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ize 4T-74 17, olse-14c7: d ;l -1 C4.44" .441,1 6 ai(,,/' auie4 ovr"/ advt6AZhfrita-Pk- gl aft d . "`d ql-eze4 94, /g ..lig Aetc (ea,( -0/ ' � A / aez>61 / Zai ( (1,01- e .,,,,dhp Pa* , ( - r „ q/th t do, it L,, -,-e s6 G'(- /e 180 4. „Gc,. ,,,,,,,,?„,c .e--// :. (/ —err n )-,e,-/,/4/7Z.,411-1/ 612, - p ,,J� .€ ile: /gy6, �. 46., ( moi"2' "t /�( ✓ d rt.Z.4.40, YJ7 F`tirKi`c 7;//(f.Gr. r, (/1".i 01 183 r 41 G <. O ry1a --/ p/- / u1zl � . da. -6 a~ L�cz day. A f.„4. (e -r4., -;d1 1/151-€4 ���f ��.-�-�e.� Cv -tom 0,zda 7 .(eh:0s 5,7 ee (rte? r ; 44 At, /I) Wide ec j42-6(o�d P �,a( Vie/ 184 (ila/ /46PJ4,4z , rCGfGCS.,.c,t_C zi j((/M°/���x '�u45,de.z /& ' J z'G, S. '//e %? l4?'1,i/L .lfGl/(x4c, /n. C e S, / (a,wd1 1 t '' fl''2ltcrt (17 u 7( 186 ,3 / — 9Y1r 3. 6G. /1 Mg- .1114. b,9-. 17Y 17 r)a a4c-Zt, (4-4 U a chilerlf.C../ e724/ '26 dcr 4 4'T!'; lilt/ i 6) GU --4-Z° Leg,tued Leve, VaL 19 a&e?,xt)y a i �v d 9.1:1,e-/ Oi:t r. a°/,< a-e,zd egi-o g'ez f._/ &„4,4-e--4, c'a a &c.„e4 9 ! 4A/r)li ,0-41 Ak;Lf ot.4,toti /Aec. i r Gd''r2 c a e -e __.a0 Od�. 1 1 /V . V V(/ ✓�/ %A4� ita I/ ORGANIZED MAY 25. 1867 Is i Pyr. Ilebe til1,, Town Clerk, Town. of Wappinger, Wappingers Palls, 'ewYotic WAPPINGEF?S 'AL LS NEW YORK, IN4 (1M,AiVI;? JANUARY 30 Vay 7th. 1924 Dear Sir At a 'reo of Trust eee of the inn of the thanks 'Unpin o Tib'. 189 �__-- 4,1d4u- 4A,(4e I ay.eit . frfiY-= urtiattg: YP. 9:0,L QT -K e VaA-4- 692&Lidg-e. ‘a -a ,L2. ataaei 1 0)1)/ 0,1( *------(,(4-74 .sie, VuC. 0`✓ —67 �iti,tcLaLo. a -26%-r Q. '7-7MLd 7,,,a4ee 1 2 Y,0e,tid 6,0e, . 62 0.,e.4,,.fi d„,,ae. aArlv-a3/12-ia_4(A4, Co -r y ‘,( , , , / f, 44Y :ibi - p4' /-- /,S gl-ea,--6eci -9,---e-44.4%e. //9177/471.0 42,Qat OaA*(64i. i.,-- 61.0_4,6444 /49a,r, 4e,e . G.t.c•¢.�.t.c�2uC ----9-4.-pd. /,,,se,...: iIA-4-44 4:47._ ezei` /,40 e 6- /6 os„,Yot,„e4 3/ 3r c w /if a, /D Q•3 `�- r u*/ -6/ gNaz, t 1d1.7ac, jl• / . I 0 �,,�,,//�__� /(7 30 PG I77 Fa 191 �Yr�r th°l� e • �U (/� h"rC t4&ei►' /' C&1 ,57!---39.7,4-,,, ,7% Gam-.® s.4//2i �d L ei76 Vic' (A . 'Zk-free-e,k;-ve,, Z Xt. 7 d • a 67: ra.c.4.,09z&v,c/w.. 66426 &, ,_6e,/ 44.1' t„4,-(.4-64-471', 64) "lt o ) (7 a.4. .ems+ ', v -d (4 9Gtn /6 ire '63,1ezeo -?/%. C2 4 67a le& (7/4,flwg41aR-4-4:-v Pee -0 ae7lz1e-1,0 e t / I gi.7.t.--e rz ep eh€h / s3 t _-"Ve4-4/ 193 ,0 6 • • ,?::) 2,- • • ,‘,€01/ .ee%w-7'a4--e-r•rer 71-t-ede o Ari -gel -i k7 kfte-ixj., r aleadee. Vet -e -e 4i7,‘611V.40. / a4"" e-a-eeeete 0.6yeae„,w44,,ei-y- /,(71 0777 -e -e- S. AA- 6 c.) ee t--7-e-e-4, Po -0-f. »c / 6 o e(7, 0.Lety ,240-7,e,y7/ 0 a ri 6 tzre;te4. 097 • Aff,te 4,4-VT€42411,de:41 Qfl,e4:(.or 'Pes,"ta. Cie.44,447-0yin, loterdge,c7— RAA 194 � Z Le- &<A=tt /76 a o i C/('k(4/ 0 a0 to- /16 4a...e< agiaca_ . V-1--z<e,..,A,._7/ x a. alil'id-e-4-/La ' an4a. CC/ 6V-1/ ,1/4a4,1a, ' /FY ,elo-ege--7/ Artz,e:ereaJAselleige &"7,46t4te-e---A, 417 P4777-77., e:717/e-e5-1-.17/° -17(40 &c440° ••1- 0 195 al, & q , 0 /o, .ro //2-,07 /VC -0o 6 J 6 2- a-ee°4: s e-v/S /6 rer 3/ 4 (3 (:) /1, ay. Ofeze 1-4 r I V" c( " e!'" ,) if )4, (1) , 424e4-44.4 „ter e / 1,ove 424 (1 " /kr • ) tAt, cf„t , /1, „/ti ( , / 4". 0-7 r t 1/ pre it (/y reef f (e, t let't 4 eel 44e e 1,/•/, ) ./ , w17.4, or ter t.."44;ft 1,49( le e4t4 „doh>, e aege''' 1- 7 te'e :etc tte, (247 '71'i telvtl; 044,7 tevetce titetttette fi, e er. /teet4 /1/ t i • tt tettee fete / • „/„totte (a.„ /4 441 / 4 (4., 1,77 e //i 1 1 4 4 (4 e (1) eete eV4,(,) eit7°. 14t„,›ti , tae4„tt 4fttetl'i , 1 4 , tfiCtee eet -4,4tetr teett„„ce: 4.; ete,„,,, 0"1 114 Yttl tee 1:0eCe eti„ exit 4 11/ /1744%;71 Ate exe-v „P„A * Atop ty tr: to, io-w-ey' , v4 14 ett, trte„( --7 — --) 44 ii•:;4))tegetior negt t4 I) ,d ot . .. . letotyeet„4„4,...„1e11i le . 44,or 4441! /4 iPiP 'Ike 'Kite) etiettetteitegtttrit attotetitafti 41„.; .4:014:04atta ...„ ..,/ , jel/ ,. .1t0ttettto,,, „..tote....1-4te.0444,10, / 4.0.,,,t0o0t0.4.!1,04:040„ 0.9 ittt,4,, 4;44, titteAdAtqAtiala t , t • ' 1 ,440 /4 £4 4 o'e 444 t4,0 /414 444 4 foott ,eee atteltleleira 4/ g / (P( C -tee „ 4"7 g4,,, dip'„ < # ; 1 11 • .it 4.0.04;'•!"••'•:)"•'•',01/' 11,1(4 444,-,t- 44'Jett* 14.4,44„,. 441' tteeet4440t„0" 414te e 14( / c.,0e 404 „ • : 4•-•?.„t„1t.",„„1:„." • ,,,,,..1„tt„14: • ......... / • • 4-et•••'I, 7.4444 44, 4,4447„,<<„,:e 4r,q7,4" 444. • 'II' V ttei, ) 4Tor 4,44 .„, (11 GGc-.eiPY 19.7 _ �' (s Tzre. v-ry C7 L�� //— / z ,, /dm. r�u .4 ,,ch G`t� r✓Ztiu.c,® e.G., zf. P• % 72Z4-4:/— (wy rt-•f� / Oeu.•cei c, 1G!ZN%,.�i-urs/ 1. 1..� G/' l�G•G'_/G ' 4/4e,, e574,.