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I 146 i i i I I �: �dE � `�_�� @1� %.`�'"V f�O ..n.':..''�,./ o^.� I�t .`..7.,h.�N n 5 '�`../.F ��(. b4.y �,4 � �+®..* �Y—...�....•n� 41 9- r , 1 't \,.Y �'y,�� t• ,,���.,, r .�..:.^ ,� �. �`..-v Vii'/ .,«e 7'" t�.',.., �'.�." r' sr 5- Y p m f Y VeY F ,I 6 f9� /1,11Y 013W MWE'llrA fy W J 9 b I // X48 149' i 1� l �% �� i N a b �% _� 19 �! �7- z z,l.,.% j '^ jib r� , �,,..,v . . T, .�., �:..A., . w. r . ~ / | /�.* / __�q // � --"--------------------` I Ll q lots limit A ;a low, � 0-, kfL-r �' j 0" P a r s i �...q/'�7w.,"�''�,/'�/ » dP„� �.�w� V"'si�4�5„/'��ts4� ✓�.I ayw,."r*r ,y Y mfo.y, Thy-, . ��et r ' S /�+-- �" t:� a r` ��J�+'J�'.�"%,.�aS'�t���'J)�*�.kA.r.'..,,�,."1��.�'7� y; J:e�-�.r,�:�-w?%..�.w".,��•... �'�ar 10 17 Lj v off, All Z7 r—"' ph tz of AS;` Ole A 2V P75 El 'k. - 0 / '10. 79 & Lg-,4.72 0 L) '7h d� A"Id w . rI I !/.r � i�' X�'T'� IT. ."' M' / � •YT...� /�{1�p �jj//p( �_/.A,�'jf���r fi1 16 i, Om i 1 v�al -'l'.w`T�✓ � �r`'�v'7i'C✓.c/[i r��.Yr�' c..� r 4e t r' A I e ' y N r • + I WHERBASP God in his infinite wisdom hao called to eternal rest from his labors,, the Honorable Franklin Delano Roosevelt$ the Presideat of the United. States of America and,, WHEREAS$ the town board of the Town of Wappinger reg- ularly convened and meetiag in the Town Hall# Town of llffappiag� erp County of Ditches ) New York, 13 deeply conscious of the magnitude of the lose to our democracy andf all the freedom loving people of the world, and the be it RESOLVEDO that, we the members of the town board, Town of Wappiner$ do hereby extend our sincere regtets.on the un-. timely passing of our dear friend and neighbor, the illustri- ous leader of our country and the friend of all "peace loving people#and be it further RZ001#V,9,A,#, that woo the %qzbora, of the tolm", boardo Town, of WW,&PPIA,&Ov*, A"O b*reby Oxtond to, the' family -of, the, late 90:41-1 arable r JA R0901470,11t, our doogo,,Ot sympathy in this,, their hour of beraveme rt, be it further be spread on t4e Minute of the town board szd a copy sent tohis. bereaved famlly,* , VAOU sfir passed oud si�Od by mozbers of the to'IM, board on this 10th dayoff Uay 19k$* Supervi $or Justice of the peace %Tustice of the Peace d4l /6� Counrsilm of Highways Tom Mork 169 7 - Y b y' 9 , II r i !fe J �2°"'' 1 �` a,y ,, ..�' �p�'`s�/' M, d- ✓ � d . +'� '� � y,. �`� B/ 'ar � , r r � C K..r�%y.. �,. ' �}� r •„' � �,�"n ''�?'' ,+.�..._. x, a TAN > , / � Y f ,f }�41 iii... ..�� kitt , r ! !r. 'e w�._, � .: ,,f /,mss Y � sa�.,.�a:P-� � �„�.,��,�, � f �..n�;r•� ';� T ;+'` ` �p', ��T � . • �+,- � � �� � � � �" � ' .-�' i �L for ,>' .:... r d w w !'�" 41�ir y J7 a C. Z) IN let a 100SOLUT10*0 Oil WHIRRASp Ohapter 473 of the Laws of 19451 provides for the paymont b 1, 9$ the State to CoCortaroMunicipalities of $tete Aid fe.noor extraordinary ex ,incurred for the corittol of snow, on public, w4ya during the period beg,nntag., November 15$ 19441 and 4ndin; April 15o 1945, and A Wtv,,�, I HBREAS aelld, Chapter 47� o� the Laws of x.945ici palt� 945 authortios any mun uamed in such cheater to tjrn�,svxit to the Superint.ozident of Pabl� c Works of $t.ato ow Y*,rt to%4 au , t, 9L nt signed and verified by the duly thor, zed, ropresontativs,''ots,,aeh munt.oipslity claiming suah, 'Payment, VOW's THMPORIE '914, IT RBSOLVIO Thitt ,ward A; :600"f It old a 8 ft- p, r r of the Town of` W44-p,p in #r to hereby watherited and t dire'oted to pro Arlo Or to i rorta, proacribst he 'Buq4rtuts®rde'nt of, ibl-, Vr� i�' th, UsLve, or the Mete s IV a Statement to be slgtod' itid vortf iod by'dim lieut-,,'whiah statement sha'11'1nO1U4q,.oz1y expon-dituro's flo"t ea 1� Is wtthin, the b*U-radar ies of 1,0t of Wap n or during Ou'Wi-Visions (1,) an(2) of "goo ti or 2 of Ouah ohopts J -toexalu-sive" t (1) Ja,bor Oqsts tvv al` the 0' All 1666 I mo' f,4� ( plalr w _ 4 n. 14 l -tea .