1971-08-05 /J;/to> ~ RECREATION COMMISSION Minutes of August 5, 1971 Meeting Next Meeting - August 26, 1971 8:00 P. M. Town Hall The regular meeting of the Recreation Commission was held on August 5, 1971 at 8:00 P. M. at the Town Hall. Attending: Messrs. Hugh J. Maurer, James. V. Porter, George Schlathaus, John C. Biasotti, Richard Garren Mrs. Alfred Arkell and Mrs. R. L. Beahan Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as submitted. Director of Recreation - Mr. Rogers submitted his Monthly Report for July 1971 as well aa his End of Season Report covering the Spring Programs for 1971. Copies will be distributed to Commission members. The suggestion was made to Mr. Ro~ers that he instruct, playground personnel to ask the children attending the playgrounds for their assistance in keeping the lavatories tidy and that perhaps playground personnel could check the rooms at various times during the day. All-supervised activities at the playgrounds will end on Friday, August 20th. Q u~ et Acres ,.;.oj - Mr. Porter reported area by a person or on the control box. lock. that the lights are being turned on again in the persons unknown who have been breaking the lock Mr. Porter will arrange to replace the broken Mr. Maurer stated that there had been complaints from residents about "hippies" camping in the area but when he has investigated there ha.s . been no one there. He said there is considerable trash on the ground. CO~',i6sioners agreed that trash barrels should be placed in the area. M~. Porter said that people living adjacent to the area have agreed to call him at any time of night if they experience any problems. The people nearby would like to place a chain across the road but were told that this cannot be done because at present there is no ordinance restricting use of the area. .E Ie at vlood Mrs. Arkell said she had talked to Mr. Incoronato and had suggested that he let the Commission know what the residents would require in the way of recreation facilities so that'the Commdssion could consider them. Uinutes of August 5, 1971 Meeting Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission Page 2 !leetwood (cont'd) :Mr. Ma.urer suggested to Mr. Garren and Mr. Porter that they get together to determine what might be required to improve Fleetwood. Mr. Garren 1S to find out how much additional fill is required in order to level-off the area. Tall Trees The secretary was requested to locate, if possible, the deed to recreation land at this site. Commissioners agreed that a decision should be made regarding this location and any possible development of the area. liughsonvi lIe Comrndssion members agreed with Mr. Garren's suggestion that the playground area be re-seeded. Mr. Garren is to obtain estimates for this work. R ee 13.0 Park Chairman Maurer reported that the summer school program held at the park was most successful. Children involved have made a scale model of the park a~d also made a survey of the birds and insects inhabiting the area. Mr. Maurer said that the park had received considerable use by-various school districts. Mr. Maurer also reported that because there had been vandalism at Reese, State Police and members of the Sheriff's Office are patrolling the area. Pondvicw A map of a proposed subdivision of property,located on Spook Hill Road and known as "Pondview", was received. The owner of such property is requesting that the Commission accept money in lieu of land for recrea- t~on at this particular location. Mr. Arkell stated that she felt it would be inadvisable to accept money at this particular location because of the need for a recreation site 1n this general v1c1nity. A field .trip to the area is scheduled for Monday evening, August 16th, at 7:00 P.M. after which time the Co~s8ion will make a decision. gi2ld Day Mrs. Beahan reported that she has in her possession some adult prizes left from the recent Field Day. Mrs. Arkell suggested that these be held and used as prizes in the adult winter programs. Commissioners agreed. Recreation Consultants, Inc. Mr. Maurer distributed to each Commissioner copies of "Proposal for Administrative Policy Manual" received from the above firm and asked that the members review the contents. ~ Minutes of August 5, 1971 Meeting Town of Wappinger Recreation Commdssion Page 3 ]111s SubITlitted The following bills were approved for payment: 6/24/71 7/71 7/8/71 7/9/71 7/9/71 7/14/71 7/16/71 7/20/71 7/22/71 7/26/71 7/26/71 7/26/71 7/27/,71 7/30/71 7/31/71 7/31/71 7/31/71 7/31/71 8/1/71 8/2/7 1 8/4/71 Lea McMillan Rodney D. Plew Ifill Enterprises, Inc. Beacon Distributors Dutchess Park Pharmacy George P.Wolf Inc. Barkers E. J. Marin & Sons Inc. Arlington Sporting Goods Beacon Distributors Ja'l'les Collier Beacon Distributors Four Season Sport H. A. Stein Tractor Midway Gas & Service Sta. Edna C. Winters George Schlathau8 Urey Hardware Co. ..Hugh J. Maurer John J. Mowry John L. Johnson The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.U. $ 45.00 160.00 56.00 87.00 34.57 309.55 20.95 27.85 262.14. 46.80 8.00 53.02 16.25 17.20 6.00 43.88 49.00 64.48 49.80 270.00 48.00 Respectfully submitted, ~ {/. &k~ Edna C. Winters,Secretar,y