--,-•/ 6 i at? jg 4 mor. ` Gt .e Y C t. e pc-_...... 7.4-6-traz- .F LSF GSC .0 -care , a.rruu 4,6 et,“ 7 /9t6 41.4,74 m c . --erYitex41. 7 7/' 1-47 (9276 e. i. 198 DYr C,/ ' ""r'C. ri -40 tfY a24( , r~`( fC (GtyL2xz„t--4.1a'rG l r/'r y GTrr,�c.n ca'.”~c,.{;.°e'ri ,c j 199 410/ tiA zb1-1e--ip eged6. se--/ oy17-1(-5r-z/ .9941a.:( 7„,eze-e-ar-41— - u(Zeez-e-6,e, et 0. (. tft 0,47,4e0. r- -4,4' e;40 / aet2-ct•-•,-/- oS,e-cfr,wc24-0-)/ kg'1-4 tAicez-ct-t_d / . 0 .g3 76?-4-€-4ed at, fAx Zaa-e."-elo ie ,Coe, Q Yga eiagi 7 4 t-zhi --k - it? . .( eq" 7 (2,,,,e -h i:k e7,E.-e-e-e, 444 ,e29 arldaci/ 44a-,r-b±e-4 +6 i f < Ara14-0 41-a—e 7e17,77 -0-1-f-./ /2-•:1,114-42, 7? -Z- A W—Sv4,40-" three14-67 gee /erive:4 00 1* ?zee, tierwri A-eir er- , 4,,i,c,e-v,,, Ally a wect7. Zile!W 27("Vela," 40 fdhci a(444110 e0--€. Ze440414rd eto0-40,4 '1 voirsogy. • • „.4:.„7,0,101416114110, 440110.4t.t.:.• • • 44P • -404.1plo, , 4( 200 12,0(4,Cr C./41/7 417 ./9/ t5'e 7 ,(° 7.7i law 6,4c/A-cw 7 4- /0-e,e-440/ rj&C-4,1,C,leg..c< zt,ge-cxx4?-c-c_ •"0..e.-617, /04(24? -d ---i ii.__4eZae, -07: atka-t-trzALR--y" jel-z, C4? -144,C/ eZes-CW-e 4ei"?,/.../4/ ,n49ifq 4°144'.1-11 Ch7,44e.exx, 05761.f.ec,t,e laa,tee, .e. ,Y27.e.4.4„4,7r- ‘ee,v, 12/€44,(„4/ a„,e, eee,44er ei-e%2-ea.Aa-/— ,L e. 4 t3 ed4f,a-41. '4 -di arer4-44-;t44- -14:7 Ochrr', Vtikacr' 114,10 4062/ 4.1c4A7.4):,, 7t. .00 /o a() ov 44 ext 2r . 7 ,e c•ee/Lir bje24,-,7,4",tie 497/4e -e. /Go 'Ice./ 4:L41441'C /4,/-54,r, ;'!,•,e.4e... /i„/ ,/,,/1- I &•,•.,,.,,,,,, ,.,',"'r.,: 1Y -C-.0-•. el'_4?.....a.---oet <•11i'/'"?. 4 ' ' it.:c.",'i'•7-4./..2 1,,,,,„i.,,C.C,,,, (144-t44.6e ne,L.C/ 4-7,cill i'kyttati. - f, (,,,e,,,,,',.:;• ,,,,YeZ 4:/eze,-/,i- 41.„.0:/./„.. 7-(602e,ie l'e77' ,,, ,,??47 ee-yr ‘e,"1,,,,,,, 4-0 ,,,„.i....cip,.."4.,A,,,,..,,„-. coi4a....„.......4.0,„_ 4* 10-7;;;4 M.64.4 42 71' / 44q14 7,/-7-0, • ,(1:(.0,1:, 0:3 / /-- "eat 7)r -c, 4,44 „et .4,/, 4 :72e•a0r, ee.6. C.4.4 tog .!_,?1.44( ,fArae-, 1.1,46," het,4,94 ,t,teoW h'7,4,14 h•TA-4. .e44:4,44, (te, 72:;) ay" 414 44. 44 41. ,t*,4 #240447( 201 1746, 7o 6J1 o 0 0 e> 3 I 3 / 0 474-0 /4::) /era 17P4i 4,2 42 e. 0 400,9r-; c, • •••,-44t4,4$* • t440,1444044 tt4 (4 tutit•Lt , • • R-0 202 ILA/'67Je;-)1 c./( d 10 ot-fr-v ,e. - /67,121./aRA(. e --1-6-e/ ex 4t- 0-4'2 C -7 .1 ey• /-' I/ij 4. 667- AAVLA'al fr ?"; X (91- eyr 797,e44..e.tvo 4e9 e" W at_ 4 %,11( </.p ec,rez I leti"”.1 7::// a 411/:e" ,1•1c't/ e'eg el/. fr,/,, no 4 Po,,e,,vat f7( ,e` ' (4644 /A( .02,701'd- 04 „41- e; :Zoe, 64.3 le -y" te.Ciati 4;444,4e; .,(4.14ferteex,i,' 70‘11,421 tl /67:00 Aleet te,e,0,e,140/„. • eeeki„:„. .„„•• „„„„ „,„ e„.• •.• 111„,4411;P 04,04/ ,ezeelt, t4"le (;1 :167'44t; 1 4P' 4 „ • „, • 7,„01,,,,Ik, • „ „ „ „.„ „ • ..• • • • Chelsea -on -Hudson, New York, November 12th, 1924. Mr. William Hummell, Superviaer, Town of Wappingere, Wappingers Falls New York, Dear Friend: V111 you please to inform me when is the proper tine to send in the names for Inspectors of Election for 1925, as I want to ser(1 to the Town :Eoard the names of Mr. Stanley Boucher and Mr. Willis Thorn for InsPectors 9nd Mrs. Catherine Page for Pole Clerk. these are all good epublioans and 'T'axpay,ps in our Dittrict No. 5 and want the appoint- ment and are well Qualified to fill the position. You will remember that last Year, Mr. Charles Ackerman and Mrs, William Merritt were appointed as Inspectors of Election and Mr. Boueher was to act as pole Oletic but before they opened the poles they had four members of the Merritt family 0n this election board, and it created alot of hard -feelings among a -peat many of the voters* that all this Merritt family should serve at one timt. "6o we want to try to. void that for 19250 Yours very truly, "f/7 TA WC /Pr? .-g-,/ 0) ,ey,z/z-Ai—ye4.1.; 14 0 1, Syrd Wecat—Pen44 (ft 3 , 7 4 Di/ 0.1,..ezpv-PI*4,6 rv-f. - f om. 2t0-?). 7 ;t77) /9. + �, /C'<�CL,'f/�Ri•,�. 1� 4,e, h44,7 %1POGL�cr-tct geteC. v 44. a L7vae-/ 204 ff-/g (iii/ -ea. (' • 711: (• M -e„ d e 4 ,-,--y'' Q aft P t� i 2tC Crc„x,. "GrZJ"� • eg_-Gzu-v /3, 0. /ae,A,g2,,,4-1r (,t ?o, 0 a (r./`7--7(.ge7€2.7,-,a27,,4 f. (42 7e /I: 67 Ute. 2Z -7,e ire.D- cv 14.69 174. (2-7-1.-orz.”-Pd e. it--6A-r. 4`u Lc [ , 'VC °ae.✓ Y1741.1- /lz. -I 46Ka •, derv V " - tom. l ,Orta-vt- 194. «.e �j Gl/ r. ° t} : Co,m -(a 4;$7fia-iy.ove Cwt 05 l:iJr% fJ" e..(//Cv'i-(;;YY S-ec. .4, C �..zr , I i. • ,6t Q(�. ece.u ‘‘,„ wr l /e 1; ter r c. t( 4,"° (9. C 4 W a- c° .4"0 .4,---)-47 ),/,/f.t..4e.