�� "• -.-; � _ k f f 14 L..k yr v yy, Ell W Y O T'.::g 4 90 77 . 'I TIA . a F �.'. 7i J 6 7, All�d c. �r n m ME �o. 63 A3 _ s >f ..yn,j"/..�t�,.,;��iw,,.�.r•,*�!,�.�,��,,.:a'�"y�'��Z�.. i. ��',,,,. ,r^�. �� a�,.'.'Y".. �-� ��✓.F�i;.��'_`,��,a „'.�� ��'6�°[,. ° a.: �..;�.� ' JI .✓ �,y � �.,a1�_,p ,.y ,C,. r .Ji'-'.."�"�� ,. %,` � ; -;;"";6�-7,.r � " y±,���.�;. �>,r ,� e 3" G:,+%..%� ''-'�Y j� ,.. r " 71 � t i s , ✓ „.,/,.rte �,,�' ,� .. ,, l' a � b V,,,wA- rum'' 11 -0 -AU 6a i f� 14 0 7j at A Q A/, 1 ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF .... GENERAL FUND -- APPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town .Hall and Offices Rentals (board [o4m, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment Repairs,jight, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation of election officials Compensation of custodians voting machines Voting machines, purchase and repair Other expenns Insurance Compensation insurance Fire and liability Oficial bonds and undertakings Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Attorneys' fees and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination E'mploy'ees' retirement System (town share) Supervisor: Salary Office and other expenses Justice of Peace: Salaries Q ario and other expenses Councilmen: Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clgrk: Salary Office and other expenses Assessors: Salaries Office and other expenses Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses (Over) $ 240.®0 6C� . G 0 T .GO 300 .00 200 .CSO 1200 .GG _200 .U0 4:- 700•.00 806 XG 3 (5 G �� j! �, 100�t 00 100 .VV 200 iii i Total $- .010---0 '0 100Q .U( -0 'akar 1,20.0 .00 12.00502 '0G --- - Total -92,00 600-00 Total � 60 7 .00 1200 .00 1 1,:h67.�`� Total $ 1600 .Op0 1'76.00 Total $ 1,776 00 Total Town Attorney: Salary Office and other expenses' Total $ Planning Board: Compensation of employees Office and other expenses Highway ftpt . , salary Total 2,100-00 Expenses 50.00 Total- 1-LQ.00 TOTAL OF TOWN GOVERNMENT Total $ X14_. z4 .91 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: Compensation`' •(G Other expenses 124'00 Total,_ 1.%4 .U( Dog Warden: Compensation Other expenses Total--- .*— Traffic r Signs, signals and ;,4ighway lighting Forest Fires Compensation of employees Other expenses WAR EMRGENCY NUPOES Total $� ,_. ,F. w TOTAL PROT GTION OF PERSONS. AND PROPEgTY p a( r EDi7CATTON 'x p Attendance O#icer Compensation s Lr Other expenses " Total' r 3 School Director: Am Compensation Other expenses Town Library: Compensation or payments to libraries Other expenses TOTAL EDUCATION RECREATION Parks and Playgrounds: Compensation of Employees Other expenses PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL RECREATION Total $ 25 GQ 4QD . b 400 .00 Total Total 200.0 0- $200.00 $200.00 F. PUBLIC UTILITIES Cemeteries: Compensation of employees T " Other expenses - - Total TOTAL PUBLIC UTILITIES $ MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS AND INTEREST ' Redemption of Debt (Principal) Temporary 'loans Emergency appropriation loans, Deficiency loans Other temporary loans (specify)' Total BONDS (Give title of each) a b Total TOTAL REDEMPTION OF DEBT $ (Over) Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each) Total TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement: 3���G aTP�irchase 1�ight o 'lay 1300 00 urehase Land Ton Garage0.