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Minutes of April 8, 1971 Meeting
Next Meeting - April 29, 1971
Town Ha.ll a.t7:30 P.H.
The regular meeting of the Town of Wappin~er Recreation Commission was
held on April 8, 1971 at 7:30 P.M. at the Town Hall.
Kessrs. Hugh 3. Maurer, George Schlathaus, RichardGarren,
John C. Biasotti
Hrs. Alfred Arke11
Urs. RDymond Beahan
Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation
Mr. James V. Porter
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as submitted.
Fleetwood Recreation Area
Mr. Joseph Incoronato of Fleetwood was present at the meetinrs and told
Commission members that he had been in touc~ with Mr. LaPar, Town Engineer,
and learned that Vlork being done by the Town would Boon be completed in the
area of the proposed recreation site. He aloo advised t~e Con~ission that
a. gentleman 1)y name of Thomas Buckley wanted to bring fill and apprentice
opera.ting engineers, at no cost to the Town or i t.s residents, and that he
(Mr. Incoronato) wasrequesting permission for dumping and grading at the
site. Mr. Incoronato stated he would go before the Town Board to make a
formal request.
The following motion was made by l,fr. Garren, seconded by ]!r. Schlathaus,
and carried unanimously by the Commission:
"That the Town of tl!appinger Recreation Commission allow the dumpinp; and
gra.ding of clean fill at the Fleetwood Recreation Site and the adjacent
property of the Fleetwood Sewer and Water Districts, pursuant to the
approval and direction of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Cornmdssion
and the Town Engineer, R. E. LaPar."
The secretary was directed to send a memo to the Town Board informing
them of this motion.
Mr. Thomas Buckley arrived at the meeting and was introduced to the
Coromi ssi on. l~r. Buckley resta.ted wh~.t 1fr .Incoronato had told the
Commission and asked only that the Town consider providing diesel fuel
for the equipment and that trucks and drivers be provided if they are
It was pointed out that Mr. LaPar had agreed to run grade lines and
b oundari e s .
Director of Recreation
Mr. Rogers rekorted that all ~inter programe were completed with the ex-
ception of t~e adult programs and it was expected that they would be
finished the week of April i2th. Mr. Rogers submitted his "End of Season
Report" and his Monthly Rellort for March. Copies will be distributed to
a.ll Commiesi on members. /
Recreation Commission Minutes of April 8, 1971 Meeting
Page 2
J~r. Rogers advised that the spring ~rograms will start the first or second
week in May. He said that the Tennis Clinic may run four times a week if
the response is as great as it was last year.
To date Mr. Rogers has received 23 applications for summer employment.
Hu~hsonville Field
Mr. Garren reported that a drinking fountain has been purchased. He also
reported thp.t a bid had been received from Charles Bell to fix the infield
in the a~ount of $135.00.
Mr. Garren said that the firemen are still concerned with the location of
the swings and wou]d like them moved. ~he firemen are considering building
a softball field nearby and may ask the Commission to assist in this project.
Mr. Garren will prepare a full report regarding Hughsonville.
The secretary was asked to locate, if possible, the original lease agree-
ment with the HughsonvilleFire District.
Tractor Bids
Chairman Maurer reported that bids were received as follows:
H. A. Stein
Chambers Ford ,
W. E.Haviland, Inc.
Boehme Equipment, Inc.
(did not meet
It was pointed out that the two low bidders were in default - Stein did
not show the horsepower as speCified althou~h he indicated that the tractor
they would provide would be in accordance with specifications. Chambers
neglected to sign a portion of the bid.
Commission members agreed th~t if the Town Board deemed it necessary,bids
would be resubmitted and one of the attachments eliminated and considered'
for purchase next year if the Town Board felt the prices were prohibitive.
