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1-/( /6/-1,-,44.cced l.�rn-t .e)(` 30 —/72 6 6- c. G —1? -27 i rte. t7,7714 (tt°` 1.6 Q,f 7C&, ., fit. tf l..f' / e? Jif%?///f./1/;;/ 11 (4;64" 2l( � e jrL'f r I at 6 Itll /°j/t",>(; °. rd e 0 dN 4+A tr ,. r Li /7 Cha2L-&(7-(2,6-7 0 ee gf 7 qa,e. 96t4 " I L-fil k d / 0 S „ 3 fO /0 L 6- , oti 1( qA,/(g ‘.d. •971 6),?' tf • S. /0 /6"6-7 1. / • 5 ,27474-44/ /,5, A 6o, / OD/6 Fr 6136/zi a /.0e / RikeZe ,fiach--7 /Ala, v., W.170:4,--SL0 ‘17/4'2 174 t) 22/( Ma( 774 /77 h/4e,exa(S V7Lw i Le -671 44- / p -7 -4C7 -(;?6 -zeay 61-1-ect„ a Z14/94,i-cae4W. "e:G,Z 'JP (,(74,14-- AUlter274; t. iI J9IJ.87/*/ dee,/ ef OdeN 62d, (1) L'c' vb( Yric:et eit&eat /1)-1/ yze4,-Izzetela dce.d. t61-4114il-zZyadv--1-,d 1916,(111,0-01r/ aer gut Slav?. a.A. awet.1117-7 1,400 (7/ kee 11 riLd O,co 264 (°e /ft Vfle(t-ia1/ , 9/ 1:7.)/(1 e!;( /47/ et e.i.‘ \.(61 /,,,,c(17, -(r (7 6/7/ ,,/1(2,ccer,ci //bae:Lp v /,4 d:/;/ t) /a €4.4Li / ere it '7;4'77( 7e. (7? , (". ! (/ 3. (1,1 a/ I. • 1/(.14- 061 - ce„,,(17. (1). X(7. ter' 6,74 (74 Siiiiivelezief e 7(./,#),'"'er,"/(' 4 ,r t (1:8,0°1144,416 a . 4cY t; v",f ezai. . , 4: e7 f'; (tit t44 f e 0 0 o• el 0 ,e7 e)0 0 4), o 0 6,o (5, 0 Qio , Lio 45/t-4,44/ /044444 1;e1-140-4,44_,(9,44/ /74 AI 1; 4 14-teisgole:c1 40-0(el *7,914 tateett,a.„.4 t-kt. In y 21, Lot CV)" :07 4 tAtiAl .07 tf•C,,,C ‘2,,111 6.4441,.44014 141 14 4/4,/ 1/' *6;11., 1147 l"" ttf1iJ w d /7.2_7 / }A tie.,.(4.-- /o A / %SO s / 2_0 0 g 0 iZo 0 g 6 265 0:a/V4- . etai)-et Azu /6 -- /41 z4..6,7e4),--e./vi. a - 7 tY-.0 41' ehe,(A,chif 14 / 6- /0, (ad /7- /o , •c• 3 //0 4 /70 - 77 --- J -9..a/ 9at-- 7 3' / ---- go / o F 474 -- h /d1,021e-e^e, 20 14 5/e1;t--a 7( 0 /1-. 11 /0 4 1- tit4 ;4/ 8:: .No- (4) • 1??I'e,7ZfJ (DAZI/C Ae4-- acza64,-;-- a',64,1,44eax-i. Skutt.. ,h d" v0-4-4-6-72-74/ a.„.4.6 i;-660 •(./47.44.zz-if eee.t./ puzio, 1 4 (• 1P 027 'a.,C (4/4'11 4774reea-t-Cri:1 CrCtad ater-,44,,C,“.(4.4-k Siteut."-, gte-ciffd eittti (-GCac . 'L42a <' c.c.% VLr t G 7: t f/ .C!%l• 0 (L`GtC.ri.fias., ?-157/1(/, % /,1 /l(I (,;€ / d,C � / �Z 5' '"1,crrec Q,1 4 77/ t-'7/1 (, (t r761;/ ��.1, /( I )) ), //(/t4,, (1744 t 1rzriS(a '6 fyv E47," dy -/mv-re9n gA6(/' 411wderi :/./Z-7-2-7171g7L-e-17/1:/a/". ° id 9MR,Iini C,W.46 M616 ett-de, 11:7L /715(6d4t-r7 d 0 7Lead, g_er 4/71,r,o al",7-c7.4y AZ/ /=z-ic-f fit,(,ozzit ai,(>1.--7 I&/51evs L �Lrq e h--Syd etz- (42 1D4 a axe4,6( ,itiw 6 e24/ 442/ / do 5 -- .40 X evie,ar // 3 372,1-.16 S d eea de,160. ---a7,,07:1; -") (4,-0 a/ /67-17,e, -'1",;e_f* a(z—% 5/ (keiipt„,4--e (7/tZ� ye,g, (2ezie-/W 4z/07,2, i411 ,ex 40z/ (aezz iteff , 1 f; 0 eeM • • . . • . • • •• „•....••••• • • • . . • 4c.&z...-te,cee/ (// 4//1,ce )//7 Xi,21 (_delace L f rtG��t�rl.�c //4J f.Z1 ( 1);,9*1c!) 1, of0 474 © �p (SO / ce;W 1;;; s LSC. .2(„ ,C c:. i 7'77 , . 0/1a-/ '"/��'� O ; flL P7)7 eZtfri• /iliet,/,64.t&adzia cPcd-6,d oar O f®ii d /QUA 4 .911640;1 (4k -?,Q 521-avded, &c. veYaatra: use,66(4, Aeat,:edr eloirA:-61 /1„ah 1044 20 271 ea_e,(2./ moved . dee.. lrt ljl,� L o% G 2 ( kigel/ 1-e:c ‘-7,i7J--- W_e.Vt/s• c., ei-e-7-01a_ ,e,izto6e, PLee;al 0� f 4%/ n 'i ' /rr ,, ,�__ ,' %' a, t�'' ''%t )ted ���J�,�iG�`fid .P fj 14 aegi-id aii( (73 Ow. ,A7-67,,,/,- - S �/i 6,27.,&,/ a ", ,e-e14/E4 alea:1-'1/z-te(-,17 6.1' ' /1,6 —171/ 1/45X6“ Afqz-4-e ,tee;pe z(,/ eiee-ev is / guii547(ariG(/ dee Mwm %fes cr, e). 10,4, At a/67 a; .-te-54,74-Vteez,4,61- /I y?„2.7 u id& ale J4r-eau_ rf 0 ayki �-t- /91,6e2-tc-ei-a L, 6 Y. PV -1 Ce. 4V(pe (//k, /7„;7, (CtE' - /_) ti.7'" 4J};?/l l,-4 I, P 1.f(hG'4'G' (C.f ..].,"y 1,.' `4'c.°f.,a ., /�,�'+^prA'���. 'L> w ei I'1'4 ' K 21),64,,7e r ("II; re . / r f cr/ ?Wei/ 7,(71/ /2 t' ;. 1. G t!rC1 G� 74.6s 7, aJ- 3,76 3,l6 440 90, �✓ o rJ dao n /L/7 J 4 /O 3 %_ 37 /L r06, / (/4C'a /a /O -�6 Z7 / F /1 fa--V/FM /D k ui( / CPQ v/( ef' • h /" r_ c/V, mew, o[//2. f�P0,a /5o 3/ /7? / /ao / /2_ /t6t,�� ./ /3 9a o -173 a,7/ 3/1- 10 6' -7 �� e6JL zzo 30/-x/7 -- 47=tdciay- 7 6r).e 5 /s w /6 ,7 Zrz •P a C2.c& v4-6(4/4. 41( ne/%4;61- zeaZ M.-eze ro eros d0 ra 0 DD 5775 7Y Z77hzii(r-We'11( I 1(-4ZPA n' tif /7'7 <44ezce-S. / ee, .kia,et-er(/1/1)) /9/7?)