"fir a ..,,:= '•f'' c,--QC..%� J-3 1 r• (t' 4- 4- • 0.0 -0 0.0 „.........„.0000,--0,000000-0 00 -0 00. 00 0 - 0000-.000000 • • 00 0- . • • • - • : 176 • / eZ.64;ff ,/ / ,,19 , 1(, „., r•-"' /0 ' ,;i01 ' ''.1 ; 0. La_t_. , 4- - t..,- 4.-- ,y ,,,, 0.74...- V-1.--,7. ,..i • •-,,,,r_ i_...t•e',7 C• 71e ,,,'' /D./ “ s , ._ Cs•A-y?-0,,,e-o- 4 • 6. / - -7' - ,.- .5 C1(-7 - Ca: 4 , • , ( 7- /11 4- r2-,-ee = 4,472."V‘. 0611.6' f2-r777:Lk; " ,e4/ ,/ A 7/ 1/1V/6,'? rta ZrOf -1Y2/4– Cre4/''l n • — &Cr -64-4201' 0 - / .070- /C;7.,g 3 yzaz,-4- , die4424e,e_v--zec/ "-zee-,•v-r--,L i64-&-...7 2-L7 (;ei-er.zilf • /./ ;6' /77 7-227 .8-3° 7' az,z," ate:4' • /-4•Ye, 7 44-4/ e-77' t -e cet,44- • (-71-i-e..1 e_ 1171 4cd-Ze....4, (14-1-k•-..*. (77,---,--41.7--k. 14? -",:•4L.., ' r-, /,,, i/ - /11(:11•116.- / /t i0,3 • '': • „, „ �i� C lf. !`4 (:4 ;'f.'. €�l�JiFti:2.:.�,