//424..c..r-4, e 42A, 1/7 rid/1tZ Y ar/z4/1-6(.. -z1~/ e44/ /e7 Wee,e4ce,ce, c•..mQ/p't /ire v t_Jr� C•f 4c.r--c�.� rT 206 (1/11,--/p/ie,,PrI•777; 6Z2 51. /9), • -Cy' 9 al-m'e--A,7 d d-ee gfee/ 6/-70. eeeat:' 94/- 2, e6e4 Ire; ( dfx e-44 \ele.-;t4-ct. 1;444,e...44 -t alz-0-Le Co ter? -L(2 .z, I e /C97i3 ,62W oe°- Par e 6,14 6 „7774,' , M, 77, „ilite70;704K 4,11 14" ,V.-":7777, , 4, 2: , . AK. / "'"ecrAY*4‘4": 1:41:*1' 4714":11 4/1'. 4rig",° 44/111;t/.111'M14f: (4?' /e1:414**" '‘!" '14 1 41,;f107, , 6 / yr c, � ._'� __.� t5'.. tit/ t re) d ez, : Cf c,�cyr' `t/- a>, 0' op l.(6e-tx "4- o c, 2' - / & J 0 r 3. o (77 7S 174©. /4' ---/6/47do 74/1 4c. • >r 420 / !/?� /S /7 76) 37.654 76.3 lair/ dl7Sri2'ecie tir.i.ceeze-ex-vie e c Ow /kms,- 0a/i.z,_ t,� ec �. eaiefa, z-----dz.d, 6-d,(2,5..s.,„ a7e1 7 /4,--/x/7-17 4' ae tiVer 209 hzta Zv-i/ ._�(/{/� �c Gr z f /Fpr' u�. �r�►' deA, W _e_ce �/. Vim' Vaze ,Y7evaiall 2 dit.e,b-- alea 4-6v-74 ' (V</. 8 / Ria 7,e; aTs-e ai 7 9; 7 4 euek,c(,4.6.6z, O'aci,,-/ /,,6eaA.,, Gtrfeeo-257 46'- 444- ,4va,"71/ Q-de:/ge .c/— 7.3,eaeezw g a/ 2"-52g. ./Cs, 'i zf ae, e / -1" 'Pe �G`y d % �, .✓ /...,,, I L.0 [ice+"/ /�' `r '" 'W d 1227A ,,� a. 66.4/6' (97t 4.44 74;Y -ell f etee e'd4e4 V 7$4S 6 OO $J /// eee OC7 29. 9f 3.13672'% (1/43:ea,?,,s-c/a-0-(9 /c / - -2/ 73 WG / 2 /(( 1 .s ', -J ,?744,z,(/ /, e D70-67 / -•` � a"i / " 33. Q, 0 210 V;) r ,7-ra-.27174. ac e„/, /911(2( /5-o (2? le c aa e) • ,k ,/ a -v-1 "r-c-ct -z-etee. 04„-ete44 Zatfiet-d "(4/144 ity &et e e?' c f ,t, ,,-Vhi 4',,e, fe ie - rte i o4 i t 0--i i"V AI Ce, ie,`'. ' itc Ille , c 4 , t ee7 Zell ee i e i e t , ea C e, 1:17 , .tc ce.Zi, t.',11te e • • / e7/7:77 ee•;eie • e • e • -• 4.1 1, !..„14 „,, f //f 4 (Ve 4 eAS ' re,e , A-) e) -y aezz, 41/ (e _ ,, 44 ft' i) r ,,,7 f re' , e. eler, ('X? t ote.9, eeti;,e,:e• /41.' • r,re te 1,1 e "•„/ r, t , e (4,7, ,(efe e 7,) "' rr'r •I''''(''''err/r :'''''4). IrrrrrmriVr ::'„'„„rrr 44''''''':".„ Irr„'„e'rrr''''',i,trer',„:114,'..:::(...("1 „ar' ......0 4.1 rrr .?''''''',..e'... :;,r. '''''' 1?..,,,,,.. •,,te-t.r.i,..,.....eli;,.4„..:.?...„,„.t, , .e, I' ' . ••••, • tt— , 'Y'''• .— ...„ t. t •• ' t .'.'..• r..••,t•'''t''„''," ,• r4rr"'l t. 'r' ife1••••-,, t r.tt. „t t 't -•••••Iritlt.g..4, 4t..704. .. .,„4xr 4... „ r, „ 4 l '1( r, (r,o/ti,,'e'li..,1-i•, ,,.,e,,• ,ee/0;*„,„.ll/ t/ • („1 tee? 42' 44 (.117ee, e itre ,1,6( 'cite -6d 56/. ((;) 40,/ evAxi,&-q,d (.--ta 44.744 • te"-er_e. - fite—dx44,1 1/-2 alcre #7le 1, (1116*,•&e., 46,4•,/ I/e,,, 6,7 ,1e7e / 1 1.4 1::e7/1 (J,.7 C'defr? e ) -•).ere..Z ee 4- '''••f/Ft, • • 211 3 0- 0-ada.0 z•• e.„ ft ,iP4-1 2, — •e: eq. -4 • !let' 14,:ee 9 , if f"'2..r.Y.t,•,e.e,e. ea?„,1,4 2/ e -e . ,i' )-e• ••' 7e9('1:!?,' ' ' e;c7'; 4'-'7:"r. 7.-;:e4c.4,16„4.4.4,,,,, /4 , r9 fr.,7, ',i'r4.,1 '2,-(2" if ,, • .4e/•(/,49,43,14,,,i5?-/4•• (At' (‘:7-7•-2- rr.r. r*. -4 ce„cLe 1/ Of. 07 -1,111,2 r -;;'C ,")-1 (19 * :r7 4 ". a vrA A AD 1424 i -ex if•:•••/ -e 461-•;271--ayt4.•-ie;- C?(S-- 0 0 /df ---(p) ,s-; /61 0 el Y »'''77Y ( Y1 .)? C'r - (1), 67-f , le( 4.-i-12 11,./cey, bp,o-r•i1 T a „Pl/Z6'T6e4c.e. -eh(' (LI 877 ihe ce Gr,ce-C 7 ,'11116 -e„ -e. r-e",4AC if- 100( I )/ef,• e,./ r Jij.,( (.,.9V 4?„(...( a 6, )176-7,f, //)/6..,, (/` r ifrec,) (d6 tit ',(114Ceic, 'el ri;', 11 (7, •;' er /17 tr'e. 4,7 " e ef..er(e r". (71/2 //;;;; fit' " rtitte-k..e„ce,te kite4e' i(P/71„.z. A AtA 1' eA't. At' / r• y1 14, er (ret' tr./ 41/, tr. 04rreee 41 rd rl't( /fee 1 4- ••• iirt46,‹ ttAto,j9 t"IPATAX trt•e••;Gio: (,• '41 ,AA 10,, ,A IlAy) ( de 6'e CZA".faA? .1(r , ( .1 e • • • , Eet;) e „re free r .e• •,t) • 1-A 4" -K -A A A . . ;;4 "'ZA co /,•• . . . • •• !••,::•?'•.!•'.7"-• .rtr'• • C1,d • 40. 1 A". • • • Y ov„,„4" '•'•1 ///... VAA.7 4"A'AZAelfel„..‘14.04C, "C" 4" AA1, o,,,•2. 4 mm ,e,Yer( 4 •;:1:44,4!„,„ .4.0re i••• AA, ..;•• . /••••: 44, • It, 41 .i.r tio'41( /i. "....1‘..'''',.,(...irt..../.'" 1 . • ,•• / „ • 4 " - ,....':-:114•:'?•••-0,1•1•4•44C,f '4,.....a.,-4,4,4 ',Ire •••,0* to' ( J. l':i /: .,. , '1 .,,:-.4,1„,..t.," rter, q4,1••••11.1. Or,,fr 44. ,v• .: ,•: , r, / I-- ‘,.:,,::••., .. ,.. p.-- ii•it .4.••• ie.') el ‘4.ra . • ,- • , e. r .r• le..•••tetto°44,,, • 0 0 eer —n t.) j 0 e o / cS0 /Le .e.,,e,br 024g.a-e. Vt. 1/ a. b4- Ckg st e!'„,e.40f 46614 (hietz.eAW („`". 1;7:4,44' ///ef ) ;',/9( (?)6--,/ i.„64 () / e / e ",/ 4, 4;-/' 4 (1 /, 0 ati , .2y ete21(.. 213 e5-3 „ kyr_ • 0 0 le: 01 10 I 214 ef,?'"' /4-e,,,-/ („I'Zi-.6/6 t" fitt-i ..(7-;,1- it/,'." t t 4-0i,X - ''`,/.''' /2 '/ ,..1,-.) .• ,,,,' ) , , 1.) ' ('' , r Cla,r/orte-4/ (71 /I 4 Ce ,, .4';' -et ;# • r I:, ....re ,,e( . t -,,t."