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"*",y £ k'' �r, � �. � s TOWN ITo TI CES Town of yappinger Notice of hearing upon Preliminary Budget, Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town of yappinger for. the fiscal year beginning January 1,1948h as been completed and filed in the office of the Town Clerk on Mill Street,Village of Wappingers Falle,where it is available for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hours. Farther notice is hereby given that the Town Board of the Town of Wappinger will meet and review said preliminary budget and i hold a publics hearing thereon at the Town Hall ,;i11 etreet, Village of Wappingere Falls ,B .Y. , from 3:30 in the afternoon to 4:30 PX, on the 31st.day of October 1947,and that at said i hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary budget as compiled or for or against any item or 1 items therein contained, Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town. Law r the proposed sal rios for the following Town Officers are hereby specified as fellow'sz Supervisor 41200.00 justices of Peace Two 1700.00 Councilmen " Two at 4250,eaoh 500,00 Town Clerk. -Collector 1300*00 Town Superintendent 2400,0 Dated October. 20 f 194 By order of the Town Bo Bdith Y.Tanner, Town clerk. All, T too � z Y'?,eev,, t'v C4 77, 17 d;�ies :,,n "n a M, S/ ' � aE's^'"a9'e`.5,,.'� .,.. 1 'w�,h"A , e rea' tl... ar'v ter/ .,,'•�"a, � fi �r�r:°'t v+�,. t y P ,I n., -r� ..� fa 'X �,�sr�'."�;^' ,,,,`,„"�,' � p,- tm a / °b �' �,'� �`„ 'rte !�'- a q��� ��a+'a ,�^� .. �✓ ,>�� y;., � �^,��' , .� � � � ,/ a A � M a. r 6,e,op w I 7 i i 1 i i i x f � n P i � a 1 j 1 i E I t r r wol rt44 x, N v: ✓ A tµ4, ... ,. ...,<. _ / - i' �[f t 7Y Y� >i � ��"'""^I "1 J""Jw:k �/t xy W {t .vf�1.✓ f*tf Y � �+ � N J tYPl 276 i 3 5 � a 919 MW nm�lvr �2.7% r a ;' / ✓ � i� .r i�I/ ' /. � i/� �..« _ —ter /!�' i _. � ��' �' /D:za, J 6 — -8 d"s�ji � OaP'$ . W11,55-5- �-- - "' v ;." VA 1 1# {e%��i�� `� - — „ J.' '" •__ �+r� 4+�'Lr/�'C.' +�.9.eN„"�%,a'eID.^ � "' r� iw.! p ` �Y i / •`•'•"�"'.Li'� .�� ;L�ilZG'rCZao2.-sits. �-^•J" 7�°•.�._ :; ��...w.�u...� ... ; ;.r • v / 7^^Y P G Y f 1' 1 d -'t, "1 .._.�.�•.•.° .�_---.,..� Im 0 1f I 286 II I Y, lei -4,4 ,39 -Yl1r, .74 i.?o A q (Yt� ;�� C r i c�; I t -d V I IV el fj d F' -a�,•g�" :} ( L'f y, b!`C` �'.v +a/` �p.,%6! .,I"',...�i°�y�,,,� Y.r �.,! 1j"e �y F, Iri ,7 ; yyyyy""""" p <' 9 C Ali ... p .. yds, "� NJ v �„ y 1 ` :11, 19, Jt P' r i 7VA;u,1 PA Olt At • A". d f- 11 J M �r� r a �f �?'/ii75 J DD m .a"AP0 Alli11� Ite , ` rV,O,g,h� per. April 12p 1948 Mrs. George.,Abbott & family Hu" 1ville 11. Y. .1 zhsox 0 Dear rArs, Abbott & family: Accordiiik; to tUe liasubaiola lav] of chun3e oraair4ed by t4e Supr�--tae Ruler of tine Urilverse, the Town of Wappin- gers is called upon to mora the loss of one of its valued officials. It Is w1ta deep sorrow that 'we vecord tlie passing of our friend sand brotner., Georde W. Abi)ott,, School Dir- eetor of tae Town or Wappindek. lie u4s. served 4ith untiftrig devotioa and throuai his wise L;ouasel and als firte qualities of kie&rt he bus wQA our hi&hest esteem and deepest affections. V40 $hall miss him, not only in our personal aaaoci- atiojjbut a�- so J -a every work of the Township in Which ILe so effjojer,�tly cooperated. To the bereaved fawl.1y we express our iiaartfelt syaipathy in the I-Oss they �IaVe OustUtWO'do, It was resolved ttlat a copy of t4ase reso,lutilons bio tenderea to the bereavvd f4mlly axed-0,pr-O&A upon to Town reporda, P JaIotloo of eace 72- nti "t'_of ce o=, cilmaa Town Clerk am. of Aiahwuys IF taz V � i V44 0 .4� " ly , 7f�, ' ry wep, -L/m, m �i i /da��� �,, • /� > �„�� ,4- , ' ,Y'�,�Gm�{i✓'r�1frY�ef:'-ab" � : '� i"�6 i�✓ �? u.. 296 A jf ✓LA 1,4 jo, 13.3� ie. o;4 ...., tea . y„ .y,;�f;'� ,x i r /°d A Azle, 1101. Ao s loll/ t 300 low'� . � : °moi � � �"� � �� � �. ✓'� o- ,� Y� y ,m✓�,�,�,+;e °',s�:.� .ddb°`® �7''�?�* k i n s a )T,;e .w Al - 3.3 � c 60i6 - w B p� d I: ♦ �m y9y G . / --/,Y, - Ae, If cro 1r�.43d 40e F40, FPe F40, 3 .. . ........ . ®r ff ;3-Ao 1,4 �. / P- /` J. 7d 0//Il- I -Y: -Xi t,7 'i, pzz-, 7�t Ai,wi 3 f f�� -.. "i,n y.'� ..�.�-®✓".Yd"'.v�r° 6Y 1�` � v x..�'. • a i ✓ t APOW W roro��� ,,� W"C', 0 1 ar r am "lee Ale 1 71 0A, i44NN 7A T< Y��tl,, y ta / Y 1 � d el ANNUAL BUDGET FOR THE TOWN OF ...... aPI?in e ... , , GENERAL FUND -- APPROPRIATIONS- Town PPROPRIATIONS Town Board: Town Hail, and Offices Rentals (board xggm, elections, etc.) Compensation of employees Purchase of furniture and equipment Repairs, light, heat and telephone Other expenses Elections Compensation of election officials Compensation of custodians voting machines Voting machines, purchase and repair Other expenses Insurance Compensation insurance Fine and liability, Official bonds aid undertakings Other Printing and advertising (all departments) Attorneys' fees, and expenses of litigation Annual audit and examination Employees' retirement System (town share) Association of Towns Membership Supervisor: Salary Office and other expenses Justice of Peaces Salaries_ Off�ce and other expenses Councilmen: Salaries Office and other expenses Town Clerk: Salary Office and other expenses Assessors: Salaries Office and other expenses Receiver of Taxes or Tax Collector: Salary Office and other expenses (Over) 360.00 60.0-0 qq -.0 0 200 .0 0 bo0.0 0 140 0.0 0 g-66.00 1200.00 600.010 900 .0 a 1000 •00 360-.00 200.00 200.00 600.00 36.00 $ 7.80 .g0 1200.00. 270.00 18Q 0.0 0 0 Total ' 91s .00 600.00 Total 18010.00 298.00 Total $1, "1826.00 16.00 Total Total l •84��0 2 Town Attorney: Salary Office and other expenses Planning Board: Compensation of employees Office and other expenses TOTAL OF TOWN GOVERNMENT Total -- Total Total Total $��4U,00 PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police, Constables and Deputy Sheriffs: 50,00 Compensation ' Other expenses Total $ 50.00 Dog Warden: 400.00. Compensation Other expenses500.00 Total $�—�------ Traffic : 60.00 Signs, signals and .highway lighting Forest Fires: Compensation of employees Other expenses, Total $ WAR EMERGENCY PURPOSES TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Total $�Qll EDUCATION Attendance Officer_ t " Compensation 0.00 Other expenses <, Total ��G� Q C�tAtION' Parks and Playgrounds :O Qp 0 Compensation of Employees Other expenses Total PATRIOTIC OBSERVANCES TOTAL RECREATION v, 4 Interest on Debt: Interest on temporary loans Interest on bonds (give title of each) TOTAL INTEREST ON DEBT Total CONSTRUCTION AND PERMANENT IMPROVEMENTS Nature of Improvement: Purchase Right of Way other expenses c Town Propert:y Total 1000.00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENTS Ono �n MISCELLANEOUS Veterans' Organizations for Rooms: OTHER EXPENSES (describe in detail) 6 Sunt f0.00 --To Kih.lar� 0 c ��reri es d expense to cQnven io eeor � anon. of Towne X50 .00 2850.00 A Total E .00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS85Q a° MM 5 GENERAL FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES Mortgage taxes 3_,000.00 Income taxes Franchise taxes Alcoholic Beverage taxes (town share) Per 0 apt . AS St . 1Q, 843.58 Interest and penalties on taxes 70-0.0.0 Dog licenses (from county) — Other licenses (town ordinances) Fines, penalties and forfeitures Rent of town property 807.0 Fees of town clerk 1 000.00 Fees of Justices of Peace .60 Fees of Assessors Fees of tax collector Fees of Constables and police officers Sale of town property All other Interest on tJ .S .Bond 100.,00 Total 16 9 90 .58 6,990.42 Unexpended balance (Section 115, Town Law) TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) $= 4$1.0'0 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY Appropriations' - 15 .43.6 .00 General government 00 .000 Protection of persons and property Education I ,00.'0 .0G Recreation Public utilities Redemption of Debt Interest on debtQQ{�`00 Construction and permanent improvements —0 0 Miscellaneous 900.010 Contingent purposes $ 22 461.00 'TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 22 ,481.00 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES (GENERAL FUND) AMOUNT OF TAXES TO BE RAISED TOR GENERAL FUND $. none (Over) T HIGHWAY FUND Highway Fund (Item 1) ---Appropriations: General repairs Special Improvements TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: State aid Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 1) Bridge Fund (Item 2) --Appropriations : Labor and team work Materials for repairs and maintenance Construction of new 'bridges TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS 11.300 ,00 1,000.00 $12,3UQ�Q0 _1, 200 .00 100 .00 $ 1 , 300,00 11 0001 0 y�• 1i Estimated Revenues Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance TOTAL REVENUES $ AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND .(ITEM 2)C2Q_.DQ: Machinery Fund (Item 3) -Appropriations: ,; Purchase of machinery, tools and implements 1200-.00 Q • p 0 Repair of machinery, tools, and implements Storage of ;machinery and implements Repairs or pay of operators on machinery rented -�— ---, , Gasolene or oil for machinery rented'' --Q- Redemption of machinery certificates . Interest on machinery certificates—=- APPROPRIATIONS Oo 000 $ ---- TOTAL Estimated. Revenues: 3oo 00 Rentals of machinery - Miscellaneous revenues Unexpended balance 200.00 TOTAL REVENUES $--- AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR ,HIGHWAY, FUND .(ITEM 3) (Over) 7 Snow and Miscellaneous Fund (Item 4)---Appropriations: Salary of town superintendent en@ra en.era Fund Fand Expenses of town superintendent Salary and expenses of deputy superintendent 2000 0 Removing obstructions caused by snow 1500,0Q Cutting and removing noxious weeds and brush 4000.000 Other miscellaneous purposes $7500.0 0 TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS Estimated Revenues: Miscellaneous revenues 1300.00 Unexpended balance $1300 .0 0 TOTAL REVENUES AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR HIGHWAY FUND (ITEM 4) $0200 .00 TOWN HEALTH FUND Appropriations Board of Health: 700.00 Salary of health officer Other health expenses TOTAL BOARD OF HEALTH $ 700.00 Registrar of Vital Statistics: 35,00 Compensation of registrar Other expenses` " $ 36 .00 TOTAL REGISTRAR' VITAL STATISTICS t, AMOUNT TO BE RAISED BY TAX FOR TOWN HEALTH--- (Over) 8 STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF DUTCHESS 1 ss. I, .... Ed°ith r +ianne.r.....:............... Town Clerk of the Town of......p1x78T DO HEREBY CERTIFY that I have compared the foregoing with the annual budget of the town of „a ppinger , duly adopted by the Town Board of said Town on the ... Mki... day of !.�t.P.b.Pr.................................... 1 �q., and entered in detail in the minutes of the proceedings of said Board, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of said annual budget and the whole thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said Town this, day of —01010 he. x ............................... 19.E $ ... (SEAL) Towu er PLEASE OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING s� 1. Make +kine copies of the Town 'budget 2. File one copy with the Supervisor of the Town 3. File one copy with the Town Clerk 4. ' File A copy with the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors not later than `November 1st, 19, , f. i r� k"v9 � '/ �� .. ��p� i✓ evr� �'� � �✓ �.'�W'" +fid.. "^.'C✓ Fes' n. .rhf ,�$ .�„ • d \ f w.. n. u /43 > 1 / x'fi&d�,dr°,W .„..v ...� '�'�P' �✓'"��f ,:a D. U„'0 ��p �,.%' PFJ s'�`���.�� I ,a'�' J,��d'pIN �y � "V "1� � ,� / �C �� �{ h � � PCS M �r♦,�p}^� i Lw Al 1060 hl r 496 d, / sr �} 4/< jv �r V fi /yam /6-9e dog Jul ED RA JE 314 0 I r all, "��ry�y � / I/� `��_ Ate,,,. ,/ �G ` M "' 4 YY� �Ii..+ /FKr+F �"' ,✓"�'"/ a.✓'1 6d���:5����r r r ., �..��'L-� T i �� ✓ 19,�;,y,�.-¢�% G,aL �G` I � / r✓1%�"�i�-.d.• °y�^" ' g',� 3 G' � G��~`'—� � r %3'o 1 a y. � V4 4, 3,31 4),O, oo )4aj,oa if f,b� l`, do . . .... ... 4 ED W BALI :aupl EMO in, 1,g m 1