1971-04-29 7?zM..~~ RECREATION GOI~SSION !unutes of April 29, 1971 Meeting Next Meeting - May 27, 1971 Town Hall at 7:30 P.M. The regular meeting of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Commission was held on April 29, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall. Attending: Messrs. Hugh J. Maurer, George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, James V. Porter Urs. Alfred Arkell Hrs. R. L. Beahan Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Mr. John C. Biasotti Absent: The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as submitted. 1rrs. Arkell introduced Hrs. Me.rion C. Sarno to the Commission. Urs. Sarno appeared in behalf of her brother who is soon to be released from prison. She indicated thnt her brother could be released if a job is available for him upon release,and it is her hope that :he Recreation Commission might be in a position to provide a job. Mrs. Sarno was advised that the COMmission has no full-time employees but should there be any employment available at some future time she would be notified. Mrs. Sarno's address and telephone number are as follows: 4 Tuscarora Dri~e Wappingers Falls, N. Y. Tele: 297-8565 Mrs. Robert Hanna, Spook Hill Road, Wappingers Falls, N.Y. appeared as a representative of the local YWCA .~qhe:indicated that t'hey are intere~ted in working with the Commission in any capacity possible in an effort to coordina.te recreational activi ties. Mrs. Hanna indicated that there are now 90 members in the .Y" from the Wappingers area (primarily adults). A general discussion took place and Yr. Rogers made the suggestion that perhaps, in some W~Vt the NY" could assiet in a swim program. Mrs. Hanna agreed to check into this to Bee if something can be worked out. Director of Recreation Mr. Rogers reported that several girls had signed up fpr the Girls' Softball Program but there was some question regarding girls from the Wappingers Centra.l School District who signed up but who are residents of the Town of Poughkeepsie. Hr. Rogers indicated that about 93 girls have signed up from the Town of Wappinger and there were about 10 or 12 from the Town of Poughkeepsie. Mrs. Beahan said she felt that when a child .lives so close it is difficult to tell her she cannot play and it was her feeling it did not hurt the program to allow them to play. It was Mr. Maurer's suggestion that the ones who participated in the program in previous years be allowed to play this year, but that next Recreation Commission Minutes of April 29, 1971 Meeting Page 2 year no one from outside the Town be accepted. Mrs. Arkell made the following motion: "Tha.t we allow the ones who participated in previous years to continue this year only. Next year only Town of Wappinger residents be allowed to participate." l:otion seconded by Mr. Schlathaus. Voted upon and carried 4 to 2. This information will be included in Mr. Rogers' next article to appear in the Southern Dutchess News. Mr. Hogers asked the Commission how it felt about offerinp; some sort of payment for coaches in the softball program. All Commissioners felt this should be continued strictly on a voluntary basis. It was reported by Ur. Ro~ers that the Tennis Clinic would be underway the 'second week in May. Mr. Rogers reported that he will interview applicants for the Summer Program on Thursday evening, :May 6th. J~!r. ROiJ,ers a.dvised that he had contacted two or three bus companies to obt.ain quotations for the.Tune 5th trip to Yankee Stadium but could not obtain figures. He was successful in obtaining a quotation from Ski Haus, Pawling, N. Y. Mr. Schlathaus suggested that Mr. Rogers contact Mountain View Coach Lines for a quotation if he had not already done so. ,. I t was reported also that there are no tickets avaf.ll1bla:...'fbr ii, trip':;-,' :', to Shea Stadium this year. :b'ield Day A discussion was held regarding the 1971 Field Day. Mrs. Arkell stated it could be handled as in previous years, with the exception that residents would be required to provide their own food because of the new ruling handed down by the office of the State Comptroller prohibiting recrea- tion commissions from including food and beverages in their budgets. The Commission agreed that a Field Day should be held and tha.t Willow' Park be hired for $100, if possible, and that life gua1:'ds be provided. No flyers will be printed this year and no publicity will be given with the exception of that which will appear in Mr. Rogers' column in the Southern Dutchess News. No registration will be required. Field Day will be held on June 12th - rain date June 19th. E~ghsonville Field