--zi 1ide Pleira/ (e‘tebei //gado& s-er 1,70' 0a.6,6d. 77z • _tor. f/762.6( z ALe.e. r LAYe'z-d-/4-04.7r 4< 9z&z. ykaak_et ofi ea/44/ zke ./acw,„ /-77 -664,4-69 ---",--47amai-2,6--wr ege4A--' /--/7 7,7ace, 7/97&a.cte: _etce4,e-z, 09a.e.ce,caz e ezezztawp €‚'o /,A�& /1-0. 07Aeld_ge 0"el'/ 4))7 42344,04 740 6/1417 13"'"I d 0 / /ii-et.c_ 1.7477,3-0 t. /6 ('tee,R4 (2,a (31/ /67 tifaa-ez,N, 00 /rail Aji I • ,3 r, .1_00 zea Ems. e/ 3p2 I/ 311/ A-ce,o� / L-1 ( 4' ` r,c-1, 6 3 /.-//-1-/-p4•17.-6d.- , 5 u✓ GIA- 6"0 AVee /1-e/(- 6%iirer e e a.0 6. :3/7,, ey- 275 .i/JAs-e> /IA .2 c/6 jv 2 li.tzc 4 0 0 /7 &e ////x( / 2&/r., h/.d (! , /,3 ti h. / a 300 s Aso 3 .30 / 4t-/ o e. L dL //Thf ,:9 Li r.,2,c, / 31-71Y / ti 0-60 /1 l P rp� 6 &az:al 7j 5 17z - a Waxke 7J- /j "- /s // ° Ca 6/' /.2„. " w - / /3 100 / I o2z /if 9zi -a 37 / _e_< /cPi aaccar 7 r AI /0 %(I L-' ,22_/ 0 .dp - I, `' 1,4,5 ,2- 6 S �. / o 6 7 ts (o e5 pv 41r to 5 ai / gall /Y 1 (74 1.„ t.(7 OP( 7,41,1 NC. ')) 714 a i14,76,„ 17-iwiet ea,:te,(4.„(,/ .4/ Z— / q.er J2 ,d;,) el) Z „ 4 / 79k, miwal Fo 17 ,, „vet, fry t„, „, r 6 / t'.1 I ,:„ , e / 41-5 0 e) r° - //13,, 3/ /$',n / i / , „›, ,,, 7 i 14 t ..t „, t'''.(Y 6fo. ..,.(.1",,(1,/,...., "L,„, ,e„,,,,t•,,.,.. L••,,.,?o, l•••• ,, ,.,,, ., / i„, L,'.'." • L-.,. -- g,.„,.. „‘„, „e• 4•,, ,,„,- ,,,4„-/;•,,, ' 4 i / /- , - ,,,•e -,,• .14.,.,..„'i •,,,4, ,) ,7. ,„,„• 1,./„ ) ...,,„ ,•, „, v • • / . 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IV' ,/,'" 4' s, t i . (7/s ,s- , ,s,' , 1 r 1 , ri" //4 4'i , 11' i I / ' ,' ill • ' 1 . ii," . 'e:., Vir' ,,,,,"1 17 e ,/ ,.,..' (,' ,'„/ ,,,,,' , , 4 • 4., e." '1 t'147,4144-1,./(..„ /1.444( • • ••Y,..' „,• 41//4; „ 4..• ie .) ') • Cy , 4:11:1 }V... ) , .,,,,,t i / 46'„ r -4 44-4:7 f,...,r1i„tvil ./7 I ,/61,,,,, i 7/ Ci,',/,'",:ez Iv'i -(4s` 31' 4,6 , to,t4„ /4/ t teti 441),) s/ r if 4,' ' ,. s'2' s"--7 ""so ) , /4" 444';,'„( / „, „14,441,1:1 2 1 ---1/2 )7 114-1.4. • ,.. r / I ,,/';'// ? ..,,,.,,,/, 6) Ile,e,t4 e,„1„te 4' ,,,to 4„,,,,,,,,:,,,,,,,e,..., 4 0744;4 14,,( 4 i d '- so aer ,,,2,1;',/ "Jo/ 4st,ss, 7444,A,,, lep-M- 6,7 s'4;0;/'1471244.4'41, .ses.01 „s4, • oss • • .444'4 '- ' $/l ?1(4? • .."r,e't,..oel.,(.4.X , 4: 1/ st'2,1vss4/1 .,..,,/7„.„„/".. • • ti •/: •;:i° ' 4/ / (L, /ft' 14 terzo-,11 /(44- , /Wt./4 ey t,„„,/ .4-0),"/ / ff /72 (001:44.r ifV° /?27 44,co, re,r,„,442 4 97" , iqflet,ir ',71,17„1 9fr'el,1/4A,91. .6,-(,,V4 ,. (14 et 111 '"'PL -14 ltt 12, 4 tri weakY'latzt kV -a/ /1( "d %i 'rye / 4d) . 910if „/, ?Ai -4/ Afr- OWL 797WX,V)-I ille4.7-1-a-zz-.1 071e ) 2-e/-/" b atc9 % fad 7hia,y ,f tH-6 p //3 ,a/ 3 2 M 6-6e9 j «te4/2 zeir z' PC7r Y �., / " 6 f 6-4/4, 37 /,, 4 ,� 4 , /90G.2 vvV �(�l/r,/ :361,i1 , 11 h /(/3,00 pfd $ / , a o /o/,/S. ,5`-o 4 .2 6 b31 ?o. a e ,2© j' 280 tVa-tar- /7) a"? c --e) rIyj (27, 07. riviziz4 aae er,e-de; Jt ,V,// /0 34-/- 3g1-/-6 c2, 3s (1) 3;2 6 0 t:4:19/o, 0 65 Lf , 0 / '(1,741/„cdo„,,, (2.0„ -oz -a -64 4/ a ila4,,e,e,4thi ce?' rE,y ee-e $4,) .44; 1-2 te a / • /9a. 441;(4-' -14:417,6 44/ 1,4"444:a „de 9., "„41,," • ,• ••••" " • • • • q.eareA-6,/ C7g 40,6,4/ 8 e,„ a(164 -z71.-/7,1_ 4w -rem 6 6 I 0 ufkoi-L Aft?/ -741 aaeze /3,w ea -14d le Ade,/ II- / X k �' C° S/ ,bei el! 1 " a:a-Se etinn n � "'� z.z/bte.-/t/ 37 d '. cl r 6 o 9ece,;(id5,/,-41/vecif /-74 1-74 c5 o N 4 rx:00 a1( 9.aa y� / 4 4 q /[ V G� e ax 7i di,///4 el/ fay leo 5- . Q2_3_7 3-66 Cn,5Q 763 7,7g4.. ,260,x_ %'a,576,56 ti 5 6 /46 /roc //7 / /6 A 3/ So /2. (,)70 �So /2-ov 1/6 fTh l (1 r /6 0 0 cAk, /6 r 0 a ,000 `?eeec(P ve466ud a /0 00 /67. 0 Oica607/, //, k 1;')("te,ty a4/;-, ifi4 (SO 6, Ar , 6-6 s-6 J- N 0. e2,(.,6,1664 :29 S /9 4 tr() rtf0 • /ffo 1(0 • goo tA44 et) ° /Ca' /t1 -41.- 1/4L3-1 ?r. JaUt affilLe /40a t37 3 2-176 etY 1-0,4-dAtitz,,,c or/ Le (vk „ z;t' "." dP.ir:971 (ada-le //-/ aaearri/ e),), /6Q -6,6,6-a Waald a heze-ce kud 283 "rar 2A‹ha--4(d/' ide 47 r 112-e-ro e -6e ele-//, e f .6(.4e tAy A_ct 4.4i1 e 6 IL:),,07,/ ("7:cd( 4 aci.24,) zez i4d fiebtd ifac.( -eau /© *zi„; 4,4,- 6 ayea 6. -WK" 2, Ito d c-eraviri.V ata.e.act-4.4. y 74 :::/i9/1/ 12; 5 2 0 /5 /./ / 174Q /3, 3 9, 1 "` 9 .2 7 0 0 0 3 0 o aot / /6h e0D- 0 Gyc;1 6 `✓J e Y d'lr' hi ll -f&' c.‹,.�'° (i/(/Ce , 76 U i�_? e ()�V<11a/l'1/ IC/la3{Via`" hr 0,'//vz ''/ . '''.e/.17,'A i/ _ ,:?6 t)(2 (.2`flrjf ,,Y( *(7.