Minutes of August 26, 1971 Meeting
Next Meeting - September 9, 1971
8:00 P.M.
Town Hall
The regular meeting of the Recreat10n Comrndssion was held on August 26,
1971 at 8:00 P. M. at the Town Hall.
Attending: Chairma.n Hugh J. Maurer
Messrs. George Schlathaus, James V. Porter, Ricbard Garren
Mra. R. L. Beahan
Mr. W. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation
Mrs. Alfred Arkell
Mr. John C. Eiasotti
Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as presented.
Mr. Joseph Incoronato, representlng the residents of the Fleetwood
Development, appeared before the Commission to present a request for
funds to be allocated ln the 1972 Budget for further improvement and
development of recreation land. He indicated that U. S. Army Reserve
trucks and men are available to move fill provided a waiver is obtained
from the local Teamsters Union #445. Mr. Incoronato has been in touch
with Mr. Dick Raskin of the Teamsters Union and he has agreed to sign
t he waiver.
It is estimated that about 7,400 yards of fill will be required and
llT. Incoronato expressed the hope that.this could be obtained from
the Robinson Lane recreation site. However, it was his suggestlon to
the Commission that a con~ingency figure be placed in the 1972 Budget
In order to cover this expense should it be necessary to obtain fill
from an outside source. .
In addition to fill, Mr. Incoronato requested that the Commission
consider the following improvements:
Baseball backstop
Blacktop basketball court
Director of Recreation
Ur. Rogers reported that all playgrounds had closed and that an inventor,y
of equipment and supplies has been made. Tbe Commission discussed the
possibility of storing equipment at locations other than Martz Field
and Robinson Lane in an effort to curb vandalism. The suggestion was
made that equipment be stored in the loft of the Town Hall building.
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Minutes of Recreation Commission Meeting - August 26, 1971
Mr. Rogers suggested that the Commission give consideration to having
golf a~d archery clinics similar to the tennis clinic which is presently
~r. Rogers also requested the Commission to consider increasing salaries
of playground aides from $300 to $400. This would apply to older high
school students and those of college age.
Kr. Rogers excused himself from the meeting at this point as he had a
prevlous cormnitment.
Surr~er Recreation
A general discussion took place regarding the s~er program.
Mr. Garren suggested that Mr. Rogers be requested to send questionaires
to each of the playground employees to get an idea from them where they
felt the progr~ might be improved.
A suggestion was made that a swim program be included in the summer
progra~. The Commission will request Yr. Rogers to check with the
YWCA, YldCA, Mount Alvernia, Willow Park and others to determine if
some kind of arrangement can be worked out for the 1972 program.
The suggestion was also made that the Commission consider sponsoring
a Soap Box Derby.
Mrs. Beahan made the suggestion that a roller skating party be
considered. It was pointed out that there are only two skating rinks
in the general area and Commissioners agreed. that they would have to
be checked more thoroughly before a c~itment could be made.
O.uiet Acres
Mr. Porter reported that he has been receiving 'phone calls from
several residents in the area complaining about drag racing on the
roadway. He said that he had talked to Mr. Rappleyea, Town Attorney,
and was edvlsed that no ordinance !s requ~red 1norder to close the
roadway at night.
A gentleman adjacent to the recreation area has told Mr. Porter that ~
~f a gate is placed across the roadway he will see to it that it is
locked in the evening and opened during the daylight hours.
Mr. Porter said that in talking with Mr. Horton of the Highway Departmem
It was lrr.Horton's suggestion that a gate also be placed at the Robinson
Lane recreation site.
M:o:-. Porter obtained the following bids for gates from A-I Fence Co.:
Q,uiet Acres
1 12' double gate 4' high, 2M O.D. frame
2 3" O.D. gate posts
16 feet of 4t hi~h fence
2 - 2t" end posts
Total $222.00
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Minutes of Recreation Commdssion Meeting - August 26, 1971
Robinson Lane
1 - 12' doubie gate
2 - 5" gate posts
2 - 2}" end posts
24 feet of 4' high fence
Total $241.60
Mr. Porter ~2de a motion that both bids be accepted and installation
be made as soon as possible at both s1tes. Mr. Garren seconded the
motion. llotlon carried.
Mr. Garren reported that he had obtained a rough estimate from Charles
Eell to fill and seed-in a portion of the playground area in the amount
of $200. A def;i.nite figure will be made available in a few days.
Mr. Garren s~ated that if the baseball field ~s going to be used again
next year he will obtain an estimate on fertilizing and seeding the
field as well. Mr. Garren was advlsed that the f1eld will be used
next year.
It was reported by Mr. Garren that the Hughsonville Fire Company Bazaar
Ccmmi ttee had taken down all the snow fence wi th the exception of the
portion around the playground area. He asked if the Commission would
accept the responsibility of putting the fence u~ or if he-should
request the firemen to do so. It was agreed that the Commission
would accept this responsibility.
Martz Field - Section II
Mr. Schlathaus reported that he would like to do Bome work in this
area but that because of drainage problems there is little that can
be done. A lett.er isto be direc"ted to theTown Board with copies
to Mr. I~par and Mr. Horton regarding this matter.
E~ner Youth Pro~ra~
Mr. Maurer reported that all the young men employed under this
program are finished but that the supervisor will remain for an
additional week. ~
CornrniSSloners discuseed further the developers. wish to give the
Reoreation Commisaion,money in ~ieu of land and it was agreed that,
in accordance with the recorr~endation of Recreation Consultants,Inc.,
and because of the fact that the addition of 100 homes would increase
oven more the need for a recreation area in that location, the
CO~~iss1on will advise the Planning Board of its wish to receive
land in lieu of money.
Billa Submitted
The following bills were eUQm1tted and approved for payment:
Pag e 4:
Y~nutes of Recreation Comndseion Meeting - August 26, 1971
George P. Wolf Inc.
Highway Dept. - I~em I - General
Chester Satz Co.,Inc.
Midw?',y Gas & Servic.e Station
James V. Porter
$ 30.00
Robinson Lane Bond
John E.Harris & Son (well-drilling) $1,182.50
Richard G. Barger 75.00
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.Y.
Respectfully submitted.
~. {J-(d~'
Edna c. Winters. Secretary
Comoissioners Please Note:
~r. Rogers has a new address as follows:
8 Westview Terrace
Poughkeepsie. N. Y. 12603
No telephone yet.