~an Brouthers Park
A quotation dated 3/25/71 WAS received from Barger & Russ as follows:
1. Layout and Sewer Design
2. Water layout
3. Building design with specs.
(also letting of bids)
4. Replace monuments
5. If field wnrk ie. necessary -field
75.00 (per monument)
20.00 per hour
The Notice to Bidders WPS published in the Southern Dutchess News on
April 8, 1971 for the building and facilities at the Park. Bids will be
opened at 2:00 P.M. on April 23, 1971 at the Town Hall.
Recrea.tion Commission Uinut.es of April A, 1971 Meeting
Page 3
Reouests for Quotations will be sent out for fencing to be erected at the
Park. Eids a1.'e to be returned to the attention of Mr. Sch1athaus and
opened at t.he ToV';'!1 Hall on Apri 1 19', 1971 at 2 :('0 P.!'.
With reference to the New York State Recre~tion and Park Society Annual
Conference to be held Apri 1 /18th t'hrou~h 21st, the secretary VIas requested
to prepare a let ter aski ng .that the Town 130ard give aptlroval for the
a.ttendance of Commission members.
The following correspondence was received:
1. Copy of letter dated 4/1/71 from Vincent H. Dangler, 11 Cider JaIl
Loop, Wappingers, Falls, N. Y. to Mrs. Snowden requesting that the
70wn consider accepting the recreation area in behalf of Opalo Rea1t~
Corp. as shown on Ye01de Apple Orchard Section II Map (File No.3552.)
A map is to be obtained prior to the next meeting. The Commission
will then schedule a field trip of the site.
2. Planning Eoard minutes of 2/22/71 meeting. To be filed.
3. Letter from Recreation Consultants, Inc. requesting a meeting with the
Recreation Commission at 7:30 1'.~~. on Jfay 6, 1971 to review inventory
material and to discuss a draft of an Analysis of programs and facilities.
Mrs. Winters is to notify Mr. Bauerlein of Recreation Consultants that
this date is 'satisfactory. '
4. Letter dated 3/29/71 from J. J. Ennesser, President of Town of Wappinger
1,1 ttle League, enclosing their schedules for 1971. Referred to Ur.
5. Copy of letter dated 3/26/71 from Joseph Worona to Dr. Heisler; Chairman
of the Planning Eoard, requesting a meeting re: Angel Brook Estate -
Recreation Areas. Commission secretary indicated that a meeting had
been scheduled for April 19th at 7:00 P.M. Mr. 1,{aurer stated that he
or a member of the Commission would attend. Planning Board to be advised.
6. Letter dated 3/26/71 from Fred ;I. Dembek to :Mr. W. Horton of the Highway
Dept. calling attention to the fact that he is available to do mowing
and fertilizing. To be held for future consideration.
7. Letters of application for summer employment from David Nernazee,
9 Long Court, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. and from Ed. Patterson, 3 Ardmore
Drive, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. dated 3/23/71. Both letters to be held
in Beautification file.
Bills Submitted
Acct. A-7ll0.4
4/8/71 J. Collier
4/8/71 Tom Keller
Acct. B-7310.l
3/3/71 Dic~~ers(2)
3/3/71 B. Reimer
3/3/71 Dennis Graig
3/3/71 Steve Miller
3/3/71 Andrea Miller
3/3/71 Pa.t Morris
3/3/71 Diana Ricther
Acct. A-7l10.1
Edna C. Winters
Recreation Commission Minutes of April 8, 1971 Meeting
Page 4
Bills Submitted (Cont'd.)
Acct. B-7310.1
3 16 71 Janice Van Pelt
4/5 71 Nancy Hoffman
4/5/7] Leah Harris
3/26/71 Wappingers Central
3/18/71" II
5 0 .00
Acct. B-7310.4
4/3/71 Beacon Distributing Co.
$ 72.40
It was noted that a request was received from Jan Sturdevant for the
use of Reese Park on M~ 1st, 1971 by Cadet Troop #2 of Poughkeepsie
for a day hike.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
t~ e cJ~
Edna C. Winters