(417 7 "°'l.r I{c{'G%,( (7„,.E' aoztea.4, v'ke ‘zoi tv-a/u4i7a; Aia-im-e • Ptilzek .fla-4-47 agrr, , 285 Wt -La /41/a,e/e Cif,e2 /17- <ixeig Akuide4,ex /9,741-de,ee da; ' 0-77 e'es • z,„ 4Zie,4u.e azAd:61' ezzA/ixe, aw.,4ee,tiztee,f), kzz,z; €50-1,frikaaid, 06/74,dd/1)-te.,,abriaad a_et dzex. 6,6ad 14 4- %.,,ze:d 67-tlecial-a/ lzait,/g ) -22 te-7/1-Ce146 14A., 4C:64-tx.e '74 ate gl,W nerRai. (2.46 -ed ate,f7 a." -11Ge4ad 6-4-tz-zet.4 14 eii2e-tai i2MAZ,6 az-W-1Z attZh e4,6A,,t,,e, a Lee eft."( ai74,4,24 evay ,,Op „env) dile, -eli-11Z2,Aaa 41? trzzif e;e-e-d el/1a ALI ; lir? z /2/17:ete?",' 74 41(r, „, ‘10-14-ete/1#14;;;-rit:il Lir /e) Zte zr-e,e.„e„ef z„6„t ezzrk el ael-6,,q " — ('? y/ /zefr iv 7 e"f2 '7— V. .,„ '154167 ,PT ar-cd / 44-144/ z„-ireig.„69, Ygc ';;• oe,of-Fr / /4.1.4:f 424/94Y; lee f.,e,',-tee.,..e.:44,4( o/ Pf ; 'LL,O"le,?4,e7OfrZe:Ot.Z.'44'e .';;14;4;4•;);•? -:.-44')':-", z;;.;:';417, oh'V" ,;";;;11.4256,1,414.0V.; ,;;;;;;;;....p. 1".L/ole14.; i;tot?;,6;';;;;;P;;;;P „;;'o :?/7,/t,o",o,ep", 224/0? ''sijem.15 /,/ Ari? '4,1" e ?41 "-La 0.•r,/ ' •• 4, e,A Jl-oe,57 TV. ,e) /4.1 tr /4 - etak, et _ e • • , " ,fi" ":".;••••••• / • t teo6t. ‘1( / ,,/ "Y44. / e „ , ; ,r,""") 1", e/e, ,14,/, ,;;" , o / ° JI 7„,(„a „ . '.„4" ,,,,4 ,64,a,C, le--(_,C6Pt • • 4.1 ,4/Z t„, -tre o 't 2,1 Ter;;;":Lea fl ,h44,4 ZZd<w7, 6« � « ca -k .( Peva'Meeria" , d d .- z ce° a#eed -i alf (�/)rc. ae/U '7;6a! (d a- a( e e c 4 , 287 ,i„ ` ti> 2o-ud G�Gu-C,,t,a rev etri deco ,o &ad/ wale al (owl -2it Ike Cade4 0-4,-601- 4 cc( nal- 7?° 3g. ' 1, /1'4i 9/112t/h *WI) K/ ° 21' Li' ; /al, 3?.p..f7t urs' /0/. . f ' °3F/ I3 2° rruJ'y 0/626 ,D 4 7 6 Q e / Ave ;%DS : 6 /2.0, g G1 a,ad a.,/era a.,/eraeircke t��f L, { .44 IPC'h4'_ 7f41„(e / 46, 4fiz uy( r(ST tit led- (.. c -w.-ay eF 1-73, Hifi 289 I Ct(af a" t A Cta 290 izeg zav a)-12,6,(4,4' r -J G51/ r ce'1 C - i✓!'l S',. (//')/ frkt J. 2, cer Sy, 3d Oc°2(.6(.1--,ez-616t.e, zo-L6 �0 �! Yeaucax4 ggt..g.d (63 aiLduLeA/ 2 i ct eo "Xfrz'jr aely 7c O T l0 9, o r 6,6eW a° d . (2e,e zzam /7 F, ithialoto g.a./ i Z1 /14.”4 Rem e> ' �%u a . rei-e 292 Io) -7 Griax47( 10v Ned I- ( .e.Q 16 ig-27 '244 de ,9f7g-tu (06-4,6u_z, u•/7.4/s 13 (.714g ea,z67"- 1)-/A,/,- ci e7)-/ )a44totvliatau4, didi (-0 ea) uzfinil / ?Izrak(a., rte-e#9i4il /tea d ,Weit:47)'' ce tx? 4 4 / • fiL.e."" 0,1 litielmetlhreeefeeCi 4 �. ,5 1 7 3 k:2 o e; 293 I /7- ,97 6-64- /6y 0 �zSo .. , Grp C' /r s/ detilkeir‘ lerz/ctvi-o e.. %,[ 2/7 a (b) 1? s (R) fr(ag" J-7 (b) Y6/ ?J / „96-deze(0) f” op) (8) 62 Wn, ze/AzaC o de ((b) 4/0-1 (R)(7)) (6) i t%+.��G"aA.Re/ Q� a/464_ C .' /7 /%z7 7(-) ,\W-6646u-d/z.604 wv e: z(ze 247-"Ai.(:_ez addCg 43)7M6e.e •e-e7r-:ez e€.12e. yW '14664-6"-d/ 4/6147-64-1 41 1-7 OVZUzef atereff ed0.0 /J1 6 Sao, po sa. 30 61, 0 0 0' oU co r 0 0; c. /3g, z,h,/,‘o /a O, O7 3c (2161 ktrizta4 0 0 r "� z 2 9 7 to-iv"Tvi ow him) Auzi,a 9-7-te?,a7W XY.a.(2e/r" a/ elm( 4 4112,a--ki /29 601 ) / p 66644d !� l,✓r J` •� --g(2--- e.'„,..., !( 4 4 1/ :2 Lo /0 , a 4 ' " //7. f&// LIB' 3 , ti 4 61// . ( „,ejo a r y ,A e 4-0e, /6 3 i 299 /7,Jb /'/:,00_ (*zieweY Y See Z(,/e" a �,o6'6 1(. • 'f1 -1/41k7- / ef gtege p et, 0?4P gOfaz6e3/4_, w^ 4.7:: lf r'J tWatite 111471/ .,.e.. a/7.u4- 301 e:e 404 dzse.efio a4r./•1--frop_4/ oge 7 elo,42719--A1(y7:4-Td W/ e ,,z-eez,7,6e4-7--1 ,te_t 1wx/tdka ck z ee //a elece 42,4? / :' ehtti ( Ve,t ih/-- ( JO-Adi eadad, 8cicem fezed7) c/r ,141-&'e elguirjRzli 02 / 7» U-,6,1111 in, L (4-4/tte ,&/4)./ 1,444'r c.T1 k) 0 0 1lio"teocel.,610 ..etteitic f 1 1u iv // 0 de) Cr, 4.1 40 0, fj e) 4 .4,71,400. AO a 4/a4.2,141,71 -/r 4�1 Ldva (il/� �� 64..4 & -c/a c �6, 9 /- /7.2.7 aFP/Pt 1 . g to/4(2e-&c:/ d7z. ,�. (7f3,V �-�, az/C"ea ey eie idd& gY1/4-2-a- C7a4,d-- eSTdd. . 6P & .4-/ v, )47 vb. it/jay wee cleee.ai /6/1„ Xaci6-1 " OF/Ond 6?aaii ace ,gyp Lh GSC • L I a Oda J Aides. al/)7a2 E////` )7,/'- Jd7ued ,140 a, 4 y S C 91t////Ie-N' �` tPa4:4„6/-P 13.94",. z/ 07 24(6 o7 /7 (4-/-- 9197 7&9 97 74/49 dff 2r / 6 6-65- 7 r25- /6 r, -247 33 304 63/e44,a4 / - oteraV 716/16014 /(042,1 e:e /614e, , a t tl'?6 ,e,yr p/Ime,?