? 2-e) 1 e •-•-r, a e- ; ' '''' , ) - ( 1- •:, ..„, // ,-1( 4k 7, . 7, 7 7 ) / II' ('' .,, / / ? / ,,..- r / e ; --y'' , ; ( iOr' I ' / / • g -cg, , (,,,,,' / . l' ; t • , e- ; e - : ,' IA e .,, ii, 'rez 1:7,71 /•'" -2/1 egei:‘• de -2 e7 t% Y A (4". It '` v'teltz 17' t/t4,t( tt A,,t'Y'51";•1`),./?tett,,' t G. 8, t ti4-,' /4,,( ,to:yt`).`:/,`„? t't ` (" ,,'C' 4 ?Ye, , , 4 , 4 ,,,,,'4,/,,,,,,,,, 4 '/ 4 , ,-'? 4 ) / ,,ntyt tto'ge,-t d.. 'et.i, ',/,;(/ - ilf, r; rg gi gr' e e Ne'. ere, (1.„` , , /(t,,,,' ,g'Y 1 gj le - 4, Ile'd '''' /0 rt/e,;,..t. i 4 i 4,,,,,, / tree -t, 0( „,9 -1 ;(t/c// (4(4.,.; ie" tigt tt e r rte, ), e 1,,‘" 4,1 44 4: de tyl, / „ „„/ $4(07,te e 444 tttytte, e e e o .# 00 o e> , /ti"ff tfL 41 1f y • -4,41 . 1,4°444,,,e,44. • t.."„v„,„„€!,„„„c„„2„,e vi.„„" , kg, A„-tregge..„1 1' • . • ,e,g,","'"",,,N,' 1ft, . . „ , :4, 72 I 4'.9"CiL V ‘1111:444'7"'„ ..„„a -„„D„ —„. , g 41 f 'ae,g g /;4;#4; 4 ; s ,f. vt j ""","'t tgeg,,t,e p t, • / • ". •CE, 1•„.t!„,„„ t 0 trgt/g,,,ttgegt„,,‘"?.? g le, • g /gi tri! gg' 1,„ 1 t Zee (La .2 ;i3 2,47. 'z ;o' It .21,S �' � �Yf.�t'.z/!fir <'�l�l��cC��-L✓tv GG^`�. ,,�-z��c-!.t �`T'�'�'�'�,C , LAeC-ec,c,c. �i/� (JY/ Z- L./t` LV9iV9°u-; J1. (crt7r C G!'. tit.. S. Mi.„( f 6. (9,77e,„97;;;1( ---,1-4v),-,/ ,e. 1drr ez eex-vo i /erre-r,>�. • i�' L = f4°/t ecCu'...4 c r cel Z, a _ ,elLe ' /1 i4'LC. lr, u1 Lis r -r..y c. -zre ,- r`'c l/ , /1-i. /1 e .€ C- - ) 7-7 6-26 ce;e .71 9 l' 7 //..,1-6 u�. K 6["u..42t.ed) ;?...1.-6/..::;,7"2.; ;2:9 12-46`:C316:27-;/::;—( m r' a. ,'' .,,,✓✓✓ �/lJ �,'. G?-Lr:c.�Gf 4.G•[.4.Cc�r...-c� ,�,fl'/ �4 (� /�c2trxr--kc. L4' ``sl• pO' ) li...7 f/1 6 r e t d '7 (1 ,r11.77:416.06g*6.4666e,..0' 6 ,..R.6,64,76ia,MS,M'4,6,P.,66w,,,,,,,-, 1, ,Town Clerk of the T3wn of:4Appingers Falls, DO i.:17E3Y CERTIFY that at•a.meeting o± the Town :board of said Town, which was duly._ cl1od nd 1oJ on the. P.X-- day of July, 1925at in said Town. of Viappingers Falls, the foregoing preamble and resolutions were duly adopted by said Tenn 3oard, that 1 have compared said preamble and resolutions pith the original record thereof duly entered on the record book of said Town Board, and that the same is a true aid correct trans— . . . cript and copy of said. record and of the whole thereof. IN WITABASINEffikaita 1 have horeuLito etTay band as Clerk of said Town -board vna the seal ef said '20.-12 this ///- day July, 1925. l c r-)11 fr 40. Q,< 1� �., �wv� d� Gi%/ ad a a('d-/,1/e-eL/•[ d tic -eZ -4-"Wv4 eat,*4:7 1,,e9 mry . � r f.� ,2/-/(7)---(21--1"-- 3 v • h(, ,e.. e� _ Ze `/(.�U r r� {�Grvr�"ra, td a3,'t.G�''t,c!�r7� /A/4th' e �c.2'i..c�%�� r�.�,.1T-��e. �' 7.�t,•c.G,r �. �t e.�1( � 4 fj �„ / / (r ,e koi :2. a°..f,r,(�ll 0,e e.. "VI (.�` r--r.�,. z•e,,GG�e 4• C� LIi �l %C c`�JO l rl2 (Lea 6'1,4/'391..CC' 17 /7. n(72. Ti.GC.5O t_ a4: {. i i( /! )6,Of Lf c2,. ed• (_:4.%l_,J (% 7,61/-,,,,67--- :.;?..e,C. . N Li- 1,' c Cr:t`„,,a, S ( a,” ifi5;'). /", p}1, 7.1/4!�'frz.l ;1;77-c./ rn/de e :e, ckiL�PO y a :7,2 ,.,,.).c.,( z�c. zer...ai ! ,j , %(,�.� (1CfC� F�.de. ir�,l�c`:c.,�.r r✓ ,-, t 1 , r1, ,. /'v� Cdr � r�,� -rr.fa.<. R�,:),,,,/,-,:„.4:.," „(4,1„( (a •(ra to /1-i4 °/ !�" r'°42.614.744-/ r` 7f //•,� _ ,....._ A U f c Cc e e. rte / e a e)(i/da, 44/61 q 0-01 /Q7 at rr1 sos.tsrd met bleser,a aleatria tam mei retofere toad acm or tintsesibtur 21* 1911* :pro bi it Sal t bsted nutharitleso t sit; the 2perti 4 Ca epmlAset oo of tht arZnIttr brint torke and isImemalmetty tv s Astt3Ps0 c8dost1rs0 1%14 sables and et a:to dud t 14 and set4t rsr tbr purpose of Point,: 7,13,.;4 CM?* tildstr Veld apes ths 1 Ohm said 41 and wanted unts for the distribution or 11mhto ?rat mud bans ffarteesdr 10 Astaratilt 4 11 fts 'S 44 he 2 40 stria arpo, 1 Mat 8 t 44 P4,,* d lOom of fa 1 it** 40o atto, seater *7, d Gs r v.) 14 to„, 8v3141by the, atk 1%8ta1I0 and 114 4 4 1 * th 15,4 40,4.fe"* 1/ ixtit 4 1 'f*:*4 zaishins and supplatag hi Wawa 0 Lane a said Codruer rrInt aebkv solo t Vhs publics of Print arks and r f iartabst s 1$30 st doV of Doe degpp 11. 1 or 1 04, dot* 8 4.4 0r* ify about £OO/1811Jr 510 1900 Uu t‘tth bOVO 'Mai( '4 4% !Irnt4 to m 41848 booze Of the) dor,' of d to 44 4. 