1971-12-09 JI )~'to.~ .' RECREATION COWUSSION Minutes of December 9, 197,1 Meeting Next Meeting - January 6, 1972 7:30 P.lf. - Town Hall The regular meeting of the Recreation Commission was held on December 9, 1971 at 7:00 P.M. at the Town Hall. Attending: MessTs. Hugh J. Maurer, George SChlathaus, John C. Biasotti, Richard Garren, James V. Porter Mrs. Alfred Arkell and Mrs. R. L. Beahan ~~. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Minutes of the November 11, 1971 meeting were accepted as presented. Becreation Consultants, Inc. The fOllowing representatives of the above firm were present at the meeting: ~ Mrs. Barbara Brinton Messrs. Charles Bauerlein, Paul Lohner and Donald Koontz They presented the rou{.';h draft of the "Park and Recreation Study" as prepared by them and went over portions of the study which had not previously been discussed with Commission members. There was some discussion regarding the recreation survey which had been prepared by the consultin~ firm for distribution to Town residents. It was reported that 1fr. Osten, Editor of the Southern Dutchess News, would be willing to handle distribution of the survey forms along with the weekly newspaper. Mr. Schlathaus will check wit~ Mr. Osten regarding placement of an ad in the newspaper to alert Town residents that a form was enclosed. Mr. Schlathaus will also check the local Post Office to check on postal rates. Mr. Koontz expressed the hope that the survey results would be returned in sufficient time to enable them to incorporate the information in their final rep.ort. Commissioners agreed to go over the entire "Park and Recreation Study" and make the necessary corrections, additions or deletions. A copy of the study will then be returned to Recreation Consultants,Inc. so that the study may be prepared in its final form. Mr. Bauerlein requested that the changes be in their hands,by February 1, 1972. Fleetwood Mr. Joseph Incoronato appeared before the Commission and inquired about the $4,000 figure allocated in the proposed 1972 Budget for Fleetwood. He was informed that the bUdget must be cut an additional 10% and that t he $4 ,000 figure would probably have to be cut. ~ . ... Page 2 .... Minutes of Recreation Commdssion Meetin~ - December 9, 1971 ~r. Incoronato stated that althou~h he had been soliciting fill for the recreation area, he had not been too successful. He suggested that the CommIssion attempt to~et the Highway Department to haul fill from the Robin~on Lane site or consider the possibility of renting trucks and bringing the fill into the area. Mr. Incoronato was assured that the Commission would check into the matter. Robinson Lane Recreation Area Mr. Schlathaus reported that a second well had been drilled at the above location and that they are now getting ten (10) gallons per minute. Ar- rangements have been made with Edgeco Excavators, Inc. to install the water systeLl at B.n approyimate cost of $1150. How8rd Prager Property - 1,fontfort Road ( Sprout Creek Pa.rk) - The Commission unanimously agreed to accept the seven (7) acres of land for recreation purposes as indicated on the preliminary map dated 11/1:3/71. A letter is to be sent to the Planning Board indicating acceptance of tbie parcel. ~rr. Sch1athauB stated that a new map of the area is being prepared. Herbert Stenger Property - All Angels Hill Rd. and pye Lane Commissioners unanimously agreed that money in lieu of land would be acceptable at this site and' a letter to this effect is to be sent to the Planning Board. Herbert Stenger Property - All Angels Hill Rd. at Swartoutville Although no land had been offered at' this site, Commissioners agreed : that recreation land is needed in this area,and a letter will be sent,' to the Planning Board requesting that a donation of suitable recreation land be made,based on 10% of the overall plat. Pondvi ew Mr. Porter reported on the site inspection he had made at this location. Mrs. Arkell told the Commission that it Was her feeling that the property Yr. Porter had seen and that which she had looked at were not the same parcels of land. Because of this,the Commission agreed that a letter should be directed to the Planning Board asking that the area be surveyed and staked out so that there would be no doubt as to the location of the recreation land. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, z~(!.uJ~ Edna C. Winters, Secretary ~