‘, ‘e/1000.70- er. 441714 (112," •,(4,4,44„‹ 14-behte, .247 4tia-< 14/ i4,26 424',e4e.4 00 -e171) d.40. -yr ez,47-440 Kmete ,‘,z 4W ad 4"-e4444. /0001,17,0 rV .• • „„•,,,crt,cryi ifrew* cf,ee P tirme" le77444< k. eG-(6M /� P.. 1,27-(4-1(5,660.7 ‘7(1 / CD V tad, g6e,,/,-/N-74(.6,16 64re d zea4a--ear/ ee 4:;,'6.4,0;--;; ice ezee af.74g egze‘eirw' M:70,-ze -~9e- �. z ,' d e ; r. /61,11 67,/, Icer42z— 697 ,cu ov e -fl 306 ri:/-6(--66cez h_eit /k.0 777-7- zez,/ cr. gt;,01 C//' CT -Pe -4v e.e ha9 -777 (-v 477,zd 4,e7--re„C /c3, 0 (24(4 c., -ea ezae, . j 47 -a -a ez 7r7, / LL:22),,,e /7 y ) 2 4.6,64(1-4' 61, e:2 1 ,/(-(<"' e -i4( 3 3 ct- 72r,„ 644.:„„, 72-64 t e1 9/6,. it, 40' -It A -I •e,, , . €.„4:-/C„:4 • .„1,,.,„„...„.„,44.444.,/ • ,41,44. gra 0 0 0 +0 0 e:) te:4-eh1(letir6e(''''416:1 »°-4 ; ;I:4.- 01; 1'1 '::"••• at(' ' • „e Vitt „ br gee • dir;ty-' „-0.7„.0),„7, C?e.„ •• • -,- •••• • , / (huwi ece t �- t lk P Gc. gaeiHyl goo- azoi aa,/ 1,/, I -a'7-(41 (91-6/(# 307 ,1171 ealki 4-g-vdf,/ &.(7/2, Avo&taf apfzefd /Akezeie a 4w /1_w( -ytG�/,u tit-���� gaa2-yit 4ei(Ad �r,2 /4,(/,(,g eav / tom+,gr.� � r / 0/�/'`� ' a/xue/ „gad,„/ r e- ate i' CA.e ekv:(`�►%��J► y3 erg' .,-;:fdcZzit& ,2ao CIG`" 26,2 J:76 - 00 ef` /7-07,(1. o2,7 7 /fit(ga a/4 a me "au,./6 . zil - d / 7(&ze67i7 a ari/6z to 14 308 g e!r ,(r/d ) • /171„e ig(riri-e/7-2(‘ /1 et i/ 16-7' rpt &if (Yey2,-a (-?-7 --le 27,16i, 1'0 "gri,dee/rier, /172,-;(h eert6ezee •,,e4e,„(gece.4'. , • 1 17 / te,e,e-or- cit --le:‘: (44 07 e ee, iy 44'4• 0 e ,(/,6'<e, ,4•74,-/ rreirtr e / 67/d 4 Iv /Le 4z-rixe 4,44/ r4,1 4,440. e77,6,10/ 4;;;;„, (2et/W.14m rf.e.)%.44, reei e ,4,41,„41,6(40-14.0 - ',;X:flVe, ▪ ?Leere,440,e?,,e4r ;?"-*-We,e,6464, 0:21:107Ald $4, „„e„rcedo,Ic,„ 4,4,1 liere,9,4 tee zd,/,‘ 440,4, - , • hm o- 41„.' i44,0'"Z,Cerr • 4,44e.t4W "4/ .„4 4,4,1 4,9 . Li ” 4,4,4 f4 e'emi4-1,';06/ ar" ?•• e4 ,„,e? ?-0, Ate, tie?, t% " •e ••••-„A4•••ur.,Iiii„4.!*, ',.,•••'41.:" • 14 ,,,•frve; ,e• e'(•••'.,„ L•••••,tt,' 1 (// 4'Uc-y rme„4„a4c4' zdaheg-ee-v-e-/451 g)Zei/- L etad,,y It-1,6,zte ZeZ-Id Ze-e-te,e-h/ C'e• a/1,66ca4-1 \7e, v 0"71-e74( a44/( /666-0 \g-P-4,4?Ze-a at"' 1P7/° 675 7" r/ 3zoo /Z 7J 9 01 I /7 .?,6 / 7 / 44? 7 65o gs 560 / 0 3 j" ---o k a' e-) oc, guip0, Sa/a41-7 J4Ua /7(do tel (.2 1-ei-zze-V ,011ar„4/ (a -e) (ta477P-4," 7,,,e-A74.A/ h4 ati /41 . eitek �1 /S --Z, 3 63.E 40 [.fc-/a ci 43 2 o 0 470 0 4 32 00 z0O 3.2©o ado© elt• (zee 44/ adetaze 6(- r WHEREAS, the To 7M r3T (.73 rf the Town of Tappins7er,st meeting, of the said Boarl entered. into an agreement with T. Willis Reese on the fifteer)th day of September, 1927, hereby the said W. Willis Reese agreed to relocate part of Ch' New HamburgYe-Hughmoryille Highway and to build the same ,f concrete on part of the Old Troy Road and part upon the lands of the said W. Willis Reese in a manner satisfactory to the Torn Board of the Torn nf Wappinger, New York, and THP on the completion of the said road and the dee lug to the ,claid Town Board that the said Torn Board would accept the said highway and in return abandon the portion of the New Hamburgh-Hughs()nville Highway to the said W. INillis' • ' 1Re se and to JalOquielin A. Swords, Gerard: S. Swords and Mary 10, s.too:rdo NOW, t'I''Isrefore, as the said 1'. Willis Reese has Cotpleted, his said part of o'114eent bY buildinq the sai highway in a mmaner satiefactOry to the said Torn Board and having deeded tO the said Town Board the land with the road: thereupon built, NOW on motir)n duly made and 9 econded, it is hereby reso1ved that the Town Board of the Town of 7,r)ringex' in be- lf of the Ton nf troPPingerl aCoept the said deed offered by t0 taid T. W111151 an,(i, also accept tbe said highvTLY reupon built as a Torn and /°ublio Highway, AND tt is farther :res,olved that the said To rti. Board f 1 pina:or mk exeo'ute ani, deliver in tbe r.,me :.....":':.•';'....:::::.:':•••:::::::::-•,:::-:....::-'4.:',•'•:::';,...;*%,TAI#.h.':611''.....:.:;:::If4Oftt14.0t...........-.......*A-.....deed of:' that. portien of the.Old New • ........„...... ......................_ ......„...............,.............._........„... • ...................... ..__.. ............................................... • • .. •••••••••••„............................