1971-11-11 ~.~~ RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of November"-l~ 1971 treeting Next :Meeting - December 9, 1971 at 7:30 F.M. - Town Hall The regular meeting of the Recreation Comrndssion was held on November 11, 1971 at 7:30P.M. at the Town Hall. Attending: Absent: Messrs. Hugh J. Maurer, Richard Garren, James V. Porter Nxs. R. L. Beahan Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Messrs. George Schlathaus, and John C. Biasotti Mrs. Alfred Arkell Minutes of the 9ctober 7, 1971 meeting were accepted as presented. Reese Park Chairman lfuurer reported that it had been necessary to hire help to remove some large trees in the park because vandals had cut part way through tne trunks of some and a hazardous condition existed. It was also reported that Mrs. Luparelli, whose land borders Reese Park, had reported that a grader being used at the park had broken a piece of marbl~ on her property. Mr. Maurer is to meet with Mrs. Luparelli on November 12th to discuss this matter further. ~ummer Beautification Program The Commission unanimously agreed that the Town Board be requested to approve a 60t per hour bonus for the youths who worked in this program during the summer. Their hourly rate was $1.25 and the bonus would bring their rate up to minimum wage. It was estimated that the boys worked a combined total of 878 hours, a,nd at 60t per hour, the total bonus would amount to $526.80. A gift of $200 has been received from Mrs. Reese to help defray some of the expense of this program and the balance of t326.80 is available in the 1971 Budget under Acct. No. B-7310.1 Personal Services - Reese Park Salaries. A letter of request will be sent the Town Board. Proposed 1972 Budget Chairman Maurer stated that, although he and other Commission~rs were un~er the impression that the Town Board had requested the,Recreat1on Commiss1on to reduce their original proposed budget by 10%1 the Town Board is now. requesting that the entire budget not exceed $6u,000. This means that lt will be necessary to reduce the proposed budget by an additional $1,685. Commissioners were requested to review the Proposed Budget,dated 11/1/71, in an effort to determine where further cuts can be made. Page 2 ltlnutes of Recreation Commission Meetin~ - November 11, 19?1 Montclair Apartments Chairman Maurer reported that he had reoeived several inquiries regarding recreational facilities at the above apartment oomplex. ,The seoretary stated that she had checked with Miss Sue Pike, Building Inspector, and had been advised that a portion of the Zoning Ordinance does require apartment owners to provide a recreation area for those people residing in the area. A letter will be sent to the Planning Board asking what provision was made at Montclair Apartments for a recreation area. A copy of the letter is to be sent to 1fr. William RObinson, a resident of Montclair Apartments, one of the individuals who had contacted the~CommiBsion. Correspondence Follow-Up 1. Our letter of 8/31/71 to the Town Board requesting permission for Mr. Mowry to park his camper at the Robinson La.ne Recreation Area during the summer of 19?2. Mr. Maurer reported that he recently met with Supervisor Diehl and members of the Town Board ( Messrs. Mills, Finnan and Clausen) and they advised him it would be permissible for Mr. Mowry to park his camper at Robinson Lane. 2. Our letter of 8/31/?1 to the Town Board re: Martz Field - Section II Drainage. Hr. Maurer said he had been advi sed by L!essrs. Horton and Lapar that they had worked out a solution to the problem and, provided their budget request is approved, steps will betaken to install storm sewers. ~orrespondence Received A copy of Mr. Rappleyea's letter dated November 9, 19?1 to the Planning Board re: Recreation Area in Plats was received and reads as follows: . "Gentlemen: Pursuant to the prOV1Slons of the Town Law the amount of property established for a park in each subdivision is to be determined, by the Planning Board. ' In the event there is not suitable land for recreation in the develop- ment, the Planning Board may establish a payment to be made to the Town in lieu of the establishment of a reoreation area. The amount of this payment, however, is subject to the approval of the Town Board. Very truly yours, Allan E. Rappleyea " The next meeting. of the Commission is scheduled for December 9, 1971,at ?:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, ,'I / J --;r: Z/.r<A''- c. - {.,..<-U..,,-~..;,..J Edna c. Winters, Secretary