4,1( or ** did AntOr into '" an ass 44salott 0 014 litymper: • laaa 444 autlio /841 1/ *0 4 4. ‘,4*' ts 060 r Print kap tat* t to eel% w oorybrAt100t 14 10 1113104 at #0 Cho 1/ 1 1 ri et 'ASA. Of 101 4 4 1 1/ to the S'etwings Du toho sobs Aj Of that bortsinbefoss anchor, * 0;1" St' or i to *no C ntx4 MI, at 60 A,1 prdp..aandwd10064hPfOOdOOdAdddfdddodoodord0AwdOdOndfodoodd-s"---w-, odd/ on or bot 0 '"A ' • * VAAs dL tldt tbc tddf'dr or Who frdnadi' hwdwidaldre r 320 1920 ndantod ty dhla hourd to thw 'AAA '4!;;;„,!, iroicurls dad otrto Worn AsA 0.1 ration4 for the adnatwaction addt muldlommuw, d4 &V zib1o4 iin Juplitemry 00Mtf11 adAddil idA ; tirr ddlypiddle ra ,,4d2 stfix dhow be Chd biddd Arditrld AAAAAfseeAs pidrOdet thin £O( d und 1t 441 4,y tow doom et dun; dopro ikdoution of ads refolds Ids bo "ft s COM* snts no 00 that and 0 1kt�* OS t ate A t lie y oporovd. not 1 unt* of shnh rgnmt flId4 vIlth th; 41 000t0 ooldoand of no affect, 0men1;o4 thut sies Ass 14 4 14 tho 0 of thi IVA& rod to n0111 dopplo, ,Ado'd 0! PuNitdo, of thao Mar ddlas do, told hordol. r, inato ds,A dtdil Asir rodolsoadd, 2140..444, dodo 0101k auk, At HU *Art dor a 'Aft rat, yI,i Try of dp;31.02;cdr, ; 2 • z As7 As' Aisiser A* tf- „,datrodr* et Clark Oba docod tho r AA:AA**A8 Vo, of MtVr 117 of readitila /oda ft tr afraf(a-rx-A 14-z- la-ur?-1 cee„,/(.el-per 0,4,7 r 4 64, /7„ eVer 0,t ;,P 11 0`7 ,-•Led7 V(1-e0et it( tr,/ / vac, 270,--",,e. 02, ?'„iie ) - , 2 a te„ ttr- tt et.„4 • e e' A ttt ttt,tfitt:444 44. ittAttwittettt, 218 (s-4, //6 - Jo ha) [ tJ c -aliL: t e.64;y i.C'a7,Ks. E , ! t r 1,^(c u) if (4f (1q/ 2CrYl.r:x• C.X.r`c C� (f (t..t h,(. e. -J7 /��/ l/ C(./( , 1,t,/ 1. ..0y iir,t.e x c. Arts 971,(7-24.17eyvf A.,42.—e76-1/ v Q7 1(7, ©0 1i7, 6 Baa o 0 3 D,, so 00 F. 7 ) U/Uirt4 ( g6-1jrS' 7-4g G, W. KRIEGER. JR., C. E. TREASURER FALLKILL CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC, ENGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS //,,,asedCgANNON STRISET POUGHKEEPSIE, N. Y. August 31, 1925. Heber Mills, Town Clerk, Wappingers Falls, Now York. Dear Sir: SECRETARY PHONE 2058 This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 26 in regard to the construction of the George Brown Bridge, dividing the Town Of Wappingers from the Town of East Fiahkill. This company proposes to do all the work, and supply all the materiel and labor necessary for the construction of such bridge. This work includes the, erecting of one new abutment, rebuilding of the other. The bridge is to have a reinforced concrete deck with proper protecp- ing rails for the sum of $2500.00. Yours very truly, GMOK. • I :,1•f • George 4. Krieger, Jr. Treasurer, gif-tee 6/7), Itt da(c4 azt.11 • garyli:f [1:14:f 4:9, (d.4f."-C,cel .;,/„(.0.4eL,0 (7? $073 "(he ff/tclz ,-w (Ila Le (110Vdcz,„4 e• l f,14.csa- te,(e- ify (1,, (7s act -t, "9/1..e.6-417 (4)--//prO.,/ 4,,66 arzyi / € tly t 2"(e-"(--("' ;244„-vt-,,atr/ ("7 .4) extete tice-erier7 Z." „-nn C'e itaae.,4 416 "'t 4r -e -f -a "1-erce--7-c1;141 W-7.• j , Le„,e,,f(.,(4..e.41/4,ci.e1-4( /6 -4-x 2c-ko z74/ Ex. -a; a/ye.4..044,e. ( ,--vy taw ife"-a„A„ea att. et.. (ILA 4161vAir---Z—ef4,,,,, r'14( e see, weoey ‘/(4„,eger yr/ at le -712),--/ 12441Cf 72,7,06tig eeterw-7 "Al act, g ea kit, '44,ttia,6:1" t /041014 f4., /2€44. ) (14,(e.‘,,6citze,,eie Lt. sz ) 45; 1, /47/ , e . t, ez,y ff, • 2 jegz4„,4 7714% ILIZ Z,e.,‹ IZIP 14. ?: rAel A f(''(/ ' 4/ /14 ''''' ' . 2,„e e.„, ,,, ,',,f, 4 ez, 64' v,,, 4,4 AtLe ,e,/' :,/;/:?'" ,f)t. ,e ),'eI( „, ?, 2 6 ege/' ea -eV -2.4"-tt") l'iWa.il X4?" 1, 7/ I/4 'el, 't -6ey to;,,t,i71;11 IC:40f)tZ: e. . /4/ .1 4 ifc) , a ,(9 0 (27„,,,c 220 A (t/2 /'' t 14 /0? ( ( (/ //' "Cl/. Q 1,4; 4ret ret 14 f te «f;1,) A() ,/)J/,I/1/ (,:/• rt.% ,t11 t4,44' e t 1,,vix,tra „4,011 44; /tr X A , •X 4,4,47 -11;44,, ai *„." . r i''Itt t::4,e7,4:‘,A:to f e IP-, kot-tr, i it' ')'-'1 -1 le ,-- ' It ' 04:' , / '''''''' ,. 7- '-°: 0 „, „, , it : IP ,, [ zt'' 1-€.44Kul e''''"'1(.:14-1 ""gtt- 'f^' axe 4j j/ 0;„t.,4 1,0:1‘4„,„ , 4, ... .. ... . t —cc flte,e??.,/ '‘,:tle?,;A14,1t,4.47/ , . , :( (47) 4,i; :teZth 1 / 7/1 ."1 e? 7. 1-( ,11 - 1 eit5r44:1,1 ' , e9,41 t /1 (il:',;„411 1,,HMA- , fr „„, „,,,,,,..., - „, ,,4. et, „.49 • ,,,,,o,,,04 - -re ex, en91 f/, 4 t<1 la -6e (//e2tatict,e` X 3 C ittig .4244t, e ,e• ???.11, Yett,alee.: VX3,9p, #4141. Cl” eoil t14:4-4,0 ettio e ier411 t x" 4001 (e° 4.3 Asex /1, ,1 (11:4' e ee:e tr( 1' 140-4.4tr‘t A ?•1:,‘", 412i/ 1404,4 XXX? 4,,tletc,ofze4,vXXxxe4xx, d. ' x zxxxx* 4 i",), 62 A: 4, ():i, ,,r„er, c., 4,,,,,):',„,,,:,,,r2:1:,/:,,,,,,'' ,,,.,„. ,,,,d et/a2 ?4,,(tev / leA ; :a f'l / 44 4 0: (AA 114,44,AY 11. ' ,, 4 4 4` „4 x4 ,9"/ / r>,,p. „e-, "ey . .1,A,e4t,ttair ' ,1/4-1,4-yote4,45-1,,e try' 1 i„ ,,,t , t ,t,,4r,4w,,.,ttce,„j,„j;,,t,,,,,,,,e:o„,r;:::::et„,„:,,, 4 • e4Atto"tt?",14:,'4. • 44i.zxtl „./. ezitee,,,,,11,0, 4X;" "4 t P , 4 ,4444' e44' C4 11 y e 1 1 t ' ) - ., , .xx 1 xxt ix ,,,,44' t/t,.14,1-t* ill .1;:,;14' r• f I; idr, ,',';',,' 1 4 4e. „,, r P "41-tZ 4, ,,, / 0 4 "': t: i , A , ,,i,ey, I /.1?