_........... .............,................................... :::...:...„...,.,..........v..,..,:',.......,,,.............:ff......,....-,..........,..........----:..........:.....::-.......,............................ . .... . . . . . . . . , . .. . IA.....,. Highray.. 17h1p,;!h abut t s , a ri 7n In ,t rIr - ran 0, .......,......,...............,......._.......... ,.................._............ ......... .. .. .. .. .... .. . . ... ..............,.......___....."...:„..........,:„....:.........:„,.,......................„...........,:..„,„„,,,................,,.........,........ . • • ....• .. , . .. • .. . . • ' • '-'••qP•-:,:•••.••:•..........j.;.........:....::::.......•.••.igm.://AMtbt*O*11•:•••.....,..:•111.:4:1VIOpo:vty . of"...Y : .. Wil lt 9 Poeme i:o ib p 0.,,iri ir wi 11 is• ....,.....:....,:.....:....,...:::.,.ww.....,......,..:,.....,..::::.......,wa4:::.....,......:„.......•....................... • ib-.............................:..............:....,..........„:::;::::::..:.:,:H ....,:.t...aid. hi ...„....,........ . ..................,-. .. . • • ....,,,4„,....:„........mtgA..:A'(...',...•.....44R0..004.1h4,.......,',SghwaY,,,, the r ea on ar eoted he,' and the . .........:___......... „....„, -,......,......„,..„-......._...,:........ . ,...."........,i.„.......„.,...,...,..1.0A.,,,,,,,,i,,,.,•::........:,.„....:...„,........„,:„.„„„,;,,,,i,.,„.......1...i„......„... ................„,,..„..„:„.............. _ ..„...._ .. „ ... _.• _...,..................,_..........._ .a public hiqbay; and ......,.............."..„.................„........,......,•,•••,•,...„..„....„„,...,„„,.•.....•:-....... ...... .........,,,............,..•.........,..............;...........•..„,,..•.,..........,,,,,,a,,,,,,,,,...........•••..• .... . . C'a -11 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED tJ- t} Flaid Town 9oard of the Torm of Wapinger, make, eyecute, acknowledge and de- liver to Jacquelin A. Swords, Gerard S. Swords and May W. Swords, a deed o that portion of the FewTImburgh- *.mhson- ville Highway whicb abutte and adjoins the premises of the said Jacquelin A. Swerds, Gerard S. Swords and Mary W.Swords, and that the said.portion of the said highway be abandoned for highway purposes. Motion carried. Zee e(a, .4.(Eac geiK Ogee p 3.0 PM r , , O 0 , d74. 91()/&(,p-/-71 , -�9 y &e, egied o,,� Gy de� Sc�,( , ' ,4 z', & f Qe_,/ I/ g--1-nezei .2 V Y -et,:a --,--ie 0..r.: Oar er ?V -64--)774f 0 ,99,-,67. Gr,,ke.:r ac ez� JeYa 2,/ �..� ice'4 1c J (i ��Qi -�, L �a a t.' c� -c 0 0 lS /fy 6i^c!/CC � %/ '. Q6,...c.„( V/2 ,,e,„ (-._/lam j C/ r . , .fit . a`7 64,-.6,d. ‘eix,24- 7-;3 0�,� ea,A,re „y e �'scgid Afrite;),/aije( ///7/( it//'SW;27' .."2-C/ete( M•20- 2000 ey % ,11.(d0-14. f L- ,eixe-tex, 1,( eke? 4‘/- .(sr v hizez( 644 -aye 11 A at, 1k4 iso 0 0 0 If 2 6 :0 it LI 3ex ax,t4 bliti2e6cal (him/ix-3, as- 7*- 4)- �(lGUv1/ 06-4/6 //2 / z&' 736 ay en. eeKaid °fid fur s .1(CJ3J9k' r ,./40-7,z( 73,"z -(,W/1 7 &2 eaAdh &itw rr'a,� nee,L iirad �axa 9060 4w -z -z„,/ /f P C ,.rNO z,<e e /de a'et.„( 6:71/e,e;ilied 47;;/ Wk-fd Z6-4-46/24 /0(46,66e:C /7(14g 314 Gc <. :-BGG4: 4 7Z 15 �11e, �X.() -lilt (1-/kkV ' G�liLCt P ‘f 300 7o /a Y0 a 4,4 75 4 - v/'r e/ ---- c. /%uta° /ZY ti 4-64-ce.“-ce, 6P,-("Ife÷//p/9 k2/2-ec sagt4y gC�9 315 1/ 0 O ev,;,,,e7ler7/ I/4ex _ Naar 4' , (61-t Y- C .ice `", (, 6 c i4— P 776:e&c/r w /e/p-7.6/6( c-.,(61..",./.44' L LO -";07.1/ .7G .tetj�cr7 G;2'- . a_ece> ah C-7-2/ -.74' ' 4-z-erki 112,,,,t-(7,77744- Saere_e4, af-f-e,„ 7 � c ,,ad 4,04M Ate ,v../ r, a......z P Zeihe4f(1240( 1/4 , � e c/ ,` ,e-,(42-44, 7 316 4(Sa *1/ { Sg ?-e 47 47.- A," ///./Oy/ (, //.y�p�,g 1/(14:i l/ .0 46( /,,e46,/,,, Mea 7/ l pita./ /.1-i14, ,c2&aeW V/6617,Geje v.& / .2 .. a.6.6401._t.eyccuiT vd- zda.„.6, zazi., /L r2-raP c 0,4 ' gAa_ve,/j L ,u�� /09 317 !a/c 7 2 fro. ��o= ,/74 /UG.. - Un _---laeow 49- - O� 6/2,, ---,-0/2,2„/ Age f,A7/ Srbf /76 a 47, u d O <2 O ° 0 6' 4 /J --d e 4 r /040 4.&6<d lerd1,46ep c<tr, -r C## Oad-- r ,�: a c^e ccdibc// c/, sai • reOgf-(4/ Aa -A41, ci 4//1 - ate. ay-,,,„.