1971-03-11 /itw. ~ HECEEATION CmUJISSION Minutes of March 11, 1971 Meeti~g 1T e}:t "\01"'" ." j',;!.:c e't.l Y1/"! , - April 8. 1971 'l'OV,'TI Hall ? : ~, 0 P .?J 0 The regular meetir.g of the Town of Wappinger Recreation Cow~ission scheduled for Uarch 4, 1971 was cancelled because of inclement weather and held on March 11, 1971. Attending: Messrs. Hus~'h J. l~aurer, George Schlathaus, Richard Garren, Jarr~s V.Porter Mr. Thomas Rogers, Director of Recreation Absent: Mrs. Alfred A::r.ke11 3.:1:rs. Raymond Beahan :Hr. John C. Biasotti The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as submitted. Director of Recreation l~r. Rogers submitted his report for the month of February as well as his 1970 Annual Report. Copies of each will be distributed to alJ Commission members. Yr. Rogers advised that for Saturd~r, June 5th, Town Field Day is held. Field Day the following tickets for Yankee Stadiu~ had been obtained which is usually the Saturday on which the He requested that the Co~~ission hold its Saturday. Lan Prouthers Park (Robinson Lane) Chairman Maurer informed the Commission that the Town Board, a.t its llarch 8th meeting, approved the Recreation Comminsion request for a bond issue in the amount of $25,000 to cover improvements at Dan 3routhers Park. However, the Town Board stipulated that a meeti:-:g between the Corr~ission and Town Board be held in order that the Com- mission make known exact specifications for projects proposed c...nd the costs involved. Becau~e ~r. Maurer will be out of town ~he next two weeks he requested Mr. Schlathaus to arrange a meeting between th c COffi.'1li 1:,8i on and Town J30ard as aoon as possible. cn:~i necri nv Mr. Kenneth RUGS of thc/firrn,Barger & Russ, attended the mectin~ at the rcque 3t of Mr. }f.aurer and eli :';lcu:Jsed the pr oposed fie Id hou;,c one septic system. The propo~ed building is similar to thnt at l~art z Field wi 1:h certain modi ficati ons which wi 11 be incorporated in the proposed plans. Mr. Russ will h8ve the plans prepared early in the week of March 15th. He told the Corrmission that the price quoted (approximately $200) covered only preparation of plans for the building and ,septic system. T~actor Snecifications C:'1airman ~\raurer reported that the tra.ctor spec:l.ficaticr.s were at' the office of the Torm .A:ttorneY9 Allan E. Rappl~:yea, but that :"Ir. R&~p:eyaa ha~ not had an op~o~tUJ:~ty to r8V~C\1 ~~::c apecificat~o~3 because he had been out of town ~nd wa.~ not eX?6c~ed to r0~u~n ~~~il Ua.rch 16th. The Co~i ssi en 6eCl"Z"'C8.~~y Vias requc st.::d. t~o C\J~1,t(;:~G ~!~: l/:~ '"' Rappleye~ on March 16th to determine whether or not tne 5p2C~~~Ca.- " Recreation Corrnission1linutes Keeting of March 11, 1971 -2- tions were i~ order so that bids could be received. C ol"resnonder!ce , The following correspondence was received: 1. Copy. of Allan E. Rappley.;~ letter of 1/23/69 to Mrs. Snowden and copy of deed ,for Recrea.tion Area in Edge Hill Manor. To be filed. 2. Copy of Plann~ns Board letter dated 2/26/71 to Mr. Richard G. Barger a~pproving the extension of preliminary approval of the subdivi2ion of property of Alexander Zywotchenko on Losee Rd. to May 3,'1971. To be filed. 3. Letter from Thomas D. 1~acrini, Director of Physical Education and Athletics at Wappingers Central School, dated 5/5/71, and enclosing copy of 3anuary 13, 1971 directive from Office of Director of Interscholastic Athletics indicating that 3unior High baseball players may also play on non-public school teams or "out side II ,teams during regular scbool baseball season. To be filed. 4. Planning Board letter dated 3/5/71 to the Recreation Cor~ission in reference to the Commission's recommendations regarding acqui- sition of recreational land from developers. Copiez to be distri- buted to each Commission member and will be discussed at the next meeting. 5. Letter dated 2/12/71 from 3. Anthony Pittman, Town of ~appinger Little League, requesting tne use of Town baseball fields for the 1971 Season. Copy to all Commissioners and Director of Recreati on. 6. Letter dated 2/24/71 from 30seph J. Ennesser, Town of Wappinger I,ittle League, indicating that he ha.s taken over the duties of Mr. Pittman who has moved from the area, and requesting the use of Town fields for the Big Boy League. He also' indicated other changes in schedules as previously set forth in Mr. Pittman's letter. Copy to all Commissioners and Director of Recreation. 7. Lotter from Bruce Fischetti, 91 Ardmore Drive, Wappingers Falls, N. Y. requesting consideration for summer employment. To be held in Beautification File. The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. RcopectfulJy submitted, -,/ ( ,',..1:. . . I , /" I' ."" "I, . (., ,: I. I ( . '"t,~ .(:(..: Edna C. Winters Secretary