„,,y ,,,f,„?4,,,, , „ ft' e 07 • • . .," • 4::••••tt,„(4414 • • ‘.4.-91",ri• X411 4, A 4, A xxx I 4 ' ,1440.4,,t144444 .0 7„//0 `" /s"^,‘ Jo (2'4./' (11 it -,,C,7(2.4raeLe 62a e. a4, -ate__ /a a /3 / / •,Z��__. //, 2-4 7,0- /3 1, 7 6 76, z7 �/ Jz 3.75— (1,7J- 0,76 c 3,S-0 47, o 222 ; 0,17 ,97 Tae 8e4„ezi (j'a.;,--) 1;1 er4 ae 4,1„,,,,,, / 26.--e'1,49 A. 7a-um e , D 5)5( ,,?,(Mt-crtta ter / tctix-e/t---; A? -et-et( tet,r a te,42../{ tt; it5 444/55 :,. ,trrlAt tt I 1 trt5tittel JJ 4/ (5/ / ttt„` 22,6 de, At,(/ 04,e -a ,== (2 )0,,,e62,44„4, 4,1,0 „tret4„4 445/1„e41,. /1,44.1,41 5515/5814455e54,— J 4; 40 7 7 44/2 it, 12442, t/ 4(1. / i ! ;t1 4. i „ttrtt, ,t:,' t t, ? / 4 ;;;/'1,,, ,,,,eY,4, A.,dlt / „ titt7 „tett„ i';'„)„,e„,142A at 55555244 • 1.62 err 9 /. v (� a ,c,61 X(4.4„„ 1 , (4'...?,46.6 /2-6“ ieerl (4 R ) i• zte . /.r,ct(-) )r` ox --,/r, ! fzo 223 F1 LO ...(� if 7 rte() 996 Ai 797 'z/ir 224 (.0 est r: F' y der /11.'" .;r .✓ `.... 1, c` J L.,ti4 raee .5 ®tc L'- ` ,;,eie f,,/, ,,,,,,c<.,,,a „4 PSP L 60, '7 /('i Gcrlr z �Cc�C«.cc..�cf �C .. i, .../ V Pc., 4,9, ..(..4,1 �J PP. (//12-6,-e-1 . r 7 1,444 t-et,c i/ r Ct':4'..4 • ,4/,:/V- rrcrGla 6 a flT3 f24 p 4 '• t r., a ,Caj✓,y_ t r 6 -3.0,„ vz,te2 04-.A kap vzz, F a gr, fie( e4 NVe")-4.0.4' Ava.,tal( ,. /6 /o 67y, o 4 cav ./v1 r<e(1, 6-47 r/ -c (1/t eil/W . /K722 /7 7i-5 5 2 /?2, 44 k t, (;)(//re ") e," 71/ (4-1,./K 4•,, if ( '4;..? .ee:(17,--.) 11. _/,("7 ,t!' e„c,„„„,e,„, e„,,e..-4r;‹,,o, ,4," ,a,.e.„" i ? (,,ter fe, .4, ,g, (..e.eeffe 17. /-6,..,../:e7, i 1",, 'cc - /' ",,cte-ter , i44:„,,54,,,,,?,41,,,,,,,,,,,,,,20 ,914.r., l'' e?//rV ile/ ,Ct o, -.",:•.'? e 1 .,,,. 424,4" t. ,. ,:r ,..,(4‘....,,4- „.. 44/1' 4Z e4, e ,4t., 1/1/CP eA„to,,,f,r, le" to4 efe,,faefefe,e., ' fr,efftC ,1; r„,o,v ':4) (IP Ser. 127-4004) if..„.4e41 ,ree ,L;4' e „4: , , , JO J. . i r ; ) 7) ,v.041,44r,-, ,5-'4. ee7-4v 40-710,ro "1,01°,7," of, i 4e ((4/ .t, .., /Po -rye,- 0,444, .. z '4,09 iti et 14(.4440 ;#471,/ /elf," ,free,17'7 ..: ,./, ' e 4, e:45;*„04, 1,.) . ' • ,, " , ,eel e eK.ge.a Pt eel -11 4,"1,9 e , 1,,,,,Z4.0/ ' –;;;1/ lsktoe"ie,(e4,9 ,,,, „, , ' tle , --- .0, ',/r6c0.4,40, t , r i./44t/A/ ,t21,7 /4/14,14 / f ,P+4 t 44,4, 4 1, 11 4 4,7/ 14 ee 1,(-2 449 ce 1.641:1'1 c 0, r, - d'ttr'4,e4. 1(4 C (7, ( , 4 kl,1„, C./ 227. ay(S. 4&.W/(Wh?A ' CP AV A. (1,41(*de. 60 fol"7 td,16t Vi?� •L/Cl°��: ;/,7 r'�� �`i��sa2 �' r"( `)/ (4 ce%e ( gea 1.117/97-76,e4 ee&ex (0e'er S... - r?' Q Pte, 'P,/ 61--✓ ( ..4.76 t ai , .drtc, lav Jo-"./r� /do /'ezec'. z/ -c 7{1' ZLX4-6L'e-""e"r 4 228 6/4 cc) (, (rif-e 4 s: c°:/4-cz rp el. V e' r.„/e fl / ,4"4:77/7/ 7?" c./(3,2,11, 4-4•/ K.te '".1 1,/ ( 47. ( .2 44- "a4) ,Y149/5g4P;'/74:re 1/9(,- e e (11( re7 4,1,v r e ihfrre iC) eVre Aziee... 4 '77 tvi ".,v/(J 1 / ref „eL -(„r0 t ) / (i7rAtt 4,4?. e e 4°) t"' )„," 12 1 tete r -e , d 0 le ,t't t; 1 ,,,,,; Q ,1/°,4 1 ,) /5"'://) .„\ 1!!' 14,00Y,4, Zio:- Pleb' to,elee rkt/074/31/ /0° e,""/„!, e.t.„) /4")71 k`' -q dektlet 71,-0 --4.t2 /34 1 'Y ss!),41.• / ,,,No /tit/Go it9 4.4 s,tit„4„/PC, „, a 4' 4,941-14, rAt ) of.T „it/Gd Y g," 1444/ :^e frt .4 45 • .2.1: 0 1 /0.ese.01 / •ct„t/v /cirotte.„.4./ Veite,' fr-20" r71,:i2V/14t/t.erx / 4 11 tt ( Pia Jez 7y r 0 4-7 401 l ,6.4L111 '{a. -lc .77Gr.GCze_e_ ,„ k.cry, t9%"I.f.P., let c..',. • ri7dr 3. /0 1". f 1 <d/ tM h -lr—c . L'4 y �v ( 5/ 7 ,�.. eta. ,'; �� e7.Q!,„ / 22.9 ?v 1 ex.,/ 36, D o /SC -3 Q "a447,„,„),4;„--- At, 3o r7 Cr /44-0, 0 /. 0O 3(0, e O 0, 0 ca aL .a7;/' 37, i4. 3ydse.s �z /r2 5 44 0 0 2.'00 .2c00 ca, 0Q . r� u e rye c,1 ,i,(4.e (4 767 7 P2, -e„.70 kizt-1-6f. (/(b 1/(s• t '(4.49 chle? 1( 4iv C(-2-uzi (/21‘te-ct' Gow e // e 276,kci e}a-- 4(.4 231 Z417 -7s( -u ,120c,e,c.2,2-ce/ w'l)friele (4. Kra ircel fo2.'eYe r" /77 I ite II. 4, erd( 1:( -1/ ) 2* ad ( 2 (//te 11.4.,Ate C 4 c 1 v el,„ ,e4.4.44.44€.4 d „d-e4,4a, -ero,vai a 1:-e4e M"ea:Theeaouze' 7e7r e 4:2e \„4/-eaz,tet,-72 ar-r:a-&d /69 trai Weeefp/de. 1 A la C.X.e.e.:42,0 e• (:(4(:// /7y' 74/74..n -i 4a --ae 07-1/ (..eia7:7A-9 (41,4 P/9 Ada& 4rt'a.9 (449 ez,4,614.,a-reof 400,00, Ge, cte--11,0-PV(/ .5 I. Ra,g/C py a 44.6e7-4,1" a{,e... ere,- 41,04,4.4AZieZ-1 e,,,24,1 /te ti ay 1.4 •,•°"--t:C..!‘ .1-, I ex.e .0( v ae( eg.„ iffz;vi 232 / 1121.6tyZ--. " (.%.e. 7,7-1.1.214 / 0- zr,c,,-e d 7 ,a .4, ler t...r„, ,„./1 /7-- . 