„ STATE OF NEW YORK ntrnt of Wtotramp, Mown of Ellappinyrr ORDER FOR SUPPLIES Date_ 'Daae Furnish41ie following Supplies for Car No. CHAUF TH1000RGI F'k MU a'i ['.ICfi [N'Y W17'M DILL 1'111 11111, fond ha rerodere In !'rlrliralr nn 1hr,�rr1 Soy of each .re1nr11h S'TA'TE OF NEM/ YORK Mataifigliturano, Munni n IIup rinurr ORDER FOR SLIP 'LIES Applies ('or Car No.. TATE OF # E' YORK 1 ;SSR P.. SEM DE, FOR SUPPL or Car No, µ'r v} N7 Wi r 1 SUPERVISOR E.dtuarb 3. rnArttl �'U$TICES OF THE PEACE . ORGE W. KNGIHT EMQRY J, HAGER . J. LINGE CHARLES D. WHITE TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE TOWN OF WAPPINGER DLtrCHESS CO - NTY. NEW YORK Wappingers Falls, N. Y., TOWN CLERK HOLT JI1(tfIn SUPT. OF HIGHWAYS CHARLES D. 8, MONFORT OVERSEERS OF THE POOR BERTRAM CAMPBELL GEORGE I. FOSTER HEALTH OFFICER W. E. GARLICK, M, D. ,1927 318 ,f rr(t9.e (e e, ,/,,,'�� �1� �,/ (' ( %c t% lc� (k'./ `( c„, n '\, 'e { it 1 + `'r! e.te( 1 ((( • t* t ^� u } 319 At./60-mI& 41" gee ,l/(/J64) Liktql,„,/- 7ee A a -d -e61"1 rim/ h/7444 4e4jedeez2- kjte-64 91-(a-Taid et_ed,ehrte,--z c,t/eze' (09 eau_ gay Yk101 e (I -el, aq't-erkced bL61:ere- te 2.64/ • 111-a_47 kie' a 5(17-kcee, ae,x (---0 / e.(.a.P len;; hvud.-,Mte_K Cci7ii e__ -2.5-37,2 f al -ii 34 m.-/ri,:ei- ' /34.6daa g R 6 ,e,i • 7(//t;'fre,6,-6°,1H7/ e/tO/da/61/44 aid4cte 1/ • ka 7,7(4 /1„,t4,,t,„ „ h/6 g-ev- 3-7744,g. 1 / vc1/1117 Zi/ i/c7m- 4-444", Ce.(477.v /6viter7.7 AL I d 0 z74,e, r...) iee z 1-e Xece.c.‘,6" a7 chi-Aag, (vto, 0 a 0 Z,e.„64-y /te:/14 (.-g-/(s 6€ 117/ VZ212) 7%:2g C4/ ALe CeZ. 0/2,0a,:e.17-0--U7(24/ 761/1/ 2 -1:• 0)-tt,t1„, •4- (6- 113 10 h./ -1—Z1.774 76/ C e'xW/77,:zhe,-/ ((. ?Ci., f, .� (/ '1..6),_,., . (. l ' l , `% 'J I()/ . (j , c 7, ' , 't�• f c `(1. /1,. 1(7/7 (°'(L (' !,^Y' (fr' c"rt, . i /2 0 5 0 0 ,to 0 0 6 CI 0 0/ft 0 Z7C-0 h/ -6,6,a-- • rf Id) jbl1 / 3 5--"o L570 42 a IA/ 9' ee (7774-ee,' 6t/ eze &ed< 0 ce a-/- 7'3 0 /Lea ice 7,24,/----L5 f-/&614 241a a Ara, Zr2,:;1 e,"/ 7Zer2i / /9,2 7 zie," /4 046- ) 4:a,td. 66,,/e/ pz,ip-ww7st &Att./ t1S ei.4e4c,ie /26e4:-"A-A,"x/a/eir 114; 4e,"Z; ke,'Sz-Y % 322 ,,,(0/../Y., 6-2.1 7'30 P 97, a �.� �t � d C� e,e f7.l/, ll,.' � 4J (""(11.1 .1'1)1 tc'�., t .f.� �. (4-4. ste r f AP >,' k ( )(1',4c7./. r-' /1 -17,? -4/1-1,,e/6-0 rf✓ (7,..I... e, fl,. `Pe. 9' xi. (2.: 9-,0 9 -FJ . / !'G°v7v tierIA.6:- 111,fi //(//iei, /2 323 /• 4,14. l [-P GG/ i 147-7-6, lit c•a-PSL„ex,- c, ( ° L) IA/id/el/1ov ezAe&e.x. p ,/` 7,4-074.4. Gae 3 -/ r : mac. . v 0 (77,1 - („ ' (!• r a 7(7 (,"Yr' ,, iV`i' (! �.!/'7_fn”! 97 id /411,4x R v (' ✓ " 0- /67,Z$1"�,' ,'3o /°41 G // 'aea(-- d .V�/ CO it )Cc'/�-i'd iv_ A Gu c y azru,46c c/ /t /i/„ `zA-,az1 �. /7((Udu.-> E -� r// it/jti'14? (.4 I (Poifiaii4;77 f7 /hsk24 & r % ac, Vhz-vay ./g,6 --- , ?2 a(J = u k(r/l-. /6 tL 324 r i. 1,01GC rrtti; ?,Cr>T 1" CtCfr., l� i4((# r �), ) fr( 1// (1�', l fr(' lfi F� %.'J (�' 7(4; l �f ���C �"G'C,P.s� 1 9 r' Cts°Yls( i �Ir, 2I ;g71.)4 41-64e /07;-74) eaoLin.cAtc,(, s Zug eVaiwz. i quay r% ca fee.�c)v a �C _G C� oa�� d i ` ne,,fr (rya zak uee rr1 mr✓ 9nL4 Li 325 e G a e geig/—pay. 4407e47—,2, -(8,/a (14447-2/ ( Zcn z c . <9)1(),-1 /t//frt tie e dee 7, `l u�c-e �i(J e• �7 ee-ptc-cA) '` iYde7_ 6/-4e7 0316 s Z 1. /727 /7.14,a7 Gf/, 13 �crrr,/ ry4,4/7,ced a! @ Afel uJu c, t/ V /GZ-( t ea(-/( 130- , /-(/- f/kru., ize , die _ap coa.r.a.w (mcdc,: c/r/iActi, 326 ‘-ce (C.6:<-/ te-c2•--.1 i„ a 1.-- e (-11-erlI (' / - ) / 4 ) 'Le -k• -(f 1/17•,1&)/ A iff 4-e iv/ /67- &E, ee-e-A4/ ,}2x/aav/- aZa-o Z&I&-e /1)Seer ed 4)—Ze-r-c-e -&7-66d 1/e 777 1/ go /3 ,5 0 ;2,3 ffo a e d 21vier--ed iL& c- 124at (Xei( e„:„,,e • 7 4-7-3-)---i 'r/r(-c e /7-7;,77 3 0 e „(oee .(3 k.geyvy .64( toa-a-Z ex-u-c_p_,-% 777 A/fr4.614, 1,(fre 0:1-464. t541 /09 oQ7,, 4:e.e: - 127a,t&4-7 7- ra%7136 FAT 8.66/54/ zil-Lzo ka? 06;;-,yei.e () /3 /10. .125( 01611. h61, ,9<.7 eme.76-4-„Lc od 44' -4„Pac:( Lf2,e-c.,e417-(1 r4hg 4 ,Ge,-( (o. ,54/ ,, --; 1.57ral K(,) i,y7-eer .46,pere)/ GYea-‘,44h (41;""4" oe/ (e) e eel id,t• g- o e.5-1-3-0 0 o -1 a 7 / 1775 0 1.•(!) 6 6 6 , (74 / 3 0 Y-2 3 73_ / hetiay /4;) (. t 7atf k rAr lc e r/1 cY a t</ r eddt1(, '. 3 / 5-o c1 o ,2731 02 (6) ee , tfr ,// r/C/64 AA ('(..?) \-J-ell/tit-e-E iff';')/ (1). (/64,4:-.7 4t. , 44, 400 j-) de4744. /921(2-C% / /_/6 (9) it (9 Cad ey. r4r-fri 75X() '0 (Tbeatiez", 75- ,1 .