�� Flans kost err roiect and other exponses 2�GO,GO Total ---T TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS O b O(7 MISCELLANEOUS. Veterans' Organizations for Rooms: OTHER EXPENSES (describe in detail) k a } "11A TC'I UND T gtal 5 GENERAL FUND go ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes 300.010 2 50 .00 Income,taxes bQO.00 Franchise taxes 5c'100.co Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Interest and penalties on taxes 70().001 Dog licenses (from county) Other licenses (town ordinances) Pines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town property 560 . Fees, of town clerk 335 .00 Fees of justices of Peace 25.00 Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables „and police officers — Sale of town property All other Interept on U »S Treaeury Bond 100 100 From General Fund Uontingeht 850 .00 Total $A�� Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) '00 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations: General government Protection of persons and property 465'.00 Education200.00 Recreation Public utilities Redemption of Debt Interest on debt 22'.00 .00 Construction and permanent improvements 200 •C -C) Miscellaneous Contingent purposes9 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $11,181,99 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED FOR GENERAL FUND none (Over) no 2 HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (item 1) —Appropriations : General repairs Special Improvements $ __ „9 -to _7.0 a TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: State aid Miscellaneous' revenues Unexpended balance 4_ TOTAL REVENUES RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1)�= AMOUNT TO BE Bridge Fund (Item 2) ---.Appropriations : Labor and team 'work 100 1., Materials for repairs and maintenance _ - Construction of new 'bridges r 7 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues;, I, s� el!aneous revenues Unexpended balance - TOTAL REVENUES —BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (IT>EM 2) AM MS 1UNT Tp BE RAISED I 5 , pinery Fund (Item 3)--Approp#j,ations.y r ?urchase of, machinery, tools and implements [tepair of mach'i'r}e0, tools and implements © , 7 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)—Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent Removing obstructions caused by snow 1&00 e06 Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 1000 ,00, Other miscellaneous purposes TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance 306 .00 TOTAL REVENUES $ 360 .0 AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) � TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations (Over) n 4. Notre@ 15;'' to Y v'@ri EUa "the pxe m- int budBet'df he,' 4�ri of Sr opingex for th ffiacal year beglnnirpg'sian�ar2 ist, 1940 .bean completed and Alecl, iptb° °fdc@ the Town: Olerk an bill �txeetr V,llia6@ of WapPin6@xs FalainY? terested�pax@an at for inspection by all reasonable hours iven that, the rt Or notire is hexebY B Board of Town the Town Of WaPPIrScr ,'will meet and review said AreliminarY budget and hold a public hear 9 thereon at the Town Hall, mill street, VMage. of Wappingers Falls. N. Y. from 4;00 inthe 1 afternoon to 5:00 P. M. on the 25th day that at said heaving of October 1945, and any Person may be hear& An favor of or against theagainst any itemu oret As ftems herein iled or for or aBaiq, @gnts,inacl« P ! to 13ecCian 110 of the Town ursuant LaWi� the proj?oaed salaries for the fol lglying �oiVu Officers are herspecified �e lows: u isOr $1,000,00 ert� s of Pease E-` X at $750,00. 1,250.00 pouncilveh^2 at $250.00 each 200,00. Town Clex�-G°llector Assessor 1 a6,5,00i90 R ah; ,¢OOfP,9 BuPerin in11ent 2,100100 400.00 o .dor of the Town Hoard �2. TANNER, Plerk. 9, 1p¢5, inn« 7a6 a .' ,i � J r , 1 l � s iN.%���� .— .rte►. ,, �'/�,e:�y-1,77-Lj% .,i�6,.C.. � L?t�i'a��•�• � �, ";3�f �� �"i�?�+,/e�e's^"'�a'"�-'"°'�' v�' i f .a';d` i�+.+4-`C---r %'✓� .d'' ''�V.y^��� �;::3.,Jt �!� �� 4.' 6, a. ���v"C.,..,, Yt 1' d ")o 0 d f o,�J��,. "J, &, J0'. n //j. era Sao �.� J dj 4 e.o d, c� !r /P N 4 tV /V II �r Yt 1' d ")o 0 d f o,�J��,. "J, &, J0'. n //j. era Sao �.� J dj 4 e.o d, c� 182 _ y�� �f. 'r t k t 7 r 4' __ __ __ _ __ �. _ ___ � � � _ _. I!l �� V` d� ',ii _ ii 181 4 , -- ,"0'"y 181 18S zl�lv �- 41 1,09 �v zt 0/ J cr, /