Mr. Garren presented a letter dated April 27, 1971 from Mr. L. J. Collier, District Secretary, HUiShsonv111e Fire District, requesting Recreation Commission Minutes of April 29, 1971 Meeting - Page 3 that the portion of snow fence which crosses the rear doors of the firehouse at the Hughsonville Li ttle I,eague Field be removed after each game. It was further Bug~ested that portions of the fence be installed in sum a manner that they can be quickly removed in case of er.lergency. Also received was a copy of a resolution dated 5/14/69, adopted by the Hughsonville Fire District Commission, glvinl'" permission for use of the firehouse property. Dan Brouthers Memorial Park l~r. SchlB.thaus made a motion tha.t the Recreation Commission recommend to the Town Board that the name of this field be continued as Robin- son Lane because of the fact that the Villa;.;;e of Wapningers recently announced that it had changed the name of Veterans Park to Brouthers Field,and he felt too much confusion would exist wit~ two fields having similar names. Motion seconded by Mrs. Arkell; unanimously carried. The secretary was directed to write a letter of recommenda- tion to the Town Board. Mr. Schlathaus reported that,although he had requested bids for fencing at the park from three companies, only one quotation had been received- from A-I Fence Co. Mr. Schlathaus reported that the following work is being done at the \ Park: 1. One ballfield is being fenced in. 2. Clay has been hauled in for the infields. 3. J.~r. Horton will cut a 20', two-lane road. 4. Central Hudson will provide poles for power. A letter dated April 22, 1971 was received from Recreation Consultants, with sketch attached, indicating suggested locations for the new build- ing to be erected at the Park. Mr. Maurer reported that the fOllowing bids were received for the recreation building: 1. 2. 3. LaDue Hicks & Feeney Roy C. Knapp & Sons . plus pump II well Merrit-Meridian Corp. \~. Manfredi Constr. Corp. $756.00 500.00 min. 24,482.00 22,400.00 $17,4nO.O() 18,250.00 19,370.00 4. 5. l!r. l.'caurer stated th8.t the two low bidders were to let him know if they can provide a bond. Mr. Maurer will then make hiB recommendation to the Town Board. It was agreed tnat if the two low bidders could not perform, the job would' be re-bid. ,'_ \ Recreation Cornmdssion 1finutes of April 29, 1971 Meeting - Page 4 Quiet Acres - Mr. Porter reported that he had requested permission from the Board of Health to burn debris at this site and was waitin~ to hear from them. Two bids have been received fnr burning as fellows: 1. Prager,. $500 (estimate left open for further cnanp;es) $500 (firm bid - is available at the convenience of the Commission) 2. Alexander l~r. Porter reques~ed permiAsion to give the job to Alexander when approval is received from the Board of Health. Permission granted. TractorTIid H. A. Stein was awarded the bid for the tractor and Mr. ]{aurer reported that delivery would be made during the week of Mav 3rd. . " Ye Olde Apple Orchard Recreation land (per Mr. Dangler's letter of April 1, 1971) was discussed and it was agreed that since all Com"lission members are familiar with the area it would not be necessary to w.ke a field trip. It was also agreed that the ComMission would accept the land as shown on File lJap No. 3552 provided that: 1. The property is in such condi- tion that it can be mowed, and 2. That monuments are placed at 'all corners. The secretary was requested to write a letter of recommendation to the T ovm Board. Angel Brook Estates - Dutchess Heights, Inc. 1~. Maurer reported thpt monuments will be put in and that grading is bein~ done. If grading meets with the approval of the Commission and monuments are in place, the recreation areas will be accepted by the Commission. Bills Submitted ,h.-7ll0.1 4/29/71 Edna C. Winters A-7110.4 $45.50 4/6/71 4/22/71 4/15/71 4/71 4/24/71 Urey Hardware Co. N & S Supply Corp. Charles Bell Charles Bell A-I Fence Co. $ 17.96 28.00 130.00 20.00 1890.00 ," ~ Recreation Commission 1finutes of April 29, 1971 Meeti~ - Page 5 A-7110.4 (cont'd) 4/24/71 4/28/71 4/23/71 4/28/71 4/28/71 4/28/71 4/28/71 4/29/71 5/71 5/71 5/3/71 5/4/71 ]-7310.1 4/22/71 Dennis Graig Ketcham l~otors, Inc. ITS Equipt. Inc. P & 0 Sand & Gravel James Collier Tom Keller N & S Supply Corp. R. D. Plew George Sch1athsus Ralph Vinall John Pray Hudson Valley Bldg. Urey Hardware Co. $ 87.15 156.00 486.CO 31.00 16.50 28.00 82.00 52.00 203.00 862.50 78.95 10.47 $ 20.00 The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M. / , I \ I \ \ Respectfully submitted, ~ (!. td~q) Edna C. Winters, Sec'y. r. ..;...