7„,, ,,, f , " • ... ,7( .e.et. ae - 4-1...,;;; i (....t:e:,/ 6 (714,e-7 '/e 2 • ,.,., et /(/7 ce7.- K ,07)i1 z.e.,. ..ce)-21, e -A, a i "1/14 'e, e/ 1 7'0t/Ie , . 4, r 4,,,,, / . 64 ' ' , - ti• Wi.,.,,,...,,...,,,,, ,.,,i,„._„-, ,...,-„,,,,,,, ,,,,,, el, 4.4/:7„,,,./,aly: 7,K,,,c4--- ta./,-1.077.7( 0;r-`€'444'. 41) ) Ea e. e 4 a ' '41 -1.,e -e er. ,-e 4- 7 At(e7t,,-;01 f.„2. (,) : . 4 , . ;b. 74 it', / A 4. J-4 e 7/40( 151/7,7e)(a .(el• c) Ze 4/ de) ;4? tr e X7112„21rzie-0-( 4771a, cetece .e0 / /Ova (,(0.,- 49,1" Ctir,C 4,e At iee 42,14 (11,1, "e AlAtte, „tic/0i' 6 407- ,440 44-4 6f/ trWeerVeyy eroy &waltz:0, ,0) le040(e. IA-teAr 4 4 • it,,J!! f , ,eijf .44 14444/r /z/ Ar 5 A.,14 tit- I,A014 4R,Alf r%111,��- �' u�Pd -ru e°/(s c 4 7/11 6'4/-1 c r oQ� egerrv�u�,. d Lq. 4 L&e l/ vt e . gtte i/aoda CC21,0-~1/40-61"--- `"a :.X Gcu,� d ., r,'1� �1-cce� d%"l. �r C/l46 i.Vp„, r �ff1—""f 1,4 tite r.. ; tr74d.2,/ tr/�t) . h� rjY c l ‘41-1 he/Oda-45f E4a ,e d Aizzd. (ca 233 Sec //U‘.4.tiet r 91 C&/(P . 7 /affr ice94 • a s�� rkaai 310 Joo 00 'h U go /40 fi3 / 0 0 0 < '/0 74 Y-6 364 Q0 f / 0 0,00 /47 /, .ir.,0)4 Fc> /- s"o ,20 .006 A-0 0. MAI C 3,00 / l G -eel-(/ ��e- AGS /.o 0 2 _a' 6? 3 .0 o 3,00 DI i5'''. 4z G 4efrW4e. ' / tips( 41,x!. H sr(' O ...s.,,,tr.tecA c .` x / 2.. S Pot atod.t ea v(60t-4, Va /S° / t 1 $5, / .a ea r 'r ,� -a /, aa /o/Jr S' (474 /2,a 3.G�© 1},o. 81,36 3 ,4a (f-n,OG t2 if 00 r�Nu"S.in,u.,2 if OA • e, { / 0 0 14,4x/ 4121' za (i? glac Y7o,a'aie 10 afltd--1/ s (.1) l »i '— Cr m.Ja ‘ 47(;6a-6../( . � Y/ dad � -.(1c V(Y ,C .-..&o-Yr / , Xd. air.e.„6-44-61 l(4:1E • C floe..' 1.1G,r, C6,4/(61 Zrirree f-5,5=%, G /( / q11/0-60 0 7 - /iv e/fir-e/f 1 e e -/c val 236 el"(ez4.7 /•fw-cf. Ake pfd d,, art r °J 0 �pl %y9 / lr r lc. r ('t 1/ (1'' 41' C•f.fi.�L t..x,°t. rry.., G( j'" . t(err c,'! �2�•:x�c,r� / / ! 1,1 a 1-667-64/ �v47_„1t d ( t/fife., t 444, !J,) /74...„/ `l 1. Ft r..</ (y7 r�r rfy7F?,G.44,6•PG•-� 7 LA1,' GC4'I fty y' 7,/,(4c.4,/ M. . ,AA.,� 1 4 r CV ,11 te: c- , G ° CY ';:ec.4;:kt' 4,/,e , ✓.;,7-t,;(K »7r / rya 'LU7l Ki S pc° (i7j 97o- vdatMvI vat % e ! . -cd P.e�i7.0 vac . b% axe / / lv- �Ylrue.�/ / S / /3,2, o a �L-0 • U 23 /6 / J 0© e f.d r/t D, 010.a,l.F;;.c: ,i cc:a.. c In h' (-v .) 6 &dam 42K 4"tic p.L,%Sei,r.. 9.64,.24/ _1_074 l .,: C,. 1b.Ax,t,, ,46:µ-P.�d, z �/tcuLA?. / ( xo /, 0vaciac/ 11 X 2 4 =4 ("�J r.c'i �T �' �Sf�f:.. ae.� �,e. i1Je4 go 6- ofcx,P / 9,/ - 7 V /0 ' Q b. k 0a / 0 0 1'o0 a. / 7Z O,Ob /7 70 / ;l - f. zf+ 238 3 /4 ra4 , 0 ,0. ( 7„e 3.0 0 27. ,9/6=7.4 a6 .460 Ifr q/ (g/ 6,'<.,G TJ rte/• /0(2, ( /0(,,to 1-/(„';4, • 7 /t 0 /t/ Pi 0 239 . 1/7 Z �! k 4J 421.2 1 5 &=--/9 g; Pm mac. / Q �e. L"' V Wel f/ Cf) � fI Y✓�L'1.,+ �1 �,""'ali1/�& 1 V� i //Lae -,e- (' rrat d, ,,J ,.. r . i,r ; .,GGce 7 1743 5- (2,1 23f5°' 20 ;> ..~74: L;C i O 2 ®C. �. / 6 0 Z, iv 2.9 Lf o 2/ S--- 174 o 0 Lf/ 20 1.00 o /0 30 L -p 0 v / "/ las K , �0 5a-( &an C. N\ !v l 0 qtr, : (ea ce iik i CSU-+ .2o 2•c- 474, .7_ o /0 ft c!C T;F{ 2,/0 '•, --fes/. e. /VI 1, o 5 it '• m,r�. e /IA • R C° /lo e Ft/ /0 S s-- 114;.(4,- C° /1/c 1-74 2 0 ,- 4 C/0. b0 ffM 2/v %M .z/O R is +• Z/0 �Zo 4, / b /,o3 2 /4 3/s-- / 0 /s"/0 4- 7 r i / 1 Y, 0 �t 242 14 ty leg= " L 4/ /1 1 la A. 0: Al/Z e (124, 44(4 ce,'e 4P-7,,e)sr4 „, ,,,,, ii., 1,,,,e176rawle.,, , en wit>, 4'7 cwwwl woie ett/.' tii!ut-e-2/e- 4 wi,-;? - 4 (...Ae''‘' if' „ ” "li m , t . 41 ?/,?„,, ,,pe 'e4414-1wereeie.4. r7 01,41C/0,-;,” - — 7a 4 4 14,./ ete; c;rimmamwm 14( yW4 4Jd e 7,1,i,,,,del4,( ,441/ 070, / (cv'11" / wa'..we1/ /'t weir 1,4 44,1c.4.,4V2.444 .4,4444. m'Mf *AA cm+01 " " ( Orptok u;k;40,..*4.07r4,60 -4 4,4,414, 1 ,c.ce de71.4ww 4,4 / 724P 7 te e ee. L4M, C r , Ate „,- id e/i I / / 'Y I 4e/te,/zezr .0 — //Lk 44:‘,:. '{,ZCZ,4:. loii ''.', leieirwe.44,41 w,4.44,4 , e ,y,.., -...,0c.,4 e,..' ;0;)400--tr,.,7041: ,,,,,0.: , ze/a mmq tttacweee, 44/4 ,„„h.teefo ije2 ee/C t.„ evet4/„,et etc' / 4,-`4,011004?4,1,41-0.,- y7 (4440 41,144-,/ ,th ,Z:elewk %1e44,4 eeVAlele ece 4#11 '1ijd 4— / "elf 1. *4,5 6,1,4 4,V224,17e OP;rea;0044,4/942,e441,4 -ipv!rd, 1 .-1„d )1 "414 et/ 11 1 w4t kke.;!' J r1,e /T/ 44,4,40,44: trfr17,, 2,42 924, $ vm fe,2 v6‘1 11 Am 11 .,,,g,,, 1,:m".4 ‘ 4.. e ,..