(e) 17,;67z4,1-7, Age,„et,. j . Cqi:14,4/ (reltd/ ‘..,,U,,;,--14,:eze4d '14 Zei-te4 (? Ole ‘e-ej z1.--e-e4/ C -66 -€444 -cd 4.5y,064/ (-4 / age /7. r/Ar 449,4 -~t" l'Itaae.e4W,1"/ $1°44(/'; ;ry, 66-7,64-66efeaw4 Oa/ deco. veVair /rvor-t, .4,/1,0.440/ - 40(1,07ti., opte.„4, 2 11:724.-4,4, L.v r,)17(,,et( /r� 2 7e;rz( r CC_ ("tt( /S f ria d'('''1?? J/ ? --/719/1, b rx ff 11 ! sq st St",USiaS pas ssouy 'N °A4,Lr. eSsvistn6 . „. 4a4MUIddts.:10 usui sst Jo au$iAasdns togt . tializAxpc siTsGS MVO 41:1;120. 4 goll• oi *4040A. *6041: *Ilsoi A Asp s P44 qt) (CC ANC snu 10 AIN= 1:0 4 C.' nisS••,..4A AO IOU *IT15I 44,V44Va0(1 4;,(0 qkfl *44 : . . „ . „ . , . • • . . . . • • p00iO s4.ASmilo14 .iSiVfolmi.:0P0400iii$4411Eu,Pive-0,144.40.. •• - ••••••••,-. • VAUVAnt 44 U-$ t14,740ji htt eitrpOd ',as. es %.1414uSo 4 8 44 alli4W4 Ultill4 usua! SsufsIss 4-1-% uplis; t d 4 1 004 (04. *0 4, °cox) 4314 :1,1113:Se•4610()P01 otAl• PtIGISsiso; ems u% u40 U00 44#4014. OP *P4V40 ox Juvslf- slat II %u P' d Atna *40$0,ddes $o 41 oil so 04ros Ilass sq4 t42,4 4 • •• •••vi Lkt444 j41 44t ihb, 0/7,,a"d aert 4/Le ea 10 ,tizie /yp c c, lz-i"-----2;;(6 G240-- Cir% G.��%,77, /642 L,z4,4_ (Ye 7:L-1 Q ` �a c i ) .(- c t rerz e-2-2„a/c;77.-71 r (tr /'( .0 r , Y(� �� .2-d / aerz, �� -� pl�1" e (/j[AL1 a P a -up( /ce_ // C� a.•n eze,x Adz, `(.4 '.*, ea- I ,ea( 1.e 6., 02,66f _ ,2�ia �.a�z�el� f -oeLxd. /f2 - 4/Y1' (-6 eze49 k,41-9,111,0 332 A(a_c(/ 9t1, (ka4, Lie ) • ij Cie; ,6771 't frt-C-C,Z46' L. ,v/ra,7-7 10/a/a171-077r 76 0 0, 1-1. 0 c.) I71a o 3 5 z a. 0 0 / tie/alt.-rem; / iet-sxe `/2 4 .41-6,-e e 747-71'../a_ex etd-i-/d4‘2-e 1,, --X/7,4-7}"/ g % erb(e/r. C2A/C1/ 4'7/(4 "A& 0-1')/ I06 -171 --en 4.,01Xt:;( • 0 -ea-/ V;1-----;4 A &Lega,, 1- h ,61.44 /- pi),3 d'vy/ Wd1-6; fitu q7166-- ade/la-Ced z.te zd f ), / 2:a O Cid X50 U0 o a o 3 7S 6--5 3717 1-7.6 Z-74-(7 3r/ O 4.74 44 7c c, 5':�a co ?,,52 334 e k0 Sa-e ti ,C1/(aa-y --9;z„, (Oa c' /1/71,2:: �3zco (2o 0 0 R°° 6,a4 6 ems, ted„._0 &e alecez,<A, 9V7/4/4fee efil/(/7 /7� Z h- -- e9.27ge- o-7-y /btu9 GG// e2 k7e47eafhd e ip d al/ aGtu^A-c. z* -77-4" 41.c/71, /177:-im-q e op _ef( oyvt2q —/9zr--73(17)1/11 e e se .ef.,6c fket, /a / Al- g bo-14.de- I e AO a-7,( aud,4/ ,ez(Vti#,94-ix,‹ (!Aiezie 4 gd r6.5ef,6e:M (70-kwiLa Art „arc -4, Iffeeruy. //e, itt.e.A7( # 4;./?-a-oc-a(.• aue),,te oAde,„(fgec.c7 e,N9a-49lee. .11/ • //. g„,„ i700 ae-1( e--. 3 gehe,cap.e %9_.ore.„ 04,l7 4.• laite;(. AjO2 au_d„Lte.ci4 at -v) IN,Y„)ny /a-e-frCo ;7 I / o 1.71. o At4444"/ ot 0(,t,c4.4,ce,vA, dius,64, 0 / t''(747' Ci 336 katu4 0a40- J(Yovail,,itec (1( Via() 3 lw 7/W4414/ 0000 -Q' 0 0 d 2l 623awLL&'°Li/Lez_(,02, 4-etxx_d a_ _a,/ 02 -em it 9l�aa0 G��G�. c�Pir-Away0221 7V(/ -7 -A -e, 2-“i5 tilx If;. -44, 0,6efri t%-< "7-itee- ,t,e-1 -6U - /(2/ •/1//--0 7 6get( „7-37 e i? ce9_ei 7 Sale~ex.e en . (220.1,4-ci , hGdee 1(/.e_ v~ c c �P Gz'GO' iteth:24:79ite_ta irP-C't €-/ lo ..S'n U� o0 CC , G 67J I d 9/ 7s 07, 7, 6Q Iyf, 10 9L/, 3 5 ,„„ {. °_ 338 ant 42 d. 04 a ,m -a /91 ((:4,-(4 6-4 • Za-A-66xd el,q) .24 • d e(") /o 27 7, 3 6 161 t;,/ (e) //:/' teh- e Vi<Wel (? 42,0 4,14/t,c,c‘h rid rLJ .--2.7a6g '2-c'7,eiu„e4 ea,y6 1)11 _tru-tel-t; e g2k0-?/ 1, 4 MO • 0 (.:77 Jt /hrtce.%,"- V Adel, erfAC4,-.2., e Ceed Zdi Ifr 0 24 \-t67 4t,...,) 4.4/,' ,)q ff,de LA_ i-A,Ae-e, 0 t 0-a_p •ce-A' 1 / 5 (i aa -p -e(? 3 4— let /6' Jo Yila- crzi L)e6 ,6eed 'ay 6 ct-e-e.2_,44_ CX_W 0-3 2/ ; OaleWc./(' (164 • ezi( • e,) 4 eJ L„d '1.4 -0 -Zee. /6:e 47- tce,. 6,270/4„,..."-tt-eXe 01 •aktfi, 4'47 -1 -Le. -1/ f4 s;--76 e.777, 2.6 / if tat,- /1/412-e. • 414, etr2,4a L. / c,/(6,-tr„r,o(' 1",rie?(! -0744 340 L e-)c_c_t( a Yez-071t,-; ic-e ?,ce („(141.-6,c'r.ad. z71-jecat° ireetf di(4-1,44_ (cii,,u471.. rice C. a „._.(o 7.57111. 641;,' Q-9:44-1/ /7x-t7:z7 Arze-,,/ • KG:I 91.zecz 12C(. ee /60-a ,0a a-/ 6? -1: e(/ . *64-4-1 ( ti /r/ e e h (icia-er LtL (v&-4/( (eeha ft ?” (Fe..v( I, 7 it) 67/0(7.6e/dfr2--cTe-a t6fiJ (6) e (21.,‘,6,6-T ii(/ icg vs -2 4---(72,426/ avaii (1'91 -et AA MD, \9'a e 0.-7,,e4z-- 2 07e-777 ,„,?gthtez a- ,,,tee;td. 0/ 914;6 L. an, 'cu'ez-A--a,t5Dci„02:eafi ratdu,-/- Afrt.44. Or.C4-(a,(Af • W err -U.4_ 11,04-4-(ALA-.