1942NO ENTRIES ON INDEX `A' I " SCM /� -E� 1 tip' (..^ ,�°y;�j�%6f-ice.- hi{r'w .t�"r. ;�"�•"' ' - J j / L �� Y . �, '� r VAI �' t `��7 �,, }r' a �� H (9 xL a - d ; W IF, �w � � - 2 WX- r r �eyu, g.� ��Vj\ju,� � 3q 0\". % mK '-,\� �0� ,� vk � »v . A��`�_�~ --_~ ` a INA t v" 1 f11 { t f. . Y k I A VJJ C), INC .- I JITI—S? I 4. i r 14 �1- )'o-, r/-"A'),� i " r C._`! AJV _tz,a. I , G �J A) C)\ iI �02�r S 341 W"A Yk JA Uj, 0jvvv' Ji vc3— �(7 i�IS low, , 1 o # { 9 t , 12-y'll F -mm, 4e<:7, 2;7�e ij, 'i /074 A "I I m I Ul 0 24 v m im w m Bull I a"Ifle-12OP6 j7-) I . 021 � le') 1p 710 4 tea, to, 2S f � `RC1W MJF° RHINEBECK Depn,rtrraai,3 o -f Audit aand Ojontcx4,'�11 Albany June 4$ 194-2 Edward B. Tewksbury,, -,,visor, aollffv New York ,'.ear Mr. Tewksbury,., Town of rhinebeck Dutohess Gounty - kg. -4. Many problems are arising under Chap* 544 of Laws of 1942 whiah are diffioult to resolve. -Howeyerp it is my opinion that since this Is Intended to advanoe the war effort and to protect Iliais in the oase of a oriols, I think It should be gi von Yberal oonstruction and everything should be done by local ",orities, In order to make Its terms effeOliVe. strictly speaking the activities referred to ou In your letter, of June 2nd, are a6tivities of the ,;�ral government and should be finanaed In full by the fed government. Howevero until such time as the Congress and authorities In Washington see fit to make provision for payment of the exDensesp such as those referred to by I think themuniolpalities should. Oarry this burden and d``.tank also you have pointed out a way to make the payM a t J le expenses mentioned strictly legal. 1, therefore$ state that In any opinion the rred to inses you may be paid from the apprOpX1 lation refe�):,F xt by the town under the provisions of paragraph 46 of Oha- of ol, I Very truly. yoUrsq Olgned) H. Dirootoo Division of Muniolpal Acoounte HE t3 . f,o o �,m A 'k:l . - I // & ... ..... ... MP_12r� R ;JOY, A7 all. it ol Zell, I b I r � rpt f I w d i KY L& els � 2 ^ • jj I 0 � ,, � •, � �; �::a� f msµ,, �.�� ,���� � `�'� e a i j , w a Mim 43 0 I114t- �40 t s • j , �' � �� I � 11� � � � I � j i � � i e r � �( , !�� ,�� m�. 2 hia � r .-, - i 1 .._ � ., 0 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of district and special improvement debt) Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary loans Emergency appropriation loans $ Revenue anticipation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) _ Total $ Bonds (give title of each issue) a. $ b. C. Total $ TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT $. Interest on Debt Interest on temporary loans $ Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) a. $ b. C. Total $ TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT $ CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement a, Purchase of right of way $ 100.00 b. C. Total $ 100'.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS $=11 MISCELLANEOUS V t Or an- tions for Rooms $ 9c).0 e Brans g Judgments and Settlements (describe in detail) 1942 Accounts, Claims and Demands TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 112 of the Town Law CONTINGENT PURPOSES 4 $ Total $ 90.00 $ 90 .00 $' 4174 ,44 (Over) ►W1 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes Income taxes Franchise taxes on business corporations Alcoholic beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes (exclusive of fees) Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town owned property Fees of town clerk Fees of justices of the peace Fees of assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of constables or police officers Fees of town library Fees of parks and playgrounds Fees of airports Fees of cemeteries All other Sale of town property Reimbursement from,�pecial di tricts for supervision 17 Unexpended balances (Sec, 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations General government ,Protection of persons and propert� Education Recreation Public Utilities ,Redemption of debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements Miscellaneous Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERALFUND t�P 5 $_1 10U.00 2u0 .uu 5UUG C. %6 .U0 (o D"7Ci +OO Total 82u .w) 440.00 50 .00 WELFARE FUND APPROPRIATIONS Town Welfare Officer Salary $-- Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total Home Relief Burials Lunacy Cases Lunacy examinations $ Other expenses Total $ Veterans' Relief $ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ Estimated Revenues Reimbursement of home relief from State $ Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State Refunds of home relief from recipients Unexpended balance (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR WELFARE FUND $ HIGHWAY FUND HIGHWAY FUND '(ITEM 1)—.APPROPRIATIONS General repairs $ 9"ICi ,ilkl $pecial improvements Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Y 9700.00_ Estimated Revenues $ State aid Miscellaneous revenues j OU Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $ fifiCi�r Gl BRIDGE FUND (ITEM 2)w --APPROPRIATIONS Labor and team work j("u k;U Materials for repair and maintenance Construction of new bridges .Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to See. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGI-IWAY FUND MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3) —APPROPRIATIONS Purchase of machinery, tools and implements Repair of machinery, tools and implements Storage of machinery, tools and implements Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented to county or village Gridline or oil for machinery rented to county or village Redemption of machinery certificates TAT–X'277 Interest on machinery certificates TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues 9UQ Rentals of machinery Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4)—APPROPRIATIONS Salary town superintendent Expenses town superintendent -Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow7", Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush —5,X7) 75� Other miscellancous purposes " QU Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law ;,, TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 4 ft� Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues $-- -, Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEINI 4) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITENN.1, 3 and 4) 7 TOWN HEALTH FUND APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health Salary of health officer Other health expenses Compensation of nurses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation " Other expenses Fees of physicians TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH E.' $ 4ryC�a�01 .00 SJWV .�O $JF a / /.2-" $ . 9: v $, 7 U1 aQ— PRELIMINARY BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF "'a ")IDEer GENERAL FUND —APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT i Town Board I 1 Town Hall and Offices$_ 24 A�)O Rentals (board room, offices, elections, etc.) 50 X00 Compensation of employees 0 .0Q_ Purchase of furniture and equipment�'— 25C+ .Ute Repairs, light, heat and telephone 550 .UU Other expenses Elections Compensation of election officials (including mileage) 900.00 200 ® UlJ Compensation of custodians of voting machines 500 .00 Other expenses Voting machines, purchase and repair Insurance 600 .00 Compensation insurance 350 .GO Official bonds and undertakings g0-0. U Fire and liability Other 400 .yU Printing and advertising (all departments)K) .GU Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation Services of .engineer and expenses Zoning inspector and expenses Annual audit and examination Publicity fund Employees' Retirement System (town share) Total Supervisor 0 Salarysl,_u4�--�- l 0 " LO Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $_13.00.(.0 Justices of the Peace Salaries Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Councilmen Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clerk Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees $ 2�UG Total $ 1 582 QO $25C CC'r 8.00 Total 55 ,W) Total $ 12 55 .U% Assessors Total Salaries $fid Office and other expenses 30 °CC Compensation of employees Total $1530.00 Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Office and other expenses Salary $ Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total Total $ Town Attorney Salary $ Office and other expenses "Compensation of employees Total $ Town Engineer $ Salary $ Office and other expenses Office and other expenses Compensation of employees 2 Total $ Town Comptroller Salary $ Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total $ Zoning Commission Office and other expenses $ Compensation of employees Total $ Board of Appeals Office and other expenses $ Compensation of employees Total $ Planning Board Office and other expenses $ Compensation of employees Total TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation a I $ 60.00 Mileage and other expenses Purchase of equipment Total $ .O13 Lockup a Compensation of employees $ Other expenses Total $ Traffic Signs, signals and highway lighting $ 3c� .6 0 2 Dog Warden Compensation $ Other expenses t .(;C Total $ 20u.,Ou Forest Fires Compensation of fire wardens and laborers $_ Other expenses Payment to Conservation Commission Total $ 4C Inspection Costs Building inspection $ Plumbing inspection Electrical inspection Total $ Examining Boards Plumbers $ Electricians Heating and ventilating Total $ War Emergency Purposes $ 500.00 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ EDUCATION At-t,endanee Officer Compensation $ 40.00 Other expenses 40 Total $ '0 Town Historian Compensation $ Other expenses Total Town Library y ' Compensation of employees $ "Other expenses 400.0 Payments to other libraries 400 Total $ �00 TOTAL EDUCATION $ 440 0 RECREATION s Parks and Playgrounds Compensation of employees $ Other expenses Purchase of equipment Total $ Patriotic Observances $ 150J00 TOTAL RECREATION $ PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries •$ , Airports $ TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $ 3 AF Z-' ep � N n N t Fr ,. t��.�� u ,.n / tF r I I t N +„ /l l �f 17_ 4 6 'O d `rte I. WX/ ........... W r j f- � 4 �......20 M 0 x 0, .3 d ,/ ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF GE, NERAL FUND — APPROPRIATIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT 'own Board Town Hall and Offices $ Rentals (board room, offices, elections, etc.) -+d4) Compensation of employees Office and other expenses Purchase of furniture and equipment 4° Repairs, light, licit and telephone -z"'ra'd, 14 Other expenses Elections s-4/4444-Ij Compensation of election officials (including Mileage) Compensation of custodians of voting machines Salaries Other expenses Voting machines, purchase and repair Insurance Compensation of employees Compensation insurance Official bonds and undertakings 1-4-0 06) Fire and liability Councilmen Other Printinganti advertising; (all departments) Services of attorneys and expenses of litigation J_d Services of engineer and expenses Office and other expenses Zoning inspector and expenses Annual audit and examination