„..."0 A, 0 • - lermt, tef" 770//' /2 ' '''f,/ i /a .h.e,,,,e44:2/.4 (..A/LA 4‘141 114 te7:1,r 1,4,44rUiNe 044 efffri,,,C44)4404,44,1 CT)/ 44,44,4- 0:1,1e /1 4444 e 41'4 one/tc, z/ . < +1;icy e GO'i /144..,.,.,_ 3 ci t- aze, 243 WeR-c-u b--be/)-1 S, epta G11-�otuh-i �4, 27-C/ (/(s' U'� tread eit-c; y itiat L� (may .4 4 egeof e - G 44' .210 27445J 7 7 600 _/4s-:60 /16,6) 'jay 7- w4, /77,N, � 4 ace - i d44 4n.. *//z,v-, 0 cp D - 0 Q 471 0 e/() 9216,--pfe- 634 moo. 7/20 /7 WAPPINGERS CHAMBER OF COMMERCE WAPPINGERS FALLS WAPPINGERS FALLS, N, Y. An up -to -state and- progressive Vil- lage offering many advantages to the progressive Manufacturer and Home Build er. We pride ourselves on our splendid Schools, Churches, Banks, Parks, and Library. "A Good Place to Live ',' WAPPINGERS FALLS, N. Y. 1:1,1A9 JOHN F. CASHIN, President DR. M. C. ASHLEY, Vice -President JOHN L. HUMMEL, Secretary G. W. KNIGHT, Treasurer I.appingers Falls, Marci, To tdie Town Board of wappingers Falls: we, the undersigned, residing in the soutIleastern end - of the town of 7appingers Falls and who necessarily rave to travel the Hopewell Junction Road, beg to ask if there may not be some permanent repairand improvementsmade on this road this year 7 s There are at least four cuagmiies between the tome eV Mr. Frank ahook and WhAtOs Corners that are not -only de A ,q structive to automobiles but dangerou#1tp Iipe:/when travel is attempted after the spring ti-zaw begins. If immediate medical service were needed, or in case of fireduring this period some of us would be relpless for outside assistance. The deocribed condition and situation will recur every spring unless utore substantial`repairs are made. At the site time W© beg to'call your attention to the width of the road,. Each year it is lessened until it is 4uoh that it is, osihie at any time for autonlob11tPP6113act ot1er and :,,,,, on ibelirt mire . Very resPecttuy, „ 6111-1,.......11.M0amana.M0.111 244 a)y 07w,, gel.yam.__ Qo >4 al6 A/0 11 61 4f&tL 176 ,.)0( /a J e/a 2/ /o `7S I',O O 474 4-/- et O • l ° ,Y C. 1 '4,7l' dza'.av,zo - z0 % 10 l Aq. e _,,,a_. /, 9a, 9a.,, _ o (c o 1 7-- A‘ 7 -2 6 /- 6 ,�5 /0 gia_` / f , a5..C� - Piiety4 .25- /0 ,<a( ✓a.Lr- e3,0 7 t2fcZ9 5- 2,10 ( et -U.1 P ,11 x I,2I71 /J71- /41-1 /7.1 f /7 /0 /1s /0 iz 0 //o 3o s2 z o 6z74- /s / 0 .2Za / J174 /6/ 4fe L/ ft k "4'62 "tze,-7 / Fool Md / a s/ol- / /674-v &4'9d / I Oct-, ( cd416.e._ ,2 o SMgft, ,2 6 /5"- 49?72,0' 70 29 /.2. f37 ,t 2. Cre-rA-Y- ati/r 4-7 LI a4. vai hgeday IN Ile karat- czy 5y2e4,,,,,..,„ '11 u(54. (9. 71i24.4 '-ida-ef CAP Viti20-4471-"A4 (a/3 7/146'14-91a4 '44d7,, (4) 142, 0A, -16(l 17V%&/ 6/ Va'iler/c .4 r eta exr, 4.Ey;t4( ',.711A4 Qc er T•42 4.Zfr/- Arzl-triteS#2:4;---A,c41a2.?Zimfl6, l'eff Pa -cd Za,e“21 (3,4,_e_t_e4-r74.4, 0,47-44, ozer7 /0;4 20 y- Y.06die 944 tuiP Ale:4111:4,474,14 • �L awry/ 4644-/ ( ty 214a ary z2 (If mi eVe„ y Oeki Cdwyt7r? A 606 b'1317/!, PY7 • e,)X,441 e/(:) (A(,(1 4-• "eh/ „). (6): (A,a.t„tda,O,/ „ 1,v -1411-44/1 ,t-Gte g 1 44-cce / A/o / z9-77 LL aim./ tf ‹,.„4/ ieu b2t2e to -e akd. 6eit4 3 ittr ://x, ‘,5 0 AA.A. IVIA:4ft''' 246 Mb'/ 1( ' � I*a" r•f y^ ffl (ita a (R g)toti 3 3 atexi 1,0o- (7.4 ae_d I, re-cLuf 1 44,Le ad( / r. • 30 ( 30 /7- ) p2 -u / / ,ze6 /00 vW to/ 24 33'7 3 5 6- I/o 2j 1/ a cEP (6,)7641,6"( 1 (Ikeza 1111,444. / / // /7a -2 0 4/4 o /0 '4 7 — 7 – t. /0 ( 7 4 / o ( 1 / /0 / (f 3 / - 6 - /6 - /0 - /0 /9 0 o .27 / P- / „2 • / 0 ( 0 02 945 h '41 era 4,4-A,. A e, 4 • 247: \ • 248 a e. Mie-ze-et (dyre ealaucaVYl fp, i2_11 6 f G.ad/ dire(-/'.. , /(.'G'.C, tri. tJ :4c :: ly 7' c„X.r.f., lig (9» rr P,.,Zil.'.-rr' l / /a0 .a Si 70 /0 /0 249 he-/ ekeig-ea qi&,(0 K4=haz,4JJJ 6,0 9-nay4 /g` 9 3 / 0‹, /63a /0 /7 / 4/64,0-144Ce /3 Yezci /6— /7 020 /0 /0 / 4 Ft L, V/7- A-ta 8/2x o e41). (a6,0 spc2 0 ttey)-1- sO 4t„:1 -e-a4 L7447-0 /&Z 0 ). (RP,fie;t4; 1.1641Loo p 30 /, Lt 367 41(.2-f /0 Jol /115 -1424470:, a-uxa-(A. is' /o Vey.* e,d it %ti 1 :24 /0 cial • 14.71:1. 2.2. 1 6-61 c2.,o /7&o e"",/&c 0 16, e300 ° N(2.e(r 0AptAt. v 41,4 0. to, ( ._._.._ ).� j /frip nye C l6eacs6cr �Jy/ G P f.(J. ma C / �L.. ,r/."14/( � f �/ �i' ( � t-f.C..(.-G<-G1iGKrCi 1(11 /C ? / / d`' t" ,�.` .o /./ C' �- fe —tyrmi" �,F�C.-� t C'�),(�� ��J�lx.�'� C� � ail �, f �� l !� �, r f t .4, `a , «(/) A? Mfr,1 t.1 it h/ " W l c tY i (� ( .eit ' t W r°'Ii1,e ti -/.a., ( e,(1 l r/ "([1 r ,C, z. (E'v / . !"zap 7.(,1.4,:'6/ 4,f z� ter' 149`1) '('„ /07 c114 1-17,,etz-exit's (-7)- �� . g�, � ��«.fir �� �, ,,r� ,.a� .,, .�� ( ( (:42 “47.) / e,(`7 (4Lr , N-'- 4//Y 251 a/r lrl lg -. fo 7 �ve /u % /916 kei(e":6:1-),,,;1141,-.34e;R refeo S v� A{cam[ r v ,�`Yli Q.�l,•�v7( ctc o r z 1 !r� �7n'1.Vr ly`1.L 2.712 ...e a.&a- a v /LL4Zti-ej .a C --o er G c r tg2c LIt c. 0 -,id . sa ,1,r,Lvti eoi l 6 -re /k fa c/10-% 7%. /A! 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