-e-c-, 7014 2e 5 4c -rte/ CES 50 ,^tie 2,4J t G (gip = / 5-- 7 �_ ' ,.-/ 2_ ria 7, 19 (11 art da -C & 7 64.-c*. - �Q 0, of196,1"-1,-,---Ar Y":2_ 6-c) /� f 6 3/0,L&/ rG_. C7Q 2 5'6y 2 .... 4-1- c ! od .z. z u�a-✓ mace. 4..„(.4l, i Aa_7- 4-zo.„ , Gz lap a 73. bra-. , 41) / ? ? ( ) ( ('("1 (1 rfr( ) 6r (7) (1) /4/c („) ,•,(1/ „ (' t r ?i 6,( /(. () • (I" d 026( ,toeee 14? e A V tg4 ,d,442 4 et, Itc ((.! r;11(, //mr,e ('•(' lot C ( r(44./A b4t-crrtir e )1/ ('-e• 1/((,) • e. • /IIC'rfr v?(, (61sr(4it( ft( e,(,<7,),",eee /'[/e t/ 1 ,1 leP c /Ik/a etl "11 « t7:(1 tire e , I 4/2 1hrt ,/0 e :4:1'4' 4e• 1/1,4(..,1,( /?“ it't vce15 /1 I e, ? , / iit if4 „4,67416 , .1 jitin,1 k i ' tt 4,144,496,01, ••04, • 7/ • 1044 ,31# f rtA rt‘ e 3 l'"Y” r jor (4, rtr.A. er,s,t4,4 444, ,ere: '11 /r Nc4 11 • e, itfr „t••• • 6-4•'•••11 • 2 '1 le44444 AAA I rai 1 . , •ti 4, 4 • 1.:„.•••••-•,:•:••••r e••••••,...av, . . „ /0,6(„e_z_ (XY 4_77 AiLv-ed. aza.uA,ca rice.c/- ,s7 1• 7 343 7)1/ G3 in -x -4-d At 72e,..‘4,-to,7 /2_4;7 0-74,,,,) P (0,44.7frakie: adt. et. 71 ,a -g- Ala 9exi 1,.14,4742, le.41/1;:-4 0(7,-; •12:ar- a“uz,/ 04te/2x717 (V( aibeee aci(e4,(A.w.L.44_ 174 cg' a 0 311, 0 /(' U� r 0 0 1)/, 0 0 /- I • 1 0 0 17t/ 0 0 (74 -ii 0 0 8" 0 '7<2-t 0 n2 6 0 /0 ° 0 /74/ 0 0 5:2_ 5r I7h 0 17'0 1 6 /0 0 a 00 a 0 a LO 344 ( c. \--)A c7. et,t,Vite/c , , e /1 / t yr)/ 4il 7 2,- / ( 1.P / (./1(e'e , ‘,„(11/( f 4(t, /f/ ( ee e / /(J 7 Oil / t f //tf, lie 4 Yi/ ttp, (// / , 7 <.'1 •//rer / if 7 / 11 0) 0 1'40/ ier Ter e '''1 ( ,e ,J((/(1/ /1,,,, , (11 try„,,/e,„ '• 47' • . . Z$•••••2.f 4l • le, • /4/..704,,A„ . •••• / ilk 4,4-(11(4,' It eee e 4,141' t oot, ry .• ,f/ eeyel 117 x/eei",("4•4•4•4, „ / 11 /4„, ve / 1" 7 4 4/) V)" cl /74 eVeyt *1r Itirt 4, 44, :40, , ,e4 "AK?' „yt,et ,44 yeyeA, (// Kte4,1,,t.< • 4-04xx"xx • • •"•'•••••'.X..4„.,iy, 44,040 11 1Art444,44:411 1. ,A•o' •ffo.fx Aftkr, ,•07•• 47 1 ? -:1j,„ye offyr 1' tytte& ,ele fttet fl:1:6 „. Sam if ed,' /(41,/ ef i v . 4eikkof Arty( 0 v --) Z, 1 / 4'441/ Ci7 (/: '' 441 k ,,..t.,,04,0 OW --.' 11: A , iffitele •xtee! .„.•,••• 1,„Ye.„,,e,efeelyee tee" e /41 , A.,41114,4. (-AA4ihy. Wa(4. (ilair, 24, , 1,0 &-0 her a 4. ,2 3, 0 al. 2 'J--Iereza(../ 3 5 to 0-2/47 Y-0 a /7g. /5 3/s-- _%_. 8„ 7 // 6 345 Leitea-r-c.< out, thi.4 g la -614 9-4_7, / A. 1,9 A.4.47 13 acirm) [/() a/144MA' L- , ,, 7b 16) co A,.,/ ,.(4)• 6/1///te-a (// e, -e, 6 0 6 Az— awa, 7 1 ex 0.-4-6;11 3a 0 , 0 0 / L50 a a--frea.7 6.-r/e" IR/ (-3476,6, Z -free h 7-0-7/ 4ee.,:7c 77.47 4Jfr€,(4 li-ZA/4 67/16( Joe ‘„(te z/LAti (4,-,e4-0( v--c7,6V4 • at1(.4.1 ••01-(4.444 Sae/ /Ode, / G ,cc,1!/• (/((` / o 5 ';7-7-7/1;62., Soo t�-rte-uc / ? 4z, • r,v,111,4rnirr 4.rer. 0 ,0,EpvisciR $ 4tuff#111 ES FiHE PEACE \/ KNIGHT 4 AGER INGE . WHITE DUTCHE ' OUNTY,NEW QRK o+\# LE CHARS D, M ON FO OVERSEERS OF THP4 k BE TRAM CAMPR$Q» GEORGE I. FOSTER. HEALTH ,a me R W. E. GARLIC K,M.D. � > e ionorable Supervisor and Boarc�i ofthe wn of apin Resolved, that the road known as I tc:, ,.arn o.Road,µ..._ the _ ..__ pingo, is the subject of this petition, an l \ /hereas, persons having business or her use ' Ylt and dan erou to travel, a,ucl c 4 cin =count of the difficulty and danger tra.v l t ..drive,ra have refused as pa, :engers persons livin nr having husiz said road, 1, nd Whereas, a doctor r of Wappingers Fall s recently re1 us an urgent call °` a si w person living on \ t harrxtown ; ad, on account of the c nditi . i` said road. and bras, there are two places on said rc acl where water orrtinually varying rarr one iinch to on:e foot in depth, aryl Whereas, the residents o said read have repeatedly ;tweak 1 r ail ions for relief of * id conditions. 'without results, Therefore, we, the undersigned tax payer, voters rid citizens f the Town appin erw, .do respectfully petition your honorable oral le Board to Inst net , u. Goa- thissioner to put said r ea l in good and serviceable T iti n as .,: rr as po ibis; $UFER;VI$QR trb . ixttffr-t $TICE$ QF THE PEACE 9RGE W. KNGIHT (E!MORY J. HAGER F. J. LINGE ARLES D. WHITE PUTCHES COUNTY. NEw YORK pping rs Fails, N. Y.,... $41}dis O RIO.HWAYS" B. M'ONF RT. avE iE .) S or THE poor SERTRAM CAMPB'ELL. GEORGE 1. FOSTER HEALTH OFFICER W. E. GARLICK. M. O.