Publicity fund Town Clerk Employees' Retirement System (town share) Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Total s-4/4444-Ij Justices of the Peace Salaries Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Toul $ Councilmen Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clerk Salary Office and other expenses j Compensation of employees Tigal Assessors Salaries Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Town Attorney Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Town Engineer Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Town Comptroller Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Zoning Commission Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Board of Appeals Office and other expenses Compensation of employees Planning Board Office and other expenses Compensation of employees ad,-" Total $��3 •DD Total $ $ Total $ $ Total $ $ Total $ Total $ $ Total $ Total $ TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $, ✓� PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs Compensation $-c;Q.d�L Mileage and other expenses Purchase of equipment Total Lockup Compensation of employees Other expenses Total Traffic Signs, signals and highway lighting $ 3 ti. DU 01 Dog Warden Compensation $ Other expenses 2 e • d Total $ '2'd4 -' Forest Fires Compensation of fire wardens and laborers $ yd.jd Other expenses Payment to Conservation Commission Total $ �d •d Inspection Costa Building inspection $ Plumbing inspection Electrical inspection Total $ Examining Boards Plumbers $ Electricians. Heating and ventilating Total $ War Emergency Purposes $ TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY $ EDUCATION Attendance Officer Compensation Other expenses Total $ Town Historian Compensation $ Other expenses Total $ Town Library Compensation of employees $ Other expenses Payments to other libraries dd d D d Total $ . TOTAL EDUCATION $ RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds Compensation of employees $ Other expenses Purchase of equipment Total $ Patriotic Observances $ 41 TOTAL RECREATION $ v'd • d d PUBLIC UTIIdTIES Cemeteries $ Airports $ TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $ 3 MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST (exclusive of district and special improvement debt) ]Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary loans Emergency appropriation loans Revenue anticipation loans Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify) — Total $ Bonds (give title of each issue) a. $ b. C. Total $ TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT Interest on Debt Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each issue) a. b. C. Total TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature improvement . a. $ lar •d c� b. C. Total TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS Veterans Organizations for Rooms Judgments and Settlements (describe in detail) 1942 Accounts, Claims and Demands TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 112 of the Town Law CONTINGENT PURPOSES 4 $ $ Total $ $. D. Q $. 6 (Over) GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes Income taxes Franchise taxes on business corporations Alcoholic beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes (exclusive of fees) Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town owned property Fees of town clerk Fees of justices of the peace Fees of assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of constables or police officers Fees of town library Fees of parks and playgrounds Fees of airports Fees of cemeteries All other Sale of town property burse ent fro pecial district for supero' io Unexpended alances (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations General government Protection of persons and property Education Recreation Public Utilities Redemption of debt Interest on debt Construction and permanent improvements Miscellaneous Contingent purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) ,AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERALFUND 5 6D Total $ e 30 D $3 Q„DO $-zz a ,s,�L� WELFARE FUND APPROPRIATIONS Welfare officer Salary Office and other expenses Compensation of employees :tlfldxne Relief UAArials 't-It-linacy Cases Lunacy examinations Other expenses Ve---terans' Relief TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS �a-tiznated Revenues Total Total Reimbursement of home relief from State Reimbursement of welfare salaries from State Refunds of home relief from recipients Unexpended balance (Sec. 115, Town Law) TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR WELFARE FUND HIGHWAY FUND j HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM I)—APPROPRIATIONS General repairs $ J, %4a "do Special improvements Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec. 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 's a jg0vimated Revenues State aid Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) $ Lnu,4 4 701 BRIDGE FUND (ITEM 2)—APPROPRIATIONS Labor and team work Materials for repair and maintenance / 4 D • D !� Construction of new bridges Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec, 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues $ Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 2) MACHINERY FUND (ITEM 3)—APPROPRIATIONS SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4) —APPROPRIATIONS Purchase of machinery, tools and implements Repair of machinery, tools and implements 340:0 Q Storage of machinery, tools and implements / D d .DD Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented to -eaap county or village �,f"Q 0.Q p Gasoline or oil for machinery rented to county or village Redemption of machinery certificates" Interest on machinery certificates D d $3,6 o - oo $ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Rentals of machinery $ DD. Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 3) SNOW AND MISCELLANEOUS FUND (ITEM 4) —APPROPRIATIONS Salary town superintendent Expenses town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow -eaap Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush Other miscellaneous purposes Redemption of debt contracted pursuant to Sec, 273, Highway Law TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES OD.Do $_ /-/,, d-,0,4. d O AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEMS 2, 3 and 4) 7 $_�7;DdD,D4 $� a $ 4de7.A/1 TOWN HEALTH FUND APPROPRIATIONS Board of Health Salary of health officer Other health expenses Compensation of nurses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH Registrar of Vital Statistics Compensation Other expenses Fees of physicians TOTAL REGISTRAR OF VITAL STATISTICS AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH 2tate of New York County of Dutchess $ , 110, a - 0 e) '312.9 - $ 40�A $ -7 /.,* .Ir 19 dith h1..Te.vn er,Town Clerk of the To'�,vr of_]!,,% �,inq�er Do HBRJdBy 0 -RTIiY that I have compared the fore,,*roi-ag with the annuqq budget of the Town of ix der duly adopted by the "Town Boarrl of sAcl Town on the 29th day of Uctober,194:2,and entered. in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said. Board, and that the foregoing is, 61 true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. III WITLIhS8 WR9-RB)F,I have hereunto set my hand and the seal of said T}wn, this I _0t, 11 . day of November 91942 Town` Clerk 8 ANNUAL BUDGET - SPECIAL .DIS t`RICT FUNDS TOWN ()I"-9,* DISTRUX is APPROPRIATIONS Bond principal Bond interest j d Personal services Purchase of equipment Hydrant rental Other expenses TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues $ Fire protection contract Miscellaneous revenue Unexpended balances TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR,-- S FIRE DISTRICT jqjtE PROTWXION DISTRICr APPROPRIATIONS Miscellaneous expenses Fire protection contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOIk---- FERE PROTECTION DISTRICT S", FIRE ALARM DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Construction of improvement Bond principal Bond interest Other expenses Fire protection contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FIRE ALARM DISTRICT WATER DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement Bond principal Bond interest Maintenance Personal services Office and other expenses Town supervision Repairs Power and light Purchase of water Purchase of equipment Purchase and installation of meters and services TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Water rents Penalties Hydrant rental Sale of water Sale and installation of meters and services Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR_ WATER DISTRICT 10 $ Total $ Total $ $ PARK DIST111(.' X A111,110PRIATIONS (:()8t of Itoproveinent Con,struction of illip"(We'lle"t Rund principal Bond interest Ma inten unec. Perunvil services Offiee and other expensC8 Town supervision Repairs Power and light Purelmse of equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estilljoied, Revenues License fees,,And charges Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED PARK DISTRICT #I Cost of Ituprovement Construction of improvement Bond principal Bond interest Total Total PUBLIC PARKING DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Maly itenance Persoaal services Office and other expenses Town supervision Repairs Lighting Purchase of equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS V'St.11114ted Revenues Fees and charges Unexpended balince TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED I'lJ111.10 PARKING D1,STRI(,`,T Total 11 (over) LIGHTING DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement Bond principal $ Bond interest Purchase and installation of standards Total $ Maintenance Personal services $ Other expenses 4, G• v � Payment on contract Total $ TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ _l,� 2 v . a 0 Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR LIGHTING DISTRICT $.�.SL 0 SNOW REMOVAL DISTRICT Personal services Other expenses Purchase of equipment Payment on contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR SNOW REMOVAL DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS 12 $ WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Payment on contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Unexpended balance AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR WATER SUPPLY DISTRICT REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement Bond principal Bond interest Maintenance Personal services Office and other expenses Town supervision Repairs Power and light Purchase of equipment Payment on contract TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR REFUSE AND GARBAGE DISTRICT 13 E� Total $ Total $ PUBLIC DOCK DISTRICT APPROPRIATIONS Cost of Improvement Construction of improvement Bond principal Bond interest Maintenance Personal services Office and other expenses Town supervision Repairs Lighting Purchase of equipment TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED FOR_ PUBLIC DOCK DISTRICT Tota $----- Total $ --- � �� � �; ,r s...i � 1, ✓�f �� / f��..� S '4 �.: r WA ri d i .1. /tip � a ,. z / w u..10 �F 1 ' s I 1,