1971-05-27 7Jl,~ 0 ~~ fXCRSATI01T C0;"]EISSIClJ Minutes of May 27, 1971 J.i~eetine 4 l~ext !<eeting - .Tune 10, 1971, r;~owY) Ha1J.,7:~S0. p.rr. (special rr.eet~!}g{ June 24, 1971, mO'Nn !"nll, 7:710 ?M.lregular ;r)c;etl1'1g/ The regular meeting of the Town of Wappin~er Recreation Cor.~ission was held on Ea)r 27, 1971 at 1:30 P.H. at the Tovm Hall. At tending: Chc.ci rman Hu;-;;h .J. l.~aurer ,rice-Chairman Theresa P. Arke1l Director of Recreption, W. 7homas Rogers Wembers - Messrs. George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, James V. Porter 1TS. Jean Beahan Absent: Mr. John C. Eiasotti The minutes of the previous meeting '~ere accepted as submitted. Director of Recreation The following report for the Month of ray was submitted by M:r. Rogers: Yankee Stadium This program is scheduled for Saturday June arran,~erner.:ts nave been finalized. Theg0. boys and girls r;oing in writin€. The necessary number of chaperones' are selected. and return site will be the Zion Church, permission was ?iven TirrEe .ouses 'Nill be used. Several bus companies were asked for this program. Ski Raus offered the lowest bid. Rain or shine be made. 5th. P..ll were notified ':2he denarture for this use. prices fer the trip will ';-ennis Clinic Again, a record turn out with this program. The progra~ r;:,eets four times a week at the courts on the Vfappingers Jr. !Tigh f,rcunds. The le.rge number of participants has caused this program to forM two groups.. each r;leetil'1g tvlice a week, 1\fonday and Wednesday, Tuesday and ?hursday. Each group averages over 50 adults plus an average of 35 for t.he chilc'lrenr-; tv:o groups that n:eet on the same nights. Approximately 140 8re participatin-' in this prcgra.>n. The program will continue for 10 sessions for each group (20 sessions). The times for this program are 6:00 n~ to 7:00 P.I~ fer children and 7:0.0 P1:: to 8:30 oFTvi' for the adults. Girls Scrto,o-cl1 This program a,crain has over 120 girls participa+,in--". Six teams ~ere for~ed each havin~ responsible coachin~. Six umpires ~ere hired to wor~ these games. Games are played at the Evans Elem. 'School field and t'r.e Wappingers .Jr. High School. Games are held on Tuesday and Thursday evenin~ from 6:00 ~f. to 8:00 ~f. This program will continuethroughthe month of .June. ' ?aI:1ily :B'ield D8.:'l This event is set for the 12th of .June. Rain date \'.'ill be the 19th. Di~ectorsweekly article has been announcin~ this event and will continue up to the Jast issue before the 12th. Uention has been ~~ce of the re~son for the COID!'lission not serving free soda and notdo~s at this years Field ~ay. Announcement of the event will be mad~ over the :adio at the a"Opronri8.te time. Fliers 'will not be m?de up tlns ye2.r. IJlfe g~p,r:;s are novi' beini; hired by the Director. A list of nrize needs for the con".8S,.s will be submitted at the May 27th meeting. ?a..r!,e 2 Recre2.tion C07;1:"'1ission ]hnutes - Yay 2'7, 19'71 Meeting 1')"1 r,v.-",c"",,(' -:'-,YT8m 1Vi tl'1 tVle CCl"Ir'lissi OTIS -final 8.T'T'roval of +~e recon1"nended .... .,j... c....,' .-'~') ... ...--'. _.,.... ........~., _J.~l I .. I . , . ....._ . . ....... nersonnel fo:- lLe SUI!L'ne:::- plaYR'roun~ staff, the Summer prof!r&J:: 1 S 5e ,_ to begin or: June 28th. This will con~,inue f("\r eight c("\nsecut.ivA vleeks. The fo11mdng people W'i~l make up the staff for the 19'71 SUn!"1er Prc~raM: Super,ri sore Aides :L~r'1n nO S S 1,"i ke Scni nella :Dennis Skora Art Kalaka Jo-an"! l'Calaka Henry Ricci Jeff Ross Leslie Swertfager Robert Heisler Barbara Heisle:r Sue ~r.zelman Dave ':Iint, ers Lori AnderseT. :Beverly Vlen:;ert Chri s l~~ri IIi ams End of Report ~r. ~06ers asked if repairs can be made to cabinets w~ich are used at ~he ~ughso~ville Playground and stored at 1furtz Field during the winter months. The locks on these were da::lae;ed when vandals gained entl"Y into the field 11 ou~e at ~.~art z l?i eld. ~:::r. Schlathaus said he would see if repai rs can be made. R.o OlnSQl1 ~ane Chair::-D.an l,;aurer reported that during the weekend of May 22nd a severe storm, with ~inds of '70 mph, came up and caused the roof of one of t~e du~outs to blow off pinning a.boy underneath. The extent of the boy's injuries was not }:nov/n 'out it was reported that he was to have been released from the hospital today. It was also reported that, the foundation for the field house is completed and that the County Health Department expected to send someone out to the area on June 1st to determine what kind of sewer system is required. Fleet~ood Recreation Yr. G8.rl'en reported t.hat he '-lad talked to l~r. Incoronato and that the l~esidents of :I?leetwood have been cutting dOi."m trees and brush. They are not ready for any further work at this time. Reese Park Chairn:an 1,{aurer reported that the posi tion of Supervisor at this location is stiJl open. ::~l'. I'::au:rer alf;o reported that the Park will be used this SUIT'.mer as an O1Jt- door classroo!Yl for approxima,tely GO to 80 children considered to be slow learners. It will be necessary to make repairs to bridges and trails wn:tcn were a.amaged by' vandals. g,uiet Acres 1:1'. ?or~ 0r ro port eel thc,t Dave Alexander wi 11 rer.love debri s from the j.~6cl'cation area at a cost of ~650. Thif>, ma,tcrial must be hauled away because the Hev; York State Department of Environmental Conservation turned down a request by Mr. Porter to burn it. . Ilag e 3 Recreati on Co:;:~:i 53i on lIrinutes - ~rav 27, 1971 :Meeting A s}jec:.al meeT,lng of the Commission will be held on June 10th at the Town Hall at 7:30 P.Y. 7he next regular meeting is ': or.~!1 :~all. scheduled for June 24th at 7:30 " "\f .;. .~" . at the The ~eeting was adjourned at 9:30 F.Y. Respectfully submi~ted, 4'-' c:;:~~ ,,'-' (~- (c//" =:'<0' Edna C. Sinters, Secretary